A Record of fficial Cgbblruus Neews Service Undergraduate News Ogan For 48 Years of M. I. T. g Vol. XLIX-No. 21 CAMBRIDGE, NIASS., MONDAY, MARC:H 25, 1929 Price Five Cents g St l,,S ldm ml. CARNI4-"WVA Ki kg CIRCUS SET SECURIED 7 0 Z I . Purified Voo Doo Has :} GYM~I TEALS~ TIES COMM~6NJCITTEE GETS s I New General Manager t he5 I He NAVY~ IN6 ANNUA~L BRObFESSION ALS D § TV tz DJ[EET OF Ei Io GI Lo U I CARNIVAIL TENTS` s I RS A rthur Whiting Clean Humor Is I v FIRSTS ARE ONLY SID)E SHOWS, CANE S Hi f SCORING PLACES] To Present Final Voo Doo Feature RACKS, AND AMONEY in Concert Tomnorrow In Purity Issue a IN TOURNAMENT WHEELS PROVIDED R tE Reynolds Takes Championship on] Emirnent Modern Interpreter of Institute Commnittee, THE TECH, Ferris Wheel, Merry-Go-Round iz Rings While Wells Wins I MIusic Will be Assisted l Harvard, and Spring All Provided for Amusement X,is on Horizontal String Quartet Furnish Laulghs Of the Freshmen WIN SECOND IN TUMBLING| Mr. Arthur Whiting, eminent' "My strength is as the strength of 30,000 TICKETS PRINTED modern interpreter of music, will giveI ten, because my heart is pure" seems TV, to be the maxim of the "Purgity Nuthe From advanced information which i Technology divided first placel to Technology students and Faculty, I L the fifth and final concert of his .er"of Voo Doo, which goes on the leaked out from the plans of the All- if honors with the champion Navy team{ I stands today. A colorful picture of Technology Carnival Committee it l at Philadelphia in the Eastern Inter- series in Room 10-250 tomorrow even- one of Sir Galahad's contemporaries was learned last night that final ar- collegiate Gymnastic League's annual ing at 8:15 o'clock. He will be as- on the front cover carries ou1 therangements have been made by M a! meet on Saturday. Both teams took I Or sisted by the New York String motif. Although its new raiment is Richard Boyer, '29, chairman of the I y two first places. Dartmouth, Uni- i Charles T. Dwight '30 . v ersity of Chicago, and New York Quartet. II far from s~ensational, its quality is committee, forthe use of all the equip- I ,.' University were next in line with one The personnel of the Quartet in- II excemurent. an uhcohdyugment of an old carnival company A demure and much-clothed young which was stranded in Boston last I R firs' each. The teams competing in cludes Mr. Ottokar Cadek, first violin; lady standing on a cake of Ivory soap I .D the meet Nvere: M.I.T., Army, Navy, DORMITORIES PLAN is Mr. Jaroslar Sisovsky, second violin; invitingly summons the readers on to :: weresummer. in the re-ular carnival will be .v Princeton, Pennsylvania, Dartmouth, the mysteries beyond, which includes, > Rutgers, Temple, N. Y. U., Chicago, Mr. Lud 7ik Schwab, viola; and Mr. stories of heaven, of Harvard, and of : set tip and running on the night of ,. A SPRING SMOKER April 12 twhen the ~All-Technologyy McGill, and the University of Toronto. Bedrich Vaska, violincello. In the' the Institute Committee, not to mell- Carnival gets under way. Sledge ., Technology's first places -were won course oi< its many concerts in New Keith-Albee Artists Will Do tion THEtion TCH.TECH. HE Thehe atart *\or;wok ishammeris {Cria ringersesudrxa.Seg which will test the on the horizontal bar by Wells and on II very good, and the number of jokes York and other cities the New York withgo oint is as couldboys' strength will be running along z! the rings by Reynolds. Adamson on Erntertaining at Campus without a point is as low as could wt oe hes aercs n the side horse and Galbraith in the String Quartet has established a be expected. ~~with money wheels, cane racks, and II Get-Together be expected. side shows. Even the tents of the '.' rope clim~b woon the two Navy first reputation which gives it a large fol- The influence of onghopef stranded company will be set up in r places. Moore of Technology, took lowing in musical circles. They were its dastardly influence on one hopefulteAroy third on the side horse. Dolloff took Another dormitory smoker will . secured to play here through the co- gather the campus dwellei s together contributor-, who bulrsts forth in un- IMeasurements are bein-s made of second in tumbling losing out to Gould operation of the Institute Corporation. restrained verse on this subject, not Me sulement are being mad of of Dartmouth. In the all-around com- for a good time in Prospect Hall this .'.' In their program tomorrow evening, Wednesday evening at 7:30 o'clock. forgetting forettngsulfurulfr adand molassesmlases andArmoryndopening through which theto findferris an L; petition, Wells took fourth place. the Quartet and Mr. Whiting will pre- spring cleaning orgies. One decidedly , The committee in charge of the affair , Wells Wins on Bar sent the following selections: promises a snappy entertainment helpful feature is a directory of sull wheel and merry-go-round will pass. her camlps par excellence, and also The committee is now considering the . On the horizontal bar Wells made STRING QUARTET which will be followed by a delectable merpa anis exelleceand lsodifficulties of transportation and con-- i a comeback against Hughes of Navy repast. an employment bureau for those re- struction a nd tosu ',Fz and beat him out for first place. Last Ravel, 1875-Quartet, F. Major As is the custom, prizes will be ceivihg" Vote, 12. Alto-ether, this struction, realising that to set up all Lveek Hughes won from Wells in the I Modere offered to those whose numbers win number is xvell worth leading, and their equipment in one day will be i,; Navy meet. In the all-around com- in the raffle and these prizes are holds its head high among college quite a task. Special care will be .. II Assez vif humorous publications. taken to put up substantial stands for petition, Wells did good work and III Tres lent always worth winning. The enter- the various exhibits. With the regu- .,, took fourth place. Mexies of Chicago tainers are coming fron the Keith- lar carnival equipment it is hoped to won first place while Hughes of Navy IV Vif et agite Albee Theatre and the pictures of '; and Poole of Army took second and CHEMISTS WILL HEAR make the affair more of a success than K STRING QUARTET AND the stars will be posted in the office in previous years with the improvised It third places respectively. of the dormitories sometime in ad- "STORYq BF ASB~FESTPIOS" imitations. All construction is to be , Oj . In tumbling Dolloff took second PIANOFORTE . vance. done by carnival workers who are fa- place in spite of the fact that he Brahms, 1833-1879-Quintet, F. minor The dormitory tax, which is col- l stepped off the mat once. He lost op. 34 lected by the Institute, is used to IGerald W. Blakely '14, to Give miliar with that type of work. l -out to Gould by eighteen points. When I Allegro non troppo pay for the smoker. At the same time _ 2__ c -)_f Tickets Are Printed ; Lecture 15etore bociety + Galbraith of Navy won the rope climb II Andante, un poco adagio it is rumored that Messrs. Bridge and The tickets have been printed and he did not make as good time as he Pung will give another party some received from the press. The com- zs III Allegro (Scherzo) l did against Technology the previous time next month. No definite plans At a special meeting of the M. 1. T. mittee expects a record breaking week. Last week be made it in the IV Poco sostenuto-Allegro non have been made yet but it will be Chemical Society which will be held crowd in attendance and has taken the XP world's record time of 4 2-5 seconds troppo similar to the one given last fall. in the North Hall of Walker Memorial, precaution of printing 30,000 tickets. : while this week he made it in 4 4-5 Wednesday evening at 7:30 o'clock, a The tickets are a standard theatrical seconds. two reel film on "The Stor y of As- type, yellow in color with five cents :ew- On the sicse horse Moore's first bestos" will be shown by L. E. Cush- printed in red across the face. These series was one of the best there. in Problems of Industrial Chemistry man of the Johns-Manville, Inc. This will be sold on the carnival lot only his second series he broke several will be accompanied by a talk on at booths to be operated by the com- times but in spite of this took third Being Investigated at Institute asbestos by Gerald W. Blakely '14, mittee. They will be sold in strips to place. Fairchild, slipped on the horse technical expert of the con-lpany. the students who will present them to during his first series for rather a Laboratory of Applied Chemistry| For the past 17 years the laboratory Asbestos products from the crude to (Continued on Page 4) ,7 bad fall and was thus put out of the has devoted a part of its time to the the finished materials will be on dis- running. Making Contribubtions to play. Everyone is invited to attend study of the rate of corrosion. The jPLANS FSOR RUSHING Witzig of N.
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