September Calendar Exhibits In the Karen and Ed Adler Gallery 9 Friday 15 Thursday 19 Monday 27 Tuesday ALEKSANDER BETKO. Animals. Septem- SANDWICHED IN: “Electing the Presi- NON-FICTION BOOK DISCUSSION: AFTERNOON ON BROADWAY: Oklaho- MEET MICHAEL GROSS, author of Fo- ber 1 through 29. dent.” James Coll will focus on the com- Dead Wake: The Last Crossing of the Lu- ma! Rodgers and Hammerstein’s musi- cus: The Secret, Sexy, Sometimes Sordid plex system designed to choose our sitania by Erik Larson. Think you know cal premiered in 1943 and ran for 2,242 World of Fashion Photographers. Spon- nation’s Chief Executive—and whether everything there is to know about the performances. It was the first show to sored by the Friends of the Library. 7:30 Registrations it still needs to be so complicated. Coll 1915 sinking of the Lusitania? Think integrate book, song and dance into a p.m. is an adjunct professor of American again. Discussion led by Keith Klang. cohesive whole. Join Professor James In progress and Constitutional history at Hofstra Books available at the Information Kolb for a multimedia discussion. 3 CONVERSATIONS FROM MAIN ST.: University and the founder of Chang- Desk. 1:30 p.m. p.m. MAC Screenagers. A film about growing up Resume Workshop............September 17 eNYS.org, a not-for-profit dedicated to in the digital age, followed by a panel Job Search Strategies......September 17 non-partisan civic education and po- SOUNDSWAP: Jeff Slate and Friends discussion and Q&A. This event is at litical reform in New York. 12:10 p.m. perform. Sponsored by the Friends of Landmark on Main St. 7:30 p.m. Beginning the Library. 7:30 p.m. SCRABBLE. Join us for a game! Fridays Yoga..........................................September 6 in September. 2 p.m. Job Search Boot Camp.....September 20 HARLEM. Join Dr. Ronald J. Brown for the first of four discussions focusing on 28 Wednesday the rich history of Harlem. Sponsored Tuesday Events by the Friends of the Library. 3 p.m. 20 SOUNDSWAP: “Nilsson Schmilsson.” A JOB SEARCH BOOT CAMP. Registration multimedia presentation by Tony Tra- “VALENTIN” (2002-83 min.). Valentin begins today for the fall session. Sign guardo, featuring the music of Harry (Rodrigo Noya), an eight-year-old boy up at the Information Desk or call 516- Nilsson. 7:30 p.m. being raised by his grandmother in Ar- 883-4400, ext. 136. The 8-week inten- gentina, determines to solve his fam- sive workshop is designed to help par- 2 Friday ily’s many problems. From writer/direc- 3rd THURSDAYS at 3: “Historical ticipants obtain employment through tor Alejandro Agresti. In Spanish with Themes.” Join Marc Kopman, Adjunct networking. Boot Camp dates are Oc- SANDWICHED IN: 45 Years (2015-95 English subtitles. 7:30 p.m. Professor of Art History at LIU for this tober 11, 18 and 25 and November 1, min.). As Kate and Geoff (Charlotte series of illustrated art lectures. 3 p.m. 8, 15, 22 and 29 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. 30 Friday Rampling, Tom Courtenay) prepare to AAC Made possible by a special New York celebrate their forty-fifth wedding an- State legislative grant received by As- SANDWICHED IN: “The Route of San- niversary, their cozy life is disrupted CAN HYPNOTHERAPY HELP? Dr. Wil- semblywoman Michelle Schimel. tiago de Compostela (Camino de San- by unexpected news. Andrew Haigh liam Reszelbach, a certified hypnotist, tiago).” Since the Middle Ages, the scripted and directed. 12:10 p.m. 10 Saturday will speak about the practice and ther- journey to the shrine of St. James the apeutic uses of hypnosis, and its effects Great in the Cathedral of Santiago de “MILES AHEAD” (2016-100 min.). Di- ART RECEPTION, for Aleksander Betko, on the mind and body. 7:30 p.m. HAC Compostela in Galicia, Spain has been rector Don Cheadle also stars as jazz whose work is on display in the Adler one of the most important Christian trumpeter Miles Davis, who joins up Gallery. 2 to 4 p.m. 21 Wednesday pilgrimages. Ines Powell explores the with wily reporter Dave Braden (Ewan route, which takes pilgrims on a jour- McGregor) to recover a stolen tape of GREAT BOOKS: How Much Land Does a ney through the history of Spain, expe- his latest compositions. Cheadle also Man Need? by Leo Tolstoy. 2:30 p.m. riencing architecture left by Romans, scripted with Steven Baigelman. Rec- 16 Friday Visigoths and Muslims and witnessing ommended for adults. 7:30 p.m. LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEET- an artistic evolution from Romanesque 11 Sunday SANDWICHED IN: “Mel Brooks: The Ear- ING. The public is invited at 7:30 p.m. to Baroque and beyond. Sponsored by ly Years.” He started out in the Catskills the Friends of the Library. 12:10 p.m. A WESTERN DOUBLE FEATURE. First, and went on to spectacular success “DEMOLITION” (2016-101 min.). Suc- Man from Del Rio (1956-82 min.). Hav- in TV, movies and Broadway. Sal St. cessful investment banker Davis (Jake “I SAW THE LIGHT” (2015-123 min). ing killed some notorious outlaws, gun- George, of Living History Productions, Gyllenhaal) begins to unravel after los- Writer/director Marc Abraham tells the man David Robles (Anthony Quinn) is will focus on the early years of the ing his wife in an accident, but his life story of country-western singer Hank hired to replace the late sheriff of Mesa. iconic comedian, including his TV ap- is turned around by struggling single Williams (Tom Hiddleston), who in his After a brief intermission, Stranger at pearances, the 2,000 Year Old Man and mom Karen (Naomi Watts) and her son. brief life created one of the greatest My Door (1956-85 min.). Minister Hol- more. Relive the madcap comedy of Directed by Jean-Marc Vallée. Recom- bodies of work in American music. Eliz- lis Jarret (Macdonald Carey) welcomes one of America’s foremost entertainers. mended for adults. 7:30 p.m. abeth Olsen and Bradley Whitford co- desperado Clay Anderson (Skip Ho- 12:10 p.m. star. Recommended for adults. 7 p.m. meier) into his home, hoping to reform him. Hollis’ son takes a liking to Clay— and so does Hollis’ wife! 1:30 p.m. 22 Thursday 6 Tuesday “EYE IN THE SKY” (2016-102 min.). Brit- ish Colonel Katharine Powell (Helen YOGA. Registration begins today for a 12 Monday Mirren) commands a mission to cap- series of six classes on Wednesdays at 6 ture terrorists in Kenya. When she p.m., from October 12 through Novem- VIRTUAL VISITS. Ines Powell discusses learns of plans for a bombing, the mis- ber 16. For all skill levels. Facilitated by the Los Angeles County Museum of sion changes from “capture” to “kill.” Laurie Ahlemann. Art, the largest art museum in the west- Recommended for adults. 7:30 p.m. ern U.S. It displays more than 150,000 CHESS. Join us for a game! Tuesdays in works, spanning ancient times to the September from 2 to 4 p.m. present. Sponsored by the Friends of the Library. 2:30 p.m. LIVE at PWPL: Bell Bottom Blues Salutes ADULT COLORING. Tuesdays in Sep- Eric Clapton. A tribute to the guitar tember. It’s just like coloring for kids, SOUNDSWAP: “Hey, Hey, So They’re 50: icon. 7:30 p.m. 23 Friday but more complex—it’s definitely hard- Celebrating The Monkees.” A multime- er to stay in the lines. Meetings will be dia event celebrating the fiftieth anni- SANDWICHED IN: “The Evolution of relaxed and informal; they’re great for versary of The Monkees. 7:30 p.m. Classical Music.” Follow the evolution of stress relief and getting to know your piano music from the Baroque through neighbors. 7 p.m. Romantic periods as we enjoy promi- 17 Saturday nent pieces by notable composers. Presenter Dan Lupo is a Long Island- NEXT CHAPTER: Join a discussion of based musician and writer. 12:10 p.m. 13 Tuesday current events. Bring your opinions! 10 a.m. 7 Wednesday MOBILE LEGAL HELP CENTER. Sena- tor Jack Martins is sponsoring this free RESUMES AND COVER LETTERS. Small TECHDESK. Every Wednesday in Sep- service. The New York Legal Assistance group workshop for job seekers. Sign PWPL hours tember from 2 to 4 p.m., bring your Group staff will provide assistance on up at the Reference Desk, or call 516- 24 Saturday Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 9 to 9 tech questions and devices to the issues related to domestic violence, 883-4400 ext. 111. 10 a.m. South Wing for one-on-one assistance. family law, healthcare and disability PWPL will close at 1 p.m. today. Wednesday: 11 to 9 Learn to use online resources and get benefits, housing (tenants only), iden- JOB SEARCH STRATEGIES. This small Saturday: 9 to 5 tity theft, consumer credit and advance group workshop will provide tips on tips on how to make the most of your Sunday: 1 to 5 (beginning September 11) gadgets. Don’t forget to bring your planning. Bring related documenta- how to optimize your career search passwords! tion. Appointments are highly recom- and increase your odds of finding suc- mended but walk-ins will be served as cessful employment. Sign up at the Sponsorships FORMING A SEARCH PARTY! In this time permits. To make an appoint- Reference Desk, or call 516-883-4400, Sunday 25 AAC Art Advisory Council multimedia presentation, Tony Tra- ment call Senator Martins’ office at ext. 111. 1 p.m. guardo will help you find the answers 516-746-5924.
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