Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC February 1989 Daily Egyptian 1989 2-10-1989 The aiD ly Egyptian, February 10, 1989 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_February1989 Volume 75, Issue 96 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, February 10, 1989." (Feb 1989). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1989 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in February 1989 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Daily Egyptian Southern Illinois University at Carbondale Friday, Ff'bluary to, 1989. Vol. 75. No. 96.36 Pages Bush: Budget builds better America WASHINGTON (SHNS) - Me<iicare expenditures hy $5 next year and $30 billion over impose his own priorities on the deficit to $94.8 billion in President Bush tcld Congress billion anti eliminate ali cost­ the next four vears. the 1990 budget presented to 1990 and to balance the Thursday night he wants to of-living incro..ases next year Perbapb the most con­ Congress by Reagan a month budget by 1~3. as required spend more money on the for federal pensioners and trove!'Sial proposal is a ago - and there were striking by law. pour and homeless, more on military retirees. reduction ;n the capital gain:; similarities and mail)}" dif­ One negative note in Cle dEao 2.ir and water and more Af: etpected, Bush said he tax rat., from 28 percent to 15 ferences between Reagan's Bush budget is 8 projected to improve schools as part of wants to hold military percent. il redud.ion opposed approach and Bl'.sh's a~ deficit of $170 billion in 1989, a plan to "build a better spending to the infIation rate by House Ways and Means proach to federal spending. up' $9 billion from the $161 America." next year iLstead of ~ Commit....e Chairman Rep. Like Reagan, Bush billion deficit projected by He said he "lans to slow creasing it 2 percent, as Dan Roste:Jkowslti, D-Ill., who promised to meet the Reagan, who expected in- down Military spending, President Reagan proposed. controls tax legislation. Gramm-Rudman deficit redure the growth in Tbat would save $2.6 billion It was Bush's first effort to reduction targets by slashing 8M BUDGET, Pigi 30 BAS shows '.,-- discontent at meeting By Mart Barnett Staff Writer More than 100 students interrupted the Board of Trustees' meeting Thursday morning at the Student Center, urging the board to take action to improve the Black American Studies program. Amid chants of "Save BAS," "By all means necessary," and "The struggle continues" by black students, the board !ned to conduct its business. Toward the end of the meeting, the students filtered into Ballroom B as the board elected its officers. With clenched fists students held their right arms high. Before the demonstration, the board bad denied a tenure appeal by Luke Tripp. coordinator of Black $teflP~b, Black American Studl.. CoordInator Luke Tripp .peak. to lIda" wMre the group marched Into the IIJoard of Trust... s .. DEMONSTRA nON, Pigi 8 demonstr8tora outside the Student Center Ballroom. Thur- meeting and r.. d a lIat of demandl tor the BAS program. Entry standards upheld by Board Boat regatta may sink By Mark Barne" In 1987, the Illinois Staff Writer Legisla ture postponed the Despite the Illinois Board of date the reqwrements would due to lack of funding Higher Education's proposal go into effect from 1990 to to back away from a man­ 1993. By Marc Blumer promotion." datory high school curriculum In its January meeting, Staff Writer Ed Buerger, executive however, the IBHE re­ director the alumni for college PI".J ance, the or evaluated the decision and The regional tourism Board of ~~ de-ided association, said. "u the has recommended the committee cannot fund the University wants to ho~J Thui-sday it will ;1~t back said "competencies" must be financially strapped down from higher ""hmssion considered as well as the proposed high school the regatta, the alumni number of years which a curnculum for college en­ Cardboard Boat Regatta, association will be bapfY to standards thal be~in in 1990. despite the hopes of the At thE Acad"mic Affairs student takes a subject. trance be advis,..-. ::!ther lend its copyright to any than manda tory. race's founder, according group who wants to run it. Committee meetin~ before In 1985, the IBHE recom­ to Rick Linton, executive the board's regular n:eeting mended high school students To get into SIU's bachelor Our only difficulty is that take four years of English, degree programs for fall director of the Southern we cannot afford to fund In the Student Center. Illinois Regional Tourism members discussed -BHE's three years each of social semester 1990, high school (the regatta) and.,till offer studies, science and math, graduates must bave taken Council. all the programs "He have." decisioil to change its stance The SIU Alumni on liniversity entrance and two years in electives or four years each of social The regatta has received in mm,ic, art or a foreign Association, which spon­ a great deal of publicity in requirt'ments. sored the event last year the last couple of years. language. See BOARD, Page 7 Trusi.ee William t.;orwood. and holds the copyright to CNN and the Chicago the regatta, is unable to Tribune were among run this year's race several members of the This Morning Iran-Contra jury trial to begin because of a lack of funds. media that bad given the Richard Archer, School regatta national coverage. despite adminstrative appeal of Design professor and However, Jack Dyer, Law students founder of the race, bBid, executive director of queJtion GPSC WASHINGTON <uP!) - A formal start of the trial until "At this point, I see no new federal appeals panel barred Monday. source of funding for the s.. REGATTA, Plge 8 - Page ~5 the administration Thursday The Justice Department $8,000 needed to host the J-school student from baIting the start of promised a prompt appeal of event. Archer bad hoped to Oliver North's Iran-Contra the ruling by a tbree-judge get some funding from the knighted by Spain trial, rejecting arguments panel of tIie U.S. Circuit Court tourism council. that the judge bad impc6ed of Appeals for the District of Linton said, "Events - Page 23 inadequate safeguards to Colwnbia to avoid a "crap (such as the regatta) are Salukis bite protect national security shoot" over whetbel national one of the biggest tools we secrets during te::timony. security secrets would be have in promoting tourism. SycMlores' bark However, shorily after a 12- exposed during testimony. A We will do everything we member .iury was ch06en to top department offIcial can to help (Archer) find -- Sports 36 butr the 12-c0l~t felony case acknowledged that the issue additional funding, but our GUI ap~inst Nort.b, the legal battle could ultimately scuttle the grant applications are only .ayl money make. Sunny.4Oa. forced U.S. District J'Jdge for publicity and the boat. go 'round. , Gerhard Gesell to delay the See NORTH, Page 30 {Giptaln ftll'mg-"QII' wm·Ed SoIDvon Vtow; I ~ -dtC,?#? II,Newsw,.",,rap '!! Lunch Spedals ~ Mon i ..., Ch",Oos6. 'n<> $1.9" J j'world/nation, ~ TII~: Sour. S-\ndwkh &. S-alad 51.99! ~~I!2.'b.St<ld.fl.urget S2.99 ..... : : :- ~m""- ..ns' ~ iRe", P,o,,,rt, S, ,rin,, ·081 gueri!las jIb ....... ,s"",,,,.Lu"""""''''"''''''S3.ISI: " .:;'-~~,~~~~~ s3.z!Ji, ~aptuiedSoviet helicopter r..... ;:;;;,',:,:",::: - s;'zz i . :';ON THE SALANG ROAD, Afgtiarustan (UPI) - Soviet-backed ,f~'-'-'~"''''~''''"''''·'-;~~~~''':~~'~''~~~<O,sJ ~ . i:S~;~'~'-; ~ ..4fgban soldiers pounded rebel strongholds '''.ith heavy artillery • """, "-"' ..... yeo< • .urn< _ BAlIS. !" ~,Thursday in a new offensive and an army f;omnutnder dech..red * Beta Chi Chapter '~ j~~F'-IIfD-.......st ..... ~ "K.abulwill survive" long after Soviet troops lea\e the country. £ OlC' f :. Ope'" 1,4 '",u" " The latest attempt to dislodge Moslerr. rebels dug in along the , l E Conskie: an orderto GO! , strategic'o8aiang Road ,came amid reports the guerrillas ~p- ~ Tau Kappa Epsilon} ;; 549828l vOO 5 IIII""'.... ",,'!' tured iwoScwiet-made helicopter gunships and were preparing f ~ "11-0-, Doody"fIvsh \i<mIon'1kIIy !loop"' to use them against g~ent troops. l! at STU ~ { will be f S.archtelm. find 'bllck box' It Jet crl.h .lte *{ 40 YEARS OLD ~ LISBON, POl1ugf.l (UPI) - Searc!l teams, at times slogging l ~ throuah koee-deep l.!td, recovered at least 30 bodies and the * FEBRUARY 12. 1989. $ "black box" cockpit recorder Thursday from the wreckage or a l ~ U.S.-owned jetliner tbatcrashed in the Azores Islands, killing all J ,~ ..... 144 people aboard. As search efforts were suspended because or We lookfon,vard :0 another ~ . fRiDAY SPECIAL' fog. an airport official reportedly &aid tower instructions to the f 1F10:pm crashed Boeing '7", bad been proper, and the Federal A1,-"i:ail'lll Administration said the nearly 21-year-old plane had a l'i!Cord of * successfu.l 40 }'ears at SI U ~ 4 Tacos w/beans minor mechanical problems. z'&-~~~~~~~~ & rice ora [!]~~@l Taco Salad $4.25 Senior Druze offlclala.II•• lnated In L.bln~n BEIRUT, Lebanon (UPl) - Unidentified gunmen Thur.day ; KOPIES & ft10RE ~ assassinated a senior official of Lebanon's Progret<sive Soc .alist @I 607 S. Illinois Ave ~ SATURpAY SPECIAL Party beaded by Druze warlord Walid Jumblatt, police said. Anwar AI Fatayery. a top securitr. aide to Jumblatt, and one of his bodyguards were shot dead while traveling near the village or II Reri~cro 5sSS;9-u;a6~9ms.noton thee;'~M)! L~~~£~=: Jaheliyeh,15 miles swtbeast of Beirut, police said.
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