Town Clerk & RFO 13 April 2021 Mr E Reilly FCMI FILCM Council Offices, The Priory, St Neots, PE19 2BH Tel: 01480 388911 / [email protected]/ www.stneots-tc.gov.uk To: Cllr Maslen (Chair), Pitt (Deputy Chair), Terry, Thorpe, Collins, Poodle, Simonis, Caroline Green and S Giles Copies: Town Councillors - not on this committee County Councillors - J Wisson, S Taylor, & D Wells District Councillors - N Johnson, D Wells, Dr P Gaskin, & K Prentice Local Press, Town Council and website NOTICE IS GIVEN that a remote meeting of PLANNING COMMITTEE will be held on TUESDAY 20 APRIL 2021 at 6.15pm. Please be aware that all meetings are recorded and will be made available to the public on our YouTube channel after the meeting has taken place. Your participation indicates your consent to being included in the meeting recording. Press and Members of the public who wish to participate in the meeting can do so using the following methods: Join on your computer or mobile app Click here to join the meeting Or call in (audio only) +44 20 3855 4134 PIN CODE 598104162# Members of the Committee are HEREBY SUMMONED to attend to consider the following business: A G E N D A 1. APOLOGIES To receive councillors’ apologies. 2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST To receive from Councillors declarations as to Disclosable Pecuniary Interests and/or Non-Statutory Disclosable Interests along with the nature of those interests to any agenda item. 3. MINUTES To approve the minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 6 April 2021 as a Attachment 1 true and accurate record. 4. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION There will be a 10-minute public participation during the meeting to allow any resident to address the committee on any matter appearing on the agenda for this meeting. 5. SCHEDULE OF CURRENT PLANNING APPLICATIONS To review current planning applications and make recommendations to Attachment 2 Huntingdonshire District Council. 6. DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE To receive an update from the Committee Chair. K Pollecutt DEPUTY TOWN CLERK Page 1 of 1 ATTACHMENT 1 Town Clerk Mr E Reilly CMgr FCMI FSLCC Council Offices, the Priory, St Neots, PE19 2BH Tel: 01480 388911 / Email: [email protected] / www.stneots-tc.gov.uk Minutes of the MEETING of the PLANNING COMMITTEE Held REMOTELY on TUESDAY 6 APRIL 2021 Present: Cllrs Pitt (Chair), Maslen and Simonis In attendance: Deputy Town Clerk, Senior Administration Assistant 116 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies were received from Cllrs Collins, Thorpe, Caroline Green and Terry with valid reasons. Cllrs Poodle and S Giles were absent. 117 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST There were none declared. 118 MINUTES It was proposed and seconded to accept the minutes of the Planning Committee held on Tuesday 16 March 2021 as a true and accurate record. RESOLVED to accept 119 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION There were 3 members of the public present who wished to speak on planning applications: 21/00343/HHFUL; 21/00212/FUL & 21/00273/FUL. 120 SCHEDULE OF CURRENT PLANNING APPLICATIONS The Committee considered the schedule of current planning applications. The recommendations made by the committee are appended to these minutes. Due to the time constraints of the meeting the remaining applications and agenda items were deferred to the next meeting. The meeting closed at 7.15pm. ……………………………… Committee Chair APPROVED – pending Page 1 of 1 SCHEDULE OF PLANNING APPLICATIONS – 6th April 2021 No. Reference Development Location Applicant Response SNTC Decision Notes Due 1 21/00554/TREE Due to excessive shading to the garden and 401 Great North Road Amanda Jordan Extended to Approve Subject to approval by the Arboricultural help maintain the trees we are proposing the Eaton Ford 07/04/2021 Officer. following works: St Neots T1 - Horse Chestnut - reduce height by three PE19 7FN metres and shape laterals accordingly, approximately 1.5 - 2 metres. T2 - Horse Chestnut - reduce height by three metres and shape laterals accordingly, approximately 1.5 - 2 metres. T3 - Horse Chestnut - reduce height by 1.5 - 2 metres and shape laterals accordingly, approximately 1.5 - 2 metres. T4 - Horse Chestnut - reduce height to previous pruning points (approximately one metre) and shape laterals accordingly, approximately 1.5 - 2 metres. Reduce branches over lean too. 2 21/00544/TREE PARISH COUNCIL CONSULTATION – TREE 369 Great North Road Southall Extension Approve Subject to approval by the Arboricultural APPLICATION REF. 21/00544/TREE Eaton Ford date Officer. T1 is a sycamore tree we want to re-shape as St Neots requested the drive way side and the road side have got PE19 7FP real long lateral branches. We want to reduce the road side and drive way side of the tree to re-balance the whole tree 3 21/00343/HHFUL Proposed two storey extension to the side. 2 Chamberlain Way Mr & Mrs Extended to Refuse Encroaches on land designated as amenity St Neots Moyser 07/04/2021 space. PE19 1RE Loss of visual amenity. 4 21/00323/HHFUL To take down part of existing Garage and 8 Clover Road Eaton Mr Gary Wright Extension Approve alter remaining part of the garage into a Socon date Utility room, Cloakroom and entrance hall. St Neots requested Raise the remaining Garage flat roof higher PE19 8HD by approx. 300mm to obtain 2.4 metre ceiling hight in new area 5 21/00212/FUL Erection of seven dwellings and associated Land Adjacent 31 Luke AWJ Usher & 08/04/2021 Approve The applicant has addressed concerns works Street Eynesbury Sons Ltd regarding previous applications. Fits in with the local street scene. Planning application documents and comments can be viewed by visiting Huntingdonshire District Council's Public Access Planning Portal. https://publicaccess.huntingdonshire.gov.uk/online-applications Page 1 of 2 SCHEDULE OF PLANNING APPLICATIONS – 6th April 2021 No. Reference Development Location Applicant Response SNTC Decision Notes Due 6 21/00273/FUL The provision of a two-storey extension to St Neots Fire Station Cambridgeshire 10/04/2021 Approve Subject to the use of obscured glass on all the north west and a single storey addition to Huntingdon Street St Constabulary south facing windows with potential to be the south east. Neots PE19 1DU overlooking the neighbouring property. Committee members request the applicant considers moving the entrance to the front of the building. …………………………………….. Committee Chair Planning application documents and comments can be viewed by visiting Huntingdonshire District Council's Public Access Planning Portal. https://publicaccess.huntingdonshire.gov.uk/online-applications Page 2 of 2 ATTACHMENT 2 SCHEDULE OF PLANNING APPLICATIONS – 20 APRIL 2021 No. Reference Development Location Applicant Response Due SNTC Comments Response 1 21/00280/FUL Demolition of existing rear garden wall and 4 Day Close Marc Keech 22/04/2021 erection of fencing around existing single St Neots parking space to form additional private PE19 6DF garden area. Installation of decking to new garden area. 2 21/00489/HHFUL Two storey front extension and open 9 Minden Court Eaton Mr Candlin 22/04/2021 porch/canopy Ford St Neots 3 21/00217/HHFUL Replace post and rail fence with 1.8m high 151 Crosshall Road, Mr Stuart Neal 23/04/2021 acoustic wooden fence with associated soft Eaton Ford St Neots landscaping. (Retrospective) 4 21/00402/HHFUL Proposed Ground Floor Rear & Front & 2 20 Longsands Road Mr & Mrs 24/04/2021 Storey Side Extension St Neots Tidmarsh 5 It is proposed to create three openings in St Neots Telephone British Telecom 24/04/2021 21/00401/FUL the wall on the ground floor west elevation. Exchange A hardwood frame will be fixed in the West Street openings and three louvres installed. It is St Neots also proposed to remove glass from one window on the ground floor north elevation. An aluminium louvre will be installed and fixed to the window frame 6 21/00464/HHFUL Demolish existing outbuilding/shed and 11 Radland Close St Mr Penney 25/04/2021 extend the garage Neots PE19 6BQ 7 21/00510/HHFUL First floor side extension 2 Nelson Road Eaton Mr Croxford 27/04/2021 Socon 8 21/00802/S106 Proposed change to the existing S106 Land At Junction Of Ed Tibbetts 28/04/2021 Agreement from "maximum forty percent" Dramsell Rise And to "at least forty percent" affordable Cambridge Road housing St Neots 9 21/00421/HHFUL Proposed Single storey rear extension 9 Castle Hill Close Mr Ray Nokes 29/04/2021 Eaton Socon St Neots 10 21/00380/HHFUL Erection of fence, not exceeding 2m 25 Field Gate Close St Mr Gary 30/04/2021 Neots PE19 6DG Henderson 11 21/00532/HHFUL Proposed single storey extension to the 105 Shakespeare Mr Long 27/04/2021 side/rear. Road Eaton Socon St (amended plans received) Neots PE19 8HT Planning application documents and comments can be viewed by visiting Huntingdonshire District Council's Public Access Planning Portal. https://publicaccess.huntingdonshire.gov.uk/online-applications Page 1 of 2 SCHEDULE OF PLANNING APPLICATIONS – 20 APRIL 2021 No. Reference Development Location Applicant Response Due SNTC Comments Response 12 21/00213/FUL Conversion of first floor from retail storage 45 High Street St MR F NAFI 05/05/2021 and staff areas into 2no two bedroomed self Neots PE19 1BN contained residential flats and insertion of new window to ground floor rear elevation 13 21/00592/HHFUL Erection of porch to front of dwelling 20 Silverweed Mrs Kerry 05/05/2021 Eaton Ford Armiger St Neots 14 21/00650/HHFUL Single storey rear extension and first floor 1 Fallow Drive Eaton Guy Edwards 05/05/2021 rear and side extension. Socon St Neots 15 21/00657/HHFUL Proposed two storey extension to the side 379 Great North Mr Hicks 06/05/2021 and single storey extension to the rear.
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