Dollar Days Start In East Jordan OUR EAST JORDAN NEWS A 60th CHARLEVOIX COUNTY YEAR HERALD, CONSOLIDATED SERVING THE FASTEST GROWING AREA IN THE NORTH VOLUME 60 NUMBER 12 EAST JORDAN, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MARCH 22 1956 10 CENTS OVER THE Union Good Friday Services BACK FENCE BY MARSHALL Three East Jordan rural route Planned At Methodist Church mail carrier? wiil travel around the world this year. But the see- nery will be old stuff to them. They have made several trips a- Union Good Friday Services round the w irld without seeing Devils Bow To Boyne will be observed by East Jordan merrie England, naughty Pans churches tomorrov/. or Mr. Rhec, that fellow wno heads up an ever fighting Korea The Methodist Church %vil! be country. In Final Regional Game host to the following churches: Presbyterian. United Mission• ary, Lutheran and RLDS The Boyne City Ramblers Church. Not only do they travel ar• with one of their strongest teams ound the world once, but twice •n history of the school this Private meditation and scrin- each year covering more than week headed toward a showdown Sam Rogers ture reading of the crucifixion 50,000 miles every 52 weeks. for the Class C state basketball story and organ meditations will The tour covers 166 miles per championship as a result of wm- be conducted from 12 noon un• til 1 :,30 p.m. day nearly 1.000 miles per nintr the Grayling regional Named To week of fascinating countryside crown. The union preaching worship charming in ail seasons. will begin at 1:30 and the topics They had successful victories will be the seven last words. * * over previously unbeaten West Road Group Worship will conclude at 3 p.m. The mail earners' world tour Branch and Harrison and a 49 to Sam Rogers, of the Charlevoix Focal churches are asking covers beautiful Advance. *.nc . •> %v . 31 triumph over East Jordan's county- road commission, has East Jordan stores to close from deep blue waters of fatuous ir• Red Devils in the regional firm's been named to represent Ea=t l:lo p.m. to 3 p.m. Friday so onton and the hidden gardens ef Saturday nifrht. Jordan on the M-b'li Association, that everyone can attend Good Eveline Orchards. They travel Friday services. Coach Paul Phaler's neighbor• a committee seeking overall im• through the historic and rustic ing Boyne City outfit with & sea• provement of the highway north old winding path of M-32; and son's record of 20 wins and one through the state. trek across forgotten old firing loss, is reminiscent of the Boyne lines in the beautiful Jordan Va'- The Top O* Michigan Bowling East Jordan Businessmen's As• men from four cities making up The M-6fi Association is made To Open aggregation of the early 30'». ley. They come brcathtaking'y Association's annus! tournament sociation, throwing out the first 30 teams are bowling for $400 up of residents along the high• at Ea-,t Jordan Recrea tion be• way from Charlevoix to Battl" close to the intriguing land of ball. In background of above in nrizes. The Association's an• That team had the White bro- gins its second half Friday night Creek. Chestonia and experience the photo are from left. Minnie Dos- nual banquet will' be held Apf.I t-hcrs, Ham and Bill at the for• president Minnie DesJardins Court House ever present thrill of re-visiting jTrdins, Bettv Jo Strehl, local 9 at the American Legion Hall. ward, Fitzpatrick at center, and Tite group seeks to have tne said. First half of the tourney the Bohemian Settlement. bowler and delegate to the state Tournament awards will be Barden and Bradley at guards. state improve the road as an im• wis onened list Friday night cunvent-on; and Thora Kotowicn made at that time. portant north-south artery in This year's outfit with N:.s with Jerrv Ropers, president. ns^o-datinn secret a ry. 150 wo• —Photo by Oaant Lighthi:!. Michigan's coming highway im• Bids Friday Exhilarating views of rolling and Murray Norihrup, Juday, provement program. Bids for construction of a new hills and the great wide sweep Charon and Fitzpatrick as start• Rogers was named to repre• Charlevoix county court house of cherry orchards meets tboii ers, met Crystal Falls Wednes• Council Votes day ni.srht at the St. Franci? high sent local interests by the East will be accepted until 7 p.m. Fri• tireless eyes as they move thru Junior Plav "Man or Mouse school gym in Traverse City, It Jordan Businessmen's Associa• day, March :10, Clarence Rabach, the enchanting Peninsula coun• was the state quarter finals. tion at a board meeting Tues• chairman of the building com• try. The tour takes them peril• To Improve day night. mittee, has announced following ously close to exotic old Ells• Set For School April 10 The road group will meet at approval of plans submitted by worth and winds high above sea Boyne City 49 East Jordan 3t Ionia. April 22nd, it was said. The Junior Class ha? chosen a Tourist Park R. S. Cergnaoff of Yp3ilanti, level in a slow southernly safari architect. across mountains towards the three act comedy called "Man The city council- Monday nite The tall and talented Boyne City Ramblers proved to he too Bids wiil be opened March 30 ancient hog back formation and or Mouse" for their annual play hired Cliff Gil-hard to repair Father, Son much for the locals in the regio• and presented to the Charlevoix into the never never land of and improve the electrical ser• 8 p.m. April 10 at the gymnas• nal final Saturday night as thoy coun ty bo a rd of s u p e rv isors at Finkton. vice at. the Touri.t Park. Merchants ium. dominated play throughout the its regular April meeting April Tourists last -arnmer complai• 10. However. If contractors are * * * ned that low second half. Dinner Set .:»';'•'. trie voltage unable to submit bids on the giv• As the late afternoon sun -It ia a story of two young col• gave unsatisfactt ry service en date they wui accept until »plashe» across charming Lake lege men going into business for their trailers. Next Tues April !h Charlevoix the tour turns back For April 14 themselves, and the unusual (libhard said additional wir• THE LOCALS made a hattl* $140,000 IN FUND toward South Arm winding ever ing plans would provide go oi ntit of it during the first half ( har:i cters and p'oblems tluy Since the cnmiiv has about toward that mysterious commun• The annua! Fa' her nnd S ; service for from flu to 80 trail• but Roynheight, superior re• are en '"ron;cd with $140,000 in a sinking fund which ity of all nations — East Jor• banquet and all sport- dinnt ers. bounding began to take its toll March 27 has three years to run, plans now dan, where the Casban awaits ?p->n>'»ivd hv t-c KVt Jo:-!-- Increased use of the park and during the third neiiod as it has The f,."owing characters were The March meeting of the call for construction of only a their day's end and where they Pnt.irv Cub wi:: b > held Sr.., the additional number of trailers so many times this season. :•-;;. vn hy director Yaun Ogd, n: East Jordan Businessmen's two story section which will be make ready for another entran• d;iy. Apr:! 1 1. chairman A> lias taxed to the limit the origi• The lied Devils, r laying in the 'law Thi>ni;i-n:i, who wants to Association will bo held at the to the north of the present court• cing tourage come the rising Si:ud;iir h:;- announced. nal service, making additional el• regional finals for the thud <•'!:• . th- :11 of the world A!-a Jordan Inn 7 p.m. Tuesdav night house. Tt is cyp 'i'f •'(! ;." .1t be n*-< ectrical service a must. time in the last five years, had morning sun. March 27. As funds from tax revenues in <r * » gram will h" In'' d in : he h' - Xoiro; : E:-,g-y Edward--. Dav moved into the (1 ray ling finals Chairman Jerry Rogers said the fnture become available the East Jordan mail carriers have 0 :'. v.--1-1 :- w. 1' ing :o hc':> him. with a ">:> to 49 victory over once main topic of the evening wiil south one-story wing will be add• all this and get n-.id. too. For X Evan- ; AH -e Cray. S'enn- le at "ii North port, Thursday. be various events set up for the ed. more detailed information check ;••:'' n'tcr. unemploy, d. b-.it also Form New Boyne entered t! e finals via city's coming Swan Festival, The two-story section will be with the Post Office travel bur• w i"i::g to help. Fay Bennett. impressive victories over power• June 1-2. -14x94 feet with a 42x44 font eau manager. Two Red Devils ful West Branch and equally ov• Other items to tie taken up basement for the heating plant * * * H-:.'ti Duval. Dave's fwcet- Rotary Club er a powerful Harrison team. will include new industrial pros• and vaults. Both the first and End of stuff about the P. O t-'-i.^. W'I.O will do all she can, pects, summer advertising for s.econd floors will have offices. * * * In All-Star Sifuud Mar'ba Lord; Henry Ogicvie. a Seniors Richard Johnson, Jer• ; the city.
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