[CANCER RESEARCH 45, 2626-2631, June 1985] Reversal of Resistance to Rhodamine 123 in Adriamycin-resistant Friend Leukemia Cells1 Theodore J. Lampidis,2 Jean-Nicolas Munck, Awtar Krishan, and Haim Tapiero Department of Oncology, University of Miami, School of Medicine, Comprehensive Cancer Center for the State of Florida, Miami, Florida 33101 [T. J. L, A. K.], and Departement de Pharmacologie Cellulaire, Moléculaireet de Pharmacocinétique, ICIG (CNRS LA-149), Hôpital Paul-Brousse, 94804 Villejuif, France [J-N. M., H. T.] ABSTRACT the calcium transport inhibitor, verapamil, on the cellular accu mulation and retention of Rho-123 and ADM as it relates to Pleiotropic resistance to rhodamine 123 (Rho-123) in Adria- resistance in these cell variants. mycin (ADM)-resistant Friend leukemia cells was circumvented by cotreatment with 10 //M verapamil. Increased cytotoxicity corresponded to higher intracellular Rho-123 levels. The vera- MATERIALS AND METHODS pamil-induced increase of drug accumulation in resistant cells is Cells and Cytotoxicity Assay. FLC were derived from a clone of accounted for at least in part by the blockage or slowing of Rho- Friend virus-tranformed 745A cells. Cells were seeded and grown as 123 efflux from these cells. In contrast, accumulation and con described previously (8). The cell variant resistant to ADM (ADM-RFLC3) sequent cytotoxicity of Rho-123 in sensitive cells are not in was derived from the above clone by continuous exposure to ADM (8). creased by verapamil. Similar results were obtained when ADM Resistant cells, grown for more than 150 passages in drug-free medium, was used in this cell system. These results suggest that the maintained their resistance to ADM. To assay for cytotoxicity, exponen efflux system for Rho-123 and ADM in sensitive cells is either tially growing cells sensitive and resistant to ADM were treated continu ously with increasing concentrations of Rho-123 or ADM in the presence reduced or absent. Although Rho-123 accumulates specifically in mitochondria or absence of 10 MMverapamil. At 72 h, cells excluding trypan blue were counted, and survival curves were derived as described previously (8). and ADM mainly in the nucleus, the loss of these two different Fluorescence Microscopy. Sensitive and resistant cells at 106 cells/ classes of compounds from resistant cells appears to occur via ml were treated with Rho-123, 10 M9/ml, for 15 min in the presence or a similar or common mechanism. The similarities in drug trans absence of 10 ^M verapamil. To stop Rho-123 uptake, a 1-ml aliquot of port between Rho-123 and ADM may have important implica cells was diluted in 10 ml of Rho-123-free medium, either with or without tions when applied to an in vivo environment. verapamil, and centrifugea at 1000 rpm for 10 min. Pellets were resus- pended in 5 ml of the appropriate medium, and droplets of this suspen sion were placed on slides and mounted with glass coverslips. Epiflu- INTRODUCTION orescence was monitored with excitation from a mercury HBO 100-watt bulb using an excitation filter (IF-490), blue/green dichroic mirror, and a Pleiotropic drug resistance has been described in cell lines resistant to ADM3 and DNR (3, 6, 22). We have reported previ 0.515 barrier filter combination on a phase-contrast Olympus BH-2 microscope equipped with a photomicrographic system. ously that Friend leukemia cell variants resistant to ADM and Laser-excited Flow Cytometry. Procedures already described for DNR are cross-resistant to Rho-123 (16, 26) a drug which laser excitation and quantitation of interacellular anthracycline fluores localizes specifically in mitochondria and is selectively toxic to cence were used for both Rho-123 and ADM studies (12, 13). Two ml carcinoma cells in vitro (2, 14, 15) and in vivo (1, 15). The of 106 cells/ml were treated with Rho-123, 5 ng/ml, in the presence or chemical structure of Rho-123 as well as its cellular localization absence of 10 ^M verapamil for 10 min and resuspended in 10 ml of and biochemical effects (17) differ significantly from the anthra- Rho-123-free medium, with and without verapamil, respectively. The cyclines to which it is cross-resistant. However, the similarities same procedure was followed for ADM assays except that drug, 2 ¿ig/ of decreased retention in resistant cells between these 2 different ml, was applied for 2 h. Cells were centrifuged at 1000 rpm for 5 min, and pellets were resuspended in 2 ml of the appropriate Rho-123 or classes of compounds provides an opportunity to further explore ADM-free medium and analyzed in a Coulter Electronics Epics V cell drug transport as it relates to mechanisms of resistance. sorter using 500 megawatts power output at 488 nm of an argon ion Resistance to ADM or DNR has been shown to be reversed laser either immediately or after 20 min of incubation for Rho-123 and 2 by calcium transport and calmodulin inhibitors (20, 21, 28). The h for ADM. Data on the 90°-light scatter and fluorescence (above 530 mechanism is thought to involve the inactivation of an active nm) were collected in a Coulter electronics MDADS system. Details of efflux mechanism operating in resistant cells (6, 9, 21, 23). our instrumentation and procedures have been described earlier (11). Presumably, by blocking this system, enough anthracycline can Chemicals. Rho-123 was obtained from Eastman Kodak Co. (Roch accumulate in resistant cells to render them sensitive. We have ester, NY), ADM was from Adria Laboratories, Inc. (Columbus, OH), and reported previously that Rho-123 is retained for significantly verapamil was from Biosedra Laboratories (Malakoff, France). longer periods in ADM-sensitive as compared to ADM-resistant cell types, which correlates with their respective sensitivities to RESULTS this agent (16). In the present report, we examine the effects of Reversal of Resistance to Rho-123 by Verapamil. Sensitive 1Supported by NIH Grant CA 37109 and Institut National de la Santéet de la (FLC) and resistant (ADM-RFLC3) cells were treated continu Recherche MédicaleCRU Grant 822034. 2 To whom requests for reprints should be addressed. ously with Rho-123 in the presence or absence of 10 U.Mof 3 The abbreviations used are: ADM, Adriamycin; Rho-123, rhodamine 123; DNR, verapamil. Cells normally resistant to Rho-123,30 u.g/m\, become daunorubicin; FLC. Friend leukemia cells; ADM-RFLC3. Friend leukemia cells sensitive to Rho-123, 1.5 nQ¡m\(IDso)in the presence of vera resistant to Adriamycin; ID»,dose causing 50% growth inhibition. Received 9/4/84; revised 2/5/85; accepted 2/20/85. pamil. In contrast, the cytotoxicity of Rho-123 in cells normally CANCER RESEARCH VOL. 45 JUNE 1985 2626 Downloaded from cancerres.aacrjournals.org on October 2, 2021. © 1985 American Association for Cancer Research. REVERSAL OF RESISTANCE TO Rho-123 BY VERAPAMIL sensitive to the dye, 0.1 ¿¿g/ml(ID50),is not enhanÅ“d by vera- pamil (Chart 1). Although verapamil increases the sensitivity of resistant cells to Rho-123, they still remain 10-fold more resistant than sensitive FLC. At the concentrations used in these experi (0 _l ments, verapamil alone had no effect on cell growth in either cell J type. U Verapamil-induced Increase in Rho-123 Accumulation and u :! \ Retention. Differences in Rho-123 retention between sensitive L. and resistant cells were observed using fluorescence microscopy o (Fig. 1). Each cell type was incubated with Rho-123 (10 ng/m\) for 15 min, centrifuged, and resuspended (as above) in drug-free QL U medium. Rho-123 mitochondrial fluorescence was retained in O sensitive (Fig. ~\B) but was quickly lost from resistant cells (Fig. z 10) when incubated for 15 min in drug-free medium. However, D p: Mi/ when Rho-123-treated cells were resuspended in drug-free me Z dium containing 10 ^M verapamil, resistant cells retained drug in their mitochondria for as long as they were exposed to verapamil (4 h) (Fig. 1F). In sensitive cells, there was no apparent effect of DRUG FLUORESCENCE verapamil on drug retention. When cotreated with Rho-123 and Chart 2. Multiparameter analysis of Rho-123 accumulation and retention in verapamil, resistant cells appeared brighter than when treated ADM-sensitive and -resistant FLC. Uptake of Rho-123 (5 ^g/ml for 10 min) in with Rho-123 alone. When these cells were cotreated with exponentially growing sensitive (A) and resistant (C) cells. Following uptake, sensitive (B) and resistant (D) cells were washed, resuspended, and incubated in verapamil but resuspended in medium without verapamil, Rho- drug-free medium (20 min). For each histogram, 10,000 cells were analyzed. Peak 123 fluorescence was quickly lost. This loss was not detected height records the number of cells. On the x axis, intracellular drug fluorescence is recorded on a 2 decade log scale. On the y axis, laser scatter (approximately in sensitive cells similarly treated. proportional to cell size) is recorded. Although these differences were observed by fluorescence microscopy, we used multiparameter laser flow cytometry to measure the accumulation and retention of Rho-123 fluores cence in these 2 cell types. Chart 2A demonstrates Rho-123 cellular fluorescence accumulation in sensitive cells after 10 min of incubation in drug-containing medium. In Chart 2B, a similar 01 J •" •—;rr"7j~— - Y7 aliquot of cells after washing and reincubating for 20 min in drug- <üAMilr free medium is shown. The mean peak fluorescence in these U ifffr histograms is 8 and 6, respectively. In contrast, when drug- U L. O 100- FLC B K U 80- (D Z GO D 'S Z V ••JÕ*.' £ AD ¿fit:;'•i!F 'S 2CH DRUG FLUORESCENCE 0 ADM-RFLC3 Charts.
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