Federal Railroad Administration, DOT § 229.5 (b) The information collection re- the manufacturer or remanufacturer to quirements are found in the following the customer, or if the railroad manu- sections: §§ 229.9, 229.17, 229.21, 229.23, factures or remanufactures the loco- 229.25, 229.27, 229.29, 229.31, 229.33, 229.55, motive itself, the date on which the lo- 229.103, 229.105, 229.113, 229.121, 229.135, comotive is released from the manufac- and appendix H to part 229. ture or remanufacture facility. [50 FR 6953, Feb. 19, 1985, as amended at 58 Cab means that portion of the super- FR 36613, July 8, 1993; 71 FR 63136, Oct. 27, structure designed to be occupied by 2006] the crew operating the locomotive. Carrier means railroad, as that term § 229.5 Definitions. is in this section. As used in this part— Collision posts means structural mem- AAR means the Association of Amer- bers of the end structures of a rail ve- ican Railroads. hicle that extend vertically from the Acceptable quality level (AQL). The underframe to which they are securely AQL is expressed in terms of percent attached and that provide protection defective or defects per 100 units. Lots to occupied compartments from an ob- having a quality level equal to a speci- ject penetrating the vehicle during a fied AQL will be accepted approxi- collision. mately 95 percent of the time when Controlling locomotive means a loco- using the sampling plans prescribed for motive from where the operator con- that AQL. trols the traction and braking func- Alerter means a device or system in- tions of the locomotive or locomotive stalled in the locomotive cab to pro- consist, normally the lead locomotive. mote continuous, active locomotive en- Corner posts means structural mem- gineer attentiveness by monitoring se- bers located at the intersection of the lect locomotive engineer-induced con- front or rear surface with the side sur- trol activities. If fluctuation of a mon- face of a rail vehicle and which extend itored locomotive engineer-induced vertically from the underframe to the control activity is not detected within roof. a predetermined time, a sequence of Commuter service means the type of audible and visual alarms is activated railroad service described under the so as to progressively prompt a re- heading ‘‘Commuter Operations’’ in 49 sponse by the locomotive engineer. CFR part 209, Appendix A. Failure by the locomotive engineer to Commuter work train is a non-revenue institute a change of state in a mon- service train used in the administra- itored control, or acknowledge the tion and upkeep service of a commuter alerter alarm activity through a man- railroad. ual reset provision, results in a penalty Control cab locomotive means a loco- brake application that brings the loco- motive without propelling motors but motive or train to a stop. with one or more control stands. Anti-climbers means the parts at the Controlling remote distributed power lo- ends of adjoining rail vehicles in a comotive means the locomotive in a dis- train that are designed to engage when tributed power consist that receives subjected to large buff loads to prevent the coded signal from the lead loco- the override of one vehicle by another. motive consist of the train whether Assignment address means a unique commanded automatically by the dis- identifier of the RCL that insures that tributed power system or manually by only the OCU’s linked to a specific RCL the locomotive engineer. can command that RCL. Crack means a fracture without com- Associate Administrator for Safety plete separation into parts, except that means the Associate Administrator for castings with shrinkage cracks or hot Safety, Federal Railroad Administra- tears that do not significantly dimin- tion, or that person’s delegate as des- ish the strength of the member are not ignated in writing. considered to be cracked. Break means a fracture resulting in Cruise control means a device that complete separation into parts. controls locomotive power output to Build date means the date on which obtain a targeted speed. A device that the completed locomotive is shipped by functions only at or below 30 miles per 527 VerDate Sep<11>2014 19:11 Dec 11, 2018 Jkt 244228 PO 00000 Frm 00537 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\49\49V4.TXT PC31 kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB § 229.5 49 CFR Ch. II (10–1–18 Edition) hour is NOT considered a ‘‘cruise con- DMU locomotive means a diesel-pow- trol’’ for purposes of this part. ered multiple unit operated locomotive Data element means one or more data with one or more propelling motors de- point or value reflecting on-board train signed to carry passenger traffic. operations at a particular time. Data Excessive noise report means a report may be actual or ‘‘passed through’’ val- by a locomotive cab occupant that the ues or may be derived from a combina- locomotive is producing an unusual tion of values from other sources. level of noise that significantly inter- dB(A) means the sound pressure level feres with normal cab communications in decibels measured on the A-weighted or that is a concern with respect to scale. hearing conservation. Dead locomotive means— Electronic air brake means a brake (1) A locomotive, other than a con- system controlled by a computer which trol cab locomotive, that does not have provides the means for control of the any traction device supplying tractive locomotive brakes or train brakes or power; or both. (2) A control cab locomotive that has Event recorder means a device, de- a locked and unoccupied cab. signed to resist tampering, that mon- Decibel (dB) means a unit of measure- itors and records data, as detailed in ment of sound pressure levels. § 229.135(b), over the most recent 48 Defective means, for purposes of sec- hours of operation of the electrical sys- tion 229.129 of this part, a locomotive tem of the locomotive on which the de- equipped with an audible warning de- vice is installed. However, a device, de- vice that produces a maximum sound signed to resist tampering, that mon- level in excess of 110 dB(A) and/or a itors and records the specified data minimum sound level below 96 dB(A), only when the locomotive is in motion as measured 100 feet forward of the lo- meets this definition if the device was comotive in the direction of travel. installed prior to November 5, 1993 and Designated service means exclusive op- if it records the specified data for the eration of a locomotive under the fol- last eight hours the locomotive was in lowing conditions: motion. (1) The locomotive is not used as an Event recorder memory module means independent unit or the controlling that portion of the event recorder used unit in a consist of locomotives except to retain the recorded data as detailed when moving for the purposes of serv- in § 229.135(b). icing or repair within a single yard FRA means the Federal Railroad Ad- area; ministration. (2) The locomotive is not occupied by Fuel tank, external means a fuel con- operating or deadhead crews outside a tainment vessel that extends outside single yard area; and the car body structure of a locomotive. (3) The locomotive is stenciled ‘‘Des- Fuel tank, internal means a fuel con- ignated Service—DO NOT OCCUPY.’’ tainment vessel that does not extend Design standard means a criterion outside the car body structure of a lo- adopted by an industry or voluntary comotive. consensus standards body, which ad- High voltage means an electrical po- dresses the design of a locomotive with tential of more than 150 volts. respect to its crashworthiness and Initial terminal means a location crashworthiness features. where a train is originally assembled. Distributed power system means a sys- In-service event recorder means an tem that provides control of a number event recorder that was successfully of locomotives dispersed throughout a tested as prescribed in § 229.27(d) and train from a controlling locomotive lo- whose subsequent failure to operate as cated in the lead position. The system intended, if any, is not actually known provides control of the rearward loco- by the railroad operating the loco- motives by command signals origi- motive on which it is installed. nating at the lead locomotive and Lateral means the horizontal direc- transmitted to the remote (rearward) tion perpendicular to the direction of locomotives. travel. 528 VerDate Sep<11>2014 19:11 Dec 11, 2018 Jkt 244228 PO 00000 Frm 00538 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\49\49V4.TXT PC31 kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB Federal Railroad Administration, DOT § 229.5 Lead locomotive means the first loco- porting frame to resist and transmit motive proceeding in the direction of the loads acting on the locomotive. movement. MU locomotive means a multiple unit Lite locomotive means a locomotive or operated electric locomotive— a consist of locomotives not attached (1) With one or more propelling mo- to any piece of equipment or attached tors designed to carry freight or pas- only to a caboose. senger traffic or both; or Locomotive means a piece of on-track (2) Without propelling motors but equipment other than hi-rail, special- with one or more control stands and a ized maintenance, or other similar means of picking-up primary power equipment— such as a pantograph or third rail. (1) With one or more propelling mo- Narrow-nose locomotive means a loco- tors designed for moving other equip- motive with a short hood that spans ment; substantially less than the full width (2) With one or more propelling mo- of the locomotive.
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