Schlaglicht Israel Nr. 5/17 Aktuelles aus israelischen Tageszeitungen 1.-15. März Die Themen dieser Ausgabe Bericht zum Gazakrieg ............................................................................................................................................. 1 Boykottieren verboten ............................................................................................................................................... 3 Gräberschändung auf jüdischen Friedhöfen in den USA .......................................................................................... 5 Medienquerschnitt .................................................................................................................................................... 6 Bericht zum Gazakrieg nal responsibility, as if it was the finger of God that Kaum ein gutes Wort für die Entscheidungstragen- directed the IDF to embark on the operation and the den fand Staatskontrolleur Joseph Shapira in sei- finger of God that sabotaged its military, political and nem Bericht über den Gazakrieg vor zweieinhalb moral conduct. (…) the threat of another military Jahren. Die Armee sei auf ihre Mission nicht vorbe- conflict has yet to be lifted. This is the sorry outcome reitet gewesen, die militärischen Ziele blieben lange of Operation Protective Edge, which was born out of unklar, zudem hätten dem militärischen Geheim- revenge for the kidnapping and murder of three dienst nur mangelhafte Informationen vorgelegen, teenage Jewish boys. The situation created in Gaza und die Minister des Sicherheitskabinetts seien über as a result of the war did not interest the report’s die konkrete Situation weitgehend im Dunkeln ge- authors. It focuses on the broad and particularly blieben. Dabei geht es vor allem um die unterirdi- frustrating chapter on the tunnels. (…) The question schen Tunnel, die die Hamas gräbt, um Terrorkom- of whether the members of the cabinet received a mandos nach Israel zu schleusen. Shapira wirft der proper report of the background and the threat, the Regierung außerdem vor, keine diplomatischen risks and the possible outcomes, is much more Anstrengungen unternommen zu haben, um den important to them than evaluating the wisdom of Krieg abzuwenden. Israel habe die wirtschaftliche embarking on the operation and the soundness of Lage im Gazastreifen und die Finanzkrise der Ha- adopting the concept of wholesale destruction as a mas-Führung ignoriert und mit der Einfrierung der tool of deterrence. (…) the conclusion that glimmers palästinensischen Steuern und Zölle wenige Monate from among its pages is that as long as the govern- zuvor noch forciert. Sollte die sich verschärfende ment and the army stick (…) are efficiently preparing humanitäre Krise nicht aufgefangen werden, so for the next round of violence there.(…) fürchten Experten, dann sei eine weitere militärische Editorial, HAA, 01.03.17 Konfrontation nur eine Frage der Zeit. An airport in Gaza, for the benefit of all Darkness at the end of the tunnel (…) I have a dream, one I’m working tirelessly to The state comptroller’s report (…) contained no turn into a reality: to establish a UN-operated hu- shocking surprises. (…) Meanwhile, the political manitarian airport for the civilian population in Gaza. struggle over responsibility has already become an (…) Hamas is there to stay and, in turn, likely to arena for battles that reached their ugly climax just control the Strip for a long time to come. (…) As long before the report was published. (…) It recommends as Hamas is in power, Israel will continue to deny no action against individuals and imposes no crimi- many needed improvements in the Strip. However, it 1 would be a strategic, diplomatic, humanitarian and cannot grasp. This sounds horrifying, and rightly so. ethical disaster to maintain the status quo for Gaza’s (…) civilians, regardless of who controls the territory. (…) Amira Hass, HAA, 03.03.17 The airport I propose is one project that can pre- No leader at the end of the tunnel serve Israel’s legitimate security needs, improve the The most serious finding in the state comptroller’s lives of Gaza’s civilians and prevent Hamas from report on Operation Protective Edge exists only benefiting materially, financially or symbolically. between the lines: If tomorrow Israel enters a new Airport security would be conducted and maintained military conflict in Gaza, it will be run the exact same by the UN through specialized task forces via an way the previous operation was run. The tunnel arrangement similar to that utilized by the EUBAM at problem has not been solved yet, despite the huge the Rafah border crossing or the one currently being financial investment. The operational plans have not deployed by the UN Interim Force in southern Leba- been completed either. Rockets, mortar shells and non. (…) A humanitarian airport in Gaza would help missiles will be fired into Israel, and we cannot rule accelerate redevelopment and would relieve the out the possibility that they will paralyze the traffic at inability of Gazans to travel freely. It would also Ben-Gurion Airport. (…) We are facing the same provide a creative solution to sustainable peace in dilemmas, with the same leadership, with the same the Strip. (…) There isn’t much time left to reverse conception, with the same army, with undramatic the ongoing humanitarian disaster in Gaza. Improv- changes. (…) Give me a rocket and I will give you a ing the situation there would be good for its resi- bomb—that’s the strategy that will lead us to the dents, for Israel and for the region. A humanitarian next operation. (…) The impression from the overall airport is a good place to start, and now is a great report is even more serious. Netanyahu isn’t func- time. tioning as a leader: He isn’t outlining a policy be- Ahmed Alkhatib, JPO, 01.03.17 cause he has no policy; he isn’t imposing his opinion because he has no opinion. (…) The amazing thing Illegitimate targets on both sides of Israel's bor- is the gap between Netanyahu’s image as “Mr. Se- der curity” and his real involvement in managing security (…) Is it proportionate to crush neighborhoods and and his performance as the leader of the govern- bomb homes with entire families in them – children, ment, the army and the people. The man is a mar- elderly people, women and babies? Yes, Israel has keting expert, a master craftsman. (…) Netanyahu is said, with its bombing of Gaza and Lebanon. It’s the only one among the inspected officials who still proportionate because we also killed – or meant to holds the same position he held during the opera- kill – military commanders and activists, and senior tion, which is why the report is relevant first of all to political officials in Palestinian and Lebanese organ- him. (…) izations. (…) The onslaughts on Gaza have intro- Nahum Barnea, YED, 02.03.17 duced to our world three terms that have no right to exist: proportionate killing, collateral damage and Israelis have reason for concern ahead of future target bank. These terms have become axiomatic war beyond question or reflection. How would these (…) Is it possible that without air strikes the tunnels axioms work if we sketched out the target bank in would have been located and destroyed faster? It the opposite direction? Every home where there’s seems so, although we will never really know. But an Israeli soldier or reservist would be a legitimate what this story does show is just how complicated target for bombing; the civilians harmed would be wars are, and how they never really go the way you collateral damage. Every bank in Israel would be a plan them. Israel has a talent for self-flagellation, for target because Israeli ministers and generals have beating itself up after every war or operation. (…) accounts there. (…) All the patients at Sheba Medi- People tend to forget that wars are fought on a bat- cal Center must be evacuated because of the army tlefield and not in a laboratory or classroom. They induction center at Tel Hashomer; all the university are fought against an enemy who – no matter how laboratories and high-tech companies should be good the intelligence is – will always maintain a high evacuated because of their links to the arms indus- degree of unpredictability. The one and only proba- try, while the lives of the children of Elbit and Rafael bility to genuinely expect in war is the unexpected. employees are also at collateral risk because their In the Gaza war of 2014 Israel encountered the parents help develop weapons that our imagination tunnels. In the next Gaza war it will likely be some- thing else. (…) The dynamic between the prime 2 minister and the security cabinet, between the secu- sanct. In this matter, Al-Aloul seems to have adopted rity cabinet and the IDF, and between the different a "shoot, don't talk" attitude (…) Al-Aloul has made it ministers in the cabinet is a recipe for mistakes and clear that he is in favor of a people's revolt against mishaps. (…) Israel is not responsible for the current Israel, hinting that a more severe grassroots re- situation in Gaza. Hamas is. But Israel can take sistance is in order. (…) As Fatah's leadership offers steps to ease the economic pressures there. (…) a stronger stance in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Israel has to decide what it wants. (…) Terrorist Hamas has been working on a new plan, following tunnels are dangerous. (…) But they do not pose an the primaries within the terrorist group-turned- existential threat to the State of Israel. (…) Tunnels political party. (…) parts of the plan leaked to Arab are a threat to Israel, but the bigger threat is the media paint a more conciliatory tone toward Israel. government’s tunnel vision. It is time to correct that. (…) Top Palestinian official Ahmed Yousef stated Yaakov Katz, JPO, 03.03.17 that party's plan will include the Hamas agreeing to found a Palestinian state within the 1967 borders Where is Hamas headed? (…) Finally, Yousef mentioned that Hamas now finds (…) the comptroller's report on Gaza only created it necessary to disconnect from its affiliation to glob- waves in the Israeli media -- in the Arab world, the al Muslim movements.
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