Read Green Edition Business by 83% Homes, food & more. PAGES 18-22 of newspaper Directory readers Ken Rouleau INSIDE on Salt Spring! His ALS experience. PAGE 23 GULF ISLANDS Wednesday, November 2, 2011 — YOUR COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER SINCE 1960 51ST YEAR ISSUE 44 $ 25 1(incl. HST) LOCAL POLITICS Confl ict case criticized by Trust hopefuls Candidates asked for views at Fulford debate BY SEAN MCINTYRE DRIFTWOOD STAFF Salt Spring Island Local Trust Committee candi- dates speaking at Thursday evening’s all-candidates meeting in Fulford consider the confl ict of interest law- suit against Salt Spring’s Capital Regional District director and two Local Trust Committee members mali- cious, sad, an overreaction and un-Canadian. PHOTO BY DERRICK LUNDY The comments arose after an audience member asked FOUR VAMPIRES AND A ZOMBIE: Salt Spring Elementary School girls get into character for Halloween on Monday afternoon. From left are Cas- LTC candidates to com- sidy Bellavance, Carlie Aston, Clara Serra, Brianna Cudmore and Sarah Caldwell. ment on the decision by 15 islanders, including Capital DEVELOPMENT Regional District candidate Dietrich Luth, to start legal action against the island’s CRD and LTC offi cials. The petitioners argue Resort owners set to listen and learn contributions of more than $40,000 to the Climate Action Council Society Island housing needs could be considered for Bullock Lake project and Water Council Society approved by LTC members BY ELIZABETH NOLAN the early exploratory stages.” The property’s most recent real estate list- Christine Torgrimson and DRIFTWOOD STAFF The project’s dark history began with a devel- ing noted a 2010 assessed value of more than George Ehring, and Capi- The new owners of the Salt Spring Island Vil- opment project headed by Brian Hauff that $18 million and an asking price of $8.9 million. tal Regional District direc- lage Resort property have no plans for immedi- went into foreclosure in 1998. Huaff repur- Shury did not divulge what his group ended up tor Garth Hendren violate ate construction and are instead preparing for a chased the property under his company Tuan paying but did say it was a court-ordered sale the province’s Communi- period of research and stakeholder consultation, Development and resumed work constructing a that went through rapidly. ty Charter because of the principal investor Kyle Shury said Tuesday. 30,000-square-foot lodge, a separate pool build- Shury said he was aware of past complaints elected officials’ role as The founder of Plat:form Properties in Van- ing and 123 luxury cabins in 2005. about the project and that Plat:form will be directors on one or both of couver, which recently acquired the 35.5-acre Hauff applied for and received creditor protec- going to the immediate neighbours and stake- these societies. development, said there are no concrete plans tion for the project in May 2007, just months before holders first to hear what they feel would be “I actually think the peti- for the resort as of yet. fi re would destroy the nearly completed lodge and acceptable for future development. tion is very sad,” said candi- “We’re very early in the process. It’s a com- pool building with damages estimated between $8 “I would say we’re in a listening and learning date George Grams. plicated fi le — there’s a lot of history there, and million and $12 million. Despite Huaff’s declared mode,” he said. most of it is negative. We’re trying to assemble intention to rebuild, the project again went into the historical information and are just now in receivership in December of 2007. BULLOCK LAKE continued on 5 PETITION continued on 2 Grow INSERTS INDEX • Country Grocer BEDDIS your Arts .......................................................... 14 Letters ..................................................... 9 • Ganges Pharmasave ROAD • Thrifty Foods • Sears Classifieds ........................................ 29 Sports .................................................... 34 North WEALTH • Home Hardware • The Source •BMO Editorial ..................................................8 What’s On......................................... 24 End GARAGE • Mark’s Work Wearhouse Fitness Repairs to all Green Edition ............................... 18 Joni Ganderton • Buckerfield’s • Staples makes & models 181A BEDDIS ROAD Investment email: [email protected] 250.537.9933 website: www.gulfislandsdriftwood.com Advisor 250-537-1654 250-537-5217 250-537-4122 SANDRA the islanders airline NEW SCHEDULE VALID FROM OCT 12TH - NOVEMBER 5TH 2011 SMITH Direct Ganges To Downtown : 7:55am Daily (except Sun) 10:30am Daily 4:10pm Daily Complimentary ......................................................................................................................................... ground transportation to the Direct Ganges to Van Airport: 7:55am Daily (Except Sun) 10:30am Daily 4:10pm Daily main terminal ......................................................................................................................................... Direct Van Airport to Ganges: 9:00am Daily (Except Sun) 11:35am Daily 5:15pm Daily ......................................................................................................................................... Get your frequent fl yer saltspringhomefi nder.com discount card, online or Direct Downtown to Ganges: 8:45am Daily (Except Sun) 11:20am Daily 5:00pm Daily 250.537.9880 saltspringair.com in the offi ce 250-537-1201 2 | WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 2011 | GULF ISLANDS DRIFTWOOD CALL GAIL, SEAN OR ELIZABETH IF YOU NEWSBEAT SEE NEWS HAPPENING 2505379933 SMART METERS Activists give Salt Spring hopeful “smart-meter-free zone” label Strategies for impeding project among island complaints has been fear of overall functionality. what Anderson calls “six new layers of power- The opposition is far from convinced, Stay Connected discussed at meeting ful electromagnetic radiation.” however. Walter McGinnis of StopSmartMe- be part of the Their concerns have been bolstered by a ters.ca has called the program “the object of Driftwood’s online community. report from the World Health Organization fear and loathing even more visceral than Sign up for breaking news, a weekly BY ELIZABETH NOLAN published in May 2011 that fi nds radiofre- that felt for the HST — the Hated Sales Tax.” news digest E-dition, Facebook community DRIFTWOOD STAFF quency electromagnetic fi elds as “possibly By declaring Salt Spring a smart-meter-free updates, and short, timely messages via Twitter. A group of about 50 Salt Spring residents carcinogenic to humans . based on an zone, he said during the meeting, “citizens driftwoodgimedia.com/signup.html has declared the island a “smart-meter-free increased risk for glioma, a malignant type of are asserting the rights they would expect zone” following a strategy meeting hosted by brain cancer, associated with wireless phone when living in a free and democratic society.” Gulf Islanders for Safe Technology last Friday use.” While coming up with strategies to activate night. BC Hydro has countered that the radio the free zone designation, local electrician “Salt Spring has an apparently-well- frequency emitted from a smart meter over Peter Haase suggested creating an emergen- deserved reputation for taking action when its entire 20-year life span will be equivalent cy response team “to go into action whenever the environment or public health is threat- to a single 30-minute cell phone call. In addi- a suspicious Corex/Hydro truck is spotted ened,” GIFTS spokesman Chris Anderson tion, a Danish health study of 350,000 people much in the same way that Hornby Island said in a post-meeting report, and added: which was released last month found there has just done.” “Mounting opposition on Salt Spring to what was no difference in cancer rates between Anderson said others at the anti-smart- is seen as an undemocratic plan is not a new people aged over 30 who had used a cell meter meeting suggested creating a phone notion.” phone for a decade and those without cell tree to alert citizens into action to physically Opponents to BC Hydro’s plan to switch phones. surround trucks and impede, in a peaceful the province over to a wireless grid by the end BC Hydro further submits the smart meter manner, the progress of technicians trying to of 2012 have voiced many concerns, which plan is necessary to upgrade outdated tech- install smart meters. range from the project’s immense cost to nology, reduce hydro theft, increase home The ad-hoc emergency response team will privacy and security issues. Perhaps foremost energy conservation and improve the grid’s be meeting bi-weekly. HONDA GENERATOR HARBOURS END Candidates decry petition action MARINE & EQUIPMENT INVENTORY 250-537-4202 PETITION election, it’s not a Cana- “It shouldn’t have hap- Although the ongoing 122 Upper Ganges Rd. at Mon. - Fri. 8:30am - 5:00pm continued from 1 dian way of doing things.” pened this way. In a civi- court case limits what he CLEAROUT! the head of Ganges Harbour Saturdays 9:00am - 1:00pm Carol Dodd called the lized society we talk to can say on the matter, While he ultimately whole petition, launched one another fi rst and fi nd CRD director Hendren Tide Tables believes in the rule of on Oct. 7, “a bit of an over- out what’s going on.” took the opportunity to law, Grams said, an inde- reaction.” Larry Woods followed tell the crowd the climate AT FULFORD HARBOUR pendent oversight body “I’m saddened by the up by calling the lawsuit action and water coun- Pacific Standard Time – measured
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