! i ^v.-" *- 'w"'#%v• • * • liS *f.""k^^• *>',<-":j"V,-'?- -r •• ' ^ r» M , f • • ' — V ? f| < , *, <*?• s •• - _ 1 ,r .$ •-* ii< * * * 1 a. *, * r ^ -• * ;i; * ' *7 » S'-K * "ife' -t ?• .. < , ... s> * ' 1"! Jpl'ft * **'„, • 5?.V. '•- \4VV * yrv-.**•* -* Vf . 4v ••J'-', * f>"•'-.-> „ V' -.. .. , " , fl , - ' "v*\1 ' -S » - :K'i v 1 5 4 . -S-, .Si#? ~-f *• . <- »- •••&'>-v - . r- - ' - - './ <.-:* ' ffC, l ; />-v j i.^. *.v *xr? : . *H t t i*,,„. " « •- - i,. v: • i • >' -.•-- > ~-' f ^"- v «i ^, ,n^' "•'.•• ^ - - !- " , * l " '. v *^.;V '-.j t } • 4 «ssts "s -V* 'W §ipgi - « "? ' -" ' t *!- ' „ ' - 5 -- ' %*' >/ SfciF'' %"t -* „ 4 - ?/ ~'ff r** ,#* -f ' "•VfF"? \ >*- ®Jf- s istisfi ', *. ''* » Y£ •J *- . :'• i- - • : * * • * iSftfS •; » %i flffSt wis w FRIDAY, APRIL 30, 1943 THE PORUW •£ PXQE THREE ? & vjy *mpm rl •/f SPORTS - LECTURES THEATRICALS #•>; r-i ^K; * <« . •>' . n v*'- ' •• AlIUSEUEn FACE i -"-ff'-'i-n!"!!!!!'i|^* ' Appointjed •REPUBLIC'S ROY ROGERS ENTERTAINS OUR iVol Guilty —• Puh4eam V m>y»TKj \ V-^ ^ *\« * r * MM BUYI'Nnpo r V TFH tV-v^M » ' SAVINGS y w .r.^jv* 1M> STAMPS Fifth and Wiiimms Sir Dayton, Ohio 8S8 ™ ^ 1 ->> • ¥^<f > ^ • CHILDREN 10c —API V tv -s"3''»« Program Week of M:xv ^-^1 % ^ -1 'A niSIMluyr^ JMI 'lijlUSSBBS RST i Sunday Only—May 2nd 1 € dottjl Krr-:."."-T'Rr: PEOURAM rea^iT-e No. ] i£ .<>*. vt CiiVti' .*'ts r.rnoiiP- " ot the appointment * -if" * ' '"Qeof^e L. Weaver, ab. •^U YC c ' *h<.;. CIO Cciiimit- to Dhcrinv %- uon. Tlie R^^ointnT.nt was •f l H lcryyri~by WiLlard S. £ r v7i\' ?r.'.r. Be- vcto.ry of the C .'^itte':,' and President of (Roy Rogers, King Of Th§ Cpvy'boys, toured army camps and flying fields in the South-t? t?'. Tra.n'^ort Semce Em- (west, at the special invitation of the Eighth Service Command. The Republic star shows j i p'(j /era of America. 1 [off hisjahootinMrons to an interested group at Sheppaw) * "" ~ ft* Mr. Weiyor «s a mejnber of I <•-\i! 10^1 rif +he Tranf?port .* ;icoE.-''.pioy?c3 of America, Tliirty-I>ay iUviyal Meeting * foor Ohiirilt MfCai'ihy V t .^suited everyon« nn<\ «verythioff y ach has some five hundred The Church of the Living but thr D""* * ' 1 to learn the wherenbouit of hiN *r.'> nbers among station em- tol!4-!o?:; — », «.1V, ( %>:4i r'.j^-ees in Chicago, Illinois. God has started a revival iv IvL Berr.sn i ;v * • * - ' \ w!io nrcompanied by Rd^ar r> is the Washington Repre- meeting that will last 30 days. l> m.. CW r, i . r ! ca WI.W each Sunday at 7:00 t* r<tative for the Transport The congregation is worship­ eSthfr yon »r - 'It. "I 1';>U nnthinf t« do u tlh I £ i vice Employees of America ing in a tent at 1901 German- Utork U M»s j»!rt»«? stork. Ferhiipa the fc".d Vice-Chairman of a loci town street. Bishop C. E. Fon- Washington anti" - di^crimin- ville is presiding. ^ V eI'i^n group, the Minorities Workshop., , . (-ARI) OF THANKS 1 We wish to thank our many OTSiT Vf**Wl| % :U frjeuds and relatives for their <a> J • 'I kindness, sympathy and beau­ Classic ># tiful floral offerings during UNII'RO hus STAVES N.A. VC P. Campaign" the recent loss of our ­ VINGIf Beginning May 10th and band, brother and uncle, GU» Theatre continuing through' l^Iay 31st, bert Bidgelou Evans. Also we .un>«i4Wi»< K<¥* the Dayton Branch of the Na- wish to thank the Rev. Isom West Fifth Street, Wiv «t» ^Mr%< tLnal A?r.oclation For the Ad- and McNeal for their kind ' vaiiut-lnen L of Colored People word,i. Tbe Higgins sisters Dayton, Ohio is sponsoring tha inrgewt Mem­ for their music and singing, bership C)mpaipjp in the his­ and the Smith -uickens funer­ tory of the Locai Branch. The al home for their efficient Program Week of May 2nd goal is 2000 additional new 'service. members. ,. Mrs. Georgia B. Evans, 1 Dr. M. M. Clarke has been Mrs. Cora Humphrey, Sunday and Monday, May 2nd and 3rd ®nmed Clnnrmim of fho Cam­ And family. FRED A8TAIUE paign by the Executive Com­ fWRICKNOWtES Wilt Mrs Jeanette McCaffrey RITA HAYWOOD JEROME COWAN WILL mittee. lie will be assisted by . fti-iiTHi'd by U. S. War r"pitrlment Bur«ni at Puiilta U»iaU<>«* in K»&f t.-,' .». ^ ten Captains, who will each be and Earl Richardson, Jr. of FORT CLARK, TEXAS—J.ioutenant Genera! Courtney H. Hodgcn, DON PORTER THOMAS fei command of ten Lieuten­ Winchester, Ky., are visiting Coramandinu' General of Third Army, Fort Sam Houston, addroaain* "You Were Never Lovelier ants. The Campaign has been their stop-daughter and moth­ the men and officer#, during the activation ceremony of the 8n4 Oi'Ktod (.v tfil C ri-Ni'i :.onuLt} aVery well planned by the Cam­ er, Mrs. Hattie McCaffrey Cavalry Division, Fort Clark, Texas. A UNivtKSAt PicruRe paign Committee. Richardson of- Maple utrccti MMHfWfpPi Tuesday £ Wednesday, May 4th and 5th * m * 9 ' Palace Theatre will present A1J.AN ION us ADDED ATTRACTIONS The Charity Organization Noon News in Vill meet Sunday, May 2nd at $ . _^ . f f I> at 4 p. v' u DeSoto itss Courts a "When Johnny Comes Marching Home" • J'lZzM m. A short program has been I arranged. All members are FValiire N<». - Urged to attend. Visitors are BOOTS Thursday and Friday, May 6th and 7th welcome, Mrs. Ella Tutt, presi­ "Johnny Doughboy" dent. DOUBLE FEAT! RE Jane Withers. Henrv Wileoxon and Pat rich Brook Also-—"(i-Men vm. Blark Dragon"—Chapter No. 1A "Mrs. Wiggs in Cabbage Patch" Mrs. Nettie Ford of Ash­ Mon, and Tues., Mav 3rd and 1th land. Ky., has returned home ami i '*i*V IMH BIJC IKAIliiI PKJKiKAM after spending a few days "Lucky Legs" Feature No. I with her sUp-sister, Mrs. Geroge B. Evans. '^Confirm or Deny" Saturday, May 8th Don Ameche ami Joan Bennett f Mrs. Margaret Jefferson V, s? Feature No. 2 ; ^Taylor was among the Uni­ 'DOLKLI; FEATURE "Along the Sundown Trail" versity of Dayton 1943 grad­ £ J«V S ,1 •-. > I "Thundering Hoofs" Bill iBoyd, Art Davis and Lee Powell ates. aiul Also—"(j-M< ii xs. Klaek Dragon''—Chapter No, 13 ^ i «1'Beyond Blue Horizon" Wed. and Thurs., May 5th and 6th DOUBLE FKATURK PROGRAM ^Popularity Contest For West Feature No. 1 . a , Side I>ay Nursery "Small Town Deb" ' One of the outstanding Jane Withers. ,!an<* IMnvfll and Brtiert events of the spring season SET THE MIRACLE OF PRAYER V;ill be the Popularity Contest Arthur Rellly, popular WLW WORK WONDERS FOR YOU... "Sherlock Holmes and Voice of Terror" . "tyider thn sponsorship of Mrs. (newscaster, can be heard from By brtuwtng fjv l<» ••k tor. *n<J l«»tn!nf him -<w the Nation's Station In an up- Mr«pt thhi gift# »h« tn»« »»y opoK fer sMm This B«dit Basil Rathbone and Nigel,Bruce ' Iporenr.e M. Wat:-on, which is to-the-minute news summary at Tolls y»wi Also—"All American News"—AH Colored News R* bcving nekl for the benefit of ! Tea Cannot Leie... Vow Muss* Wta • WfiM ie Ptit 11 15 a. m., CWT, Monday thru - - Itvt* n'w 1 ?i >w H> rt.&W? $3t*y*f» « W*»;» » fr»i tlin West Side Nursery, Friday, lie is also on the "World K V'- w/Alb iw V^*> Hnu to Jf* ti f • Mo*Hem to»a fr«rh»r •>» Fri. and Sat., May 7th and 8th -c The contest will be held at FJ >nt", Sunday, 4:30 p. m., CWT- THE MAGIC rOHMUta K«i«y, Mr HmiA. linden Community Center, I TOR SUCCESSFUL PRAYER f«r w SPECIAL FEATURE On Oar Stag© 3Kay 7, 1943, 8:00 P. M. to de- Doa't de)*y I h« »oo»«i» v ,!> *t»rt. th» *<«'»•' you Wwi, avtncm» On Our Sta ^e t mine vho will become the The TESTIMONYof THOUSANDS: i f*t fi(«ult« *o youi '1 evny#i»v !•""t4ttiM hita(tan. tn i« lfif/uw» lh««l "Boots and Saddles" •:1' liss Dayton of 1943." It's tin V«qm la (he Power, Yeun the Mflift 0«S Vyfe 4x-erywher* h«vf <*"*< m thf dentnd'jua, • Wh«t to ft*i fm I Vote lor these girls. They MOTEL & oUghly. newer-foiling Pow»i '>< Ptayer H you »'•*« • M»lt Urt Vw •• • fi#ro working for a worthy fj<W» tf vo« believe. H yo» *f* willing to put your Crtywi jA. >k- I trrwr in HTM who It tl.-c »o«fc* ot «Tt Po«er • Mow lo tawtop , cause—Mary Kimbro, Mar- THERESA T»« iOO# »IN» *OK Vow Splritwl jhiorite Turner, Thelma Hamp­ MMi !i; When In m*Y»eoY N«M ?|rl'» if • Jfct Srmfeoltim ti ton and Ruth Stroud. The Wonder Dog in Person CnUXDANCE HOUSE * Soiwon s "»esl tHn, NEW YORK Jr\J muz! BERJim ON THE SCREEN iU r>* » more ' f'ROTt*U HU Feature any omoon FRIDAY and SATURDAY—MAY 7th and 8th W«»t S«a» St 0«0t. y*rk. N, V. IHOltYOJOOOJlARii 'No- 1 a? the "Boots" has hwii the star of numerous motion [* KOKG E WA.SniTi (5 ^ ix lemon Juice pictures and understands 1300 worUi». BOj TON SLEPT HERE" ;| AT HO^ 7th Av«. at 125th St George Washinc || TO REUEVE «..in the Heart of Harhm NYAL FAMILY MEDICINES M ton Slept Here" 300 (parioua, nil outside room*, luxurious «uttc». The bceiutiful Proves Wonderful Orchid Room for dtnmg; iOckt«il Asthma Mucus "A FRIEND OF THE RACE" J&Jt Benny and K/RlluiftllS PftiNS lounge arid bar; the lovely Me*! jomne fo» rfclaxatiori.
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