Community Voice - June 17, 2021 1 Buying or selling? Call me and let my years of experience work for you! John Roberts Broker • 613-832-0902 • www.johnwroberts.com Your CommunityVoice KANATA June 17, 2021 [email protected] 613-45-VOICE www.ottawavoice.ca [email protected] Vol. 4 No. 7 INSIDE THIS Watson and Sudds propose EDITION to name bridge after first Karate Kids mayor of Kanata BY ANIL JHALLI when it comes to all things Kanata,” said Mayor Marianne Wilkinson Watson. “She’s still heavily spent a half-century in involved in her commu- public life building bridges. nity and we know the im- Organizers are hoping to Now, a pedestrian bridge pact she has had not only celebrate in the fall, page 2. in Kanata is being pro- in Kanata, but also from a posed to bear her name. city perspective.” At the most recent Ottawa Sudds, Wilkinson’s suc- City Council meeting, cessor around the council Mayor Jim Watson and table, said she has been Kanata North Coun. Jenna wanting to find a way to Sudds tabled a notice of honour the former munici- motion to name the pedes- pal politician for her years trian bridge at the Kanata of service. Town Centre over Highway “It’s a way of showing Calming measures planned 417 after the first Kanata her how we appreciate all near local school, page 8. mayor and long-time the work she has done for Ottawa city councillor. many years,” added Coun. Wilkinson was the driv- Sudds. “This bridge served ing force behind the con- as a link to us and Kanata struction of the pedestrian South, so it’s fitting that we bridge. The structure links pay respect to her this way Kanata North and Kanata as a reminder of her work, South. and how it spread to all of Photo provided “Marianne is a bridge Kanata.” Charlie Gagnon, left, and his older sister, Alex, are working towards their black belts in builder, she’s an inspira- PLEASE SEE BRIDGE, PAGE 19 Karate and spearheaded a fundraising campaign. For their efforts, they received some special Community Voice.qxp_Banner 2021-03-18tion to so9:50 many AM Page people 1 recognition from the Katimavik-Hazeldean Community Association. For more on this story, A legacy lives on, page 18. and very much a pioneer please see page 10. DR. MERRILEE FULLERTON Your MPP for Kanata-Carleton 613-599-3000 • [email protected] • merrileefullerton.ca 2 June 17, 2021 - Community Voice News Canada Day organizers hope for smaller, fall celebration BY ANIL JHALLI executive director of the not just for residents in Canada Day in Kanata Kanata, but across Ottawa, For the second straight Association, now serves as attracting over 30,000 peo- year, Canada Day in a consultant to organizers ple each year. Festivities in- Kanata activities are put of the yearly celebrations at clude performances and on hold due to concerns Walter Baker Park. the ever popular midway surrounding the COVID- “We do have some money attraction. 19 pandemic. to do something small in But the event has seen its A condensed ver- the fall,” added Laycock. share of obstacles. Over sion could happen in “With that, it really can’t the past few years, pro- September or October of happen unless there is di- gramming had to be scaled this year according to the rection from the medical back because of dwindling director of the Canada Day professionals and our po- sponsorships. in Kanata Association, litical leaders . what kind “ The goal is if we can’t Colin Laycock. of numbers can we have have something in the fall, Find “We had a really bad third and things like that.” to have something next Your suite is only a portion of what you receive in a Lépine wave, and it just seemed The events and enter- summer and bring this apartment. You get the next generation of premium apartments. more likely that it wasn’t tainment industries have event back to what it can Your Visit our website or give us a call to find YOUR space today, and going to happen this year,” taken a hit over the past be,” added Lacycock. “We see what sets Lépine apart. said Laycock regarding year as many have suf- know how hard COVID has regular Canada Day plans. fered through numerous hit many businesses and Perfect “We are in unprecedented shutdowns as Ontario was we know finding support is times and it is disappoint- hit hard by COVID-19. going to be even more dif- ing to do, but really we had The Canada Day in Kanata ficult but we are committed www.lepineapartments.com no choice.” at Walter Baker Park event to bringing this back.” Space 1-888-4-LEPINE Laycock, a former has become a destination [email protected] PPleaselease wwelcomeelcome DDr.r. AAlexlex ttoo oourur ddentalental ffamily!amily! TThehe ssonon ooff a llocalocal rretiredetired ddentistentist aandnd hhygienist,ygienist, bbornorn aandnd rraisedaised iinn CCarp,arp, DDr.r. AAlexlex iiss a ggreatreat aadditionddition ttoo oourur tteameam aass hhee sshareshares oourur vvaluesalues aandnd ppassionassion fforor ddentistry.entistry. HHe,e, aass wwellell aass tthehe rrestest ooff tthehe tteameam aatt RReded BBarnarn DDental,ental, aarere aacceptingccepting DDr.r. CCathyathy DDescheneseschenes DDr.r. MMichaelichael PPoitrasoitras nnewew ppatients,atients, ccallall 6613-831-7750.13-831-7750. RReded BBarnarn DDentalental 66255255 HHazeldeanazeldean RRd.d. SStittsville,tittsville, ONON 6613-831-775013-831-7750 DDr.r. EErinrin CCessfordessford DDr.r. AAlexlex DDerhamerham News Community Voice - June 17, 2021 3 University and investment firm team up for new program BY ANIL JHALLI Faculty of Engineering’s combine what the vision digital MedTech space, chairman of Wesley of the Alacrity technology new Masters Degree we had with Wesley Clover and will be expanded into Clover International, is and business teams, make Wesley Clover in Entrepreneurial and to look at a program other areas over time. thrilled with this latest this a timely initiative that International and the Engineering Design that can benefit students Students will have op- partnership. is sure to bring benefit to University of Ottawa (uOt- (MEED)program. who want to be challenged portunities to intern at “As technologies of all the city, the Canadian tawa) are collaborating The two-year MEED and we are pleased to pro- Kanata North based tech sorts advance at unprec- technology landscape, to build the next genera- program launches in vide this type of support.” companies and spend edented rates, the com- and the aspiring young en- tion of Canadian technol- September of 2021 at the Wesley Clover founded time learning inside the mitment of the University trepreneurs who choose ogy entrepreneurs and uOttawa’s main campus Alacrity in 2009 and has university’s Kanata North of Ottawa to play an ever- to go down this promising companies. in the capital’s downtown since expanded around campus. more relevant role, com- career path,” he said. Through Alacrity Ottawa, sector. the world. Now known Sir Terence Matthews, bined with the experience [email protected] a new technology busi- The uOttawa introduced as Alacrity Global, the ness program, the invest- its Kanata North cam- program educates en- ment management firm pus, located on Legget trepreneurs, finds new Professional Corporation and post secondary school Drive in the Kanata North technology startups AdamMillerKelly Lawyers are teaching, training and Technology Park, in April and establishes fund- supporting engineer- of 2019. ing to support these new Providing legal ing graduates with men- “It’s just a natural and businesses. services to torship and investment synergistic partnership Alacrity Ottawa will de- Kanata-Stittsville opportunities meant to with Wesley Clover,” said velop solutions that target and surrounding encourage a new stream Veronica Farmer, director 5G networking, cyberse- of Canadian tech startup of partnerships and com- curity, artificial intelli- areas for more companies. mercialization with the gence, transportation and than 30 years. Alacrity Ottawa is sup- uOttawa Kanata North healthcare innovation. Mary Miller Jennifer Gaspar Robert Pacan ported by Wesley Clover’s campus. “We have a desire The program will ini- L-SPARK technology ac- to support young people tially focus on healthcare Real Estate | Mortgages | Wills & Estates celerator in Kanata North, through entrepreneur- by addressing challenges Gateway Business Park | 300 March Rd., Suite 601, Kanata, ON K2K 2E2 as well as uOttawa’s ship and it was natural to and opportunities in the Phone: 613-592-6290 | amk-law.ca Relax and enjoy the summer with us! /day* Considering Retirement Living but would $99 like to try it out before moving in? Join us Summer this summer for a summer staycation. Short Stay • Fully-furnished private suites • Chef prepared meals and snacks • A variety of daily activities and group outings to keep resident safe, happy and connected * Summer Short Stay $99/day rate eective May 25th 2021 to Aug 31st, 2021. Minimum stay 7 days, maximum 6 weeks. Rates subject to change at any time. 613.595.1116 | BridlewoodRetirement.com 613.903.6136 | TimberwalkRetirement.com 4 June 17, 2021 - Community Voice News Club broadens charity raffle BY ANIL JHALLI Dwight Brown, a Rotary ground transportation, Service changes June 20 Club of Kanata member and a cash allowance. Plan your trip at octranspo.com The Rotary Club of Kanata who helps organize the golf “It’s a win-win for ev- is expanding its golf lottery raffle each year. “We didn’t eryone,” said John Beard, across the province. know how things would also an organizer of the We’re making adjustments to bus routes to better support the Since launching the an- go, and it was a tough go, golf raffle.
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