My Return to Motor Sport’s Circuits of Competition. A Monthly Series By Geoffrey ‘Grumpy’ O’Connell . 2019 Part 14 (Final) The explanaon of Pat Hoare’s dealings and relaonship with Ferrari that I can accept is as follows. Subse uent to the !Masera 4CLT-48’ he wished to purchase a ! Masera 250F ’. Accordingly he set o$ for the !Masera S.p.A.’ head uarters in Modena. En route he met-up with a war- me friend, then employed by the !Shell Oil Company’, Shell Mex House, ,ondon. The la-er o$ered to accompany Pat Hoare to Modena to assist in the Pat Hoare in his first Ferrari. Basically it was a "special", built negoaons. Importantly he fro parts of various odels. spo.e Italian. /hat was to become 0ery rele0ant was that !Shell’ had a sponsor’s partnership agreement with ! Scuderia Ferrari’ dang bac. to 1222. The friend soon reali4ed that ! Masera S.p.A.’ were hoping to !stch- up’ Pat Hoare. In the light of the friend’s employer ha0ing an exisng relaonship with ! Scuderia Ferrari’ and that he personally .new En4o Ferrari, he Masera 250F suggested they should go and meet him. They did and the rest is history. An interesng disclosure in respect of Pat Hoare’s and En4o Ferrari’s relaonship is that the 5rst New 7ealand Ferrari agent was set up in the 1280s. It was operated by a :eorge Horne in Auc.land, trading as !:eorge Horne Motor Co’. Importantly, all the Ferrari parts Pat Hoare wanted for his two Ferrari cars had to be in0oiced 0ia :eorge Horne’s company. 38 :eorge Horne and his wife 5nally returned to their UK roots. /hen :eorge Horne’s belongings were disposed of in the UK amongst the ephemera was reportedly a collecon of correspondence between Ferrari, Horne and Pat Hoare. That pro0ed that the la-er was a customer of Horne’s and not of ! Ferrari N.V. ’ In 1288 N7 racing entrants included Archie Sco--Brown (UK), Bruce Mc,aren, Aac. Brabham (Australia) and Roy Sal0adori (UK), two of whom were dri0ing rear engined racing cars. For 1282 Pat connued to race the ! Ferrari 625’ and in the competor’s lists was Bruce Mc,aren. The ! Ferrari 625’ was sold to Ferrari 625 ma.e way for what was to be the last of Pat Hoare’s racing cars. That was a ! Ferrari 246 F1 Di o ’ in which had competed Phil HillC, /olfgang 0on Trips, Oli0ier :endebien and Dan :urney. Pat Hoare tra0elled to Maranello at the end of 1282 inially to purchase a E12 engine to replace the exisng 4 cylinder, 2226cc engine in his !Ferrari 625’ . Howe0er aGer discussions with En4o Ferrari he returned to N7 with a re- engined ! Ferrari 246 F1’ (originally chassis no. !0007’). Subse uent to replacing the exisng E6, dohc, 2417cc engine with a E12, o0erhead camshaG, Testa Rossa 2283cc engine, the car was o0er -plated with the chassis no. !0788’. The change of power units was possible due to the class rules pertaining in Australia and New 7ealand. Accordingly in 1260 he competed with the ! Ferrari 246 F1’ . For some reason he always entered the ex-F1 !proIecle’ as a ! Ferrari 256’ when it was in Ferrari 246 F1 Dino reality an o0ersi4e engined ! Ferrari 246’ . 40 At the end of 1260 in a race staged in !Marlborough Township’J Pat Hoare was dri0ing a 2 seater ! Lotus 15 ’ (1288-1260K Co0entry Climax straight 4, dohc, 1264cc engine) which was possibly owned by fellow- country man Aim Palmer. In 1261 he was once again dri0ing his ! Ferrari 246 ’. The fellow competors in some e0ents that year are uite breath-ta.ing and included Aac. Brabham, CA report states that prior to the Ferrari 246’s sale to Pat Hoare it was drive by Phil Hill to wi the September 1,60 Italia .P at Mo /a. That is ot possible ta0i 1 i to accou t other substa ve reports so the 2Ferrari 246’ that Hill drove was probably a 2Ferrari 256 Di o’. 'There is no Marlborough Township. Marlborough is a region at the top of South Island. That ust have been a ,Blenhei Race. which was staged 6 iles to the East of Blenhei . Srling Moss, Bruce Mc,aren, Denny Hulme, Aim Clar., Aoa.im Bonnier, Aohn Surtees and Roy Sal0adori. They were all racing mid-engined racing cars. For 1262 Pat Hoare connued to race the !Ferrari 246 ’ (with its 3 litre engine) but this was to be his last e0er year of motor racing. His decision to cease motor racing was probably due to a Ferrari 156 F1 Sharknose combinaon of reasons. It is suggested that for the forthcoming 1263 season he would ha0e to ac uire a mid or rear engined racing car to !stay in the game’. To that end Ferrari were prepared to sell him a ! Ferrari 156 F1 Shar0 ose ’ (1261-1262K mid-engine E6 dohc, 1477cc or 1487cc - depending). Howe0er to achie0e that deal he had to sell the ! Ferrari 246 ’. If that were not !suLcient unto the day thereof MM..’ it was announced that for the 1264 season onwards (to 1278) motor racing in Australia and New 7ealand would ta.e place under the !Tasman Series’ rules and regulaons in which inially the upper engine limit was to be 2.8 litres (to 1270). Of course Pat Hoare’s ! Ferrari 246’ was powered by a 3 litre engine. Being unable to sell the ! Ferrari 246’ he had it con0erted to a road-going, Ferrari style :TO (! .ra Turismo 3molo1ato ’). Prior to concluding this Pat Hoare epic it is worth menoning that apart from other business interests, he was a partner in !:ibson Motors’ in Dar5eld town, to the west of Christchurch City. His wife’s family were the owners of !Blac.well Motors ,td.’ and !Blac.well’s Department Stores’ in Christchurch. In conclusion Pat Hoare has pro0ed to be a 0ery pri0ate gentleman and researching him has pro0ed extremely diLcult. 41 AGer his demise in 1270, the ! Ferrari 246 ’ passed through se0eral N7 owners before it was ac uired by Neil Corner (UK) complete with the original F1 bodywor.. The la-er had !Crosthwaite N :ardiner’ of Buxted, East Sussex restore it to its former ! Ferrari 246 F1 ’ glory O sll 5-ed with the 3 litre engine. It was purchased by Tony Smith possibly in the year 2000. It was only when he wished to enter the ’.ra d Pri4 de Mo aco Histori5ue ’ that he was ad0ised that for the car to be eligible it would ha0e to 5-ed with the original E6 Dino 2417cc power unit. Fortuitously one was found and 5-ed - to e0eryone’s delight. The last two honourable menons rather sum-up my impression that the really competent motor racing dri0ers are uiet and unassuming if personable characters. One such personality was ,eonidas ’,eo’ Eoya4ides who dro0e a 0ariety of 0ery uic. racing cars. A :ree. by birth I seem to recall he cameMuseu from Andros Dece Island ber but was1144 based in ,ondon where he pursued his :ree. shipping ac0ies. Some of those were operated by !Transmarine Shipping Agencies ,td.’, ,ondon SE1. I suppose we !hit it o$’ as Rose and I must ha0e been two of the 0ery few motor racing ac0ists who had a decent .nowledge of Andros Island - and the rest of :reece for that ma-er. The last candidate for a well worthwhile pitP paddoc. companion was Roger /ills. He usually turned up at a motor racing meeng with one or three racing cars and was extremely compe0e. /e had something in common in that he was a New 7ealander, born in :reymouth, on the west coast of South Island Roger 2ills and we are residents of New 7ealand. AGer periods spent in the USA and ,ondon he li0ed in Moscow where he was the CEO of a number of maIor 5nancial 5rms and is married to a Russian lady. And then there was the ! Talbot La1o T26 SC6.T ’ and my somewhat unfortunate misfortune to fall out of a tree, which terminated my racing trac. ac0ies. At least the chainsaw went one way and I the other. Perhaps I will be permi-ed to enlarge on all that at a later date. Geoffrey 42 .
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