CANADA DEPARTMENT OF MINES AND RESOURCES - REPORT MANITOBA OF LANDS, PARKS AND FORESTS BRANCH FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 1939 (Reprinted the Annual Report of the Department of Mines and Resource, from Pages to inclu8ive.) 68 167 OTTAWA J. O. PATENAUDE, I.S.O. PRINTER TO THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY 1940 CONTENTS . Lands, Parks and Forests .Branch. • •• . • . .. .. .. • . • . •.. 69 Bureau of Northwest Territories and Yukou Affairs.....•. ............. .. .. ... 69 '" Northwest Territories.. ..... ............ , ............•.••....•.......•••. " • 69 Yukon Territory... ..............•.•..••.• .........••.•.......•.....••.•.••.. 81 Land Registry. • • . • . • • • • • . • . • • • .. 86 National Parks Bureau.......... ............ .......................... ........... 89 National Parks of Canada.............. ... ........... ........................ 96 Historical Sites and Monuments. ................ ............................ 118 Migratory Birds Convention Act. ....... ... ...... ................••.......•••• 123 Appendix . • . • • • . • . • • .. 127 Dominion Forest Service..................... .................................... 128 Forest Economics. ........................ .........••••. ....••.••••.••••••••• 129 Silvicultural Research . • . • • • • . • . • • • • • • • . 133 Forestry Work in National Parks.................... ...... ................... 137 Forest Protection......................... ............ .. ....•••...•••.•..•••• 138 Forest Products Laboratories .••....................•........•........• " •. " • 147 Publications ....•...•••••, .•.• ,. • 167 ........................ ...............•..., DIRECTOR 1 GENERAL ADMINISTRATION I N.W.T. &. YUKONI NATIOnAL DOMINION FOREST SERVICE AFFAIRS N.1i COUNCr I � i] I pARKs litmuu I 1 ! I SUPT. MACKEl'ZIEI DIST' SUPT. EASTERN ARCTIC FOnES'l' PRODUCTS YUKON COUNCIL SILVlCULTURAL &. SEe"y N.W.T. LA.BORAT·CRI� (ELECTIVE) SEe'Y YUKON PARKS AND RESOUHCES RESEARCH N.W.T. &; COUNCIL l r Th"FOB1.'J..TION r ECONOMICS OTTANA AYFAIRS I :U°NrRE.t\l. I--I-- FOREST PROTECTION I I I MIGru..Tf.lRY. BIRDS VANCOUVER FIELD OFnCES GEN. AD�INI3TRATION EASTERN ARCTIC POOVINCES GEN. ADMINISTRATION MARITHE f YUKON TERRITORY � PATROL h I- ONTARIO&.· Q,UEBEC ADII.INISTRATION I V � PRAm PROVINCES FOREST EXPERWIDrrI .-J BRITIaJ IE C9WMllll f- STATIONS KANANASKIS, RE30URCES G GEN. AWINISTRATION AL'l'A. A I RIDING N.lI.T. YUKON � t- NATIONAL PARKS ttl' MA...1'l. ONT. &MAN J!MENl' N.W.T. FIELD- OFFICESI •• ErAllAWA, I I CALGARY, VALCARTIER. QUE. 'RINNIPEG�ALTA. ACADIA, N.B. WOOD BUFFALO PARK RECORDS, PUBLICATIONS FRE)EHICTON, N.B.. REINDEER DEPOT . I MlLN f t- HI'sTORle SITES N.W.T. GAME � GLACIER I AND MUSEtThlS REGULATIONS KOOTENAY FORTJtESS' OF' LOtJISBOURC, MOUlIT EVELSTO KE It LOUISBURG, N.S. I YOHO FORT ANNAPOLIS BANFF Al>'NE RoYAL MEDICAL SERVICE N.S. I I A1Q..A'fIK BUFFALO PORT HABITATION OUTSIDE SERVICES RBGISTRY L:lLA.ND LOWERROYAL GRANVIL LE, N.S. CHE,STEHF'I:::LD ELK I LAND I PA.."'1GNffiTUNG JASPER FORT BEAUS FJOUR, I I POBT NE!;:I::;}(JJ,4 AULAe, RAJIUM N.B. ;VATEr.TON LAY.ES FORT CRAUELY CHA,)/BLY, QUE. Sn.:?SONRESOLUTIQ!,' INCE ALBERT PH FOHT LENNOr.. I lLE-AlJX-NOIX, I I RIDINC 1,:OtJNTADl ADMINISTRAXION. YUKON OFFICES N.w.T. OFFICES SUITH QUE. FOHT CEORGIAN BAY 13L.\NDS DAWSON SMITH YELLO·,VKUIFE SIB Wn..FBID LAURIER'S RECORllS. Pon�T PELE:; MAYO PORTFOHT RADIUM BIRTHPLACE, ST. LIN, QUE. FEDERAL LAND LAWRENCE DS WHITEHORSE I YELLOWKNIFE I 5T. ISUN FORT WELLINGTON. PRESCOTI', REGISTRY 0 FFIC E. CAPE BRETON HIGHLAN.oo ONT. SEED GRAIN PEll' C1:: EDWARD ISLAND I I fORT MAlDEN AMHERSTBURG, ADVAlI:ES. aNT. REINDE� I I RESERVE I Organization Chart, Lands, Parks and Forests Branch 69 LANDS, PARKS AND FORESTS BRANCH ROY A. GIBSON, DIRECTOR The Lands, ood Forests Branch administers h resources of Pthearks N orthwest and Yukon Territories, t edeals minerad, furamd otber arising from the local government of the two TandCl"ri rories.also It wiadminis­th MY businesshe Nation al Parks of Canada gives a Lead in the cooservatioo of wild ters tmarks histofiic ,sites of nationalrund im portance, and a the entOOUJ'Iu,ge­ life sts of travel. It conductsecientific investigations rellatingssi inthe safeguarding, llle�t to a me t, utilization of the forest :resouroes of the Dominion, lll n>age n forestrund maximumexperiment stations and pmducts l'aboratmles. A Land Regilll�ntastryjning Offi ce, which with land ownedforest by the Dominion in the various provinces, is also maintained.deals The Brooch oomprises four main bureaux or services ood the chart indicates the plan of organization. activities of the Branch nhere­ with exte every province amd territory of the Dominil()n.'Ilhte d to BUREAU OF NORTHWEST TERRITORIES AND YUKON AFFAIRS NORTHWEST TERRITORIES es N a: w Territories c,ompris€ that portion of the mainland of Crunada Thenorth o ·ofth the tP,royjnces ·of Manitoba, Saskatcihewam,and Alberta, east lyingYukon Territory, islands in Hudsl()n and J es rundHudoon ofStrait, including Ungavathe Bay and the vast Arctic Archipelago.am Bays andThe in estimated total of land and freshwater areas of the Northwest Territories is 1,309,682 square miles. Accoil:ding to the offi6a1 census of 1931 the population of the Northwest Territarie:3 totu,lled 9,723, class,ified a f'oHows: Indians, 4,046 ; Eskimos, 4,670; and white inhabitants, 1,007. However,s due to the mining activity which has developed in the Mackenzie District during recent years, the white population c()llsiciemhly i'IllcTeased, the estimated total being 2,000. ha.s The Territories Act (Chapter 142 R.S.C. 1927) pI'loyides fOir Nori:Jhwest a Territorial Government composed of the Oommi,sg;iooer I()f the Nortlhwest Terri­ i tories, the Deputy Comm s, on r, and five COUIl>ciHors, rull appointed by the n s i e e all in Counc.il. T'he Oommissioner in Council has power to make ordinancesGovernor G forer the Government of the Territories under instructions £rom the i respect­ o r r Genem l in Council or the M,:inisWr of M n and Resources, ingG v dia:ccte no the es i taxation within Territories in order U'a. s revenue, etc., estab­ lishment and tenure 'of territoria,l offioes and the ,appointmentto e and payment of maintenaJlCIe of priso!lls, muni,c,ipal institutions, licences, solemnization officers, g s, properly ,and civil rights, administration justice, and generally of marri mattersa e of a local or private nature :in the Territories.of The seat of Govern­ mentapl is at Ottawa. Council Commissioner-Charles Camsell. Deputy Commissioner-R. A. Gibson. Memb of Council-A. L. Cumming, K. Daly, H. W. McGill, O. D . Skelton, ers S. T. Wood. R. L. McKeand. &cretarY-D. DEPARTMENT OF MINES AND RESOURCES LANDS, PARKS AND FORESTS BRANCH 70 71 WORK OF COUNCIL MEDICAL OFFICERS Twelve regular of CounoiJ Wlere iheld durling the yea;r and Medical Officers employed by the Department are stationed at Fort Smith, ressiOlIlS seV€l'al important matters c,a;me up for consideration. Resolution, Simpson, Norman, Aklavik, Port Radium, Yellowknife, Chesterfield, Assent ardlintall'ce in of busin , clwvlings, nd Pangnirtung. To facilitate medical administration, the Territories have was given to 00 ifespect esses trades a and occupations and the issue of licences thereunder. Separate ordinances were been divided into medical districts over which the resident Medical Officers have in with chemists druggists (pharma;ceutica;l) and in..�. isdiction. They are responsible for the general health and welfare of the rupproved connectj,on 'and jur anc€ agents. Some oonsideratiOlll was given maft JegisJ,ation for the control tive population. Extensive patrols are made to outlying areas when con­ to na regulation ,and &a;le of liquor and for Mm�nistration 'Of purely looal itions permit, and contact is maintained at all times of the year by means of the ,affairs at d Yellowlmife. The Committee on rev,isiion of the Northwest Territori� e radiotelegraph service. All doctors have been appointed coroners, and also tJhe th Ordinances reported progress and seve-Dal obs{)llete ordil!lJ3;Il!Ce8 welfe repeaJJed. act as Medical Health Officers in order to enforce the sanitary regulations. They 'rumendment Northwest Territories Act w,as rec ended authorize also supervise the various mission hospitals, residential schools, and industrial An to the omm to the inspection of bagga;ge 5.n tramit as a means of preventing i1legal tr rta. homes. ti'on of fUT. anspo HOSPITALS The organization and itinerary of the annual Eastern Arctic Patrol was arranged. During the year, a new Roman Catholic Mission hospital was opened at A number of applications for permits to make exploratory and scientific Resolution, bringing the total of such institutions up to eight, exclusive of the investigations in the Northwest Territories under the terms of the Scientists and hospitals operated by the mining companies at Yellowknife and Port Radium. Explorers Ordinance were dealt with and reports of expeditions considered. The regular hospitals are situated within the principal settlements and are Various measures were considered in reference to game conservation of operated by the Anglican and Roman Catholic Missions. An arrangement has which the following might be specially noted: limitation of the issue of hunting been in effect with the Mission authorities for the treatment of indigent whites, and trapping licences; creation of Mackenzie Mountains Game Preserve; wolf Eskimos, and half-breeds, at a rate of $2.50 per diem. Payment to the hospitals bounty; restriction of aeroplanes in trapping operations; muskrat
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