CatholicThe TIMES The Diocese of Columbus’ News Source August 11, 2019 • 19TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME • Volume 68:38 Inside this issue Happy anniversary: Portsmouth St. Mary begins a 150th anniversary celebration next month with its festival and a Mass on Sept. 15, Page 3 Bright light lost: Incoming DeSales High School freshman and St. James the Less School graduate Xavier Quinn, 14, was fatally shot on July 26, Page 13 Faith and festivals: Summer parish festivals are sort of a last hurrah before the start of the school year, and in some cases have sparked a conversion to the Catholic faith, Pages 18-20 LANCASTER ST. MARY CHURCH BEGINS YEARLONG BICENTENNIAL CELEBRATION Pages 10-11 Catholic Times 2 August 11, 2019 Editor’s reflections by Doug Bean Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary: Hope in hard times On Thursday, newest of the four Marian dogmas nity, should have a first-tier respect holy womb where seeds are planted, Aug. 15, the recognized by the Church. Pope Pius even though all the truths about Our but it takes time for them to grow,” Church honors XII’s elevation of the Assumption as Lady are going to be subordinate Miravalle said. the Blessed Virgin dogma, which is considered a bind- to Jesus. But it’s a key connector “At Vatican I back in 1870, there Mary with a spe- ing truth divinely revealed by God, between us and Jesus, and that’s why were 50 petitions asking for this, and cial day marking came just 69 years ago. On Nov. 1, the Marian feasts are so important.” the Church said ‘No, give it a little her glorious Assumption into heaven. 1950, he declared, “The Immaculate In the Diocese of Columbus, the bit more time.’ But the Church recog- Catholics are required to attend Mass Mother of God, the ever-Virgin Mary, Assumption of Mary takes on added nized the logical progression between on the Solemnity of the Assumption having completed the course of her significance for one parish in par- the Immaculate Conception and the of Mary, but this feast deserves to be earthly life, was assumed body and ticular. Lancaster St. Mary of the Assumption. It just wanted a little bit observed as more than a holy day of soul into heavenly glory.” Assumption Church begins its 200th more maturity within the faithful.” obligation. “It almost seems like a second-tier anniversary celebration in its beauti- Between 1846 and 1950, more than Even though the Assumption is feast day,” said Mark Miravalle, one fully restored sanctuary on Aug. 15. eight million petitions asking for the considered important enough for of the world’s foremost Mariolo- (See Pages 10-12.) Assumption to be proclaimed were most dioceses throughout the world gists and a professor at Franciscan Many artists and scholars through submitted by the faithful, Miravalle to require all practicing Catholics to University of Steubenville. “But to the centuries have depicted in paint- said. “Actually, the pope praised the attend Mass on that day, the impor- see it that way is to misunderstand ings and words the splendor of Mary people for sending in the petitions tance of the Assumption seems to the beautiful interconnectedness of reaching paradise. And while there because it helped mature the doc- get overlooked amid the multitude of Catholic dogma. If you deny the As- are no direct biblical references to trine,” he added. Marian feasts throughout the year. sumption, you’re really denying the this great event, there is nonetheless Miravalle pointed out that the Maybe that’s because some Catho- Immaculate Conception. … plenty of rich scriptural evidence for Assumption logically follows the first lics only vaguely understand its sig- “That’s why all dogmas, especially the Assumption. It also stands to rea- three Marian dogmas: Divine Moth- nificance, or possibly because it’s the dogmas in the Church with a solem- son that her sinless soul and incorrupt erhood (declared by the Council of body, immaculately conceived by Ephesus in 431), Perpetual Virginity God to be the divine mother of Jesus, (Lateran Council, 649) and Immac- would join her son in heaven. ulate Conception (Pope Pius IX, BISHOP ASKS FOR PRAYERS AFTER SHOOTINGS “There’s actually a very strong Ineffabilis Deus, Dec. 8, 1854). early Church tradition to celebrating “The Immaculate Conception had Bishop Robert Brennan issued the following statement this past the end of Mary’s life,” Miravalle to come first because it is in fact be- weekend after the tragic shootings on Saturday, Aug. 3 in El Paso, said. “That’s why Pius XII in 1950 cause of the Immaculate Conception Texas, and early Sunday, Aug. 4 in Dayton: had confidence to define it, because it you have this dogma, the dogma of was a universally celebrated doctrine the Assumption,” he said. “The feast "The heart-rending trauma suffered this weekend by the people of from the early centuries.” is the natural effect of the Immaculate But why did it take the Church Conception.” El Paso and Dayton calls all of us to turn to Our Lord for healing and hundreds of years to proclaim the The Immaculate Conception is guidance. As those who suffered the loss of loved ones and who are Immaculate Conception and then the beginning the long journey of recovery from their injuries, losses, Assumption as undeniable truths? and pain, I ask that all in the Diocese of Columbus hold them up in “The Church is kind of like a very See ASSUMPTION, Page 5 prayer. May all who suffer find healing in Our Lord's loving care." Catholic Times is on summer schedule! Things slow down during the summer, and that THE ASSUMPTION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY includes the Catholic Times. In August, we are HOLY DAY OF OBLIGatION publishing every other week. Look for the Catholic Tuesday, August 15 Times in your mailbox just prior to Aug. 25. We will Check individual parishes for schedule of Holy Day Mass times return to weekly publication in September. Front Page photo: Bishop Robert J. Brennan: President & Publisher LANCASTER Doug Bean: Editor ([email protected]) BICENTENNIAL Tim Puet: Reporter ([email protected]) Father Craig Eilerman, K. Colston-Woodruff: Graphic Designer ([email protected]) pastor of Lancaster St. Mary Copyright © 2019. All rights reserved. Church, points to its newly Catholic Times (USPS 967-000) (ISSN 745-6050) is the official Mailing Address: 197 E. Gay St., Columbus OH 43215 painted ceiling. The church newspaper of the Catholic Diocese of Columbus, Ohio. It is Editorial/Advertising: (614) 224-5195 FAX (614) 241-2518 is undergoing renovation published weekly 45 times per year with exception of every other week in June, July and August and the week following Christmas. Subscriptions: (614) 224-6530 FAX (614) 241-2573 for its 200th anniversary. Subscription rate: $25 per year, or call and make arrangements (CT photo by Ken Snow) with your parish. Postage Paid at Columbus OH 43218. ([email protected]) Postmaster: Send address changes to Catholic Times, 197 E. Gay St., Columbus OH 43215. Please allow two to four weeks for change of address. August 11, 2019 Catholic Times 3 Festival will highlight Portsmouth St. Mary’s 150th anniversary ation; talks by nationally recognized Gov. Mike DeWine’s office will be possible,” he said. “They embrace Catholic speakers Deacon Harold issuing a proclamation during the fes- this event and look forward to it every Burke-Sivers, Gus Lloyd and Dan- tival honoring the church building’s year. Planning for the festival starts in ielle Bean; a concert with nationally 150th anniversary.” March, with meetings every month for recognized Catholic musicians The The festival is St. Mary’s largest a while, then every two weeks, then Vigil Project; a children’s camp series annual fundraising event, with pro- every week. Many of the volunteers of programs; workshops; and a wine ceeds used for various expenses. Es- have been involved for 10 or 20 years tasting. tep said the parish built a communi- or more, so they know what makes the Estep said the anniversary cele- ty center four or five years ago, and festival work and set out each year to bration’s theme is “150 Years: The money earned through the event since make it work better. Cornerstone of Faith and Family.” then has paid for improvements in the “The one thing we can’t control T-shirts, tumblers and keychains with building. He said last year’s festival is the weather. In most years, we’ve a logo including the slogan and the proceeds totaled about $32,000. had little rain at festival time. I like to church tower are on sale at the parish “We have anywhere from 100 to think it’s because we always ask the office. 200 volunteers taking part each year. children in the parish school to pray He said the international festival Their enthusiasm makes the festival for good weather in mid-September.” started in the 1970s, when the late Fa- Bishop Robert Brennan will vis- ther Jerome Raiser was pastor. It orig- it Portsmouth St. Mary Church next inally was a parish Oktoberfest, with month to highlight a celebration of the its horizons being expanded while the 150th anniversary of the laying of the late Msgr. William Maroon served church building’s cornerstone. as pastor from 1982 to 1993. Msgr. He will celebrate a Mass at 10:30 Maroon’s skill in cooking Lebanese a.m. Sunday, Sept. 15 that will be part foods still is remembered fondly in of the parish’s annual international the parishes he served, and he encour- festival, held on the parish grounds aged addition of other ethnic food for more than 40 years.
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