Vol. 130, Issue 135 $.50 INDEX KKrriisskkaa wwiinnss ttwwoo mmoorree Obits ... page 3 Opinions ... page 4 Business ... page 5 Sports ... page 6 Isolated T-storms ttiittlleess,, EEaagglleess rraaiinneedd oouutt Classifieds ... page 8 High Low page 6 Serving Surry County since 1880. 84 61 For subscriptions, call 786-4141. The Mount Airy News www.mtairynews.com Printed on recycled newspaper Saturday, May 15, 2010 White Plains has a Big Cart to fill MORGAN WALL STAFF REPORTER A celebrity made an appearance at White Plains Ele- mentary School Friday morning. It was not the Jonas Brothers or Hannah Montana, though the hordes of screaming students may have led passers-by to think differently. It was the Got to Be NC Big Cart, a 13-foot tall, 15-foot long motorized shopping cart. The cart made an appearance, and even allowed staff members to go for a ride, as part of the school’s “Fill Your Cart with Goodness Grown in N.C.” event. The school used the USDA Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Grant, which it is implementing for the second year and recently found out will have for a third time next year, to help pay for the day during which students learned about produce grown in the state as well as fun activities. “Health, wellness and nutrition is so much more than just fresh fruits and vegetables every day. It’s a lifestyle,” MORGAN WALL/THE NEWS said Principal Sandra Scott. “Authentic learning and ex- Surry Community College graduates attend the college’s 43rd commencement ceremony Friday. citing events such as the Big Cart are just venues to get children excited about learning.” In addition to getting to watch their teachers take a lap around the parking lot in the cart, students also heard Surry Community College graduation from Bryan Cave, extension agent at the Surry County MORGAN WALL N.C. Cooperative Extension, talk about where food STAFF REPORTER comes from and how the new Pilot Mountain Pride pro- gram will shorten the distance food has to travel to get to people in the county. Students also each received a pint of Where: fresh strawberries to take home and share with their fami- Temple Baptist Church lies. Cindy Silver, registered dietitian and corporate nutri- When: tionist for Lowes Foods, was available to hand out sam- Friday, May 14 at 4:30 p.m. and 7 p.m. ples of snow peas and red and yellow peppers. Students were asked to try them and then vote on their favorite. Number of graduates: “It’s a reason to get interested in just tasting it. How 495 graduates received 44 diplomas, can you vote without tasting?” said Silver of the voting. 34 certificates and 453 associate’s degrees “Lowes Foods is happy to be a part of any community-re- lated event. Having a full day of fruits and vegetables is Recognitions: my passion, too.” 11 Surry Early College High School of Amy Shin with the Got to Be NC program was also at Design students receiving a high school the event with a table to tell students about programs in diploma and an associate’s degree in only place to help farmers in the state. She talked to them four years and the first 14-year-olds to about the Farm to School program, which pairs farmers register for classes at Surry Community with local schools to provide fresh produce. College 143 honor graduates See CART, page 3 45 members of Phi Theta Kappa 12 students with cumulative grade- point averages of 4.0 MORGAN WALL/THE NEWS Tammy Leigh Brindle — NC Commu- Blake Hetrick shakes hands with President Dr. Deborah Friedman See SURRY, page 3 Friday evening during Surry Community College’s graduation. One killed, one serious after two wrecks STAFF REPORT According to Trooper planned to land AirCare K.D. Blackburn with the on the interstate, but Man airlifted FANCY GAP, Va. — Virginia State Police, Chapman died at the after crash An 18-year-old from Ohio Chapman was headed scene. She was the only died Friday afternoon southbound on I-77 about person in the car, and no halfway down the moun- PILOT MOUNTAIN — when her vehicle wrecked other vehicles were in- A Pilot Mountain man is in tain when she lost control volved in the incident, traveling down Fancy Gap of her 2001 Ford Explorer, serious condition at a Win- Blackburn reported. Mountain. crossed the median, trav- ston-Salem hospital fol- Candida Chapman, 18, eled down the steep drop Emergency officials lowing a motorcycle of Columbus, was on her between the north and with Cana Volunteer Fire wreck Friday evening. MORGAN WALL/THE NEWS way from Ohio to Win- south bound lanes and Department, Cana Rescue Ryan Keith Schroeder, Superintendent Dr. Ashley Hinson takes a ride in the ston-Salem, N.C., to visit landed in the northbound Squad, Hillsville Fire De- 28, of 185 Cleo Cain Road, was traveling west Big Cart with Jacob Nance, a student at White Plains friends when the accident lanes. partment and Carroll happened around 3:40 While medical crews EMS assisted at the on Cook School Road Elementary. p.m. were responding, they scene. See WRECKS, page 3 Franklin kids walk for a cure MORGAN WALL STAFF REPORTER For the fifth year, Franklin Elementary School hosted the Franklin Kids Relay for Life Friday. The event provides an opportunity for students to walk to raise money for cancer research. This year’s event was coordi- nated by Joyce Prince and the spring special events committee along with all of the specialists at the school. “The school improve- ment team decides which charities we support and Re- lay for Life has always been very important,” said Princi- MORGAN WALL/THE NEWS pal Terry Marcum. “A few Franklin Elementary School students do the Chicken Dance at the school’s Relay years ago, we had a student for Life event. who was a cancer survivor so Relay has become very on their doors. The class- tance of being able to cele- it,” said Marcum of stu- MORGAN WALL/THE NEWS important for us to support.” room that raises the most brate another one each dents’ participation. “We James Carns, who has cancer, leads a lap at Franklin The school is selling pa- money will get a birthday year. have students come in and per ribbons for 25 cents party as this year’s theme is “They get into it. say I’m giving my al- Elementary School’s Relay for Life event along with which teachers can display birthdays and the impor- They’ve really caught on to See CURE, page 3 his wife, Laura, and daughter, Jillian Sullivan. 2 Saturday, May 15, 2010 The Mount Airy News, Mount Airy, N.C. www.mtairynews.com PAGE TWO Local gardener’s TV show to debut Saturday MONDEE TILLEY impressive, quality product the rights to it, so in three show for three years. He left and of all the places that you years, if a cable network that show in 2008, and in STAFF REPORTER think you are going to get wants to pick up the show 2009 started working on his great support, but you don’t, and run it in syndication, he own series. Local Master Gardener it’s kind of disheartening,” said he would consider that “With the background in Joe Lamp’l is ready to re- Lamp’l said. “We’ve been option. hosting, my knowledge and lease his new show “Grow- shooting in the state, support- Lamp’l hosted shows on passion for sustainability, I ing a Greener World” that ing the state and it’s national- cable TV for six years prior felt like I needed to put those launches nationwide on PBS ly recognized, then they to his latest undertaking. He two together and create this today, however, local view- don’t pick it up.” said they were gardening show.” ers will only be able to view The first episode of shows, but they weren’t get- Off-camera, Joe runs The the show via the Internet. “Growing a Greener World” ting the message across in a joe gardener Company, de- After spending six years will be able to be viewed lo- way that he felt the story voted to eco-friendly garden- hosting TV shows for other cally via the Internet today. needed to be told. He said ing and sustainable outdoor people, Lamp’l had a con- He hopes that local citi- that was because they were living. cept for a show and is in the zens call UNC-TV to let produced by people who Lamp’l is deeply commit- process of finishing up work them know that they want to weren’t gardeners, they were ted to growing a greener on the 17th show. Production have it broadcast on their lo- SUBMITTED PHOTO producers. world through his acclaimed began in January, right here cal station. Local Master Gardener Joe Lamp’l, right, is the exec- Lamp’l started hosting a books, his well-liked blog in Mount Airy at Lamp’l’s Lamp’l produced a pilot utive producer and host of a new show, “Growing a show on the Do-it-Yourself and podcasts, a nationally home, when Chef Nathan show with his own money in (DIY) network in 2003. He syndicated newspaper col- Lyon flew in from California October of last year. He uti- Greener World.” He poses with co-host Patti Moreno was the host of a show called umn and regular contribu- to film 26 cooking episodes. lized his contacts in the in- and chef Nathan Lyon.
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