Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 12-9-1999 The BG News December 9, 1999 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News December 9, 1999" (1999). BG News (Student Newspaper). 6579. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/6579 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. OPINION 2 NOW CITY 5 SPORTS ■ Columnist Jud Laipply The top 10 albums ■ Council members discuss current Other issues may encourages everybody to get in of the decade traffic problems in downtown have contributed touch with their spiritual side. feature Dr. Dre. after Monday's meeting. to Piccirillo's resignation. Weather Today: Thursday Cloudy December 9. 1999 High 49. Low 36 Volume 87 & Issue 73 e BGA dolly Independent News student press African festival celebrates holiday By IRENE SHARON SCOTT the harvest in Swahili. The BG News "The holiday is more than a Tuesday's celebration of black Christmas, which is what Kwanzaa offered African-Amer- some people think it is," said icans a time to commemorate Sheila Brown, founder of ADT their ancestors' achievements and Kwanzaa coordinator. "It and affirm their strength and was created in an effort to get values. blacks to come together to cre- "Kwanzaa is important ate a social change during the because it unites my family as height of the civil rights move- well as the black community ment." and focuses us all towards the Kwanzaa is celebrated from empowerment of the black com- Dec. 26 to Jan. 1. During this munity as a whole," said time people hope to address major issues that were relevant Zakhia Grant, graduate geology BG Newt Photo/ BEN FRENCH student. "It reinforces family during that time and reclaim and community values that the principles of black culture. maybe overlooked during The principles are unity, self- An Africana Dance Troupe member dances during the Kwanzaa celebration Tuesday night in the Lenhart Grand Ballroom. Christmas and our hectic determination, collective work everyday lives." and responsibility, cooperative in the celebration. bration, Michael McKee, spe- "This is a Zulu concept that used to pour libation to the The celebration included a economics, creativity and faith. "Corn represents multiple cial assistant to the provost and was incorporated into the cele- direction of the north, south, soul food buffet, songs, African Throughout the week-long children like the kernels of Sallye McKee, vice provost for bration by Dr. Karenga," Mrs. east and west in remembrance folk tales and performances by holiday, the family lights a can- corn," Brown said. "You cannot enrollment, presented the his- McKee said. "In early celebra- of the ancestors. the Africana Dance Troupe, an dle that corresponds with the have a Kwanzaa celebration tory. A Kwanzaa setup often tions it was used to symbolize "The cup honor the ancestors organization that exposes its principle recognized that day. without corn. Even if a family includes a kinara, straw place- the first born, the father of our and is used to promote the spir- audience to African and sur- In addition they discuss how doesn't have children, they are mat, a unity cup, fruits and ancestors and principles." it of oneness within the family rounding African cultures the principle can be applied in supposed to have two ears of ears of corn. The mkeka, the straw place- as well as the collective," Mr. through art and dance. their daily life, according to corn on their table to symbolize According to the McKees, the mat, symbolize the foundation McKee said. Kwanzaa was started by Dr. Brown. future children or other chil- kinara (the candle holder) sym- in which correct knowledge and Additionally, mazao are Maulana Ron Karenga on Dec. She added that it is impor- dren." bolizes the people of continen- true understanding are built. 26, 1966. It means first fruit of tant for families to include corn At Tuesday's Kwanzaa cele- tal Africa. In addition, the unity cup is • See KWANZAA, page six. Future Union sells University to students By ALEXANDRIA DIETZ Crooks also said that he feels of the Union," Hennessy said. Hennessy agreed with The BG News confident that the closing of the He also said that there is a Crooks that the Union will be a Union will not hurt students With the Union closing in possibility that there will be an selling point for getting new coming to the University. just 10 days, the University artist's rendering of the new students to the University will have to find a new way to "There will be a little bit of Union located somewhere in "This will be one of the pre- attract students to BGSU. pain without a union," Crooks McFall Center. mier unions in this area," Hen- said, "but we are making it bet- "So when tours come When looking at a universi- ter by relocating the services." nessy said. "It will put us up end ty, one of the main things that a through they Ipotential stu- there with other universities students what the new Union Nick Hennessy, executive potential student looks for is will look like. dents] will be able to see what with unions that have the same ByJEFFARNETT assistant to vice president of the new Union will look like," The BG News the student Union facilities. "During the last preview day, amenities." student affairs and member of Hennessy said. The College of Arts and Sci- According to Dave Crooks, we had the virtual Union video the Union core committee, said Crooks said that they are Hennessy also said that they ences Dean Search Committee director of the Union, the Uni- in the ballroom," Crooks said. that there are going to be telling potential students that has announced and contacted versity is using the new union are trying to recruit students "We staffed the tables to opportunities for potential stu- the Union will be closed for two the top four candidates to fill as a way to recruit potential answer any questions people by putting the virtual tour on dents to see what the new years. the position of Dean of the Col- students. might have." Union will look like. the University's web page. lege of Arts and Sciences when "We try to be open and hon- "We are selling the new stu- He also said that all the core "We are going to try and "This provides a lot of oppor- the current dean, C. J. Cranny, dent Union to them [potential services of the Union will be have different resources avail- tunity for prospective students est with them and that in two retires at the end of next students!," Crooks said. relocated so they will still be able at the admissions office for to look at the Union at home," years there will be a new semester. Crooks also said that they accessible for students. students to take a virtual tour Hennessy said. Union," Crooks said. The four candidates will be coming to campus for inter- views in late January and early Monks share Tibetan February. Each will do inter- views for three days, speaking with such varied audiences as situation with students current deans, the president, By CRAIG GIFFORD began on Monday and will end students in the College of Arts The BG News on Friday. and Sciences and the Universi- Six Tibetan monks bring On Tuesday, the monks gave ty community among others. awareness of Tibet, through a talk on the four noble truths The four candidates are artwork and speeches, to the of Buddhism. Last night, they Donald G. Nieman, professor University this week. held a meditation on peace and and chair of the Department of Throughout the week, the compassion. History at the University; monks will be appearing at the The monks, according to Mar- Nancy A. Gutierrez, professor Education Building and Jerome vin Balzer, advisor of the stu- and chair of the Department of Library. dents for free Tibet, will be English at Arizona State Uni- According, to Kristen Hann, building a mandala out of sand versity; Arthur Greenberg, pro- the organizer of the project, the which will be located in Jerome fessor and chair of the Depart- ment of Chemistry at the Uni- students for free Tibet has Library. versity of North Carolina at brought the monks to the Uni- "The construction mandala Charlotte; and William J. versity with the purpose of the will last throughout the week, Frawley, professor and chair of visit being "to bring awareness and culminate on Friday, dur- the Department of Linguistics to the University about the sit- ing the closing ceremonies, on at the University of Delaware. uation in Tibet" Friday," Balzer said. Les Stemberg, chair of the The monks have their The mandala will be complet- search committee and Dean of own reason for their visit, ed at Friday's closing cere- the College of Education and according to Hann. "They are monies and will be blessed by Human Development, said the on tour to raise money for their the lama, which according to whole campus community will ■w. -. < «„.- BG News Ptaoto/MEU8SA TAYLOR monastery in Southern India. me manda la. a form of Tibetan art, is on the second floor of Jerome Library. It is one way In which The week long visit • See MONKS, page six.
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