MASON. MICHIGAN. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 15.1900. NO. 46 VOL. XXV. BIG WAD OF CASH.- LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS. If you own a Michigan fTENTm Dlstrlbuted by the State Among A. L, Rose has purchased the J. N Primary Schools, " The maara Falls Route. ---KDDAIt SOUTllWAltJ), • Smith house on Oak street east. From Laiislnu Journal, Nov. lOtli, Mason 10;05 a, m. i ;3fl p. m. m Inquire at the Mason Cold Storace Tlie seml-ahnual apportionment of •Jttoksofl,, 11:00 iiso lulBO ''rummage SALE! Vou can take 6;30p.m. fii3Qp.in.7;l6a.ni. primary school money was made by Detroit., for prices before you sell your poultry, anything and OUicago o;8op. in, 8;G5 p. iii. i);30 a. m A county farmers' Institute will be Auditor General DIx today. The rate NOJtTJI WAun. everything. Mason 7:48a.W. li!;01 p. in, S!33 p.ui held In this city Feb. 18 and 19, lOOl. per child of scliool age is $1.(15. Last Lansluc 8:13 i^ssp.m.otwi May the rate was 50 cents per capita, Vote on the amendment in Ingham It is easy^ Saillimw 10:33 2:62 «:« ....The Baker s Dozen.... thus making a rateof $2.15 for tho county was 8,514 yes, 1,107 no, majori• BayGliy imo si-s ^--^o present year, being the largest rate Witchery in Mackinaw 7;iiip.iu. 7;0Ca. in, 7;U0a. re, ty 7,407. ever paid. There are a total of 712,523 0. W. KUOULKH, w Have decided to hold a Rummage Sale at the Rayner If. P. Stanton, Gen. I'ass.Ss Ticket Ast. Samuel IT. Row of Lanslnghas been Children of school age included in the Kodakery Xlcket Auiiiii. Mason, Otilcago granted an original pension of SI2 per w store, opposite court house, apportionment, and the total sum to Catalogue iree for the asking, BUSINESS DIRECTORY. month. , f be divided among tho counties this U33J:Ta?lST W. H. Shaw h.is moved into the month is $1,175,062.95. Twenty-seven LONGYEAR BROS., Druggists. E.JIKNnBiiSON.D.n.B. OtUceoverllrowJi John McCarrick house near the f ot the counties of the state will each sayl Bc^innin^ Wednesday, November 14, C. llros.'slloe61Qre..^[ftBon. creamery. receive from this fund more than they Jolin Marshall of this city has been will pay the state in state taxes, CONTINUING ONE WEEK, New Presbyterla,n Church. granted an Increase of pension to while there are 61 counties to which iloiirs-a 10 a a. ni„ i to 3,7 to 8 p. in. The last bee is set for next Friday- O."i $8 per month. the aggregate sum apportioned Is 11. GKIt'l'ltUUK D. OAMl'DKr.L. I'llVSIclaa it pleasant, otlierwlse on Saturday. about $5,000 greater than tlie amount andSiirKeoii. Ofllcaover.MeOrossei/sOiiiK W. 0. Barker went to Detroit Mon• •e. Olllce Honrs, a to 8 a, in., 2 to 4 and 7 to f f Itis to finish grading tho grounds ot 2p. in. floiintryanil town calls piompllyauemlea, they will pay in state tuxes this year. day as a traverse juror In the United the new church. Everyone who is. Everything on Earth Will Be For Sale at Prices That Tlieapportlonment for Ingham county B. KllANlC K.THOMAS, I'liyslclan anil Sur- States circuit court. w willing to help is cordially invited to Koon, Ollleo over Welili & Whitman's slnro; Defy Competition. is as follows; resltinncD p at comer II awl Oak streets. Mason. John Dunsback, successor to the y Children. Amount. come. Bring your wagon and dump, Mason Furniture Co,, has a new ad. f Alaiedon.. S.'iS S585 75 boards and shovels and smiles and. in the Dkwocuat. Read. Aurelius...; ..... 377 022 m good nature. Bring a bundle of hay i). TAVI.OU, Attorney at Law, at Alistract niinkerliill., 281 m m OOnicef . Mason. Mich. and a little oats for yourliorscs. DIn-%r. D The L. A. S. of Etchells will meet Delhi -1-10 720 00 Come In and Sec Such Bargains as You Never Saw ner will be served to all the out-of- R, SANDKILS, Attorney at Law, Mason, with Mrs. Minnie Bush on Thursday, IllKlmill 315 813 75 a. Mleli. Money to t.oan. O-ll 85 town men. The ground for tho fill ing- Nov. 22d. Dinner at noon. Linislng 380 A. illtUOMAN, Attorney al l.aw. onico Before. You Can't Afford to Miss It. 7,'138 20 . over Loiigyrar Urns., Mason, Mich._ LaiisInK City i.m lias been kindly donated by Messrs. A The Central Michigan Poultry Loroy.. -121 COD 00 U. MoAltTIlUU. Attorney and Coiinsolnr at Dr. Root, H. P. Wllllains, C. C. and Breeders' Union is to bold its first Leslie OSS 070 20 Ut Law. Olreiill Cniirl Oomnilssloner. 01 •- Simeon Rolfe. over Ifarniera' llinik. Masnn. annual show at Lansing, Dec. 10-14. Locke 307 005 55 721 05 T T. liUMANH, Atuirnoy and Oounselor at Meridian 437 Deed Set Aside. Ju. X^ftw. Olllce in Iho new Lawrence nock Parties who have borrowed ladders OnontiiiRa 337 560 05 Mason. Mich. Mniiey to loan on gnnii necurity. belonging to the city fire department StocUbrltiKe 310 670 00 Judge Wiest rendered adecision this, Human pathos at the Baptist church Burns-Parkhurst Nuptials. Vevay OflO 1,093 00 morning setting aside a deed of an 80~. are requested to return them at onco. At the residence of Mr. and Mrs. next Tuesday evening, Wlieatlleld 100 328 35 acre farm in Stockbrldge townshipex-«i,, EO. A. EAllLB, DUALEll IN HBAVV AND The adjourned September term of James Burnson Ash street west last White Oak 230 389 -10 Blielf Hardware. Maple Street. Mason. Wanted, two or four-foot wood, at ecuted by Ransler Raiusdeli to his soa G the circuit court convened in Lansing evening occurred the wedding ot their WlUlamston coli fl!13 30 Klmmel's Department Store. * John. The father died August 10,1899, last Monday. One of the state cases daughter, Marie Teresa, to Mr.Cliarles Total 10,870 817,035 50 George Wells of Lansing h.is been in his 87th year, For nearly 50'years L,OABTUltLlN,Loaii,OoUecilnn,InBnranco may be tried at this term. A. Parkliurst. The home was beauti• . and Ileal Kstate Hroker. onico in l-aw- he has owned and occupied the farm- C granted an original pension ot $8 per fully decorated In yellow an'd white, rence lilk.. Mason. MIcli. On another page of this Issue will John Robson ot Lansing is elected nvolved In the suit. Ills wife died in ICAL KSTATl! liniiKlit, sold ami exoliangei. month. the ceremony being performed under be found an ad. for the Post & Bristol state senator from the 14tli district by 1897. The deed of the farm to John R Money Inaned nn liood seeiirlly. 0. w. nal- Mrs. Mary E. Doty, formerly of a canopy of chrysanthemums and smi- stead. Olllcu ovor llradley & Co,'s drug store. Co. of Lansing, dealers in pianos, or• 815 majority. He carried Shiawassee was gl ven by the father In 1897 and sooa Alaiedon, died at Schenectady, N. Y., lax, suspended by ribbons. ^ITCTIOIlTEBia gans and everything in the musical county by 942; while F. L. Dodge car• after the father's death Newton Rams- Oct. 25tli. The ceremony was performed at 7:,'M n. IVES, Oenoral AilcUnneer. Years of ox- lino. ried Ingham county by 127. dlll, another son, filed a bill to set aside L, porlence. Tonus always satlsfltctory. William Harrold has just finished a by Rev. Fr. Brancheau of Lansing In Milton Wortman of Wheatfield had The women's home missionary socie• the transfer because ot the mental in• KNKV KUllTZ.Geiicral Auctioneer. Satis• mile of the Patrick county drain In the presence of a largo number of in• faction giiiiraiiliied, terms rlglit. Leave a hearing before Probate Judge Porter ty will hold their annual tliank-oirer- capacity of the father to execute the oi'dofH s at mis onicu. I'ostolllco, Mason. White Oak. vited guests. Miss Georgia Mehau last Friday and was declared Insane. ng service at the M. E. parsonage on conveyance and for undue Infiuencc acted as bridesmaid and Mr. A. J. Friday night Constable Rouse took All kinds of fresh baked goods for Friday, Nov. 10th, at 3:00 p. m. You exercised by John. liTSTTR.A.lTCE Gulden of Detroit as best man. Miss him to the Kalamazoo asylum. sale Saturday afternoon at the Rum• are most cordially invited to attend. A.BAUNE.S.Loan, Insnranoeand Collection Llla Acker was flower girl and ring The Judge decided that there was no- J. Agent. Olllce at residoneo, Mason. A portrait of Justice Marshall, ot mage Sale. direct evidence of Jofin's exercising; bearer. Mendelssohn's wedding march S. B. Pike entered complaint against AUMKllS' MUTUAL FIllK INSUHANCK the United States supreme court from Reserv(3d seats for the season will undue Inlluence over his father, but Ooinpanyof Iiighitincounty, Safest,clieap- was played on the harp by Mrs. Geo. James Hulse before Justice Lyon last osFt and hest. For Information write to ,1. 11. 1801 to 1825, was presented to the Ing• be sold at E. Culver's Saturday morn• holds that the latter was Incompetent. SIhifor.socretarv. Masnn. Krank Seely, presi• 0. Ularlc, the harp orcliestra furnish• ham circuit court hy Hon. R. 0. ing at eight o'clock. Tuesday charging him with assault dent, Mason. Onice opposite conrt souaro. ing music during the congratulations to make the transfer, having beoa Osirandcr of Lansing last Mond.ay.
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