The Exponent Volume XXXVI, Number 23 NORTHERN STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE, ABERDEEN, SOUTH DAKOTA April 7, 1938 1937 Prize Play To Boys ! Wear a Tuxedo Says Resolution 1938 Pasque to Meet Hearty Approval Be Given at As an assignment, members sons attending spring proms of Of Student Body; Many New Features of the Parliamentary Law Class 1938 at Northern State Teachers Northern submitted resolutions concerning College be required to appear in formal dress on the campus. We Editor Will Leave For formal attire. Formal dress Elmer Moe Installed . By Malcolm Solberg offer one for your reaction. May As President of L. S. A. Minneapolis ; Book To we have your opinion pro and shall be defined as a complete Northern's dramatic department con, in not more than twenty- tuxedo costume for men; ankle Lutheran students of Ellendale, Be Ready May 10 proudly announces the selection of five words ? length gowns (not dinner North Dakota, witnessed the in- "The. Pasque, I believe, will meet Maxwell Anderson's prize play of The Resolution— dresses) and formal wraps for stallation of Elmer Moe, prominent hearty approval of the student 1937, High Tor, for its last pro- Be it resolved that:—all per- women. 0 Aberdeen sophomore, as president body this year because of the many duction this year. It is proud, of the local L. S. A.; Orval Westby, new and unusual features," said first, to follow its tradition of vice-president; Sylvia Stange, sec- Bernice Madsen, editor of the 1938 bringing to Northern play-goers retary; and Gerald Grotbeck, treas- edition of the yearbook. the best in modern theatre; and, urer, in services conducted by Rev. Students and Faculty Reveal Their Miss Madsen will go to Minnea- second, to be able to produce a play A. Elmer Moe at a banquet in polis this week-end to take the final which it feels brings grandeur to the Dutch coffee shop, Monday, copy of the book to the printer and the American scene. Plans for Easter Vacation April 4. to assist in the general make-up The story of Maxwell Anderson Highlights of the program were of the Pasque. and the full flooding beauty of his Students and faculty of Northern a humorous talk on "Nonsense" Recent Education Trends In the last stages of completion, plays includes, almost, a story of are planning various vacations by Gerald Grotbeck, short speeches the Pasque, according to the editor- a conflict between the Pulitzer which will take them to different by Dr. P. K. Cesander, Miss Green- Aired Sun., April 3 in-chief, will be ready for circula- Prize committee and the New York points. land, the Ellendale leader, and Bob critics. For when, in 1936, big Patricia Mee will go to her home tion about May 10. The only work "Recent Trends in Primary Edu- Hald, retiring president. Greetings lanky Bob Sherwood's Idiot's De- at Centerville and probably visit that remains will be the final cation" was the theme of last Sun- were extended to the Ellendale light was awarded the Pulitzer at Vermillion, Sioux Falls, and checking of proof. day's student broadcast. group by Elmer Moe. The group Prize, the critics objected strenu- Sioux City. "The annual has been a lot of The welfare of children depends enjoyed several songs by Miss ously and announced as their Ruane Pringle plans on going work and I want to take this op- upon school and its program and Helen Olson, accompanied by Miss choice Maxwell Anderson's poig- to Sioux Falls for a short stay and portunity to thank the board, fac- personnel as well as the home and Helen Oiseth. nantly beautiful drama, Winter- will then go to her home in Pierre. ulty and contributors for their co- parents. A group of students in a Retiring officers are Bob Hald, set. Again, in 1937, after the Pulit- Geraldine Booth is going to visit operation," she concluded. dialogue showed what the Normal president; Elmer Moe, vice presi- zer Committee had chosen You friends at Madison and Springfield. Schools and Teachers Colleges are dent; Grace Arthurs, secretary; Can't Take It With •You as the Don Perry, Joe Robbie, Lucille doing to prepare teachers to meet and Glenn Fauss, treasurer. outstanding play of the season, the Gross, Phyllis Roberts and Phil the problems of progressive edu- "Standing-Room Only" critics rallied again to the cause Banks are going to Topeka, Kan. of verse and acclaimed as their cation. for the National Pi Kappa Delta New Members Pledged Audience Attends choice Maxwell Anderson's High It was shown that the increased Forensic Tournament. educational and professional train- Style Show Tor. And, when we consider that Evelyn Elliott, Louella ' Young ing required of teachers has barely By Sigma Tau Delta after Winterset was produced in and Virginia Kelton are going to A "standing-room only" audience kept pace with the increased com- the cinema, Meyer Levin, George spend part of their vacation at a witnessed the most elaborate per- plexity and advances in our modern On Thursday evening in the Wo- Jean Nathan, and other announced Y. W. C. A. convention. Virginia orrnance ever staged when the an- life. Teachers must continue to men's Faculty Room, Elizabeth it to be the first American Cinema plans to go to Minneapolis after Barker read the pledge service for nual W. S. G. A. style show was Classic and Maxwell Anderson to study and carry on research as her stay in Brookings. carried out to a successful conclu- soon as they get behind in the edu- four new members of Sigma Tau be the American Shakespeare; and Lloyd O'Connor and Lane Thomas sion on Tuesday, March 29, cational procession. Delta. The pledges are Mrs. Flora when we reflect further that The plan on going to Minneapolis during Rivola, Bernice Madsen, May Culp, One section of the show was de- Stage awarded its Palm of 1937 to The students participating in this vacation. voted to the modeling of old fash- discussion were: Cleo Larson, Mil- and Helen Shively. Each new Mr. Anderson for having made, par- Nan Wheelihan intends to visit ioned gowns, one of which had been dred Cooper, Arla Stubsten, Marga- member read an original compo- ticularly in High Tor, the finest friends in Putney and Ellendale. sition in verse or prose. Mrs. worn by a bride at one of the more contribution to the American ret Nichol, Caroline Fauks, and important weddings of an earlier Marjorie Miller. Louella Young Ray Rauenhorst is returning to Woodall contributed to the pro- theatre—when we consider all this, his home in Howard to spend the gram by reading cleverly written day. Contrasted with this was a we begin to understand that these sang "Yellow Hammer" and modern wedding gown, a type of "Weary" and Aurelia Smith gave vacation. papers entitled "Letters of a Mud- new verse-plays are something dle Housewife." thing which has never before been two children's readings. James White will be at his home more than mere exercises written The officers of Sigma Tau Delta modeled in this affair. for the enjoyment of poets alone. in Ipswich and intends to go to Geraldine O'Brien and Joan Brookings for a few days. for the coming year are Elizabeth What, then, is the secret of Max- Barker, president; Louella Young, Braunstein, children making their Harold and Patricia Schmidt will well Anderson and by what strange vice-president; and Margaret Nich- first stage appearance, garbed in Service With Snarl be at their home in Dell Rapids. magic does he write that he should ol, secretary-treasurer. Plans are white fur coats and hats added be acclaimed and read as no Ameri- Man Sells Store Beryl Bethke is going to his being made for the publication of novelty to the program. can writer of plays has been read home at Big Stone. the Xi Gamma Magazine and also The complete list of models is in the past, save, perhaps, Eugene Say good-bye, good-bye to Foo- Alice Dickey will be at her home for members to attend the district as follows: Marjorie Lueck, Frances O'Neill ? In his own words, Mr. man Fuller and wife. They are in Frederick where she will be meeting of Sigma Tau Delta, which Bornong, Lucille Close, Patricia Anderson says he was "weary of leaving. We don't like to get sen- is to be held at Moorhead, Minn., Schmidt, Ethel Siglin, Betty Win- timental, but speaking for the cam- (Continued on page 2) on May 14. ter, Carol Van Walker, Elise Perry, (Continued on page 4) pusweets and twerps, we're going Mary Ann Steig, Lucille Kirk, Adell to miss them. Carr, June Foss, Sylvia Stange, Donald (how many of you knew NSTC Bachelors Solve Date Problem Mildred Nider, Geraldine Booth, Roberts Gives Oration that) 'Fuller will long be remem- Margaret Carberry, Frances Olson, On Christianity at bered on the campus as the original and Frances Vining. Foo man of these parts. He is For Modern Women-Haters Louise Morris, Blanche Batzer, Tues. Assembly Bessie Kellogg, Mary Kirk, Carol also the concocter of such slogans Truck Clement, Joe Robbie, Bob "Until Christianity is translated as "Fuller vitamins," and "Water Lane, Bernice Madsen, Barbara into a social religion it will not de- Howling Echo Formal Plans Hald, Mal Solberg, and Lane was made for fish—don't be a Thomas take notice: Bixler, Madelyn Wells, Shirley mand the respect of the best men fish." Wheeler, Helen Oiseth, Eileen Kee- Were Completed Tuesday Here is how five NSTC bache- of today," declared Phyllis Roberts Mrs.
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