to 3 May 2013 Development Panel Will meet on Tuesday 14 May 2013 at 1.00 pm in The Wave - Maryport Membership: Councillor Peter Bales (Chairman) Councillor John (Binky) Armstrong Councillor Carole Armstrong Councillor Bill Bacon Councillor Nicky Cockburn Councillor John Crouch Councillor Len Davies Councillor Bill Finlay Councillor Chris Garrard Councillor Joe Holliday Councillor Margaret Jackson Councillor William Jefferson Councillor Peter Kendall Councillor Jim Lister Councillor Billy Miskelly Councillor Ron Munby Councillor Margaret Snaith Councillor Sam Standage Councillor Martin Wood Councillor Joan Wright Members of the public are welcome to attend the meeting. If you have any que stions or queries contact Paula McKenzie on 01900 702557. Agenda 1. Minutes (Pages 1 - 20) To sign as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 9 April 2013. 2. Apologies for absence 3. Declaration of Interest Councillors/Staff to give notice of any disclosable pecuniary interest, other registrable interest or any other interest and the nature of that interest relating to any item on the agenda in accordance with the adopted Code of Conduct. 4. Questions To answer questions from members of the public – 2 days notice of which must have been given in writing or by electronic mail. 5. Development Panel - 2-2013 -0142 - Residential Development - Land at Newlands Park, Dearham (Pages 21 - 62) 6. Development Panel - 2-2012 -0241 - Erection of turbine - The Ling, Welton (Pages 63 - 98) 7. Develop ment Panel - 2-2012 -0902 - Residential Development - Land at Bothel (Pages 99 - 126) 8. Development Panel - 2-2012 -0682 - Erection of wind turbine - Land Adjoining Airfield, Wiggonby (Pages 127 - 146) 9. Development Panel - 2-20 13 -0098 - Reserved Matters Erection of dwelling - Allendale, Camerton Road, Seaton (Pages 147 - 156) 10. Development Panel - 2-2013 -0082 - Erection of wind turbine - Hunday Farm, Winscales (Pages 157 - 168) 11. Development Pane l - 2-2013 -0136 - Outline erection of dwelling - Land adjacent to Blooming Heather, Blitterlees (Pages 169 - 178) 12. Development Panel - 2-2013 -0170 - Outline erection of 3 dwellings - The Rectory, Lorton Road, Cockermouth (Pages 179 - 190) Corporate Director Date of next meeting Tuesday 28 May 2013 at 1.00 pm The Oval Centre, Salterbeck Drive, Workington Agenda Item 1 At a meeting of the Development Panel held in The Wave - Maryport on Tuesday 9 April 2013 at 1.00 pm Members P Bales (Chairman) C M Armstrong W H Jefferson B Bacon P G Kendall N Cockburn J Lister J Crouch B Miskelly L Davies S Standage B Finlay M G Wood C M Jackson J Wright Apologies for absence were received from Councillors J Armstrong, C Garrard, J Holliday, R Munby and M A Snaith. Staff Present T Gear, K Kerrigan, S Long and P McKenzie. 646 Site Visits The following Councillors were present at the site inspection, planning reference 2/2013/0047, Proposed two bedroom dwelling with integral garage, Plot 7, Meadow Bank Close, Cockermouth. C Armstrong, B Bacon, P Bales, N Cockburn, J Crouch, L Davies, B Finlay, M Jackson, P Kendall, B Miskelly, S Standage and M Wood. 647 Minutes The minutes of the meetings held on Tuesday 26 February and Tuesday 12 March 2013 were signed as correct records. 648 Declaration of Interest 5. Development Panel - 2-2012-0951 - Demolition and erection of dwellings - Lorton Street, Cockermouth. Councillors Len Davies; Margaret Jackson and Sam Standage; Other Registrable Interests; 2/2012/0951 - Due to being members of Cockermouth Town Council. 6. Development Panel - 2-2012-0953 - Conservation Consent for Demolition - Lorton Street, Cockermouth. Councillors Len Davies; Margaret Jackson and Sam Standage Other Registrable Interests; 2/2012/0953 - Due to being members of Cockermouth Town Council. Page 1 7. Development Panel - 2-2013-0047 - Erection of dwelling - Meadow Bank, Cockermouth. Councillor Len Davies; Disclosable Pecuniary Interest; 2/2013/0047 - Due to knowing an objector. 7. Development Panel - 2-2013-0047 - Erection of dwelling - Meadow Bank, Cockermouth. Councillors Margaret Jackson and Sam Standage; Other Registrable Interests; 2/2013/0047 - Due to being members of Cockermouth Town Council. 8. Development Panel - 2-2012-0942 - Erection of dwelling - Park End Road, Workington. Councillors Carole Armstrong; Bill Bacon; Peter Bales; Billy Miskelly and Joan Wright; Other Registrable Interests; 2/2012/0942 - Due to being members of Workington Town Council. 649 Questions None received. 650 Public participation The following objectors/applicants addressed the Panel. B Melville, W Bell and D Byers outlined their objections to application 2/2013/0071. The agent K Thompson exercised his right of reply. 651 Development Panel - 2-2012-0951 - Demolition and erection of dwellings - Lorton Street, Cockermouth The following application was subject to a site visit which was held on Friday 5 th April at 7.30pm. The application: Demolition of two warehouses and erection of two pairs of semi-detached dwellings with associated access road to rear parking area, Bay 3 & 4 Lorton Street, Cockermouth. The Head of Development Services recommended approval. The Head of Development Services outlined the application and detailed the main issues within the report. Members were advised of 224 letters of objection, 471 objection petition letters and 225 on-line web-based petition signatures objecting. Councillor W Jefferson moved approval. This was seconded by Councillor C Armstrong. A vote was taken, 12 in favour of approval, 2 against and 1 abstention. Page 2 The motion in favour of approval was carried. The decision: Approved. Conditions: 1. The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission. Reason: In order to comply with Section 51 of the Planning & Compulsory Purchase Act 2004. 2. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following plans: 3547 01 - Location Plan 3547 03 B - Proposed Plans & Elevations (amendment received 22/1/2013) 3547 05 D - Proposed Site Plan (amendment received 28/1/2013) 3547 09 - Sash Window Details 3547 06 Flow and Load Assessment. Reason: In order to ensure a satisfactory standard of development. 3. No part of the development hereby permitted shall be constructed above plinth level until details of all external and roofing materials have been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority. Only the materials so approved shall be used in the development as approved. Reason: To ensure a satisfactory standard of development which is compatible with the character of the surrounding area, in compliance with Policies CO3 and CO13 of the Allerdale Local Plan adopted 1999 (Saved) and Policy HS8 of the Allerdale Local Plan, First Alterations June 2006 (Saved). 4. No part of the development hereby permitted shall be commenced until details of the treatment and finishes of all surfaces within the site have been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority. The details so approved shall be completed prior to the use of the development hereby approved being occupied and shall be retained at all times thereafter. Reason: To ensure a satisfactory standard of development which is compatible with the character of the surrounding area, in compliance with Policies CO3 and CO13 of the Allerdale Local Plan adopted 1999 (Saved) and Policy HS8 of the Allerdale Local Plan, First Alterations June 2006 (Saved).Alterations June 2006 (Saved). 5. The roof lights hereby approved shall not project above the plane of the roof. Reason: To ensure the design of the development is sympathetic with its site and surroundings within the Conservation Area, in compliance with Policies CO3 and CO13 of the Allerdale Local Plan, Adopted 1999 (Saved). Page 3 6. Notwithstanding the approved plans, details of the siting, height and type of all means of enclosure/screen walls/fences/other means of enclosure shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority before development commences. Any such walls/fences etc shall be constructed prior to the approved building being brought into use/occupied. All means of enclosure so constructed shall be retained and no part thereof shall be removed without the prior consent of the Local Planning Authority. Reason: To ensure a satisfactory standard of development which is compatible with the character of the surrounding area and protect the privacy of occupiers. 7. Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 (or any Order revoking or re-enacting that Order with or without modification) no external alterations or additions shall be made to any dwelling hereby approved and no buildings, extensions, gates, fences or walls (other than those expressly authorised by this permission) shall be carried out within the curtilage of any dwelling without the prior written approval of the Local Planning Authority upon an application submitted to it. Reason: The Local Planning Authority wishes to retain control over any proposed alterations/extensions in the interests of the appearance of the site, the setting of the Conservation Area and to safeguard the amenities of adjacent properties; in compliance with Policies CO3 and CO13 of the Allerdale Local Plan adopted 1999 (Saved) and Policy HS8 of the Allerdale Local Plan, First Alterations June 2006 (Saved). 8. No development shall take place until a Construction and Demolition Method Statement has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The statement shall include the following: (a) Traffic Management Plan to include all traffic associated with the development, including site and staff traffic; (b) Procedure to monitor and mitigate noise and vibration from the construction and demolition and to monitor any properties at risk of damage from vibration, as well as taking into account noise from vehicles, deliveries. All measurements should make reference to BS7445. (c) Mitigation measures to reduce adverse impacts on residential properties from construction compounds including visual impact, noise, and light pollution.
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