ECAS Code List Code Table Code Value Description Where Used in Application Notes ADS_INSECT_SPECIES_CODE MPB Mountain Pine Beetle Interior UNK Unknown ADS_SPECIES_DAMAGE_CATGRY_CODE G Green Interior Expires on Dec 1, 2007 GA Green Attack RA Red Attack YA Gray Attack DP Dead Potential Expires on Dec 1, 2007 Ads_Location_Code CARV Campbell River Coast CHWK Chilliwack HOUS Houston MERR Merritt NANA Nanaimo PRRU Prince Rupert TERR Terrace VANC Vancouver VICT Victoria Appraisal_Amendment_Type_Code ADD Addition Coast DEL Deletion Appraisal_Category_Code Common N Initial ADS R Reappraisal D Redetermination Expires on Aug 1, 2013 P Post-Harvest ADS Effective on Apr 1, 2019 Apprsl_Certification_Type_Code R Reviewed Common S Supervised P Personally Prepared Appraisal_Culvert_Type_Code W Wooden Coast M Metal Coast T Tabular Interior Appraisal_Document_Type_Code BR Detailed Engineering - Bridge Repairs Coast Expired Dec 15, 2019 CAF Cruise - Cruise Analysis Form Coast CEF1 NDC Form #1 Coast CEF2 NDC Form #2 Coast CEF3 NDC Form #3 Coast CEF4 NDC Form #4 Coast CEF5 NDC Form #5 Coast CEF6 NDC Form #6 Coast CEF7 NDC Form #7 Coast CEF8 NDC Form #8 Coast CEF9 NDC Form #9 Coast CEF10 NDC Form #10 Coast CEF11 NDC Form #11 Coast CEF12 NDC Form #12 Coast CEF13 NDC Form #13 Coast CEF14 NDC Form #14 Coast CEF15 NDC Form #15 Coast CEF16 NDC Form #16 Coast CEF17 NDC Form #17 Coast CEF18 NDC Form #18 Coast CEF19 NDC Form #19 Coast CEF20 NDC Form #20 Coast SOFZ Specified Operations - Fibre Recovery Zone Coast SOMS Specified Operations - Miscellaneous Coast DCDA Development Cost Distribution Agreement Coast CW Culvert Worksheet Coast Detailed Engineering - Engineering Info to Support EI NDC Coast Expired Dec 15, 2019 SOA Specified Operations - A-Frame Logging Coast Expired Dec 15, 2019 SOB Specified Operations - Blowdown Timber Coast Expired Dec 15, 2019 SOC Specified Operations - Camp Move Coast Expired Dec 15, 2019 SOD Specified Operations - Destumping Coast Expired April 1, 2019 SOG Specified Operations - Group Selection Coast Expired Dec 15, 2019 SOI Specified Operations - Single Tree Selection Coast Expired April 1, 2019 SOK Specified Operations - Skidder Swing Coast Expired Dec 15, 2019 SOL Specified Operations - Inland Water Transportation Coast SOS Specified Operations - Skyline Logging Coast SOT Specified Operations - Tree Crown Modification Coast SOW Specified Operations - Barging Transportation Coast SOCS Specified Operations - Clayoquot Sound Coast Specified Operations - Ecosystem Based SOEB Management Coast TI Tenure Information Coast AM Appraisal Map Common BCTS BC Timber Sales (FS 574) Common CC Cruise - Cruise Compilation Common 6/7/2021 1 ECAS Code List Code Table Code Value Description Where Used in Application Notes MSC Miscellaneous Common RUC Approved Request for a Road Use Charge Common ADA Extended Amortization Detailed Agreement Common Expired Dec 15, 2019 ADD Allocated Development Detailed Calculations Interior CCA Amendments to Original Cruise Compilation Interior Comparitive Cruise Information as per Cruising CCI Manual Interior Specified Operations Detailed Calculations and DCS Support Information Interior DCT Detailed Cycle Time Calculation Interior Engineered Estimates Detailed Calculations and EDC Support Information Interior PRC Percent Rock Calculation Interior APPRAISAL_HARVEST_METHOD_CODE GS Ground Skidding Common H Horse Interior HC Helicopter Interior HG Highlead and grapple Interior SL Skyline Common CY Cable Yarding Coast HL Helicopter Land Drop Coast HW Helicopter Water Drop Coast HS Helicopter Single Stem Coast APPRAISAL_LOG_DUMP_LOCN_CODE AATS Alice Arm - Proposed BCTS Coast ACSD Actaeon Sound Log Dump codes are effective June 1, 2006 AGAC Agamemnon Channel - Acadia Creek AGKO Agamemnon Channel - Kokomo Lake AGRU Agamemnon Channel - Ruby Lake AGSA Agamemnon Channel - Sakinaw Lake DLS AGWE Agamemnon Channel - West Lake ALCH Alberni Inlet - China Creek ALCO Alberni Inlet - Coleman Creek ALKI Alice Arm - Kitsault ALOC Alan Reach - Ochwe Bay, Paril Creek Log Dump ALSP Alberni Inlet - Spencer Creek DLS ALTS Alan Reach - Proposed BCTS ARCO Alan Reach - Collins Bay DLS BACA Barkley Sound - Cataract Lake DLS Banks Island - Banks Island DLS, Donaldson Lake BADO BAPA Banks Island - Patterson Inlet BASA Barkley Sound - Sarita DLS BASK Barkley Sound - Skull Lake DLS BATO Barkley Sound - Toquart Bay DLS BATZ Barkley Sound - Tzartus Island BEAV Beaver Cove BECO Bella Coola BLIS Bligh Island BOGR Bonwick Island, Grebe Cove BOIN Boswell Inlet DLS BOUG Boughey BRCO Brooks Bay - Cordero Channel BRIN Briggs Inlet BRNO Brougham - Nodales Channel Expires on 2020-12-15 BUAL Bute Inlet - Alpha Bluff Expires on 2007-06-01 BUAM Bute Inlet - Amour Point BUBE Bute Inlet - Bear Bay BUCL Bute Inlet - Clipper Point BUDO Burke Channel, Doc Creek BUES Bute Inlet - east of Estero Basin (Egerton) BUHA Bute Inlet - Hare Creek BUHO Bute Inlet - Homathko BUME Bute Inlet - Mellersh BUMF Bute Inlet - Mellersh 2 BUMG Bute Inlet - Mellersh 3 BUMO Bute Inlet - Moh Creek BUOR Bute Inlet - Orford Bay BUPA Bute Inlet - Paradise River BUPU Bute Inlet - Purcell Point BUSC Bute Inlet - Scott Paper (Homathko River) BUST Bute Inlet - Stuart Island BUTW Burke Channel, Twin Creeks DLS CACH Calm Channel - Churchhouse CACN Call Inlet (North) - Call Inlet CACS Call Inlet (South) - Call Inlet 6/7/2021 2 ECAS Code List Code Table Code Value Description Where Used in Application Notes CAHN Call Inlet - Head of Call Inlet (North Side) CAHS Call Inlet - Head of Call Inlet (South Side) CARA Calm Channel - Raza Island CHDA Chancellor Channel - Darcy Point South CHEM Chemainus CHNO Chief Nollis Bay CLCR Cleagh Cr. DLS CLFA Clayton Falls DLS COAS Coastland COCB Cortes Island - Cortes Bay Expires on 2007-06-01 COCO Cordero Channel - Cordero 1 COCP Cordero Channel - Cordero 2 COGO Cortes Island - Gorge Harbour COMO Comox COPA Coquitlam, Pacific Custom Log Sort COPI Cordero Channel - Picton Point Expires on 2020-12-15 COTA Cordero Channel - Tallac Bay Expires on 2020-12-15 COUR Courtenay Expires on 2012-07-01 COUS Cousins Inlet CREA Creasy Bay Cumshewa Inlet - Beatty Anchorage, Louise Island CUBE DLS CUTT Cutter Cove CYPR Cypre River DLS, Hecate Bay DALA Dawsons Landing DEKL Denny Island, Kliktsoatli Harbour DENH Delta, Northwest Hardwoods DEPA Dean Channel, Parker Creek DETH Desolation Sound - Theodosia Inlet DIEB Discovery Passage - Elk Bay DIMB Discovery Passage - Menzies Bay DISB Disco Bluff - South Bentinck Arm DIWS Discovery Passage - West Sonora Island DOKI Douglas Channel - Kitkiata - BCTS DOTB Don Peninsula - Tom Bay DOTI Douglas Channel - Little Tillhorn DLS DRCA Drury Inlet - Caviar Cove DLS DRIN Draney Inlet DRUR Drury Inlet DUKE Duke Point DVHE Devastation Channel - Heysham Creek - BCTS DVVE Devastation Channel - Verney Pass Log Dump DVWE Devastation Channel - Weewanie Creek EFIN Effingham Inlet ERPC East Redonda - Pryce Channel Expires on 2007-06-01 ESME Espinosa Inlet - Mid Espinosa Inlet ESPE Esperanza Inlet - Port Eliza ESSE Espinosa Inlet - South Espinoza ESWC Esperanze Inlet - Port Eliza, Weasel Creek ETBB East Thurlow Isalnd - Bickley Bay East Thurlow Island - Crawford Anchorage, Erasmus ETCA Island ETCC Ecxstall River - Cuthbert Creek DLS ETEP East Thurlow Island - Edith Point ETHB East Thurlow Island - Hemming Bay ETMP East Thurlow Island - Mayne Passage Expires on 2020-12-15 ETTH East Thurlow Island - Turn Harbour FAEC Frederick Arm - Egerton Creek South FAOP Frederick Arm - Owen Point FISH Fish Egg Inlet DLS FLSC Flores Island - Steamer Cove FORT Fort Langley, Whonnock DLS FORW Forward FRBA Frederick Bay DLS FRDC Frenchman Creek - Dean Channel FRED Frederick Arm FSSM Frederick Sound - Snowdrift Mt. DLS GALI Galiano Island GCDO Great Central Lk - Dorothy GCLA Great Central Lk - Lakeside GCMC Great Central Lk - McBride GCME Great Central Lk - Mercs GCVI Great Central Lk - View GIDU Gilford Island - Duck Cove GISC Gilford Island - Scott Cove DLS GISH Gilford Island - Shoal Harbour GRBA Grenville Channel - Baker Inlet GRFA Grenville Channel - Farrant Island Log Dump HABA Harrison Bay DLS Harwicke Island - South East at Chancellor Channel HACC HADR Hatzic - Dyke Road Effective 2012-12-01 HALO Hatzic, Lougheed Hwy. HAMA Hardy Inlet - MacNair DLS HANO Haney, Northview Sort 6/7/2021 3 ECAS Code List Code Table Code Value Description Where Used in Application Notes HARB Harbledown Island, DLS HARD Hardy Inlet HEBE Herbert Inlet - Beddingfield Bay DLS HLBC Harrison Lk - Bear Creek HLHE Harrison Lk - Head HLSR Harrison Lk - Silver River DLS HLTC Harrison Lk - Trio Creek (Doctor's Point) HLTM Harrison Lk - 20 Mile Bay HOAB Homfray Channel - Attwood Bay HOHO Homfray Channel - Homfray Creek HOHU Holberg Inlet - Hushamu Creek HOLB Holberg HOMI Holberg Inlet - Michelsen Point HOPE Hopetown Passage INDA Indian Arm JEBR Jervis Inlet - Brittain River Expires on 2007-06-01 JEDB Jervis Inlet - Deserted Bay JEDP Jervis Inlet - Dacres Point JEGC Jervis Inlet - Glacial Creek JEGN Jervis Inlet - Glacial Creek North JEGO Jervis Inlet - Goliath Bay Expires on 2007-06-01 JEGR Jervis Inlet - Granville Bay DLS JEHA Jervis Inlet - Hardy Island JEHO Jervis Inlet - Hothan Sound (west) Expires on 2007-06-01 JEHU Jervis Inlet - Hunaechin River DLS JEKI Jervis Inlet - Killam Bay JENB Jennis Bay DLS JENN Jervis Inlet - Nelson Island, Annis Bay north JENS Jervis Inlet - Nelson Island, Annis Bay South Expires on 2007-06-01 JEPE Jervis Inlet - Perketts Creek JEPO Jervis Inlet - Potato Creek JEQU Jervis Inlet - Queens Reach, Smanit Creek JESA Jervis Inlet - Saltery Bay JESE Jervis Inlet
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