The World’s Largest Circulation Marine Industry Publication • The Information Authority for the Global Marine Industry since 1939 • Number 1 Volume 78 January 2016 MARITIME REPORTER AND ENGINEERING NEWS M A R I N E L I N K . C O M Ship Repair Spain’s Winning Streak Cyber Security The Top 10 Threats Marine Salvage SUPSALV & Finding El Faro Passenger Vessels Small Cruise Market Blossoms The Fishing Fleet It’s Time to Rebuild COV1 MR Jan 2016.indd 1 1/7/2016 2:53:03 PM From Basic Design to Production Detailing and beyond BASIC DESIGN DETAIL DESIGN PRODUCTION DESIGN 5HXVHLQLWLDOGHVLJQGDWDIURP5KLQR0D[VXUI 'LUHFWO\UHXVHWKHEDVLFGHVLJQ $XWRPDWLFDOO\QHVWSODWHVDQGSUR¿OHVGLUHFWO\ 1$3$DQGRWKHUV IURPWKHPRGHO 5DSLGO\DGGGHWDLOWRWKH'PRGHO 5DSLGO\GHYHORSDEDVLF'VWUXFWXUDOPRGHO *HQHUDWH1&FRGHIRUDQ\EXUQLQJPDFKLQH $XWRPDWLFDOO\EXLOGWKHSURGXFWLRQPRGHO 0DQDJHFKDQJHZLWKDVVRFLDWLYHDQGSDUDPHWULF PDUNLQJDVVHPEO\EHQGLQJDQGPRUH DVWKH *HQHUDWHSLSHDQG+9$&VSRROGUDZLQJV 'PRGHOLQJIHDWXUHV 'PRGHOLVFUHDWHG *HQHUDWH'DVVHPEO\GUDZLQJV &UHDWHGHIHDWXUHG'PRGHOVIRU)($ ([SDQGVKHOOSODWHVLQFOXGLQJIRUPLQJWHPSODWHV *HQHUDWHSUR¿OHSORWVVNHWFKHV *HQHUDWH'FODVVL¿FDWLRQDQGJHQHUDO &RPPRQHQYLURQPHQWIRUDOOGLVFLSOLQHV DUUDQJHPHQWGUDZLQJVIURPWKH'PRGHO *HQHUDWH'ZRUNVKRSGUDZLQJV $GGLQWHOOLJHQWSHQHWUDWLRQVWKURXJKVWUXFWXUH $XWRPDWLFDOO\XSGDWHGUDZLQJVDV *HQHUDWHV\VWHPDUUDQJHPHQWGUDZLQJV 9LVXDOO\GH¿QHWKHEXLOGVHTXHQFHDQGRWKHU FKDQJHVKDSSHQ SDUWEUHDNGRZQV *HQHUDWHFDEOHSXOOVFKHGXOHV $OORFDWHVSDFHIRUPDMRUV\VWHPV $XWRPDWLFDOO\LGHQWLI\DQGPDQDJHZHOGLQJ $XWRPDWLFDOO\XSGDWHGUDZLQJVDV 'H¿QHDOLVWRIPDMRUHTXLSPHQWIRUWKHSURMHFW FKDQJHVKDSSHQ $XWRPDWLFDOO\DGGEHYHOLQIRUPDWLRQ 3ODFHPDMRUHTXLSPHQWLQWKH'PRGHO 'ULYH1&SUR¿OHFXWWLQJ 'H¿QHSLSHVSRROV 9HULI\WKH'PRGHODJDLQVW3 ,'¶V 'ULYH1&SLSHIDEULFDWLRQ 0RGHOZLUHZD\VDQGURXWHFDEOH 9LVXDOL]HWKHDVVHPEO\VHTXHQFH 9LVXDOL]HWKH'PRGHORQVLWHRULQWKH $XWRPDWLFDOO\PDLQWDLQSDUWQDPLQJEDVHGRQ FORXGYLD$XWRGHVN1DYLVZRUNV &UHDWHDVEXLOWPRGHOVIURPODVHUVFDQGDWD DVVHPEO\VHTXHQFHDQGSURSHUWLHV *HQHUDWHFXVWRPL]HGUHSRUWVIURPWKHPRGHO www.SSI-corporate.com COV2, C3 &C4 MR JAN 2015.indd 2 1/2/2015 11:09:06 AM MR #1 (1-9).indd 1 12/29/2015 3:46:36 PM CONTENTS NUMBER 1 / VOLUME 78 / JANUARY 2016 30 Detyens 26 44 38 NTSB SunStone Ships IN THIS EDITION 26 FISHING FLEET INVESTMENT 8 ECDIS UPDATE: HALFWAY HOME 22 TOP 10 CYBER SECURITY THREATS The world fl eet is steaming toward full ECDIS implementation. In maritime and offshore sectors, cyber security concerns take center As the world fi shing fl eets age, MR stage. examines investment trends in new vessels and technologies. This month By Henrik Segercrantz attention turns to Europe. 12 LIMITLESS SALVAGE Whether driven by treasure hunting or environmental protection, the days By William Stoichevski of forgotten wrecks, even at great depths, is past. 30 REPAIR: SPAIN’S WINNING STREAK While many maritime markets stumble, Spain -- specifi cally Astican & By Dennis Bryant Astander -- invest in strong growth. Editorial 6 Tech Notes 10 By Joseph Fonseca 14 CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT Government Update 12 Implementing continuous improvement in maritime training. Training & Education 14 By Murray Goldberg 34 SURVIVING THE PETROBRAS CRISIS Five Minutes With ... 16 While the business of building and repairing ships in Brazil has been tumul- tuous, Enseda proves there may be a light at the end of the tunnel. Piracy Report 18 Cyber Secruity 20 16 5 MINUTES WITH ... FREDERIC FONTAROSA By Claudio Paschoa Wilhelmsen Ships Service (WSS) Ships Agency’s Frederic Fontarosa is Ship Repair Notes 36 aiming to consolidate its position in the ships agency segment. Vessels 48 44 SMALL CRUISE MARKET BLOSSOMS Products 54 Looking for a growth sector? Turn your attention to the small cruise mar- People & Companies 56 20 SAFER SHIPS VIA PHANTOM SHIPS ket, where innovation and fl eet expansion are rampant. As technology marches forward fast regarding unmanned vessels, much Buyer’s Guide 58 consideration must be given to cyber security concerns. By Kathy A. Smith Classifi ed 59 By Emil Muccin Advertiser’s Index 64 2 Maritime Reporter & Engineering News • JANUARY 2016 MR #1 (1-9).indd 2 1/8/2016 2:49:40 PM MR #6 (1-9).indd 5 6/1/2015 4:30:49 PM Contents MARITIME REPORTER AND ENGINEERING NEWS THE COVER M A R I N E L I N K . C O M Odfjell chose Bahrain’s ASRY to upgrade the propulsion systems on three of ISSN-0025-3448 its chemical tankers, a signifi cant job from the perspective of both owner and USPS-016-750 yard as it involved the install of a new energy effi cient concept to reduce fuel No. 1 Vol. 78 consumption and emissions by 20% per vessel. Odfjell, ASRY, MAN Diesel & Turbo, Grenna Motorfabrik and ABB Turbocharging AS team on innovative Maritime Reporter/Engineering News propulsion project. (ISSN # 0025-3448) is published monthly (twelve issues) by Maritime Photo: ASRY Activity Reports, Inc., 118 East 25th St., New York, NY 10010-1062. Peri- odicals Postage Paid at New York, NY and additional mailing offi ces. POSTMASTER: Send all UAA to Finding El Faro CFS. NON-POSTAL AND MILITARY FACILITIES send address corrections to Maritime Reporter, 850 Montauk This month we discuss marine salvage with Captain Hwy., #867, Bayport, NY 11705. Gregg W. Baumann, U.S. Navy, Director of Ocean The publisher assumes no respon- Engineering, Supervisor of Salvage and Diving. sibility for any misprints or claims Captain Baumann (below) and his team have a 38 or actions taken by advertisers. The publisher reserves the right to refuse long and proud history regarding diffi cult missions any advertising. Contents of the publication either in whole or part may accomplished, including most recently the location not be produced without the express and fi lming of the lost TOTE containership El Faro. permission of the publisher. Copyright © 2015 Maritime Activity By Greg Trauthwein Reports, Inc. SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION In U.S.: One full year (12 issues) $84.00; two years (24 issues) $125.00 Rest of the World: One full year (12 issues) $110.00; Bryant Goldberg Muccin two years $190.00 (24 issues) including postage and handling. Email: [email protected] Web: www.marinelink.com t: (212) 477-6700 f: (212) 254-6271 12 14 20 Member Salvage Training & Education Cyber Security Limitless Continuous Safer Seas with Salvage Improvement Phantom Ships Business Publications Audit Dennis L. Bryant Murray Goldberg Emil Muccin of Circulation, Inc. 4 Maritime Reporter & Engineering News • JANUARY 2016 MR #1 (1-9).indd 4 1/8/2016 2:49:16 PM MR #1 (1-9).indd 5 1/5/2016 10:23:45 AM EDITORIAL MARITIME REPORTER AND ENGINEERING NEWS M A R I N E L I N K . C O M HQ 118 E. 25th St., 2nd Floor New York, NY 10010 USA Tel +1 212 477 6700 Fax +1 212 254 6271 www.marinelink.com New Year ... FL Offi ce 215 NW 3rd St Boynton Beach, FL 33435-4009 Tel +1 561 732 4368 Fax +1 561 732 6984 Same Story ... Publishers John E. O’Malley John C. O’Malley [email protected] Associate Publisher/Editorial Director GREG TRAUTHWEIN, EDITOR & ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER Greg Trauthwein [email protected] Vice President, Sales ew Years means many things for many 1993 edition handy, I invite you to glance through one of our Rob Howard [email protected] people, some attaching a somewhat mythi- signature “Riverboat Gaming Supplements,” complete with Web Editor Eric Haun [email protected] cal quality of renewal, goal-setting and advertising for slot machines in our pages! (If you don’t have Web Contributor prognostication. Personally it means a good a copy, fi nd it online at http://magazines.marinelink.com/Mag- Michelle Howard [email protected] dinner with good friends the night before, azines/MaritimeReporter/199308/fl ash/ and turn to page 35). Editorial and the turning of the clock following yet My point is not an aimless stroll down memory lane, simply a Joseph Fonseca - India Claudio Paschoa - Brazil another 24 hour period; watching a ton of football for a day reminder that there are always opportunities. Peter Pospiech - Germany andN digging back into work. This year is certainly no differ- This month I’m happy to present the fi rst of a new quarterly ent, and when I look at the global maritime market as a whole, series of reports on the rebuilding of the world fi shing vessel Production Irina Vasilets [email protected] on January 1, 2016, I see nearly the same picture as the day fl eet, authored by Oslo-based correspondent William Stoi- Nicole Ventimiglia [email protected] before: energy pricing remains in a historic slump and China’s chevski. Stoichevski sits in Norway, which has been hit with Corporate Staff Mark O’Malley, Public Relations economy is stuck in neutral, both with varying ramifi cations a good deal of economic pain from the precipitous drop in oil Esther Rothenberger, Accounting across the maritime sectors; and overall the world is a bit more pricing. Norway and North Sea oil go hand in hand, and while Information Technology Vladimir Bibik chaotic, a bit more politically unstable. This is neither good no one is proposing that fi shing vessel design, supply and con- Emin Tule nor bad, it simply is reality re-lived. Our industry seems to struction will replace oil money, the fi shing industry strikes to be particularly poor at fi nding and maintaining equilibrium. the very core DNA of the Norwegian industry, and as always, Subscription Kathleen Hickey [email protected] When oil was selling for $120 per barrel, many companies innovation of design and outfi t is the hallmark. His report literally could not build and bring into service offshore assets starts on page 26. The small cruise vessel market is another Sales fast
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