US 2016.0000075A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2016/0000075 A1 CANSEV et al. (43) Pub. Date: Jan. 7, 2016 (54) USE OF PYRIMIDINES INSTIMULATION OF (86). PCT No.: PCT/TR2014/OOOO51 PLANT GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT AND S371 (c)(1) ENHANCEMENT OF STRESS TOLERANCE (2) Date: s Aug. 21, 2015 (71) Applicants: GULEN,Asuman CANSEV,(US); Mige (US); KESICI Hatice (30) Foreign ApplicationO O Priority Data ZENGIN, (US); Sergil ERGIN, Feb. 21, 2013 (TR 2013/02102 Yerleskesi, Eskisehir (TR); Mehmet E. 21. 2013 E. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2013/02103 CANSEV, (US); Nabi Alper Feb. 20, 2014 (TR) ................................. 2014/O1995 KUMRAL, (US); ULUDAG UNIVERSITESITEKNOLOUI Publication Classification TRANSFER OFSTCARET VE SANAYIANONIMSIRKETI, (51) Int. Cl. NILUFER, Bursa (TR) AOIN 43/54 (2006.01) (52) U.S. Cl. (72) Inventors: Asuman CANSEV, Bursa (TR); Hatice CPC AOIN 43/54 (2013.O1 GULEN, Bursa (TR); Mige " ( .01) KESICIZENGIN, Bursa (TR): Sergil (57) ABSTRACT ERGIN, Eskisehir (TR); Mehmet CANSEV, Bursa (TR): Nabi Alper Disclosed is the use of pyrimidines, especially uridine and KUMRAL, Bursa (TR) cytidine chemicals of pyrimidines in stimulation of plant growth and development, as well as use of pyrimidines espe (21) Appl. No.: 14/769,652 cially uridine in enhancement of stress tolerance, reduction of stress, repair of stress-related injury and inhibition of stress, (22) PCT Filed: Feb. 21, 2014 and the methods thereof. Patent Application Publication Jan. 7, 2016 Sheet 1 of 5 US 2016/0000075A1 NH2 O O NN NH NH N 1so N 1so N 1so H H H Cytosine Thymine Uracil - Figure 1 O O NH Ho- n-so HO O so O. OH OH OH OH OH Cytidine Thymidine Uridine Figure 2 NH O O a. N NH O. O. NH C. O o--O-P-O-P-O so HO-P-O-P-O-P-O No | HO-- O-P-O-P-O N YO O O. O. O O. O. O. O O. O. O OHOH OHOH Oh Oh Cytidine-5'-triphosphate Thym idine-5'-triphosphate Uridine-5'-triphosphate (UTP) (CTP) (TTP) Figure 3 Patent Application Publication Jan. 7, 2016 Sheet 2 of 5 US 2016/0000075A1 Cotrol Figure 6 Patent Application Publication Jan. 7, 2016 Sheet 3 of 5 US 2016/0000075 A1 Figure 8 Patent Application Publication Jan. 7, 2016 Sheet 4 of 5 US 2016/0000075 A1 Figure 9 1. O1.234.S6789.O Uridine Applications Figure 10 Patent Application Publication Jan. 7, 2016 Sheet 5 of 5 US 2016/0000075 A1 > O O t D O w US 2016/0000075 A1 Jan. 7, 2016 USE OF PYRIMIDNES IN STIMULATION OF synthetically produced and used can cause harmful effects on PLANT GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT AND the plants in case of overdose or faulty application situations, ENHANCEMENT OF STRESS TOLERANCE they may also pose threat on food safety by means of leaving residue in the food. THE RELATED ART 0005. Although stress is physically defined as force 0001. The invention relates to use of pyrimidine molecules applied to unit area, in biological terms, it is defined as the in the sector of agriculture. impact of an external factor on an organism (Levitt, 1980). 0002 The invention particularly relates to the use of said Stress factors affecting agricultural production are classified pyrimidine molecules in promoting growth and development as biotic and abiotic factors. While patogens, microorgan of plants and increasing their tolerances against biotic and isms, weeds, insects etc. are evaluated as biotic stress factors; abiotic stress factors. temperature, drought, radiation, Salinity, plant nutrients, light, flood, mechanical impacts (wind, Snow and ice mantle), THE PRIOR ART air pollution, toxins etc. environmental factors are defined as abiotic stress. 0003 Various internal and external factors, especially 0006 Abiotic stress conditions, besides negatively affect their genetic structures, are effective on growth and develop ing growth and development of plants, also cause increase in ment of plants. External factors can be listed as temperature, lose of efficiency more than 50% in fundamental products light, soil etc. environmental or ecological factors. Internal (Wang et al., 2004). Various external and internal factors, factors comprise hormone, carbohydrate, lipid, enzyme, and especially the genetic structures are effective in tolerance of secondary metabolites etc. all of the biochemical molecules plants against abiotic stresses and defence mechanisms in synthesized within the plant. Almost all of these substances physiological and molecular levels play role against these are natural or organic Substances that can be produced, within problems. the plant, can be transferred from the site of production to other parts of the plant where they are needed, and can be 0007 Stress causes some physiological, biochemical, and effective even in very low amounts. Among these Substances, molecular changes in plant metabolism (Levitt 1980). In which are required for various physiological phases and plants, most of the changes that occur during adapting to high metabolisms of plants, especially the impact of hormones is temperatures are reversible. However, if the magnitude of the of significance and specific effects of species or genera are stress is high, changes that are irreversible may occur and may determined and their new effects are being discovered day by cause death of the plant. day. These Substances are formed of growth promoters (aux 0008 Environmental factors of a region significantly ins, cytokinines, and gibberellins), growth preventers (absci affects the growth of plant types or kinds and the most impor sic acid), ethylene, which is the hormone in the form of a gas tant one among these factors is the temperature. Temperature that is synthesized in connection with maturation or aging. stress recently increasing together with global warming Besides these ones, studies about the use of brassinosteroids, causes efficiency and dry Substance ratio losses especially in salicylic acid jasmonic acid, and polyamines are also present, moderate climate regions (Levitt 1980, Giaveno and Ferrero which are also recently obtained from plants and their hor 2003, Wahid et al. 2007). Human activities cause increase of monal effects being proven. Therefore, these substances are carbondioxide, methane, chlorofluorocarbon, and nitrogen frequently applied externally with the purpose of control and oxide etc. greenhouse gas concentrations found in the atmo management of growth and development of plants. Synthetic sphere, which contributes to global warming (Wahid et. al. commercial productions of these natural Substances that are 2007). According to IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Cli synthesized from plants are used in external applications. matic Change) 2012 report; global temperature is expected to Since obtaining of natural hormones synthesized in the plant increase at around 1-3°C. towards the mid-21 century, while via purification is a very difficult, inefficient, and costly pro it is expected to increase 2-5°C. until the end of the 21 cess, Substances with similar characteristics can be produced century. synthetically. Except ethylene, the chemical structures of these hormones that are produced synthetically are not same 0009 Temperature stress is generally defined as the with the natural plant hormones. However, they may have the increase of temperature above the threshold for a certain time same or similar effect when they are administered. that causes irreversible damages in plant growth and devel 0004. Use of these substances in agriculture is subject to opment. Temporary increase in environmental temperature pesticide applications and requires registration and authori around 10-15°C. is defined as temperature shock or tempera zation by the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock. ture stress. However, temperature stress occurs according to Therefore, all kinds of research and trials of these substances density (degree temperature), time period, and rate of that are synthetically produced by the companies are made in increase of temperature (Eris 2003). an extremely sensitive manner so that they can have place in 0010 Cellular damages are caused by the presence of practical use according to the results of these research and reactive oxygen derivatives (ROS) occurring due to oxidative trials. The impacts of the hormones on the plants can vary stress triggered by temperature (Kumar et. al. 2007). Super according to the concentration of application, time of appli oxide (O2), hydrogen peroxide (H2O), and hydroxyl radi cation, the physiological stage in which the plant is found, the cals (OH), which are known as ROS, are formed as a result of age of the plant, the type and the genus of the plant, the interaction of metabolism with oxygen. ROS inhibit the member of the plant, and the ecological condition of the plant enzymes and have harmful effect on important cellular com at the time of administration. Therefore, it is of great impor ponents and their production is significantly increased under tance to follow the recommended authorized instructions in high stress conditions (McKersie and Lehsem 1994). Plants use of these Substances in control and management of growth and other organisms have developed various mechanisms in and development of plants. While these substances that are order to reduce and repair the damages caused by ROS. US 2016/0000075 A1 Jan. 7, 2016 Molecular defence mechanism of plants is a part of environ Paleg et. al., 1984; Arakawa and Timasheff, 1985; Incharoen mental stress factors and enables gaining stress tolerance sakdiet. al., 1986; Ashihara et al., 1997: Mansour 1998). (Peet and Willits 1998). 0015. As disclosed
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