ROlt r 0' Tuml Entered in JACL Tournament Welcome JACL Bowlers: (5" Peg. 3) IN THIS ISSUE WAPATO SANSEI ... GEHERAL NEWS Whitman Sl,ml Chi dtiliu San­ ITIZE ... appHcanl •• Un"'. of Ort!,on L, LH ....18, CI 9001Z (ZUI MA '·4471 51-",1 Chi set t Inttlate- San­ DENIED ENTRY IN af": Santa 8ltb.rans muk Jap.lnest &hetUnl ............ 1 ... NATIONAL-JACL SIGMA CHI FRAT JACL brier on t.o"hll antt-mts· Vol. 64 No.9 FRIDAY, MARCH 3, 1967 New Telephone: MA 6-6936 TEN CENTS ««en. non ca. c st.rts ('!II InthfO­ polo.ieal arlUfments: JACL­ Nine Whitman College ~Uhlmtr J AL fC'l1owl'Ihlp appll­ P"~test ratlon!'\ dUf April 7; Bflnk~ to Students Quit, entertain J ACL Japan To\lf pa~'.. ._ •...••• •• t Racial Discrimination JACL bowling tums listed .••.3 WALLA WALLA-Nine Whit.­ ... CHAPTER-JACL man College students, Includ­ Detroit hUTS talk on Japanese Anthropological arguments used Noh Dramt mush! •. _.. •• 1 ing a Rhodes Scholar, an­ Contra COIla In:. swap Ideas with nounced Iheir disatfillation paTents: Portland 31'S . proPO!'l:e' spUttlng ranks because of age with the Sigma Chi fraternily difference .••••• .•••••••••. 4 because of local and national di crimination practices of the in JACL anti-miscegenation brief ... COLUMNISTS group as of Feb. 24. Enomoto ~ Bowline Tournament. interested in. and concerned with. It Is respectfully but firmly sub. O,I",a: Crusader for Mlken. The resignations were insti­ (Special to the PacWc Citizen) based on race' IlUch 'bean: I the dignity and Uberty of all mltled that the narrow view ex. hea\-'y burden of Ju5tUJcaUon' Masaoka: Ch·n Rt~hl.s Btu. gated by a 1965 rejection of WASHINGTON-Urging thai Americans. the Japanese Amerl· pressed In Pace was Inherently ~~~:~~: ~ ijl .~~ \ ~.f:~ts Reid Yamamoto, now a sopho­ the Virginia anti-miscegena­ can CItizens League (J ACL) tiler faulty and mislead In,. What Pace ~,lr~ln~~~I~~!~e~:!i:"o~n Ja-:~: Bm. ON JAPANESE MUSIC - Prof. William Maim Univ this brief Amicus Curiae. fatled to consider was whether or Obana: Interim MeeUn,. more from Wapato. Wasil., a tion laws, and those of 16 been expressed In term. or malo. of Michigan professo~ of music literature, e~plain~ 8 not 'the .ame punishment to both ~aJnlnl Hasebe: Almost Forgot. Briefly, the JACL Is non­ 'purity of public morab', Sigma Chi pledge. other States which prohibit in­ profit, charitable or,aniz.atlon offende.rs. the while and thp the preservatton of ractal in­ Glma: Vietnam Issue. Japanese musIc and IDstruments used in the Noh terracial marriages, be de­ with a national membership In black'. would have been meted tegrity' and to prevent a 'mon­ Renry: E'xtro\'ert Survivor. The Whitman College publi­ out it there had been two males, Wa)camatsu : Footnote to History. drama at Detroit JACL installation. Seated at left is clared unconstitutional, the excel! or 20.000 citizens who re· ~rel breed of citizens' .. wen .. cation, tbe Pioneer, named a side throu"hout the United States, one whltc and one Negro. who 'obliteration of racial pride'. EYeD Miura: Ch·n Rights. Potltlcs. the chapter's new president Art Morey. Japanese American Citizens and Its had been 'fUllty of Identical acts Ye £d's; Reor,aniuUon. Spokane attorney as the per­ while membership Is large­ asrumlng argut'ndo l!Iuch obJec­ -Tom Hashimoto Photo. League has submitted a 5l­ ly comprlscd or persons of Japan· . wIth the same female (white tives to be valid state mteren.. son responsible for black-bail­ ese ancestry. Its membership a150 or black); It Is clear that the I And within this racist context we • page Amici Curiae {friend of Includet. without limitation. Amer­ punishment would differ and dir· ing the Sansei student. The fer solely because of race. The ~rnnc~otalir~:~!o; 5~~her a~~~p~~~ Pioneer added that the attor­ the courD brlet with llle Su­ Icans of varied faiths, creeds preme Court 01 tIle United and color. same Inequities would apply with remain free to Intermarry with PERSPEC~ ney entered Whitman in 1927 cven mQl'e gross Inju.tlce In the one another and thereby destl'OJ' and did not graduate from States. the Washington JACL Summary ot Argument enforcement of anU·mlscegena· their racial 'purity', 'Intelrity' Music of Noh drama Office reported this week. tlon laws. for mlsce.:enous couples and 'pride'. the Insidious sophism Whitman. The J ACL arguments are di­ would be punished [or an act, of VluJnla'" state policy, ., weU ~ Rhodes Scholar Baker Stock­ The nation's highest tribunal vided into three sections. I.e. m.rrla~e, which 15 not only as those of the sixteen other Jerry otherwise leeal but which also if ing said Ite had hoped to work i. expected to hear oral argu­ states with antl·mlscell'enatlon ments In the case possibly this actually otherwise encouraged laws. is readily exposed al • • Enomoto N within the organization to delights Detroiters and bles..o;ed by the state. racist. 'white supremacy' la. spring. Since Pare v. Alabama f 1882) Nat'l Prtsldent fI) bring about a proper solution II which Is repugnant 'to a free William M. Marulanl, Na· the rIghts, prlvUeges and Immu­ people whose Institutions are and a change in the national BY DORIS FUJIOKA Club Chairman Dr. Frank Sa­ nities of the Individual In many found~d tional JACL Legal Counsel, Where thc exercise ot state upon the docrUne 6f BOWLING TOURNEY charter to eliminate racial di s· DETROIT - Despite ice and kamoto. He reminded tile facets and spheres ot life have, pollee power 'trenches upon the equality.' and Donaid W. Kramer. both under the Fourteenth Amend· constitutionally protected freedom crimination. But external pres~ snow. the 21st annual Dctroil group of JACL's stand and menlo been safeguarded to him. from Invidious discrimination tContinued on Page 3) To balance the diet a lillie. of tne outstanding Philadelphia free of the odious circumscription let me start this week by sure is necessary to bring JACL installation dlnner.<fanc£ participation In the field ot civil rights and ended his briet law firm of MacCoy. Ev~ns, of laws based on race. dwelling upon one of the ma­ about that change, he sta<ed. was well attended by members Vital and all·lmportant aa these report on the progress of the and Lewis. prepared tile JACL jor avocations of JACLers Oniy Way and friends at the Statler· rights are to the Individual anr1 Hilton Feb. 5. Japanese History Project. brief for the Richard Perry to the preservation of a demo~ JACL·JAL SUMMER FELLOWSHIP (bowlingl and my troubles Loving (a white man) and Mil· eratlc society of free men, such "My conscience tells me the Hiro Mayeda. MDC gover­ OutgOing president William with it. Although my bowling dred Delores Jeter Loving this rights appear as palpable and ma· was always marked by more only way I can truly assure nor, in talled the oUicers of Adair was presented the past terlal ones tn contrast to the tn­ Reid Yamamoto of his pel' president's pin by Morey. hall-Negro, half-1ndian wife) timate. personal right of privacy enthusiasm than talent. I was the Detroit J ACL board hoad· In marriage. Fre£dom In marrl· APPUCA liON DEADLINE SET APRIL 1 sonal acceptability to me is (0 Longtime JACLers were also v. Commonweallh of Virginia never as bad as I have been ed by Art Morey and tile Jr. :I~e a~odncf~:Ja~e~~~ ~:h~O!~ ~~; recognized witb s p e c j a I case, on appeal Cram the Su­ SAN FRANCISCO - Applica. for the successful applicantl lately. step out of Sigma Chi," Stock­ J ACL led by Jo Ann Sh,ma­ ing said . mura. Mayeda also extended awards: Sadao Kimoto. the oreme Court of Appeals of Vir­ ~~di~~~.~l, b~o~~~~caitdd:I~'e~.n T~: tion forms (or l'ne four JACL- has been set lor July 6, and Shig Sakamoto. long time Last year. Whitman gave the greetings from Nal'onal chapter JACLer ot the Year; ginia. mutual exercise by two Indlvldu. Japan Air Lines Fellows1:lips they will return to the United J ACLer .nd columntst in the j be Lovings were married In Aug 4 fraternities and sororities until JACL President Jerry Eno­ Mrs. June Otsuji, Mrs. Elko :~~OerOf\y~~~hp:o~~~!da~3b~~e::eaJ :~r s;~:yn: ~a:aal'lnab~e'satSuJmA: staAtesl·on ts . It 'b 21 Hokubei Mainichi. allowing 1969 to eliminate racial dis­ Takemoto. J ACL silver pins; spite of the Stale's prohibition by society-should not be con- PP Ican mus e years charity to overcome his judg· moto. Washington Representa· crimination poliCies. tive Mike Masaoka and 1000 Roy Oda, Arthur Morey. Elyse against interracial marriages. verted Into 8 crime or otherwise CL offices, from governors of of age by April 30, 1967 artd ment. invited me to bowl on ~~~a~i;e~ac:'Y Till the y.amamoto rejl>("tion, Miyao. William Otsuki. Thorn· Supplemental Document law merely be· the eight JACL District Coun- must be members 01 the JACL his Fairmont Cleaners tesm. as Tanase. Yoshio Uslllro, It would constitute 8 shocking cils, and JACL Chapters, it Chapters or Junior JACL Despite m.,' very irregular ap­ W'ditman bas never had any Since the Amici brief is In such problem. The Sigma Chi Geo"ge Nagano. certificates of oulraae If the antt.mlscegenatlon was announced this week by Chapters. pearance and a drop of 15 I!le nature of a supplemental ~h:r °Jla:-;~~gl~i~ec~:~d t~!~tef~ chapter at Whitman dezided to Japanese banks appreciation; Elaine Akagl, Akiji Yoshimura, chairman of Deadline for applicatiollJ pins in average, (no, T am Jeffrey Morey and Kath" Shi· document to tllat of lhe appel­ I { tile Special National Commit- not averaging 100.
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