OPUS STATION CITY OF MINNETONKA SOUTHWEST CORRIDOR INVESTMENT FRAMEWORK southwest corridor investment framework Transitional Station Area Action Plan Hoisington Koegler Group Inc. www.swlrtcommunityworks.org Norths tar Line een Line O Gr METR METRO Blue Line Proposed Bot neau Line TARGET FIELD STATION MINNEAPOLIS ROYALSTON VAN WHITE rridor) t Co PENN es w 21ST STREET South ABOUT THIS CHAPTER: WEST LAKE ( ension ST. LOUIS PARK The Transitional Station Area BELT LINE Action Plans are the product of a WOODDALE n Line Ext ee Hennepin County led effort to help O Gr LOUISIANA communities along the Southwest Introduction METR HOPKINS LRT corridor prepare for SW LRT’s BLAKE opening day in 2018 and beyond. DOWNTOWN HOPKINS An individualized plan has been MINNETONKA SHADY OAK created for each of the 17 stations OPUSOPUS EDEN PRAIRIE CITY WEST in the Southwest corridor, each GOLDEN TRIANGLE plan comprising a chapter in the larger Southwest Corridor EDEN PRAIRIE TOWN CENTER SOUTHWEST Investment Framework. The station MITCHELL area action plans suggest ways to build on local assets, enhance TATION WITHIN THE CORRIDOR: mobility, identify infrastructure needs, and capitalize on promising OPUS S The Opus station is a major employmentopportunities center located near for development and A prestigious employment area connected to the station via an INTRODUCTION redevelopment near each station. extensive network of trails and centered upon a walkable mixed-use core. Plan Components: EMPLOYMENT The area is characterized by a 6-mile trail network Highway 169, Highway 62, and Shady Oak Road (see Place Types discussion beginning on p. 1-19). It is the largest employmentINTRODUCTION center in Minnetonka 13-2 and home to many high-profile businesses Aincluding brief Unitedoverview Health Group,of the station Comcast, and American Family Insurance.location The station andwill be its an importantsurroundings stop for the thousands of employees that commute to the Opus Business Park from surrounding areas. TRAIL CONNECTIONS WHERE ARE WE TODAY? 13-4 which gives the area a park-likeA description feel, and a distinctive of existing looped roadway network that links employment buildings with hotels, retail establishments, and local residentialconditions neighborhoods inin the Residentialthe surrounding station areas area. are area, Thelocated trail systemwithin the business park in can be accessed including:off Smetana Road and Shady Oak Road at Red Circle Drive. Along with providing area employees with a space for passive recreation and exercise, the» trails Land provide Use important connections to areas throughout the business park and beyond, however, it rarely connects to the front doors of the businesses.» Transit Connections OPUS NEIGHBORHOOD» Access + SCirculation Issues the(Bike, north and Ped, east areas,and includingAuto) a mix of apartments, condominiums, and townhomes. Additional residential density will occur in the area over time and » Infrastructurewill generate transit Needs ridership. While these areas are not transit-supportive in nature, they are all linked to the station via the extensive trail network. WHERE ARE WE GOING? 13-8 This section presents a number of recommendations for the station area in anticipation of opening day needs and the long-term TOD environment. This includes: » Access + Circulation Plan » Station Area Site Plan » Infrastructure Plan » Development Potential » Summary of Key Initiatives 13-2 MINNEAPOLIS • ST. LOUIS PARK • HOPKINS • MINNETONKA • EDEN PRAIRIE Figure 13-1. OPUS STATION AReA - LOCATOR MAP Station Location The Opus station is located in the SMENTA RD center of the Opus Business Park, a major employment center with a mix of light industrial, office, housing, hotel accommodations, retail, and HIGHWAY 169 HIGHWAY restaurants in the station area. INTRODUCTION The area is characterized by its campus-like setting, circuitous one- 3 way road network, and off-street trail system. The Opus station is 1 anticipated to serve local businesses BREN RD E 4 BREN RD W OPUS and residents in the area. This station STATION has strong potential to be a transit stop 2 for reverse commuters. GREEN OAK DR OAK GREEN BREN RD E BREN SHADY OAK RD YELLOW CIRCLE DR HIGHWAY 62 AMENITIES + DESTINATIONS: 1 THE OPUS GROUP CITY WEST 2 UNITED HEALTH GROUP STATION HIGHWAY 212 3 4 AMERICAN MEDICAL SYSTEMS LONE LAKE PARK 100’ 200’ 400’ OPUS non-profit institution parks & open space ! PROPOSED SOUTHWEST LRT LINE education institution retail/entertainment destination EXISTING RAIL LINE 10-minute walkshed 1/2 MILE STATION RADIUS NOTE: 10-minute walkshed approximates the area accessible within a 10-minute walk from the station platform using only the existing sidewalk/trail network. See Glossary for walkshed assumptions and methodology. OPUS STATION AREA TODAY: West entrance on Shady Oak Road Existing office Local wetland Existing trail underpass SOUTHWEST CORRIDOR INVESTMENT FRAMEWORK - TRANSITIONAL STATION AREA ACTION PLANS 13-3 Where Are We Today? The following section describes the station area’s EXISTING CONDITIONS, including the local context, land uses, transit and transportation systems, pedestrian and bicycle facilities, assets, destinations, and barriers to accessing the station. This analysis of current conditions presents key issues and opportunities in the station area and informs the recommendations for future station area improvements. NOTE: Existing conditions maps are based on data provided by Hennepin County and local municipalities. The data used to create each map is collected to varying degrees of accuracy and represents infrastructure and conditions at varying points in time. Actual conditions WHERE ARE WE TODAY? WE ARE WHERE may vary slightly from what is shown. OPUS Land Use Figure 13-2. eXISTING LAND USe SMENTA RD The Opus station area is an important employment center with a mix of industrial, light industrial, and office uses. These are the predominant uses in the area, however,there are other uses that 169 HIGHWAY will potentially benefit from LRT transit, including nearby residential, hotel, and retail/commercial uses located near Shady Oak Road and Highways 62 and 169. There is also a fair amount of park and open BREN RD E space located to the north of the Opus BREN RD W station. OPUS STATION GREEN OAK DR GREEN OAK BREN RD E BREN SHADY OAK RD YELLOW CIRCLE DR HIGHWAY 62 CITY WEST STATION 100’ 200’ 400’ SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED RETAIL & OTHER COMM. INSTITUTIONAL ! PROPOSED SOUTHWEST LRT LINE SINGLE FAMILY ATTACHED OFFICE PARKS & PRESERVES EXISTING RAIL LINE MULTIFAMILY MIXED USE INDUSTRIAL RAILWAY 10-minute walkshed MIXED USE RESIDENTIAL MIXED USE COMM. & OTHER UNDEVELOPED 1/2 MILE STATION RADIUS INSTITUTIONAL INDUSTRIAL & UTILITY Data Source: Metropolitan Council 13-4 MINNEAPOLIS • ST. LOUIS PARK • HOPKINS • MINNETONKA • EDEN PRAIRIE Figure 13-3. eXISTING ROADWAY NeTWORK Roadway Network SMENTA RD The roadway network near the Opus station is a circuitous, one-way road network. It presents challenges to uninitiated motorists, pedestrians, and HIGHWAY 169 HIGHWAY bicyclists. Roadways are limited and block sizes are large. Major roadways in the area include Shady Oak Road, located about a half-mile to the west of the station, Highway 62, located about a half-mile to the south of the station, and Highway 169, BREN RD E TODAY? WE ARE WHERE BREN RD W located about a half-mile to the east of the OPUS station. STATION GREEN OAK DR GREEN OAK BREN RD E BREN SHADY OAK RD YELLOW CIRCLE DR HIGHWAY 62 CITY WEST STATION 100’ 200’ 400’ INTERSTATE CSAH/ COUNTY ROAD ! PROPOSED SOUTHWEST LRT LINE U.S. HIGHWAY LOCAL/CITY STREET EXISTING RAIL LINE STATE HIGHWAY 10-minute walkshed RAMP 1/2 MILE STATION RADIUS OPUS Data Source: Hennepin County Figure 13-4. eXISTING TRANSIT Transit SMENTA RD existing bus service near the Opus station includes bus route #12, which runs along Bren Road West, with bus stops on Bren Road West and Bren Road east near the HIGHWAY 169 HIGHWAY proposed station platform. In addition to public bus transit, some local businesses offer a circulator bus shuttle service. BREN RD E OPUS BREN RD W STATION GREEN OAK DR OAK GREEN BREN RD E BREN SHADY OAK RD YELLOW CIRCLE DR HIGHWAY 62 CITY WEST STATION 100’ 200’ 400’ EXISTING BUS LINE ! PROPOSED SOUTHWEST LRT LINE ¿ EXISTING BUS STOP EXISTING RAIL LINE 10-minute walkshed 1/2 MILE STATION RADIUS SOUTHWEST CORRIDOR INVESTMENT FRAMEWORK - TRANSITIONAL STATION AREA ACTION PLANS 13-5 Sidewalk, Trails and Figure 13-5. eXISTING SIDeWALKS, TRAILS, AND BIKeWAYS Bikeways SMENTA RD The sidewalk system in the Opus station area is extremely limited. The off-street multi-use trail system that runs throughout the Opus campus offers connections to 169 HIGHWAY most areas and businesses. While trail access is generally good, many businesses lack trail connections to building entries. The existing trail network in the area offers grade separation from roadways, reducing WHERE ARE WE TODAY? WE ARE WHERE BREN RD E conflicts between trail users and motorists. BREN RD W OPUS STATION GREEN OAK DR GREEN OAK BREN RD E BREN SHADY OAK RD YELLOW CIRCLE DR HIGHWAY 62 CITY WEST STATION 100’ 200’ 400’ EXISTING REGIONAL TRAILS ! PROPOSED SOUTHWEST LRT LINE Existing LocaL traiLs (bikE routEs) EXISTING RAIL LINE PLANNED TRAILS 10-minute walkshed EXISTING SIDEWALKS 1/2 MILE STATION RADIUS OPUS Existing Sanitary Figure 13-6. eXISTING SANITARY SeWeR Sewer SMENTA RD Sanitary sewer infrastructure consists of a collection of gravity flow sewer mains, lift stations, and pressurized forcemains that transport sewage to a wastewater 169 HIGHWAY treatment plant (WWTP). An efficient collection system has the capacity to accommodate all of the existing land uses within its particular sewershed. Beyond capacity, the material and age of pipes BREN RD E within a system can also impact a system’s BREN RD W OPUS effectiveness. STATION Sanitary sewer infrastructure within the project area is typically maintained by DR GREEN OAK either the City of Minnetonka or by the BREN RD E Metropolitan Council environmental SHADY OAK RD YELLOW CIRCLE DR Services (MCeS) Division.
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