No.11 SUPPLEMENT TO TIIE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE OF THURSDAY, 14 FEBRUARY 1980 Published by Authority WELLINGTON, FRIDAY, 15 FEBRUARY 1980 ANNUAL LIST of REGISTERED ENGINEERS 354 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE No.11 Annual List of Registered Engineen PuRsuANT to section 4 of the Engineers Re · tration Amendment Act 1944, publication is given to this list of Registered Engineers whose Annual Practising Certificates are current until 3f5Maleh 1980. Dated at Wellington this 17th day of January, 1980. W. L. YOUNG, Minister of Works and Development. ENGINEERS REGISTRATION BOARD OF NEW ZEALAND LlsT OF REGISTERED ENGINEERS AS AT 31 AUGUST 1979 AND ExPIRINo 31 MARcH 1980 Explanation The list is in two parts as follows: Part A-Giving those registered by eumioation or by "recognised certificate" under one of the following subsections of the 192A Act: 6. (1) (a)-Registration by virtueof boktinga "recognised certificate" in the fonnof a Diploma of CorporateMembership of an Institution recognised by the Board, and of having had not less than three yean' experience in the practice of engineering. 6. (1) (c)-Registration by virtue of a pass in examinations approved by the Board (being the full corporate membership examinations of a recognised Institution or equivalent exempting examinations) and also of having had not less than three years' experience in the practice of engineering. Part B--GiYing those reaistered under one of the fo~ subsections, now expired, of the 192A Act or amendments: Section 6. (i) (b) of the 192A Act, wbicll provided for regilmltion during the first period of operation of the 192A Act of a person who had then attained the age of 25 yean and had been engaged during a period ol not less than m: yean before the COIDJIICJKeDlel of the Act in the acquisition of ~ knowledge, or in the practice of · · in a JllllllDer satirlactory to the Board, and who made application for registration within 12 months after the commencement of~ Section 7 of the 1944 amendment whid1 provided for the registration of . who, within the 12 years . to the passing of the amendment, had bad m: years' respoosibJe engineering pracace, or~equivalent esperienee, in =rauthority work, and who applied within m: months of the passing of the amendment. Provision is made for special comidenmon to discharged semcemen who apply within m: months of their discharge: Indkated l,y • in Column 3. ParticulaIS in the lists as entered under each column are as follows: Column 1-This contains the name of each engineer who at the date of the list is the bolder of an Annual Practising Certificate issued under section 3 of the 1944 Amendmeat Act. An · who has been registered is ttqUircd to bold a cwreot Ammal PracmiJJg Certificate in order to retain the full ripts of regiseration. The ~.involving univenity degrees and recognised certificates or ed l!QDIUJafions, are taken from the person's application for PracmiJJg Certificate and have not been verified or checked against the ~~ pamculan. Column 2-Tbis gives the postal address, either busineu or residential, as on the application for Ammal Practising Certificate. Column 3-This shows the date of original registration. It is also to be noted that corporate membership of one of the recognised British Engineering Institutions entitles the bolder to be styled as a ''Charte«d Engineer'', but this infonnation is omitted from the list; J. G.AllDENll!R, Regisbar. PART A Column 1 Column 2 °""""' 3 Date,Jl Name AddrlW R&pt.-alion Abbott Bryant Sidney Lawrence MICEMNZJE 11 McClintock Street, Wbanpm.. 1811m Abbott John Edwin BEMEPIIDDICMNZIE P.O.Box5348,Auckland .. 18/12175 Almun Robert Norman MJMECHE M.O.T., Private Bag, Wellington .. 18/1/76 AdamHanyBE P.O. BoxSOS4, W~Jliagton .. 414/T7 AdamJohnMICEMNZIE 2 Kowbai Street, Eastbourne ••. 617m Adams Brian Fffilerick MIEE Ministry of Works and DeveJopment Elec:trical/Med '1Af1n4 Dmsioo,Auckland Adams Peter James BEMNZIE ClJristdwn:h Drainage Board, ClJristdwn:h 25/S/62 Adams Robert Henry MJSl'JlUCTEMNZIE P.O.Box288,Greymouth ... ... ... .. 1/10/'70 Adams Robert John MIEE MNZIE Waitemata Eleclric Power Board, Private Bag, Takapuna 161'3159 North Adcock David Michael MNZIE Ministry of Transport, Civil Aviation Division, Wellington 1.9/6165 Adcock Henry Brian MICEMNZIE ••• P .0. Box 23-641, Pai,atoetoe East •• . •• 1.9/9/70 Addy George Edward MIMed!E. MNZIE. Andmn le Beaven Ltd., Private Bag, ClJristdwn:h ... 1.919111 Ade Graham John BEMNZIEMICE Box 2Ci070, Epsom, Auckland 9/12/64 Agnew RoderickBSCPHDMIWEMNZJE 11 Roslyn Tee., Devoaport, Auckland 9, 10/12/63 Aiken Hugh Douglas BEMNZJE ••• Ministry of Works, Tauranp .. 28/'JISS Ainslie An:hibakfMIMECHEMNZIE ••• 16Hmemoa Street, Lower Hutt .. ~ Ainsworth DavidBSCMNZIE ••• District Engineen Office, Napier .. 11nn5 Ainsworth David RobertBE ••• NZED New Plymouth ... .. 3V10l72 Aird Ronald MurrayBEBScFICbcmEMNZIE P.O. Box 1798, Palmerston North 13/3178 Airey Donald ClJadwk:kBEMNZIE ••• Birch andAirey, P.O. Box 177, Pukekohe ••. ..• •.. 13/1/58 Aitken AJeunder William BEFNZJE ••• Ministty of Works and Development, Box 5040, Auckland 25/11/53 Aitken Richard Hammond BEMEMJSTllUCJEMNZIE Care of B«a, Carter, HoJJinp, and Ferner, P.O. Box 6345, 614"3 Auckland Aked Mervyn SiSIOD BSCMIEEMNZIE ... Post Office Headquarters, Wellington 5/8/54 Akers Charles William BE MNZIE 37 Masey Street, kawerau .. 2/12174 Akins Robbie John BE NZBC, Box98, Welliagtoll .. 4112174 Albiston Raymond Thomas BE District Engineen Office, P .0., Rotorua 11nm Alder Richard MICE MNZIE ••• Box 396, Rotorua ... '1JJ/9/64 Alderton Graham Keith BEMEMNZIE ..• 9AGrauStreet, WellintEton ... .. 2617m Aldridge AdrianDavidMIMECHBMIPLANI'EAN'ZIM Sbdl Oil New Zcaland,lkn:2091, Welliap,a 6112172 A1ecock GrabameJobnBEMIMECHBMll!S N.Z. Railways, Wellin&ton .•• ••. 181.WO Alexander Douglas BEFNZIEMAIME ••• 2 Whitaker Place, Aucbmd ... .. 29,9/60 Alexander Ian James BEMNZIB Morrilon, ~ andPartnen, Northampton, U.K. 10'4174 Alexander John KeithBEBSCMKHEMEANZICMNZIEMIMEOIE P.O. Box258S, WellintEton. ... ... .. 1$16161 AllanAmoldBE .•• P le E. l.ab<,ratory, DIIR, Private Bag, Lower Hutt ... 16/7/51 Allan James David BE MNZIE Ministry of Works, Auckland . •. ... .. 617n1 Allan Robert MaleolmBEMIMECHE MNZJE B.P. Home, Customhouse Quay, Wellington 24l3nO 15 FEBRUARY THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 355 Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Date of Name Address Registration Allan Ronald Richard MSC PHD MCIT MNZIE Prime Minister's Department, Parliament Building, Welling- 8!4n6 ton Allan William James Wilson MIEE MNZIE N.Z.B.C., Wellington ... 28/11/61 Allardice Neil William BE MNZIE P.O. Box 5348, Auckland 6/12/54 Allen Barry James BE Regional Engineer's Office, Post Office, Wellington snn4 Allen John Robert BE ME Engineer in Chief's Office, Post Office, Headquarters, 1514n5 Wellington Allen Kevin John BSC Protection Section, N .Z.E., Private Bag, Wellington 2116n9 Allen Michael Leslie BSC MiatemE MNZIE 28 Kauri Point Road, Auckland 7 .. 15nn4 Allen Ross Victor BE P.O. Box 13-006, Christchurch .. 22'1In9 Allen William Henry BE MNZIE MIEE ... Care of NZED, Box 974, Dunedin 21111/69 Alley Roland Buckingham BE MIEE MNZIE Ministry of Works and Development, Palmerston North 14/12/55 Allsopp-Smith John FIMECHE FNZIE MINSTF 9th Floor, Hampton Court, Federal Street, Auckland 16/6/47 Allum Keith George BSCMNZIE 4 Moana View, Whangarei zv11n8 Almond David Thomas BSC ... NZED Private Bag, Wellington ... 26nm Amey Brian John MNZIE Ministry of Works and Development, Box 12041, Wellington ... 11/12/64 Amies Robert Arthur BE ME ASSOCIATE IEE MNZIE Post Office Headquarters, Wellington . .. 415n1 Amos Reginald Charles BE MICE FNZIE Bruce-Smith, Chapman, and Amos, P.O. Box 2703, Welling- 12/12/57 ton Andersen John Lawrence MICE MNZIE ... City Engineer's Department, Lower Hutt ... 16/3/55 Anderson Adrian William BE Ministry of Works and Development, P.O. Box 12-041, 30t6n6 Wellington Anderson Alan Ross BE(MECH) ME(MECH) MNZIE Hayman & Morison, P.O. Box 1939, Rotorua 25/llnl Anderson Andrew Miller BSC ME MNZIE MIMM FNZIM 1 Banff Place, Christchurch 4 28/3/67 Anderson Brian Edward BE MNZIE Engineer-in-Chief's Office, P.O. H.Q., Wellington ... 9/12/65 Anderson Bruce Thomas William BE MICE MNZIE Auckland City Council, Auckland 30/6/65 Anderson David Stuart BE .. 33 Marsden Avenue, Mt. Eden, Auckland .. 1617n5 Anderson Donald Victor BE .. Powell, Fenwick, and Johnson, Napier ... ... 25!6n0 Anderson George Irvine BE MNZIE Ministry of Works and Development, Private Bag, Twizel 1217/71 Anderson Ian William MICE MNZIE Auckland Technical Institute 27/11/69 Anderson James Rayne BE MIEE MNZIE N .Z. Electricity Department, Hamilton 27/9/54 Anderson James Rodger MIEE MNZIE ... 472 Taieri Road, Halfway Bush, Dunedin 24/4/56 Anderson John FIMARE 1 Rosetta Road, Raumati South ... 29/ln5 Anderson Nicholas Lawson BE MNZIE ... City Corporation Electricity Department, Dunedin .. 3nl67 Anderson Peter John BE N.Z. Railways, Dunedin ... ... .. 16/12/66 Anderson Raymond James BE MNZIE ... P.O. Box 2, Leeston 13/4/77 Anderson Robert Graeme BE MNZIE MIEAUST MASCE Beca, Carter, Hollings, and Ferner, Auckland 17/12/64 Anderson Robert James BE ... Post Office Headquarters, Auckland lln/74 Andreae John Huih BSC PHD DIC MIEE MIEEE University of Canterbury, Christchurch 28/3/67 Andreasen Christian Emelia MICE MNZIE 43 Awatea Street, Porirua, Wellington 8/4/59 Andrell Peter James MICE MNZIE P. 0. Box 2027, Auckland 31n/57 Andrew Frederick John BE MNZIE 20 Dowlin~ Grove, Silverstream, Wellington 17/8/62 Andrew William Reed BE 118 Tiro Trro Road, Levin .. .. 1014n9 Andrew William Terence BE MICE MNZIE 393 Canton Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong . .. 2/7/76 Andrews Alfred Latham BE MICE FNZIE Edwards, Clendon and Partners, P.O. Box 5054, Wellington ... 8/12/52 Andrews Anthony Julian MSc BSc GI Mech E MNZIE Atlas Industries Ltd., P.O. Box 644, New Plymouth ... 4/7/78 Andrews Michael Muir BE MICE MRSH FNZIE Worley Downey Muir and Associates, Box 4241, Auckland 4/2/63 Andrews Robin James BE MNZIE 3 Orpine Court, Cromwell 28/llm Andrews Stuart Richard BE MNZIE ASSOCMEMIEE P.O.Box555,Hastings ..
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