LISTING OF COMMUNITIES ELEVATION DATUM NOTE TO USER MAP DATES NOTE TO USERS MOST RECENT FIRM Flood elevations on this map are referenced to the Future revisions to this FIRM Index will only This FIRM Index displays the map date for each COMMUNITY NAME COMMUNITY NUMBER LOACTED ON PANEL(S) INITIAL NFIP MAP DATE INITIAL FIRM DATE PANEL DATE North American Vertical Datum of 1988. These flood be issued to communities that are located FIRM panel at the time that this Index was printed. FEMA maintains information about map features, such elevations must be compared to structure and ground * * * * on FIRM panels being revised. This FIRM Because this Index may not be distributed to 0790 , 0795, 0813, 0815 , 0818, 0819, 0850 , 0950 , 0955, elevations referenced to the same vertical datum. as street locations and names, in or near designated BERLIN, CITY OF 330029 0975*, 0976, 0977, 0978, 0979, 0981, 0982, 0983, 0984* July 19, 1974 June 15, 1982 Index therefore remains valid for FIRM unaffected communities in subsequent revisions, For information regarding conversion between the panels dated [date] or earlier. Please refer users may determine the current map date for each flood hazard areas. Requests to revise information in or National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 and the CARROLL, TOWN OF 330030 1055, 1060, 1065, 1070, 1080, 1085, 1090, 1095, 1180, 1185 January 24, 1975 April 15, 1986 to the "MOST RECENT FIRM PANEL FIRM panel by visiting the FEMA Map Service Center near designated flood hazard areas may be provided North American Vertical Datum of 1988, visit the National DATE" column in the Listing of Communities (MSC) website at http://msc.fema.gov , or by calling to FEMA during the community review period, at the final Geodetic Survey website at http://www.ngs.noaa.gov/ or the MSC via the FEMA Map Information eXchange CLARKSVILLE, TOWN OF 330184 0215, 0220, 0240, 0245, 0265, 0270, 0330, 03351, 0375*, 0400* January 3, 1975 table to determine the most recent FIRM contact the National Geodetic Survey at the following address: index date for each community. (FMIX) at 1-877-336-2627. Consultation Coordination Officer’s meeting, or during 0309, 0317, 0319, 0330, 0336, 0338, 0340, 0345, 0365, May 20, 1977 May 17, 1989 the statutory 90-day appeal period. Approved requests COLEBROOK, TOWN OF 330031 0375*, 0485, 0500*, 0505 for changes will be shown on the final printed FIRM. 0319, 0338, 0455, 0460, 0463, 0465, 0470, 0485, 0500*, April 2, 1986 COLUMBIA, TOWN OF 330185 0505, 0525* January 3, 1975 NGS Information Services BASE MAP SOURCE NOAA, N/NGS12 0270, 0290, 0295, 0365, 0375*, 0400*, 0500*, 0505, 0525*, 0540, 0550*, 0555, 0560, 0635, 0645, National Geodetic Survey Information shown on this FIRM was provided in COOS COUNTY 0665, 0675*, 0680*, 0683, 0684, 0691, 0695*, 0705, 0710, 0725*, 0770, 0780, 0790*, SSMC-3, #9202 digital format by the National Agriculture Imagery 330171 * * * * (UNINCORPORATED AREAS) 0810, 0819, 0830, 0850 , 0950 , 0955, 0982, 0983, 0984 , 1025 , 1080, 1085, 1090, 1095, 1185 1315 East-West Highway Program. This information was photogrammetrically Silver Spring, Maryland 20910-3282 compiled at a scale of 1:12,000 from aerial photography DALTON, TOWN OF 330198 0870, 0883, 0890, 0891, 0892, 0895*, 0915, 1035, 1050* December 4, 1985 December 4, 1985 (301) 713-3242 dated 2009. 0665, 0669, 0670*, 0675*, 0680*, 0683, 0686, 0687, 0688, March 1, 1995 DUMMER, TOWN OF 330201 0689, 0691, 0695*, 0780, 0785, 0801, 0802, 0810 January 17, 1975 * * 0540, 0541, 0542, 0543 , 0544, 0550 , 0555, 0560, 0561, January 17, 1975 June 1, 1995 ERROL, TOWN OF 330206 0565, 0570, 0680*, 0681, 0682, 0683, 0684, 0705, 0710 * * 0978, 0979, 0983, 0986 , 0987, 0988, 0989, 0993, 0995 , 1127, March 1, 1974 April 1, 1981 GORHAM, TOWN OF 330032 1130*, 1131, 1135* JEFFERSON, TOWN OF 330033 0910, 0920, 0930, 0940, 0950*, 1060, 1080, 1085 February 21, 1975 April 15, 1986 33007C0025D** 0737, 0738, 0739, 0741, 0743*, 0744, 0765*, 0770, 0882, 0883, 0884, 0891, 0892, 0901, 0902, 0905, 0906, 0907, 0910, April 13, 1973 April 13, 1975 LANCASTER, TOWN OF 335277 0915, 0920, 0926, 0930, 0950* 33007C0075D** 0780, 0785, 0790*, 0795, 0801, 0802, 0803*, 0804, 0808, June 28, 1974 April 2, 1986 MILAN, TOWN OF 330035 0810, 0813, 0815*, 0816, 0817*, 0818, 0819, 0830, 0850* 33007C0050D* MAP REPOSITORIES 33007C0020D 33007C0065D 0614, 0618, 0620, 0640, 0728, 0729, 0731, 0732, 0733, (Maps available for reference only, not for distribution.) February 22, 1974 Greeley 0734, 0736, 0737, 0741, 0742, 0743*, 0744, 0755, 0765* May 4, 1989 NORTHUMBERLAND, TOWN OF 330036 Brook 0015, 0020, 0050*, 0065, 0080*, 0085, 0090, 0095, 0105, Middle Branch BERLIN, CITY OF DUMMER, TOWN OF PITTSBURG, TOWN OF 0110, 0115, 0120, 0130, 0135, 0140, 0145, 0155, 0165, 0195, City Hall Town Office Town Offices January 31, 1975 33007C0015D Indian Stream 0205, 0210, 0215, 0220, 0230, 0235, 0240, 0245, 0255, Moose Bog 168 Main Street PITTSBURG, TOWN OF 330186 Third 75 Hill Road 1526 Main Street 0260, 0265, 0270, 0280, 0290, 0295 Brook Berlin, New Hampshire 03570 Dummer, New Hampshire 03588 Pittsburg, New Hampshire 03592 Connecticut RANDOLPH, TOWN OF 330187 0950*, 0955, 0965, 0975*, 0978, 0986*, 0988, 1085, 1125*, 1130* January 3, 1975 Dube West Branch Brook Lake * * 0983, 0984 , 0993, 0994, 0995 , 1011, 1012, 1013, 1014, November 29, 1974 April 2, 1986 Indian Stream CARROLL, TOWN OF ERROL, TOWN OF RANDOLPH, TOWN OF SHELBURNE, TOWN OF 330037 1016, 1017*, 1018,1019, 1025*, 1131, 1135*, 1175* Town Hall Selectmen's Office Town Offices East Branch 33007C0155D * 92 School Street 33 Main Street 130 Durand Road 0640, 0645, 0665, 0755, 0760, 0765 , 0770, November 29, 1974 April 2, 1986 STARK, TOWN OF 330038 * Indian Stream 0780, 0790 Perry Ingersoll East Inlet Twin Mountain, New Hampshire 03595 Errol, New Hampshire 03579 Randolph, New Hampshire 03593 STEWARTSTOWN, TOWN OF 330194 0195, 0215, 0309, 0310, 0330, 0335*, 0336, 0340, 0345, 0365, 0375* January 10, 1975 March 1, 2000 Stream Brook 33007C0110D 33007C0080D* 33007C0105D 33007C0130D CLARKSVILLE, TOWN OF GORHAM, TOWN OF SHELBURNE, TOWN OF 0444, 0463, 0465, 0470, 0500*, 0582, 0601, 0602*, 0603, 0604, 0610, Halls 33007C0135D STRATFORD, TOWN OF 330039 July 26, 1974 April 18, 1983 33007C0085D Town Office Town Hall Town Hall 0611, 0612, 0614, 0616, 0618, 0620, 0630, 0635, 0640, 0645 Stream Connecticut Scott East Inlet 408 NH Route 145 20 Park Street 74 Village Road River Bog Clarksville, New Hampshire 03592 WHITEFIELD, TOWN OF 330040 0892, 0895*, 0910, 0915, 0920, 1035, 1055, 1060, 1065 July 26, 1974 April 2, 1986 Roaring Brook Flowage Gorham, New Hampshire 03581 Shelburne, New Hampshire 03581 * 33007C0175D** PANEL NOT PRINTED - NO SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREAS COLEBROOK, CITY OF ** Falkenham Second JEFFERSON, TOWN OF STARK, TOWN OF PANEL NOT PRINTED - OUTSIDE COUNTY BOUNDARY Indian Big Stream Brook Brook Connecticut Lake Town Hall Town Office Town Office 17 Bridge Street 698 Presidential Highway 1189 Stark Highway COOS COUNTY, NH Colebrook, New Hampshire 03576 Jefferson, New Hampshire 03583 Stark, New Hampshire 03582 INDEX LOCATOR DIAGRAM Big Robie 33007C0090D 33007C0095D 33007C0115D Brook 33007C0140D 33007C0145D Brook 33007C0165D Pond COLUMBIA, TOWN OF LANCASTER, TOWN OF STEWARTSTOWN, TOWN OF Lamb Valley 33007C0120D Middle Branch Coon Brook Emery Allen Town Hall Town Offices Town Clerk's Office Round Pond 3 Little Magalloway Brook 1 Brook 1679 US Route 3 25 Main Street 888 Washington Street River Columbia, New Hampshire 03576 Lancaster, New Hampshire 03584 West Stewartstown, New Hampshire 03597 33007C0230D Perry Brook Middle Branch East Branch MILAN, TOWN OF STRATFORD, TOWN OF Camp Brook Merrill COOS COUNTY, UNINCORPORATED Scott Brook Brook Dead Diamond Dead Diamond Commissioner's Office Milan Municipal Building Town Hall 33007C0255D TOWN OF River River 136 County Farm Road 20 Bridge Street 10 Commons Road 33007C0205D 33007C0210D PITTSBURG 33007C0260D 33007C0280D 33007C0285D** West Stewartstown, NH 03597 Milan, New Hampshire 03588 North Stratford, New Hampshire 03590 Connecticut 33007C0235D Lake DALTON, TOWN OF NORTHUMBERLAND, TOWN OF WHITEFIELD, TOWN OF Indian Back Alder 33007C0200D** Town Office Town Offices Town Offices Stream Brook Lake 756 Dalton Road 10 Station Square 38 King Square Lake Bog West Branch Dalton, New Hampshire 03598 Groveton, New Hampshire 03582 Whitefield, New Hampshire 03598 SHEET 1 OF 2 Connecticut River Francis Branch Dead Diamond (145 River 33007C0195D 33007C0215D 33007C0220D 33007C0240D 33007C0265D 33007C0270D 33007C0290D 33007C0295D 33007C0245D Back Pond TOWN OF CLARKSVILLE Dead Diamond 13 River 33007C0330D 33007C0335D* Diamond Pond 33007C0310D 33007C0309D TOWN OF Little 33007C0375D* THIS AREA SHOWN ON STEWARTSTOWN 33007C0425D* Diamond Pond 33007C0400D* INDEX SHEET 2 OF 2 33007C0325D** 145 33007C0317D 33007C0336D ( TOWN OF COLEBROOK COOS COUNTY 33007C0320D** 33007C0340D 33007C0345D 33007C0365D UNINCORPORATED AREAS 33007C0319D Read Mud Pond 33007C0338D 26 Brook ( East Branch RAILROAD West Branch Mohawk River Mohawk River COLEBROOK Little AIRPORT Greenough Fish Pond 16 Mohawk Greenough Pond ( MAP INDEX River Pond NFIP 33007C0455D 33007C0460D 33007C0505D 33007C0550D* 33007C0555D 33007C0560D Greenough M Simms 33007C0485D Brook Magalloway River A FIRM 33007C0450D** Stream Round Pond Akers Pond R FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP Lake G COOS COUNTY, TOWN OF 33007C0500D* 33007C0525D* (26 Long COLUMBIA ERROL 33007C0541D 33007C0542D 33007C0561D Pond O NEW HAMPSHIRE Clear AIRPORT 33007C0445D** 33007C0465D Stream R (ALL JURISDICTIONS) 33007C0470D Millsfield 33007C0570D
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