•Mi • EDISONJ rom* Ik Atroiel, Colonia, Fords, HopelftWfe, t*Hit, Keasbey, Port Reading, Sewaren and Edison 1-41 Woodbridge, New Jersey, Thm&dny, December 18,1965 *?«f PRO TIM ClHti iniature Ku Klux Klan Operating On School Bus : : Parents Complain To Bd. A Chicken In Every Pot? Youths Severely Beaten And Kicked Group Relates •i- i Pave Streets With Gold, WOODBR11X1F. - Charges of a "miniature Ku Klux Kim" ofMritlng in the Colonia section of the Township, resulting ' In Millers Plan For Fusion a bunch of hoodlums" beating up Jewish students on a bat enroutt to Woodbridge Senior High School were made at a WOonniUDGE - "Give the, Mr, Miller said the coalition Is meeting of the Board of Education last night. public a bigger and better pro- hviously "not the answer" and The charge fell like a bombshell and visibly disturbed wm" gram, pave the street* with gold, il was his feeling that the fusion! ben of the Board who stnted it was the first they heard of tt», a chicken In every pot, etc.", Is ticket offered th« best mean! ofi situation. the advice David T. Miller, Sr,| •success, former Township Committecmanj it must, he continues, be the! Parents making the complaints urged the press not to u» their names because they were fearful that their children frnm Hie Fifth Ward, gave in a:\m\ five candidates that the Re-. letter lo H Republicans and 1ft publicans, Democrats and Inde-! might be beaten. •> Democrats seeking their, support pendents can offer. Influential De-1 Complainants related that the "hoodlums terrorize the for thr formation of a fusion tick moerats, the letter continued,! children" and one man said that one boy was "knocked down et two years from now, when Wai! should convince their party "that; and kicked in the groin." ter Zirpnln's term as mayor ex-1, (hey will not cooperate or par- "The bus seals are slashed with razors and these hoodtaros P'fes |licipate in filling any vacancies. smoke anil bum the children with tti«ir cigarettes and burn 1 In olforing tun advice as to \\VA{ might occur in the Zirpolo their clothing," the first complainant said. "This cannot go oil- how to defeat the mayor, Mr :,.s(;helon. (This excludes in this; it hns been a nightmare." Miller wrote in his Utter, a pho- <>chrloa both Barone and Tomat William Bihler. president of the Board, said "thta comes out tnstntir copy of which was giv™ <ot •• of the clear blue sky, It is the first I have nesrd of It." to The Independent-Leader, as Evanko Seen Strong COP i The bus wns identified as one coming from Sborwmt*.. follo*s: Johh Evanko, Republican Muni- through New Dover Road, to th* high school/1 * "Very little time should be dc cipal Chairman, who served oh I voted o elaborating on the per- ^ oM Townsbi Cimmitlee ^i ma failures of the present 7.\r-,m MJd ta ,.ha(1 no commat: Started Mimth Ago £ 11 d 01 One man retain! that the "terrorism" started a month ago *• 1 '^'T^"11^ • " /I : about the letter". Ho admitted mean that the public issue like h h ha(, ., iW "when: a group of bullies" attacked his m He related that te * Garden Apartments should he ig- . , , . waited at tho bus stop nnd sWppwl the "hoodlums" whfr tNft. norcd, but I suggest the ignoring', "A» t:ir, as ' »|" TTH K time arrived in a car ami watted for the bus to arrive. He tftap : Of 'sour grapes' issues such as *'• Ftv«I*»*"d-J ' w^! abld^ ^ told tfbm that if thev moleftad hi* son, their fathers w«Bd^ th» unholy alUanee between the the wuhei of he topuMican Wart; answef.to him. he said. ' * mayor and council president, or ^<** ™1 "".i^S* fTT I OF IM TO ALL: le The man whose son was licked in I he groin said he had to : little who owns what motel. Give the! « members. After the last elec- wanted'to press charges, but hi« son asked him not to because public a bigger and better ^ ! It ed a strong Republican Party in "he feared reprisals." gram, pave the street! fith gold, 1 a chicken in every pot, etc. WoodbidKe Townihip. This is good, "The Fusion Platform should as 1 see it, and we plan to field Police Know Boys include a fiscal pM Which cart the strongest possible candidates. "However, the police knw who the boys were as soon as I produce a radical reduction in We can't dp it in one or two taxes, or tremendous expansion of months. We will have to start working now and contitinun e to work **. *•*"»• "P** of w*n tk ^ngltatei. J«y SBB was services afforded, without a tax 11 incase': If Ms1 means Winding %***»•* twa yeaBB. Wdi' oW«,«Wffr*flDWWd d U ritad What wilt evaryaiing umier the gun and f»tt'W,A&PPe8^ l0.™.. as long as 4* years Instead of the cttPawM. « J*w didnt will they continue fe 'ftm"!Mr''Mttl thwe of them are reel normal 20 or 3fl years, then 1*. Evanko said he would study animals, they don't belong on the streets." by all means adopt it as the pro-,Miller's letter further, before t iram 'making any comments. The Coloala resident was advised by Board Counsel Francis Foley to press charges. essary If 100 'Neediest lases'Are To Be Aided "You just have to have faith in the low", the attorney com- B'nai Brith Citizenship mented. KITH W(M* Jmous. Mr ami Mrs Mis. Henry D. Samya, Student $2.50 Boylan To Report IIK1K - t'hri.stmas is Mr. and Mrs. William Samson,''-'filler Council of School 17, Colonia; William J. Warren Association Award To Go To Dr. Lozo At this point Mr. Rihler instructed Superintendent of Scfaoob ii Most of us aru inDr. and Mrs. Isadore Rabinowitz, $7.50 | Mr. and Mrs. Thomas (!. Des- $2.00 Patrick A. Boylan to contact the police department to Issue mond, Sophie K., and Anna L. Paaquale Muntaawli, Joseph, fS(M-fiiil to Independent-Leader) united financial support he was! til shopping (or Rifts Martlo Lawrence Jewelers, Young Mr. and Mrs. William Flng i Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. WOOIIBRIDGE - It was an- to keep our hiRli school om sufficient protection for the students going to and from sthort : list minute cards. t)emocratic Club of Woodbridge, Louis and Carla Marino, A Se- able $5.00 I Call, Mt. Carmel Catholic War and to follow the bus. Mr. Boylan was also instructed to make ii air of excitement waren Friend, Mr. and Mrs. Wil-nounced last night that Dr. John the level with the best in the Woman's Club of Woodbridge, Mr. and Mrs lJaul Ducsil k,' Veterans ladies Auxiliary, Mr or so it seems t liam Clark, Robert C. Holcroft. R I,o/.o. principal of Woodbridge State. He has handled a most a full report to the Board I-adies Aid Society of the First Jr., MadeUneS. King. J«si* -i rind Mrs. C. V. Longstreet a Charles J. Alexander, Mr. andlHifii; School, will IH> awarded the (liffjcll|t ixwiliun efficiently and It was suggested by the delegation, that the bus contractor Presbyterian Church, A Friend, lenti, Rosa F. Swarlz, Mil,,d $3.00 Mrs. Edward Springer, T. B. of fourth annual B'nal B'rith Cili- •>li>pping fur gifts, Mrs. R. S. Killenberger, Anony- Mrs. Seymour Sperber, MrUl Anonymous, Mrs, Lillian HossnerjColonia i/enship Award, given nViiUly hy.with diunity. He retires with the remove the woman driver, "as she may be scared to death of tnu, no excitement in the Colonia-Kahway B'nai B'rilh respect aixl good wishes of his hoodlums". s in the Township. Men's Lodge and Sinai Chapter of co-workers and 1 am sure, the It was at this point in the debate that one woman threw the i* willing, The Indc B'nai B'rith Women. gratitude of the school district." verbal bombshell. ilcr Christmas Fund The presentation will be made il the responsibility of 78-Acre Site InlAvenel Offered during Brotherhood Week in Feb- Evading h$ue •ir HJO neediest rases. Port Reading Woman Mill others who need At about the same time that "Everyone here is evading the issue," she declared. Ihey must wait until the honor was announced, the Shoots Self, Dies She claimed the beatings and terrorism are caused by anti- :n how much money' Board of Education secretary was1 PORT RFJUHNG - Miss Janet Semitism, .itni. To County By Tavnship For Park reading a letter from Dr. Lozo One lone voice in the audience said: "That's not true" — but Martino, 25, of 477 Port Reading ( announcing his retirement as of the other objectors nodded their heads in agreement, 5l, Jt« has been donat-j Avenue, committed suicide by 1 WOODDUIDGE - Mayor Wai-1 prime industrial land and tllivu in this county and our coni-inunity by taking away prime in- June :M). shooting herself Tuesday night in "They call our children bagels' and 'dirty Jew ," she con- total boosted by the; tinued. "They start to count the number of Jewish children t im i ter Z'nx)!u 1(xlily 0"t''ecl ^ Mi<1-!Tl)wnslu'P Ileeill'ti tlu' ralables. llminity. will have adequate ree- ilustrial land." "This action on my part is the reur of a grocery store con- m on the bus and when the bus reaches Frystock, where Christmas • \7 ''idlesex County Board of Freehold-!also stated the park would prinlcation sites.
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