US 2012007 1157A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2012/0071157 A1 MARKOULDAKS (43) Pub. Date: Mar. 22, 2012 (54) METHOD FORMOBILE NETWORK (52) U.S. Cl. ...................................... 455/423:455/422.1 COVERAGE EXPERIENCE ANALYSIS AND MONITORING (57) ABSTRACT (76) Inventor: Yannis MARKOULIDAKIS. Nea In a telecommunications network including a plurality of Smyrni (GR) s mobile terminals, a system and method of providing an indi y cation of network coverage in relation to at least one of the plurality of mobile terminals, the method and system being (21) Appl. No.: 13/101479 configured to: determine the occurrence of incoming call events in relation to the at least one terminal; record the (22) Filed: May 5, 2011 occurrences together with an identity of at least one appli O O cable terminal, a location and/or a time associated with the (30) Foreign Application Priority Data communication event; and analyse the recorded incoming May 5, 2010 (GB) 1OO7507.5 call event data, particularly unreachable terminal events, to determine an indication of experienced network coverage for each of the at least one terminal. In this way, an indication of Publication Classification actual user experience can be determined, which is usable in (51) Int. Cl. indicatively treating customer complaints, making network H04/24/00 (2009.01) improvements and analysing mobile terminal performance. &ixi: 388xx:k::::::: Patent Application Publication Mar. 22, 2012 Sheet 1 of 4 US 2012/0071157 A1 FIGURE Patent Application Publication Mar. 22, 2012 Sheet 2 of 4 US 2012/0071157 A1 (RE 888 & 38 3xx88 ::::::::::::::::::::: 8:38& Patent Application Publication Mar. 22, 2012 Sheet 3 of 4 US 2012/0071157 A1 (RE3 &:::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: is:::::::::: 33 8xxxxx xxxix: {}: i: ifk:x: 38: 8:::::::::::: {x : 38 Patent Application Publication Mar. 22, 2012 Sheet 4 of 4 US 2012/0071157 A1 FORE & sessssssssssssssssssssssssss 3i due :: US 2012/007 1157 A1 Mar. 22, 2012 METHOD FORMOBILE NETWORK assumed distribution of customers according to their place of COVERAGE EXPERIENCE ANALYSIS AND residence. In mature networks (e.g. Western Europe), popu MONITORING lation coverage is generally above 99%. Geographic coverage is also based on propagation prediction tools and field mea FIELD OF THE INVENTION Surements, but provides the extent of network coverage over the physical geography of a country (e.g. taking into account 0001. The present invention relates to a cellular telecom factors like flat terrain, mountains, islands, Sea, etc.) Both munications network and the management thereof. More par population and geographical coverage estimates are based on ticularly, the present invention relates to a system and method signal strength thresholds corresponding to acceptable out for monitoring Voice call events, particularly unsuccessful door or indoor signal levels. For 3G networks, the 3G network call attempts to/from a mobile terminal, and even more par coverage threshold can also consider service related param ticularly unsuccessful call attempts due to the terminal not eters like Video-Telephony, HSDPA 1 Mbps throughput, etc. being reachable, such as would occur in out of coverage 0014 Typically in order to derive geographical coverage, situations. Even more particularly, the present invention the country map is divided into squared units called “pixels' relates to a system and method for providing network data and based on a propagation prediction model provides the analysis in relation to out of coverage situations. coverage in each pixel. To achieve this, the coverage predic tion tool estimates the signal strength occurring per pixel for BACKGROUND each base station of the radio network. As for any pixel there 0002 Unsuccessful call attempts encompass both missed may be multiple base stations which provide some level of calls terminating to a mobile and the inability of a mobile coverage, the propagation prediction tool assigns to this pic terminal to initiate calls. In mobile/cellular network perfor ture the maximum received signal strength from a single base mance analysis, the rate of missed calls for a user is a Key station. It should be noted that the pixel size can be variable as Performance Indicator (KPI), and there are a number of situ e.g. in urban areas a higher accuracy is required and thus a ations where a missed call may occur, including where: Smaller pixel size can be used versus the one used in rural 0003 (a) the called user's mobile terminal was switched areas. A specific signal strength threshold is defined (e.g., off: i.e. turned off by the user or by the terminal itself in the corresponding to “outdoor or “indoor coverage acceptable event of a depleted battery, both of which result in the termi signal levels) so as to filter the results and provide the per nal sending a network detach message before shutting down; centage of geographical area which is covered as follows: this case also includes the de-activation of mobile network access without shutting down the terminal (e.g., flight-mode). 0004 (b) the called user was busy: i.e. on another call or 1 A (1) not answering the ringing terminal; and Peo coy (A., 6) SA) XPess4 (i,0), S(j) 0005 (c) the called user was not reachable/non-con i=l tactable by paging procedure indicating out of coverage or other conditions with the same effect: i.e. terminal attached to the network, but non-responsive to the paging message sent Where: by the network on the occurrence of the incoming call. 0006 From a customer viewpoint, the first two missed call I0015 P., (A,0): The percentage (%) providing the situations, (a) and (b) listed above, are generally acceptable, predicted geographical coverage in area Abased on Received since they are within the user's control. The third point (c), Signal Strength (RSS) threshold 0 (indbm) corresponding to however, is out of the user's control, and therefore likely to certain coverage conditions (e.g. indoor); cause dissatisfaction and be viewed as a service inadequacy. 0016 A: The area A can be the whole country or any Similarly the inability to initiate a call is likely to be due to the region of the country; terminal entering a non-reachable state, and again be viewed 0017 M: The number of pixels into which the area A has as a service inadequacy. been divided into by the propagation prediction tool; 0007. The problem of the terminal entering a non-reach 0018 S(A): the surface area of area A (in square km); able state may be due to a number of issues, such as: 0019 S(): the surface of the pixel j (in square km). This 0008 i) network coverage extent or continuity problems approach allows for variable pixel size. If a fixed pixel size is (i.e. the user of the mobile terminal may have moved and used for the entire area then s()/S = 1/M in Eq. (1); and entered a region with no signal coverage or with only a weak 0020 Piss (i,0) is a coverage characterization function signal coverage); defined as follows: 0009 ii) mobile terminal associated problems (e.g. termi nal antenna sensitivity, performance of the terminal receiver, etc.); 1 if RSS(i) > 0 (2) 0010 iii) network protocols and standards associated PRSs (i. 6) = { () if RSS(i) < 0 problems (e.g. 3GPP idle mode terminal operation stan dards); 0011 iv) rarely occurring conditions e.g. local interfer (0021. Where RSS() is the predicted RSS level (indbm) in ence in paging channels; or pixelj. 0012 V) any combination of the above. 0022 Population coverage uses the same methodology of 0013 Currently the network coverage of a mobile network geographical coverage prediction, however, it additionally is described by KPIs such as Population Coverage and Geo takes into account the geographical distribution of the popu graphic Coverage. Population coverage is calculated using lation's residence as reported in the national demographic propagation prediction tools and field measurements for an statistical databases. US 2012/007 1157 A1 Mar. 22, 2012 0023 The population coverage can then be expressed as customer experiences based on their actual geographic posi follows: tion. In other words the actual user experience on coverage in a particular position is dependent upon various factors, including their actual physical situation (e.g. indoors/out MA (3) doors) and also the actual population distribution at that time Pop coy (A. 0) = Npop (A) 2.X PRSsRSSJ (i. 6). N,popj (i) (e.g. due to peak hour traffic or an entertainment event). Therefore, the factors to consider are more dynamic than those taken into consideration in the population and geo graphic coverage KPIs. Where: 0031. In other words, in practice these KPIs provide an indication of the expected customer experience, however, the I0024 P., (A,0): The percentage (%) providing the actual user experience in terms of coverage (i.e. the user is predicted population coverage in area Abased on RSS thresh making calls/sessions or receiving calls in his/her actual posi old 0 (in dbm) corresponding to certain coverage conditions tion during the day) is a more complicated issue since popu (e.g. indoor) and the population's residence distribution in lation distribution may vary by a set of factors including at area A. least the following: (0025 N. (A): The population with reported residence in area A. 0.032 (a) the time of the day (e.g. located at home, (0026 NG): The population with reported residence in travelling to work, located at work, travelling back pixelj. It should be noted that as the pixel size is relatively home, etc.); small (e.g. 50 mix50 m) the population with residence in this 0033 (b) working/non-working days (e.g.
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