THE NEWS $2.00 A YEAE VOL. XLVI—No. 39. BRITAIN'S PREMIER, REICH DICTATOR IN CONCLAVE Alexandria Toutli tilled Ruiulreds Die As Riirricane Czech Cabinet Bows To Anglo-French In Accidenl Thursday Sweeps New Fegland Slates BRUNO TAILLEFER,^ 14 DIES AS RAGIN G WINDSTORMS CAUSE Demands For Surrender of Sudeten RESULT OF INJURIES— DAMAGE IN QUEBEC AND STRUCK BY CAR EASTERN ONTARIO Crisis Not /et Passed as Chamberlain Arrives Death of Bruno Taillefer, 14-year- Restored communications in storm- old son of Mr. and Mrs. George Taille- lashed New England disclosed yester- In Germany For Conference With Hitlei fer, Alexandria, as a result of serious day a major disaster , resulting from Wednesday’s unprecedented hurricane Will Demand Military Guarantees head injuries incurred when the youth and tidal waves. was struck by a car on Main street By mid-afternoon the number of Premier Neville Chamberlain flew to Godesberg, Germany, yesterday, south, last Thursday evening, marke.i known dead in New England was 261 for his second personal conference with Chancellor Hitler. He carried the the first serious accic|ent on Main Another 35 were added in New York. definite Czech acceptance of the plan to transfer the Sudeten areas to street since concrete was laid a year New Jersey and Quebec, making the total 296. Germany, but also was said to haveteady a set of demands for concessions ago. The unfortunate youth died some in return. These demands included demobUization of the German reser- With flood waters rising toward re- vists; a non-aggression pact betwee.u hours later in Hotel Dieu Hospital, cording-breaking heights in the pop- Britain, Prance, Germany and Italy; Parliament To Be Summooed Cornwall, and a charge of manslaugh- ulous, three-state Connecticut River appointment of an international com- ter has been laid against John A. valley, authorities feared the deiath mission to establish the new Czech Before War Comiiiitnients Kade MacDonald of Glen Roy, the alleged toll would mount even higher before driver of the car. the waters receded. boundaries and transfer populations; Prime Minister Mackenzie King in- the end of anti- Czech phopaganda in Mr. MacDonald was taken into cus- Death totals by states at 2 p.m. i' dlcated in a statement Saturday, that tody shortly after the accident and (E.D.T.; the German press. before Canada was committed to any Capitulation of the Czech Govem- arraignment in court, here, will be Rhode Island. 138. I active part in the play of events in held next Wednesday. Meanwhile he ment to the demand of Britain and ’ Europe he would summon Par- Massachusetts, 72. Prance lessened the tension under * to receive the government’s is at liberty on $1,000, bail and an Connecticut, 42. inquest was conducted, here last even- New Hampshire, 9. which the world has been watching j-ggoj^niendations. One of the most momentous meetings in history i Joachim von Ribbentrop; backs to camera two in- developments during the past week announcement the Prime is pictured here as Adolf Hitler, RIGHT, reich dic- ing, by Dr. D. J. Dolan, Coroner. New York, 32. tator, and Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, te^reters. Chamberlain may have another meeting but the crisis is not yet passed. Minister followed closely the line of 1 with the German fuehrer after he has reported the According to police reports the boy New Jersey, 1. CENTRE, of England met at Hitler’s villa at Berchtes- \ result of the present one to the British parliament. was pushing a child’s waggon along The Government at Prague finally jjg laiij down m several utter- gaden to discuss ways and means of averting another The full horror of the storm as it agreed Wednesday to partition of their gjjggg of the past two years on the at- European war. At LEFT is German Foreign Minister the travelled portion of the street, swept northward over Long Island and coiintry but in the face of public cla- jjjude of his administration toward about two feet from the curb. The New England did not become appar- mor for armed opposition to the ces- gygj^^ that might involve Canada, s automobile also was travelling south ent until telephone communlèatioa Sion plan. Premier Milan Hodza and ^ member of the British Common- and at a point opposite the United was re-established between Boston his cabinet resigned. It was expected ' yyggith of Nations, in a European war. Appoiniments Discussed At Maxvilie-Montreal Truck Record Olsplay Of Caille Church cemetery, the car is said to and Rhode Island, the state hardest have hit the wagon and youth, throw- that a national government would b6| y^g ggme time the Prime Minia- hit by the worst disaster of the re- formed, probably with a civilian as renewed his expressions of faith in Liberal Lxecutive Meetiny Found in Soulanyes Canal At Maxville Fair ing the latter a distance of 64 feer. gion’s history. Police allege the automobile then Huge tides piled up by the 100-mlle- Premier but with an increased num- ^ efficacy of consultation and friend- Considering the heavy wind and SEARCH FOR MAX DOWNER, Between fifteen hundred and two ber of military men. i^y discussion of differences as between leaped the curb and ran along the an-houz- hurricane accounted for most rainstorm of Wednesday night the at- OWNER, PROVES FRUI'TLESS thousand people were in attendance at sidewalk for a distance of 150 feet be- Both Poland and Hungary are clam- nations. He praised the peace-making of the destruction. Walls of water tendance at the regular meeting of the the e48th annual exhibition held un- fore returnhig to the road. oring for Czech territory and are said efforts of Neville Chamberlain and his Quebec Provincial Police have given descended upon Providence and other executive of the Glengarry Liberal up_ for the present, search of the bot- Constables Soubliere and Courvllle to be massing troops on their respec- colleagues in the British government. der the auspices of the Kenyon Town- coast towns and rolled inland as far Association, held in the Town Hall, : fom of the Boulanges Canal, near Cas- were called and they arrested MacDon- tive frontiers. Hungary yesterday sent o ship Agricultural Association, at Max- as one-fifth of a mile. here, was exceptionally good, some six- cades, at a point where, Tuesday ald about a half mile south of the ac- In addition to the known dead in a formal demand to Czechoslovakia Unn Inn Q naprilnOP Til ville, on Friday last. Cool, cloudy wea- cident where his car took the ditch as for cession to heir of Czecfà areas •***•'• «38» il. UOrDinEr lU teen officers being present. The Brest-' orning, sight of crates of drowned the hurricane’s path hundreds were sident, Mr. W. J. Major, North Lan-'poetry floating on the water lead to ther threatened rain throughout the he attempted to return to the scene. occupied by Magyars, but it is under- missing, thousands were homeless and j Address Maxville Plowmen caster, was in the chair and in the discovery of a submerged truck owned day but this in no way dampened the John Emberg of Green Valley, was a stood Britain and Prance are against other hundreds were injured. Proper- passenger in the car. Dr. B. Primeau any further losses of territory by the - ... V .. .. lengthy discussion many controversial py j^ax Downer. Two days search bv enthusiasm o fthe fair patrons many ty damage estimates rose from $90.- was called to attend the boy and or- <;zechs. I Hon. Jas. G. Gardiner, Federal Min. points were satisfactorily cleared up.'g diver has failed to turn up any of whom had travelled a considerable 000,000 early Wednesday to $150,000,000 The Secretary of the Association, Dr. trace of the driver and police are now dered his removal to hospital where and higher by midafternoon. Hitler’s Price May Be Higher jitter of Agriculture will be the prln- distance to be present. H. L. Cheney was secretary of the There were excellent exhibits in all death ensued shortly before 3 a.m. Whole communities 'Were devastated. Even as the conference in Godes- speaker at the banquet whicn meeting. , A student at the Alexander School Many remained cut off from the out- berg began there were reports that closes the annual Ploughing Match at I The truck, which made twice weekly lines, notably so in the showing of General discussion of Federal ap- runs between Maxville and Montreal, here, young Taillefer had a host of side world. the German Fuehrer had raised his Maxville, ’Tuesday, Sept. 27th. An- Ayrshire, Holstein and Jersey cat- friends as was shown by the large It was one of the most devastating price for peace. 'The Berlin press in- nouncement was made of his accep- pointments took up considerable time taken from thé canal bottom, tle which was the best on record The numbers present at the funeral, Sun- storms in years along the United States dlôated that even the Anglo-French ttnce this week. and Mr. John D. MacRae, M.P., made Tuesday, and a watch on the seat, horse classes and the poultry division it clear that the Civil Service Com- y,ith hands stopped.«t 3.o’clock, gave were again strong, the only possible day afternoon, to Sacred Heart Church eastern seaboard. proposals to- which Czeschoslovakia Mr.. M..C. McPhaU, newly appointed .and ceme.tery . mission was solely responsible for all g to the time the truck left the ekééptlôn to a general improvement of gnioujands. of square miles of rich was compelled to bow Wednesday Principe of KemptviUe Agricultural Heading the funeral cortege were I lands were inundated, houses were might no longer meet Hitlers desires.
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