PLANNING APPLICATION REPORT Case Officer: Wendy Ormsby Parish: Bickleigh Ward: Woolwell Application No: 1954/18/OPA Agent/Applicant: Applicant: Mr Keith Fenwick, WYG Mr A Lopes, The A & M Trust 54 Hagley Road C/O Agent 3rd Floor Edgbaston, Birmingham B16 8PE Site Address: Development site at SX 513 609, Land off Pinewood Drive, Woolwell, Plymouth Development: Outline application with some matters reserved for the erection of up to 38 no. dwellings with associated vehicular access from Pinewood Drive and other enabling works (resubmission of 2169/16/OPA) Reason item is being put before Committee: At the request of the Ward Member Councillor Hopwood for reasons including the following: The development is not sustainable for the following reasons There is no capacity at the local primary school or doctors The local shop is closing down next month The bus stop is too far from the site The nearest play park is across a very busy road The A386 can’t take more traffic The site is outside of the development boundary and is not a natural extension to Woolwell Not needed for the Council’s 5 year housing land supply Recommendation: Recommendation: Delegate to COP Lead Development Management, in conjunction with Chairman to conditionally grant planning permission, subject to a Section 106 legal obligation. However, in the event that the Section 106 legal Agreement remains unsigned six months after this resolution, that the application is reviewed by the COP Lead Development Management, in consultation with the Chairman of the Committee, and if no progress is being made delegated authority is given to the COP Lead Development Management to refuse to application in the absence of an agreed S106 Agreement. The terms of the Section 106 Obligation are: Affordable Housing 30% Primary school infrastructure: £88,738 Interpretation of the tramway and hard landscaping or artwork at the access road crossing Securing ongoing management and maintenance of open space, boundary features and buffer zone habitats in accordance with the LEMP in perpetuity On going management of any drainage features/infrastructure within public open space £975 per person towards improvement of play and recreation facilities at the Woolwell Centre or other identified local facility, the detail to be agreed with the Ward Member and Parish Council. Highway improvements on the A386 Woolwell to George, financial contribution of £ 184, 644 Conditions 1. Std outline time 2. Std outline submission of reserved matters 3. Accords with plans 4. CEMP 5. Estate roads etc to be provided in accordance with details to be agreed 6. Cycle improvement works to be completed prior to 1st occupation 7. Pre commencement – drainage strategy and flood exceedance route plan to be approved 8. No development shall take place until the applicant has secured the implementation of a programme of archaeological work in accordance with a written scheme of investigation which has been submitted by the applicant and approved by the Planning Authority. The development shall be carried out at all times in strict accordance with the approved scheme, or such other details as may be subsequently agreed in writing by the District Planning Authority. 9. Provision of electrical charging points. 10. Submission of a light modelling plan (showing LUX contours) at Reserved Matters stage. 11. No external lighting unless agreed by LPA 12. Submission at RM stage of an Ecological Mitigation and Enhancement Strategy (to include impact avoidance, mitigation and enhancement proposals for construction and operational phases. The EMES should be fully integrated with the Landscape Details/Scheme and should demonstrate net gain in biodiversity, developing the recommendations of the Ecological Appraisal). 13. Pre-commencement submission of a LEMP detailing ongoing management and maintenance of boundary features, open space and buffer zone habitats 14. Prior to first occupation of any residential unit, a scheme to secure mitigation of the additional recreational pressures upon the Tamar European Marine Site, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The scheme shall be implemented in full prior to first occupation. (supporting informative and reason given within the HRA) 15. Landscape details, including boundary treatments and maintenance schedule to be agreed in RM and implemented in accordance with agreed timetable 16. Provision of parking and turning prior to occupation 17. Removal of PD – boundary treatments and hardstandings 18. Retention of boundary treatment to buffer zone 19. Reserved matters - Detailed design of permanent surface water management system which shall demonstrate no adverse impact on adjacent ancient woodland or proposed open space. 20. Pre-commencement - Construction phase surface water management 21. Unexpected contaminated land 22. Tree protection measures to be agreed and implemented 23. 15m Buffer zone to be provided Key issues for consideration: The site lies outside of but immediately adjacent to the development boundary and is adjacent to an Ancient Woodland, Strategic Green Space (JLP Policy DEV 29) and land covered by JLP Policy PLY45 designation The site itself is covered by the proposed new policy Plymouth’s Urban Fringe in the proposed modifications to the emerging Plymouth and South West Devon Joint Local Plan (JLP) Given the location of this unallocated site outside the development boundary it is considered that, taking into account paragraph 11 of the NPPF, the initial issue to be considered is whether the proposed development is contrary to up to date development plan policies and whether or not the development represents sustainable development. In making this assessment key issues will relate to highway impact, ecological impact, landscape impact, residential amenity and the policy designations in the emerging Plymouth and South West Devon Joint Local Plan (JLP) and Bickleigh Neighbourhood Plan. Financial Implications (Potential New Homes Bonus for major applications): It is estimated that this development has the potential to attract New Homes Bonus of £51,096 per annum, payable for a period of 5 years. Members are advised that this is provided on an information basis only and is not a material planning consideration in the determination of this application. Site Description: The site of 3.32 ha wraps around the south eastern tip of Woolwell and comprises an irregular shaped agricultural field adjoined by ancient woodland to the south, east and west and separated from housing to the north by a strip of mature trees which grow alongside the dis-used tramway line which runs adjacent the northern site boundary. As such the site is surrounded by mature trees and hedgerows. The site slopes gently down towards the south and east. The site is located outside of but adjacent to the development boundary. Dartmoor National Park is located approx. 2.5km to the north east. The site is in private ownership; there is no public right of way through the site however the public do appear to be using the land for recreational purposes; this is without consent from the landowner. The site has been fenced off in the past but the fence has been broken through. The housing to the north is part of the suburb of Woolwell, built in the 1980/90’s in a design and layout typical of that era, using mostly brick. Access to Woolwell is from a roundabout on the A386, this is the only way to get on/off the main highway network to get in/out of Woolwell. The site is approx. 300m from the nearest play space and approx. 750m from the local primary school. The Proposal: The application seeks outline planning permission for 38 dwellings with matters of access to be agreed. It is proposed to include 30% affordable housing which equates to 12 units and other relevant contributions include: Primary school education infrastructure: £88,738 Highway improvements on the A386 Woolwell to George, financial contribution of £ 184, 644 Plymouth Sound and Estuaries SAC: circa £1,560 but depends on house sizes. £975 per person towards improvement of play and recreation facilities at the Woolwell Centre or other identified local facility It is proposed to take access into the site off the hammer head of the end of the Pinewood Drive cul de sac and this will mean crossing the old tramline to get into the site. The layout shows a 15m buffer zone around the perimeter of the site where it adjoins the Ancient Woodland, this buffer zone would be fenced off to control access and planting provided in the new buffer zone. The illustrative layout shows how 38 dwellings could be accommodated within the site and show how a useable and visually connected area of public open space could be included within the site in the southern area of the site. Layout is not to be agreed as part of the outline application however the illustrative plans show how the proposed number of units might be accommodated within the site. The proposal addresses drainage. Concern has been raised about earlier drainage proposals that required an outfall pipe to run through the ancient woodland. The scheme has been amended to show that a pumping station could be used to avoid the need for this if it is demonstrated to be harmful to the adjacent woodland. The application was originally submitted for 46 dwellings, in response to concerns and objections raised the application has been amended and housing numbers reduced to 38. Consultations: County Highways Authority: No objections – reiterates comments for application 2169/16/OPA
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