Above, leftr a.Clements' Sir Peter nearly came to grief at the third fence in the Heavy- weight Hunters' Handicap at the recent Taranaki At St.Joseph's Catholic Church, New Plymouth, Heather Lynne, only daughter Hunt Club's steeplechase meeting. s, New Plymouth, to John Dallas, only son of Mr and Mrs J.Carter, New Ply- Abo~e. right: A feature of the meeting was mouth, The bridesmaids were Zelda Jones, New Plymouth, . Maureen Carter, sister of the groom, New the h~gh standard of jumping in all events. Senda friend a "PHOTO NEWS" Plymouth, and Leonie Fanthorpe, cousin of the bride, New Plymouth. Victor Harab, New Plymouth, was L..-------(I't. will be~rprecil\t.edl)-------.-J the best man, and Boyd Cargo, New Plymouth, and ~rurrayRoss, brother of the bride, New Plymouth, were the groomsmen. The future home of the happy couple will be Kaimata. BSlow; CADMAN-FLEMING; At St.Andrew's Presbyterian Church, New Plymouth, Beverley Anne, second daughter of Mr and Mrs R.G.Fleming, New Plymouth, to Raymond, youngest son of Mrs and the late Mr "JUST LOOKING" ••••• M.C.Cadman, New Plymouth. Mrs Shirley Wilson, Toko, was the matron of honour, and Fay Fleming, Harbour Board engineers had a mammoth task on their sister of the bride, New Plymouth, and Barbara Hamilton, New Plymouth, were the bridesmaids. The hands when the board's 90-ton Crane had to be moved in- best man was Jo Steiger, Eltham, and AIr Wilson, Toko, and Donald Beatty, Eltham, were the grooms- to position to salvage the port's launch, and their men. The future home of the young couple will be, Toko. task became more difficult as the crowds of interested spectators grew in numbers. Things didn't improve when the crane came off the rails, and the air thickened with unspoken appraisal and advice. Brought to you by Subdomain Ltd Providing New Plymouth with local WordPress hosting plus regional Local domain names @ www.nu.nz and Taranaki archives @ www.new-plymouth.cQ!!! N.P. Sacred Heart Coacert A concert in the New Plymouth Memorial Hall Shirley in aid of funds for New Ply- a new convent at Fitz- mouth, pictured roy proved successful with some of the for both the audience beautiful wedding and the building fund. presents she re- Above: One of the ceived at a kit- very-pretty scenes as chen evening held the children perform a at her home re- mock wedding. cently. Left: Performers who ac~nd danced well were Raewyn Gilbert, Above: The P&T Marilyn Lee, Diane Women's Guild re- Litchfield, Christine cently held their Treweek, Lynette But- annual birthday ler and Margaret Coyne. party, at the New Below. left: Minia- Post Office Soc- " ture bridal 'party are ial Room. Our pix Janice Opai, Jennifer above shows some Walker, Diane Litch- of the members en- field and Joy Opai. joying supper. , Below: Brilliantly Right: The Pres- dressed were the play- ident, Mrs Mitch- ers in the King Scene. e11 (left), and the secretary, Mrs Paton, pre- pare to cut the birthday cake. ~: A guard of hon- our was formed by the members of the N.P.Old Girls' Slue Basketball Team, for Mr and Mrs John Carter, ~s they left the church after their wedding recently. The bride, formerly Heather Ross, played for the team for three years, and also re- '. presented Taranaki in Dominion Championships. Our pix shows . the bride and groom with the team. Standing, from left: Robyn Mills, Rosemary Berge, Alison Phillips, the bride and groom, Jessie Sang- ~r, Loma Brennan, Yvonne Cowan, and Phil Millar. In front are: Rosalie Ayson, Valda sracegirdle, and Lena Rowan. 1II~'Y& - Above: FOX-JENSEN. At St.Mary's Anglican Church, New Plymouth, Pamela Lillian, of Mr and the late Mrs A.L.E.Jensen, Puniho, to Ian, youngest son of Mr and Mrs J.D.Fox, The bridesmaids were Carole Jensen, sister of the bride, Puniho, Christine Brophy, Taihape, and Eleanor Smith, Lower Hutt. George Rogers, Okato, was the best man, and Geoff Ashwell, Okato, and Jim Marks, Wanganui, were the groomsmen. The future home of the couple will be Okat.o, Below: COOPER-JEFFRIES. At the Opunake Presbyterian Church, Margaret Joan, third daughter of Mr youngest daughter of Mrs and Mrs F.G.Jeffries, Opunake, to Ronald, eldest son of Mr and Mrs C.Cooper, Pihama. Miss Janet p, New Plymouth, to Barry, second son of Mr and Mrs A.Davies, Wellington Pickering, Opunake, was the bridesmaid, and Jim Cook, Oaonui, was the best man. The future home of (late of New Plymouth. The bridesmaids were Barbara Eva, New Plymouth, and Ruth Netherway, Well- the young couple will be Opunake. ington. Denise Davies, sister of the groom, Wellington, was the junior bridesmaid. Jack Fitzpat- rick, New Plymouth, was the best man, and Bob NicKson, New Plymouth, was the groomsman. The future home of the couple will be in Australia. Below; CHAPMAN-JURY. At St.Mary's Anglican Church, New Plymouth, Lynette Beverley, the youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs E.P.Jury, New Plymouth, to Robert Leyland, only son of Mr and Mrs P.A.Chap- man, Warea. Lena Rowan, New Plymouth, was the chief bridesmaid, and Jacqueline Johnston,-niece of I the bride, was junior bridesmaid. The flowergirl tvas Robyn Jury, niece of the bride. The best man was Ian Horgan, Warea. The future home of the couple will be Warea. I J RotariaDS' BeaatifyiDg Scheme Accompanied by near-gale force winds and almost sub-zero temperatures, members of the New Plymouth Rotarians recently paid a visit to Round Rock to plant Pohutukawa and New Zealand cabbage-tree plants, with the idea of beauti- fying the foreshore. These hardy men intended to plant these trees on Schnapper RoCk, but the tide helped by a stiff wind, didn't recede far •• enough. ~ Making the ascent of Round Rock, the Children· at Work and Play party found the climb an easy one. Above: Some children of the Frankleigh Park district of New Plymouth recently thought it would Above, right: Mr W.P.Griffiths, chairman of be-;-gQod idea to run their own street stall~ with the object of helping the Chilean appeal fund. the Centennial Park Committee, surveys the slope Success came their way, and they quickly sold out of all the vegetables and produc~ they had of the "taCk. while Mr G. Fitness plants one of for sale. Th~y had collected'trinkets and unwanted artic~es from houses in the area, and wound up the trees. by having a complete sell-out, with a grand sum of £13.14.2 to hand over to the disaster fund ~ Here, the whole party are at through the Red Cross Society. their project, surrounded by angry, Below: While the kids above were out to help a disaster fund, the kids below were out for a seas. good time on the rsilway that was run by the N.? Model Engineers Club. During the Queens Birth- day week-end, the club members gave rides to any youngsters who came along. This is a real thrill for the children and a great asset to the town. • • .. Scouts' Working Bee ~: Members of the first battalion of the Girls' life Brigade of New Plymouth, who marched through the city recently. Led by the New Plymouth City Band~ ~he.parade mar~hed along Devon Street to the Baptist Tabernacle for a service conducted by the battalion chapla~n. the Rev. D.W. Rushbrook. The parade was the start to the Dominion-wide GLB week. Below: The old lock-up from the New Plymouth police station is to become the nucleus of a new sc~n for the Welbourn Scout Group. During a recent week-end, scouts, committee members and parents demolished the old lock-up which was purchased from the N.P. City CounCil. The new den will be erected in Coronation Avenue. Opuake PODY Club's Closmg_. Golden The final rally of WeddiDg the Opunake-Auroa Pony Right: Celebrating Club completed a very their golden wedding successful season for recently, Mr and Mrs these young riders. Arthur Roberts had as Right: Instructress guests at their party, Shirley Bassett with their flowergirl and Fay Oliver, Raewyn bridesmaid. To us, 50 Quaife and Lyn Smith. years is an awful long Below. right: Shir- time, and to hold a re- ley Oliver prepares union with the rest of her pony April Breeze the bridal party is for the Cleanest Pony something of a record. event. Our group shows Mrs Below: Fay Oliver Roberts, Mrs W.Sharp- shared her Lunch with 11n, the flowergirl two of her ponies. from Tauranga,. Mrs C. Below. left: Open Cox, the bridesmaid, the lunch bag, and and Authur Roberts. along comes Soc~s. He The function was held joined Mr E.Clegg and at the home of Mr and daughter Pam at Lunch , Mrs K.G.Lattimer. (These photographs were sent 1n by Joan Allen. ) gO-vear-old'a Birthdav Well-known former surveyor, Mr W.T .Morpeth , who -recently celebrated his 90th bLrt.hday, Mr Morpeth, who has lived in New Plymouth since re- tiring from the Lands and Survey Department in 1922, celebrated his birthday in his Broadmore street home by entertaining some of his many friends. Belowl Enough to make any fisherman's hair go up with envy: These two magnificent trout were caught by Toka Harris of Cut- field Road" recently. The rainbow on the left weighs 10~lbs. We asked Toka where he got these two beauties, but he wasn't gOing to let on. Can't say blame him either •.
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