Louis Allen File Number

Louis Allen File Number

FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FREEDOM OF INFORMATION/PRIVACY ACTS SECTION COVER SHEET SUBJECT: LOUIS ALLEN FILE NUMBER: 44-24466 _ 5/ kl - .~ 1 ~ ~ ~-~' '_-_~ r - 6-94. ms. l-shes D . 1 Olbvlqt IOII I0. I0 _ "-gg|¢,.|¢g . nu ma sumo» V on an. uo. no. at '- '- UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Memorandum T0 = Assistant Attorney General DATE 2/ll/64 g Civil Rights Division C raom = Director, FBI DUCKETED susjx-:c'r= ummovm SUBJECT; FEB 1 8 I954' " -» LOUIS ALLEN - VICTIM , E . CIVIL nxomrs » ' i ¢-i~* "ti-~ '- Reference is made to your file memorandum dated There is enclosed one copy of the report of Special Agent --L dated ___2L6.Aa_______ 7L at He Q1]eans . A. [:3 This covers the preliminary investigation and no further action concerning a full investigation will be taken by this Bureau unless the Department so directs. B. [:1 The investigation is continuing and you will be furnished copies of reports as they are received. D C. [ZZ]The investigation requested by you has now been completed. Unless advised to the contrary no further in- quiries will be made by this Bureau. D. [:3 Pursuant to instructions issued by the Depart- ment, no investigation will be conducted in this matter unless specifically directed by the Department. E. [::]P1ease advise whether you desire any further in- vestigation. ' » F. [::]This is submitted for your information and you will be advised of further developments. " -. G. [::]This is submitted for your information and no further investigation will be conducted unless specifically re- quested by the Department. *W"*m*7*WM~. _, " _: . 3 H- :1 This covers the recei pt of a com laint and o 0" =" further action will be taken by this Bureau unless 1the Department.!._/;.._. so directs, 5:1 i~ 1 1;: ~f "" H l . M-'. .._l ', Enc- - ; I l . a»$;tz¢x§i,n... I 1 '. _- . .9-lg: 9, _ 4 . _ 7 Ir i__v___ l M _ 2___ i " 554 J! _ n-*.+=r _ - ¢ =ae 51- "1"" I: ~ -4- ~'='5;i'3~'.-~~=. -'..:-~§::~¥-,-. _92 . - »~¬'0»:-::_~ _ _ 4-vso4-11-ss! Rev. E XXXXXX XXXXXX FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FOIPA DELETED PAGE INFORMATIUNSHEET -iii 92 Page s! withheldentirely at this location in the le. One or moreof the following statements,where Cl indicated, explain this deletion. Deleted underexemption s! with no segregable El material availablefor releaseto you. _ E] Information pertained only to a third party with no reference to you or the subject of your request. Cl Information pertainedonly to a third party. Your name islisted in the title only. Documents originatedwith another Government agency ies!. These documentswere referred to that -@-i-_ agency ies! forreview anddirect responseto you. Pages containinformation furnished by anotherGovernment agency ies!. You will be advisedby the FBI as to the releasability ofthis information following our consultation withthe other agency ies!. _¢.Z_ Page s! withheld for the following reason s!: 2 E V- El For your information: I2 The followingnumber to is be used referencefor regardingthese pages: DnL . XXXXXX xzoorxxxxxxxxxrorrmxx XXXXXX N0DELETED DUPLICATION PAGEFEE S! X 3 XXXXXX X FOR THIS PAGE XX '5!/DOJ ii . w 7 Vbhl 7 V J :7I V7 V V V77__ If I 92 ~92 --.-._ . " ,, , 2/3/64 GENERAL IN'VES'I'IGA'1'I"'DIVISION . , ' . 7 - ' , Negro,r Department shotto deathadvisedat Amite 223164County, on a victim, 1; _ T g V _ M __.. _,.__,_;.;___1__. _v Mississippi, and requested inquiry as to *" _ __._~__,_> ' = whether '"'matters,'whether victim active in voterperformed autopsyregistration and Alsowhether local requested authoritiesinterview investigatin with . Civil Rights and desires no further investigation. Being furnished in writing to Assistant Attorney General Burke Marshall. i * , .--I92I_'l~+.;_*»* , _ -,>~~.-.¢»v=__.'c»-v...s..I i_ ,_ ,_, _' " ,V____ .___ ____, -r _.-"- '~ " V Y" '- Q-IA A - '- - _ >.. 0 - ' f » ' --.'.»~.=-..».¢ ¢~.~n-o-an-mas:-»=;.:,-an:-nna~-w~~p¢_~>~<-5-.-p---.---.4..--_-_____._.-. ...-..._._.__.._..._......._-- _...,__..__..._.-_._-_..-..~--_. -~ __~_ -~»._~ _---~¢-_- i; ¢.~i- _* 7. _ _ ...._'._*__._-~,_..._._..- ...,,.e.., _._..-i..._,......_..-.,92..~..._.........-_....".-...-,._»s....._.-~_M_',_is-:> ._.e-e___._,..... _-___:s_..._e_ _e__..,____,___~_e.. ._,__;.___..-,..,_.._,1-. -.-- VP._<: = <~--'_-%- 92~?':r~':ii':.-1ijrwz;i;i;f:=-'~1'~;<*i';"<"*<" .., ,i., .4. .».~i-. .4 - '-2'"?-~._ -_, "'*""'".""'-".531"-- "* ~'1",""»"»'!"-"-.,. -< ""'=..i~'~"*"'._ '-.i-"-""."»'-""<-J 5'."737;92"-5'"-*'~ ._i _~. = .i.-:7":-'~?""'F--<V --~. i - V » r"W"!*,*1 5-'»<"*?'-F7>~'<~'~' 5 -S '/£' .-.~,,;».;.~. .,_,..» -., -~- ,|t__~_. -_r_- _,,_...-,~ _ - __.-__ ._. _ ' . ._ " Yr. -. 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