Covering Englewood and Englewood Cliffs Publiihed every Thursday By PRICE 10 CENTS Sacood ClMi Po«Ufe Paid at tba Port Otfleo h3 THURSHA'', DECEMBER 31, 1964 PALISADES PUBLISHERS, INC. V OL. 9 0 -N o . 54 Baslewood. New Jemjr Chairman Labels A Year Of Pride^ Hope And Controversy Ticknor Statement A lightning-fast robbery rocked the new South Van Brunt st. office the matter was filled with “ deliberate misrepresentations of fact”... of Citizens National Bank as $28,493 was stolen... Miss Susan Gormlllion was named “Miss Englewood” ...AugustusB. Attack On Democracy This Was 1964 Harrison was elected president of the New Jersey National Associap The return of two-way traffic to the City's main arteries was tlon for the Advancement of Colored People” .,. scheduled for November...It was subsequently postponed... when a community should heed OCTOBER ENGLEWOOD-Acting Mayor The Items following are in chronological order and not necessarily JUNE William Ticknor was accused of the call 'come let us reason Federal Courts declared that no harm had been done by the estab- The hectic political season swung Into high gear during this monte, together’, it is E n g le w o o d - in the order of their importance. llshmentoftheClty’s ”OentralSlxthGrade»...lhadeclslonwas handed as the Intluxottheoampalgnblastsfrombothpartieswerelnevl- ^attacking the very foundations JANUARY now,” he added. “To have in of Democracy” by Democratic It started as a “ clean” year wlwn our City was notified that it had down by Judge Anthony AugeUl...he said that the plalnlllls have made dence... power a political group totally Municipal chairman Herbert s. won top honors In a national “ Cleanest Town Achievement” contest., no showing that they have been harmed by the operation of the plan... The Council deferred action on a proposal to Install sidewalk removed from the needs and The 75th anniversary of Englewood Hospital was observed by the 17 street locations...the deferral came after tee protestations of a Stone in a statement Issued this and not only did the City assume anew look, but it»s Council as well. wants of its people is a burden week. Francis J. Donovan was officially sworn as the new Mayor at the an- laying of a cornerstone on the new wing of the Institution... bevy of residents in some of the areas... Referring to Mr. Tlcknor's Ground was broken for the “ Three School Development Program” The School Board lost Its bid to acquire the Creche property for involving Elisabeth Morrow School, Dwight School and Englewood school expansion when the Mayor and CouncU voted to a resolution s ta t e m e n t In the PRESS Ticknor was tapped Councllman-at-large and Rex Conner as Council JOURNAL last week, Mr, Stone our property, our children, our School for Boys permitting the six-acre tract to become a 14-bome development.. rights, it behooves every citizen man from the First Ward... said that he (Mr. Ticknor) cast An ominous marathon session on the proposedUrbanRenewal p ro Hundreds of City residents Journeyed to the World's Fair where the Board ol School Estimates had previously vetoed the School to speak out now and to join aspersions on some of the fin­ ject was held as more than 300 attended. Controversy centered on the EnElewood Day at the Fair was the feature at the New Jersey Slate Board request at its meeting... the crusade to save Englewood est and most dedicated mem­ project in general and the Englewood and Forest ave. sites in parti­ oavllllon NOVEMBER and make it a better place in In an extraordinarily busy week, the CouncU approved plans lor In an election marked by Democratic upsets throughout the bers of the community. cular ...many of the Clty»s civic groups had stamped their aHJroval of which to live.” urban Renewal by a tour to one vote...CouncUman Tibbs objected... State and Country, Englewood Joined that trend when two DomMrate Mr. Stone asserted that by the project, but other groups felt that the renewal program would the CouncU also voted to oust PoUce Director Joseph Lawless from were elected to CouncUmanlc seat6...ihcumbent Vlnconte IL nnhs attacking the right of individuals “ perpetuate the Negro ghetto” in the Fourth Ward... to petition and speak out for Also ominous was the rising tide ofoKX)sltlonto the one-way traf­ his post, and named Elbert Earley as acUng ohlet...The ousting ol steamroUed over his opponent J ^ e s WUllams In tte Fourth what they believe to be proper Case Workers fic system inaugurated In the fallofl963...several surveys were taken Mr. Lawless came alter a weeks-long study ol the Police Depart- and Charles Jorgenson upset his BcpubUcanopponantEdmuhdO’Con- and just, Mr. Ticknor was attack of shoppers who frequent the local stores, and most felt that the one­ ment t u t v TWhil Ward... Ing one of the tenets of Democ­ The City also joined in theshockingdefeatof Representative Frank way was of little value...amongthe polls taken were one by the Cham­ As part of the July Fourthcelebratlon, the City held a “ Tercenten- osm ers Jr. by giving his upstart OHJoneot, Henry Helstoskl, a racy, Assist Needy ber of Commerce and another by the PRESS JOURNAL... **tt Is hardly devious,” the ejy Olympics” at Wlnton White Stadium... 900 vote margin...it was the first poUtlcal defeat ever suffered by FEBRUARY The first official notice wasservedontheretraction of the one-way Tenafly RepubUcan... Municipal chairman said, “that William T. Gill resigned as City Engineer...he had been associated many PTA officers are also Dem­ For Holidays system when the CouncU plannedanAugustordlnancefor the abolish- Mayor Francis J. Donovan accepted the resignation of School with the local Engineer's office for 38years...EdHasse was re-elect ment of the year-old North-South thoroughfares... Board trustee Dr, Howard McCloskey... ocrats. The Democratic party ed as president of the local Health Board... ENGLEWOOD - Joseph C. Gleen Glauser was named as executive director of the Community tooth-and-naU battle between Englewood, Colorado andEngle- In Englewood, as elsewhere, Is Despite the pleas of the Englewood Teachers' Association, the Capestro, City Welfare Director, Chest... wood, N.J. was won by our fair Clty...thecontest Involved"which City vitally Interested with education Board of School Estimate stamped its aR>roval of the $2,866,863 has been busy during the past The Board of Education voted to completely close the old-time the largest percentage turnout of voters to registered and the needs of our children... school budget...the teachers had been conducting their yearly cam­ two weeks, ♦'•gether with the Lincoln School... voters in the Nov. 3 election... It is Indeed discouraging for paign for a higher salary scale... the FTAs to be criticized for a s s is ta n t of County casework­ AUGUST Hit by one of the severest droughts in the history of the area, City Continuing the struggle for the Urban Renewal program, the City The School Board officially declared that it would need the Edge- officials asked that residents use restraint in the use and consump- taking an active interest in the ers, making sure that the needy Housing Authority assured all Involved in that program that they c h ild re n and families of Engle­ water Creche property on Board ave. for the expansion of school water ...the situation was deemed serious by State and County future course of our schools.” would have “ decent, safe and sanitary homes” .,. Mr. Stone continued that it wood shared In the holiday fes­ faculties... solons... MARCH An ordinance to repeal the one-way traffic system was Introduced DECEMBER should be of great pride to every tivities. On the lighter side, members of the Kiwanis Club regressed 65 Lists of names of n e e d y fami­ by the Mayor and CouncU... in a surprise move, Mayor Francis Donovan and CouncUman Rex one that the Ministerial Associa­ vears when they paraded before the Mayor andCouncil dressed in the tion, representing all faiths, has lies were supplied to the Henry The Public Library trustees asserted their need for new library Conner resigned from their City posts...CouncUman-at-large lies ^“PWiea w tee H ^ ^ „ 7 tte W0^s.„complele with Towe Crier, the event was held faculties to the Mayor and CouncU...the trustees contendedthat once wuuam Ticknor assumed tte office of Mayor and Savage C. Frieze accepted the challenge of civic M B las Post and S M la l^ ansplces ot the Englewood Tercentenary Committee... responsibility. formal action Is taken by the Council, there wUl be immediate res- named to fUl Mr. Conner's post... 1 ' r tt n 7 * a ii<dwas The TraHic Advisory Committee was authorized by the ponsG and support from me p«sopio 01 ji:,u6iewood... Mayor Donovan's reslgnatkmcame after awaveof criticism against “ Finally,” he said, “the Joint b u t t e d to t L ’ Englewood Mayor and CouncU to begin an immediate aurvey and evaluation ol Civic Committee, representing SEPTEMBER his projected aM»intment ol Bernard Cbazen to the Board ol Edu- Our City's schools reopened with tee highest enroUment in tee cation... 14 organizations, is told by Mr. Jaycoes lor their A°mtjOT^p In'llM treatment ofcancercases was taken by Engle- history ol the system... However, as his first act as Mayor of this CUy» Mr. Ticknor ^ Ticknor that they are being pre- mas Party for n ee ^ chUdren of Hospital when a Cobalt Therapy Unit was lnstaUed...it was the \ measure designed to laciUtate the clearing ol the City s t r e ^ Mr. Ctaazen as a School tnislee..
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