~ E~lBERJ Threepl>IlCl' Vo\. xv. .TO. ~. '0\ 1939. THE TURF CARRIER IN DONEGAL 1 R 1 S 11 T N. A VEL .Vol'embcr. 1939 FINN'S HOTEL .,. .............++++++++........ ,r.......++ ++++++++++++++... ~ . Phone: : : : Inexpensive i : Refined ~ ~ ~ 62997 ~ ~ ......++++++_++...++......-tt "+++++++++++++ ++++++ ++~ I & 25th. Leinster St., Lincoln Plac'!, DUBLIN BANK OF IRELAND UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT * *All our ESTABLISHED 1781 Hot and Cold Running Water Bedrooms Hiltonian !VIattress Beds FACILITIES FOR TRAVELLERS Have Bedside Electric Lamps Newly Furnished throughout in Modern Style AT Head Office: COLLEGE GREEN, DUBLIN BELFAST •. CORK .• DERRY AIlD 100 TOWNS THROUGHOUT IRELAND, Three Minutes from WestJand Row Station B:VERY DESORIPTION OF FOREIGN EXOHANGE * * BUSINESS TRANSAOTED ON ARRIVAL OF LINERS Resident Proprietors: BY DAY OR NIGHT AT OOBH (QUEENSTOWN) The Mi~ses E. M.:& H. M. FROST A.ND GALWAY DOCKS. Twenty years London -experience-at your service Whell zn Dublin be sure to znspect HELY'S £6,000 STOCK OF HIGH-CLASS FISHING TACKLE Which includes over 150,000 Trout Flies, 5,000 Salmon Flies, 500 Salmon and Trout Rods, as well as many hundreds of Reels, Lines, Baits, Casts, Fly Books, Boxes, ets, Gaffs, and Angling Sundries. Agents for- HARDY BROTHERS, ALLCOCKS and other well-known makers of Superior Tackle. HELY'S DAME STREET J R J S TT TR /1 T" E J. VOL. XV. No. 2. --I SUBSCRIPTION: Whole.al. !rom t,e 5'· PER ANNUM, Irish Tourl.1 A..oo13110n PO'I Freo. and Irom Eason & Son. Lld. COPIES FREE IRISH TO ALL MEMBERS RPlall !rom OF THE all Newsacenls and ASSOCIA TION AND Irom lhe OF ITS ASSOCIATE irIsh Tourlsl Assoolatlon DEPARTMENT. Prloe 3d. "'f TRAVEL ~ Official Organ of the Irish Tourist Association and of the Irish Hotels Federation - ---- ONWARD-WITH OPTIMISM X vYedIlC~lL:l:V lIloming. Ottoher l'ouLI!. atllI would, takc a short rt\spite offieia[ org,tn a lKo : <LnlI it lms gh\tlL.y 18th tho IRISH TOURIRT from strcuuou~ oe('ulmtious aUll 111'\'1'1'1' a(,(,cl'dell to lhis l't'quost. "\lwa.\'s O ASSOCIATION held its fiCtl'l'llth ('onllitions to fin<1 holi<1a.y rl'laxat ion solicitous of thl' wcll·heing of Irillh Anllnal (:ellcml :'I1l'eting: in tht' ,tnll re('l'cation in [r<'1an<1. \II'. F. ,\. hotl'l~ :tn(I .1e\'otl'(L to thrir iutereRtll. aftOI'llooll of the Kamf' dit.". thl' TRIi\I1 ~Iontn. iucoming l'rcsilll'nt. <11'elan'IL Jri"l/ 'I'rrtl'l'l will l'ontilllH' to be so, in lIOTEL VEDERATION held it,:; Sl'I'oIHI at thc Kal1lC meeting th\' fixl'd anll a Kpeeiall.\' intinmte W:loy. .\s well as Annual (:el1l'ml :'I1l'(,ting. Both \\<'1'1' immutahle attituI[t' of hi~ Exc('utin' e:lotl'ring for thl' t01l1'ist in lrP[and, 11'1' attendell hy a htrg-l' l1um hl'r of in thi~ erisiK tll<tt thl' T.T.,\. mnllt. shall hpn('do,·th ([cvot(' lIome of onl' members gatherPlI together in Dublin an<1 shall. continul' to funl'tion 110 page,.; to Irish hot('l problems. "'(' from all pitrts of Irl'1al1ll. for thl' mattl'r what diffieulticK might ari~c ; want to hIp 0111' I1 oteli('r:< in thesc purpOKe. [or. on tlw ..;ur\,j",t! of the .\ssllt'iation I'l'itit'al 11, .\'" anll our big mailing listll The keynote of hoth I1leeting". .lepcnlb the li\'clihol)(l of thous; nIb of a 1'1' at tllt'ir di,,!)()sal to promulga.tl' morning and : ftcrnooll. w,ts tl",t· of onr own peoplt' ,1Il11 ,t suhst,tntial part inform, tion a hout (rish hotels amI optimi~m ba"ed KounlU,v upon :' of thl' el'onomY of thl' :-;tMI'. holi<1:\.\·s. \\'(, shall also ]lnhlish hotel d~t~rnlluation to g-mpple with thl' __ imilar statpml'nh I,r polil'y wl'r(' fcatnres in I'lleh issuI' report" 01' ~h[f]('ultieK l'1'cated hy tht' pJ'(',:;cnt fortheoming at th(' (;('nl'r:1I '('I,tinu of FI't!crat ion ml'ct ing,.;, hot ('I new,; itel1lll. mtcl'l1ational I'riKii-;. ,\nd to dfl'et 1I0t"lil'rs. ](l'rt'. ~II'. \Iongan. '1'.1) .. arti.. lc,:; on 11Otl'1 planning-. ('quipmf'nt. whate\'cr adjustment" mig-ht pro\'l'. ('hail'lll:\n of thl' !lusll IIm LL" anll similar infol'mati\'(\ eontrihutions. nCl'I'KSary in al'I'omlllodating thl' Irish FEIlEH.\TlO . \I·hil.· ,It'jllorinu t IH' many Onr pa!!CK arc thns thrown open to tourist. industry to ('\\;\nging 'o]Hlitions prohll'ms pn,... pntl'll h.\· tht, outhn':' k fostf'rin!.(' thl' t'xpansion. de\'elpment alltl elreumRtaneef\. of W'lI·. I'xprcss\'ll the 11l'tl'rminat ion of an,l progress of hotcl eatering in At thc lRI'11 TOURIST .\!'I\O('I\TIO.... thl' FI'lleration to OPPnltp t·fft'din'l.\' rrel'lllll. ]~Ice~ing, :'Ill'. T. ('onllon. outgoing in pur"uanep of thl'ir 0\1 n l[util'S anll Thl' [RI";H 1I0TELS Flm~;R.\TI()~ J rCf\ltlent, expl'ei-;KcIl the COJ1\'il'tioll of in defeul'l' of tht'ir righh. Thouuh nce<1s an offi.. ial organ I'ompetent to the [.'1'.1\. Exccutive that the retcntion 1'('I'tain ,wellue:< of tmffil' woulll s]lcak on its helmlf, anlI 1rish '!'ml'el of Irish holilla,v traffic at homc (whieh 111ltlouhtt'lllv hI' dO':;"'IL to hotl'[K a~ a is 11\' rf'aKOn of its long ant! intimate seemed, in prf'8f'nt eonditiollK. " result of l'i;'I'umstanl'es wholly outsi,[c knll\\:]cllg(l of Tonrism from the points certaillt,y) would guantntee ai-; mueh their control. tht'.\' \11'1'1\ I'ntainly not. of \ icw of hoth t hl' t,onrist and thc hURillCRS in future ycarK a", waR f\l'eurf'II jnstifiell in gi\'ing way to cithcr hotplkt't'ppr iclral for that pnrpOf\e. from all soun'cII in the pallt: while. jll'sf\imi:<m or alarm. a lIdell to the p"tronage of Ol1l' OWll Thcse t\\·o meetingK havI' Sl't spll'ndi<1 people \lould he that of the matlY I'xamples to ot.her in(lnKtril'~ an<1 1.houRaull,:; of OYerK"flS visitors wh'o orrrani:<ations. Two organi:<ations whil'll arc \'ul1lf'rahlc in :t pal'tieulal' \la\' to outside ('ondition~ Imvt' hral'c\l tl](;I1I~l'lvc,:; for au off nsi\'l'. re,ol\'l'<1 that their intercsto; will he ,.;afl'!!nanll'll and that tlwir inllustry will prospl'r no matter what wa\, the win<1s of \\aJ ma\' hlow. Timf'''; 'of ... trl's... an<1 I'risis are' the acid te...t of thp shmina of an orj!ani·ation. Put to thl' tt'... t. thc [RI"1l TorRIST '\I\SOI 1 \T1<l anlI tIll' [RII\II HOTELS FEIlEH \'1'10 I'l1Ipr!!p \\ith f1.\·ing colo\ll·'" Forwa.nl'lninlll'l[ anlI unafraid of hartl work. tlH'.\' will nHtke the very most of su1'l1 oppor· tunitie... for expansion an,L l\c\'l·lopl1lpnt as :HC ,wailable. I ri811 Trul'el is pronll to hI' tlH' offi"ial org-an of two sUl'h hodies. For mon' than fourteen yearK it hall 1>een tIll' ME.:F. A. MORAN MR. J. W. MONGAN, T.D., mouthpiet'e or'the .Assoch\tion; 110W of Moran's Hotel, Dublin, is Carna, Connemara, is Chairman the Federation, a new :\l1d 101lg-·l1eell{'ll President of the Irish Tourist of the Irish Hotels :Federation. growth, ha~ a,:;kN] it to hl'('011le t hcir Association. fRlSll TRAVEL November, 1.939 General Meeting, 1939 Bright Side of the Crisis Encouraging Hopes for Future Seasons .. Holidays at Home PTIMISM based on a steady resolve to meet changing on its comparatively recent formation and splendid work and conditions with whatever adjustments might best suit ref~rred to its ~embers the consideration of "staggering" O the Irish Tourist Industry and its markets was the key­ holiday~ by a readjustment of charges with a view to lengthenin!! note of the Annual General Meeting of the Irish Tourist the ho~day season. He aL<;o proposed that the question of Association in the Gre ham Hotel, Dublin, on Wednesday, 18th deve.lopmg ~e Assoclate membership of the LT.A. deserved October. A large gathering, representing all the various interests speclal attention. Concludmg, he said that the LT.A. Executive in our Tourist trade, attended. believed that tourist traffic in Ireland in 1940 even with II Proposing the adoption of the Report and Statement of continuance of war, could be maintained at 'at If'ast the Accounts, Mr. T. Condon, outgoing President, declared that the magnitude of the 1939 season. " more they examined the position the more they were convinced Mr. J. F. O'Gorman (Clonmel). seconding the adoption of the that the retention of Irish holiday traffic at home (which seemed Report. (which was 'p~s~ed unanimously), declared that an)' not only a possibility but, in present conditions, a certainty), relaxation of the act~vltles of the Associatioll at this Juncture would guarantee them as much business in future years a~ they would be most unWlSe. had secured from all sources in the past. Such a development would call for an adjustment not only of the plans of the NEW PRESIDENT'S ADDRESS. Association but also of hotel proprietors and caterers for tourist Mr. F. A. Moran, who was elected President of the Association traffic. Manwlule, the Association's financial position was for the year 1939-40, said that on the survival of the Association being satisfactorily maintained, members continuing to renew depended the livelihood of thousands of their own people and their subscriptions and thus recognising the importance of a substantial part of the economy of the State.
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