View Article Online / Journal Homepage / Table of Contents for this issue INDEX AUTHORS' NAMES. ABSTRACTS. 1901. Parts I. & 11. (Marked A. i and A. ii respectively) ; and also to Transactions, 1901 (marked T.) ; and to Proceedings of the Session 1900-1901 ; Nos. 227 to 240, Nov., 1900--June, 1901 (marked P.). COMPILED BY MARGARET D. DOUGAL. Aken, Miss E. ran, oxidation of orgnnic A. nitrogen compounds and the estima- tion of the carbon and nitrogen therein Abegg, Richard, and W. Herz, separa- by the moist process, A., ii, 691. tion and identification of acids, A., Aktien - Gesellschaft fur Anilinfabrik- ii, 190. ation, benzyl salicylate, A., i, 712. Abegg, Richcwd, [and CI. Immerwahr], Akunoff, Iiuan, the chlorine-hydrogen influence of the medium on the photo- gas cell, A., ii, 81. chemical effect in silver bromide emul- Alberda van Ekenstein, WiZliam, new sions, and photochemical induction, A., formal (methylene) compounds of ii, 217. hydroxy-acids, A., i, 120. Abel, Emil, equilibrium between the clif- Albert, FTiedrich, feeding experiments ferent stages of oxidation of the same in 1898 and 1899, at Lauchstadt, with metal, A., ii, 376. bullocks, pigs, and lrtml)s, A., ii, 337. -electromotive relationsof coiiipouncls Albert, Robert, simple experiment to with several oxidation stages, A., illustrate the action of zymase, A., ij, 490. i, 180. - theory of the accumulator, A., Albitzky, AZexiw, oxidation of higher ii, 537. unsntarnted fatty acids with snlphuric Abel, John J., epinrphi ine, A., i. 354. acid and aninionium persulphate, A., Abell, Aobert Duneombe, the condensa- i, 5. tion of phenyl ethyl ketone aiid benz- Albo, Giacomo, physiological significance Published on 01 January 1901. Downloaded by Washington University in St. Louis 21/07/2013 17:05:35. aldehyde, T., 928 ; P., 1901, 128. of colchicine in diWeren t varities of Aberson, J. H. See TP. ran Dam. C'olchicum and MercncM-a, A., ii, 679. Ach, Benno. See Julius Tafel. Albrecht, E. See Car2 Engler. Ach, Narzi.w, diuretic actioii of certain Alciatore, A~7tozi0.See Qt67clo Pellizzari. purine derivatives, A., ii, 31. Aldrich, T. B., active principlc of the Ackroyd, William, researches on moor- suprarenal gland, A., ii, 564. land waters. Part 11. On the origin AlexBeff, WZadiniir. See Paul Gordan. of the combined chlorine, T., 673 ; P., Alfthan, z'on, benzoyl esters and carbo- 1901, 87. hydrates in normal and diabetic urine, Adam, Pad, cell for the clinical deter- A., ii, 179. mination of hzmoglobin in urine, Allan, F. B., basic nitrates of bismuth, A., ii, 488. A., ii, 318. Adamiantz, Suren. See Carl D. Harries. Allen, AQki?Nmtry, detection of arsenic Adrian, L. Alphonse, and J. Augi& in beer, A., ii, 125. Trillat, pseudo-acid derived from Allison, J. R. See Arthur &oi*gc Perkin. agaric, A., i, 211. Aloy, Jules [Fra?qois],donble chlorides Adriani, J. N.,eutectic curves in systems of' uranyl and the alkali metals ; hydro- of three substances of which two are chloride of uranyl chloride, A., optical antipodes, A., ii, 230. ii, 164. LXXX. ii. 51 View Article Online 714 INDEX OF AUTHORS. Aloy, Jules [Fran~ois],new method of Archangelski, Konstantin, rhododen- determining the atomic weight of drol, rhododendrin, and andromedo- uranium, A., ii, 244. toxin, A., i, 734. - preparation of uranium, A. , Archbutt, Leonard, and Percy George ii, 317. Jackson, determination of minute Alsberg, C. See P. A. Levene. quantities of arsenic in coke, A., Altmann, Paul, estimation of nitro-groups ii, 476. by a volumetric method, A., ii, 475. Archibald, Ebenexar Renry. See Theo- Altmann, Paul. See also Josrf Herzig. dore William Richarde. Alvisi, Ugo, new explosive and deto- Ardin-Delteil, P., cryoscopy of the nating materials, V., A., ii, 498. human sweat, A., ii, 67. Ambiihl, Gottwalt, agreement between Arend, K. con. See Aug~tMichaelis. milk solids actually determined and Arlt, Ferdinand von, dextrose, A., i, 369. those found by calculation, A., ii, 137. Armsby, Henry Prentiss, niaintenance Ampola, G., guano from Erythrza, A., ration of cattle, A., ii, 271. ii, 341. Armfdtrong, Edward Franklund. See Ampola, G., and C. Ulpiani, denitrifica- Emil Fischer. tion in soil, A., ii, 524. Armstrong, Henry Edward, and T. izf, And& Gustave, chemical changes during Lowry, stereoisorneric a- and a’-sulpho- the evolution of buds, A., ii, 120. nic derivatives of camphor, P., 1901, -migration of nitrogenous substances 182. and ternary substances in annual plants, Armstrong, Henry Edward, and Lconnrd A., ii, 413. Philip Wilson, 1 : 2 : 4-m-xylidine-6- -migration of ternary substances in sulphonic acid, P., 1900, 229. annual plants, A., ii, 413. Amdt, Kurt, barium nitrite, A., ii, 507. -basic salts containingseveral metallic Arnold, Carl, and F. Murach, detection oxides, A., ii, 509. of nitrogen in arsenic, &c., A., ii, 236. -evolution of sulphur and phosphorus Arnold, W. See Albert Edinger. during the conimencement of germina- Aronson, Bans, biology and chemistry tion, A., ii, 525. of diphtheria bacilli, A., ii, 265. Andr6, Gustave. See also Marcellin Arrhenins, Svante, calculation of degree Berthelot. of dissociation of strong electrolytes, Andrlik, Karl, K. Urban, and Yl. A., ii, 144, 435. Stangk, molasses and similar products Arth, Georges, commercial hydrogen from sugar factories, A., ii, 257. peroxide, A., ii, 622. Angeli, Angelo, tetrazones, A., i, 57. Artini, Ettore, new mineral species found Angeli, Angelo, and Francesco Angelico, in Baveno granite, A., ii, 664. 3-nitroindoles, A., i, 45. Aschan, [AdoZfJ Ossian, constitution of --reactions of nitroxyl [NOH], camphor, A., i, 477. A,, i, 322. Ascoli, AZberto, the phosphorus of nu- -- new researches on nitrohydr- cleins, A., i, 108. oxylaminic acid, A., ii, 381. __ a new decomposition product of Published on 01 January 1901. Downloaded by Washington University in St. Louis 21/07/2013 17:05:35. Angelico, Frczncesco, preparation of ful- yeast nucleiii, A., i, 108. minates, A., i, 516. A~her,Lrox, and Frederic W. Busch, Angelico, Prancesco, and 3. Calvello, properties and origin of lymph, A., 3-nitrosopyrioles, A., i, 747. ii, 29. Angelico, Francesco, and S. Fanara, Asher, Lcon, and William B. Cutter, nitrohydroxylaminic acid, A,, i, 707. physiology of glands, A,, ii, 176. Antipoff, J. A., analysis of bucklandite Asher, Leon, and Hol?ncs C. Jackson, [epidote], A., ii, 607. forination of lactic acid in the blood, Antony, Ubaido, and Adovo Lucchesi, A., ii, 563. ruthenium and its compounds, A., AB~,K., r6le of oxydase in the prepara- ii, 247. tion of commercial black ten, A., Antony, Ubaldo, and 3. di Nola, Ber- ii, 679. tliier’s method of determining the As6, K. See also Kurt Bieler. calorific value of fuels, A., ii, 6. Bstachoff, A., and Sergizbs N. Reformat- Apitzsch, H., action of nitrosoacylamines sky, synthesis of a-niethyl-@ethyl- on primary bases, A., i, 138. hydracrylic acid, A., i, 447. Arbuckle, William. See Alexander Bston, Berftard Crucroft. See Thomas Scott. Hill Easterfield. Arbueof, Alexader, phenylmethylallyl- Bston, Francis W. See Percy Faraday carbinol, A., i, 274. Frankland, View Article Online INDEX OF AUTHORS. 715 Aston, Eenry. See Percy Faraday Aweng, Eugen, active glucosides soluble Frankland. in water containedin Frangula,Sagrada, Astruc, A,,action of vegetable alkaloids and rhubarb, A., i, 39. on certain indicators, A., i, 604. - distribution of acidity in stems, B. leaves, and flowers, A., ii, 677. Astruc, A., and E. Murco, acidimetry Babcock, 5'. Xowlton, H.L. Russell, and of aldehydes and ketones, A., i, 66. Alfred Vivian, properties of' galactase, __- derivatives of cacodylic acid, a digestive ferment of milk, A., i, 437. A., i, 144. __-- distribution of galactase Astruc, A., and J. Tarbouriech, acidi- in different species of Mammalia, A,, metry of arsenic acid, A., ii. 552. ii, 406. Atkinson, Edmmcl, obituary notice of, --- - distribution of galactase T., 872, 888. in cow-'s milk, A., ii, 406. Atkinson, Ernest. See Carl D. Harries. Bach, A., higher hydrogen peroxides, Atterberg, Albert, variations in the A, ii, 14. anionnts of nutritive substances in oats, -action of anhydrous sulphuric acid A., ii, 573. on dry potassium persulphate, A., Atwater, Wiebur Oh,aid Francis Gnno ii, 447. Benedict, digestion of food by man, Bach, Hermann, action of aldehydo- A., ii, 253. collicline [2-methyl- 5 - ethylpyridine] Atwater, Wiebur Olin, and C. S. Phelps, on substituted aromatic aldehydes ; study of rations fed to milch cows in yh enyl-a-picoly 1 alkine [B-P-hydroxy- Connecticut, A., ii, 337. P-phenyletliylpyridine], A., i, 609. Aubel, Edmund van, thermoelectric BachBr, Fr. See Adolph Emmerling. behaviour of some oxides and metallic BachtsahBeff, N. See Iwan L. Konda- snlphides, A., ii, 222. koff. -molecular heats of compounds and Backe, P., action of cuminaldehyde on the law of Neumann-Joule-Kopp, A., a-picoline (%methylpyridiue), A., ii, 226. i, 562. -density of alloys, A., ii, 453. Backhaus, and 3. Braun, milk proteid Auchy, George, estimation of sulphur in as food, A., ii, 529. wrought iron and steel, A., ii, 420. Badische Anilin- and Soda-Fabrik, Aue, W. See Alfred Wohl. transformation of hydroxynaphthalene Auer, John. See Walter Joneg. derivatives into the corresponding Auerbach, GzLstav, electrolysis of molten amines, A., i, 695. lead iodide and lead chloride with - 8-hydroxy-a-naphthylamine-4-sul- particular reference to the application phonic acid, A., i, 699. of Faraday's law and the theory of the - condensation of indigo-white with electrolysis of molten salts, A., ii, 590. formaldehyde, A., i, 715. Auerbach, Jlicrtin, and Richard Wolffen- -preparation of 2 :4-dihydroxyquinol- stein, action of hydrogen peroxide on ine, A., i, 751. Published on 01 January 1901. Downloaded by Washington University in St. Louis 21/07/2013 17:05:35. tertiary bases, III., A, i, 613. - preparation of acridine colouring Auger, VicIor, manganic phosphates, A., matters by means of benzaldehyde, A., ii, 554. i, 753. Autenrieth, Wilhelnz, and €2.
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