University of Plymouth PEARL https://pearl.plymouth.ac.uk 04 University of Plymouth Research Theses 01 Research Theses Main Collection 2014 Perceiving voids: Memory And Sight Afflictions In Contemporary Cinema Marineo, Francesco http://hdl.handle.net/10026.1/3224 Plymouth University All content in PEARL is protected by copyright law. Author manuscripts are made available in accordance with publisher policies. Please cite only the published version using the details provided on the item record or document. In the absence of an open licence (e.g. Creative Commons), permissions for further reuse of content should be sought from the publisher or author. Copyright Statement This copy of the thesis has been supplied on condition that anyone who consults it is understood to recognise that its copyright rests with its author and that no quotation from the thesis and no information derived from it may be published without the author’s prior consent. ABSTRACT My thesis focuses on the perceptive afflictions caused by alteration of the normal biological functioning of sight and memory. These afflictions are related to the redefinition and disgregation of the classical and postclassical cinematographic characters, and affect cinematographic language, establishing a dialectical relation with the filmic image that contaminates our spectatorial perception. In the first chapter I propose a different reading of a few moments in film history, turning points in which a modification of the ordinary sensorial patterns has been introduced. From the German Expressionism to the late authorial experiments of the 60s, there is a sort of hidden history of film that passes through the continuous redefinition of the audience sensory activity. The different perspective upon broadly studied topics leads to the analysis of contemporary cinema: my thesis tries to investigate the reasons that led cinema to continually increase the representation of perceptive afflictions during the last years, and theses “affected” narratives of afflictions and dysfunctions have interesting effects upon so called “normal” perception of the reality surrounding us. The chapters 2 and 3 respectively analyze memory disorders and different dysfunctions of sight: these elements determine alterations in the ‘normal’ and ‘sensory’ perception of reality. They work as narrative factors changing the visual filmic instruments and redefining the role of the subject (and his/her uncertain definition of identity) in contemporary narratives that show how new technologies are profoundly transforming (and enhancing) the perceptive mechanisms involved in our spectatorial activity. In this work I analyze those films that are mostly committed to a clear and readable narration. My study primarily concentrates on American cinema of the last 30 years – with particular attention to popular Hollywood productions – because Hollywood has become the privileged ‘laboratory’ for the negotiation of gaze and images in the contemporary mediascape (while during the classical era experimental and avant-garde cinema were the “place” in which audience experienced the most important redefinitions of the boundaries between different types of mediated perception. PERCEIVING VOIDS: MEMORY AND SIGHT AFFLICTIONS IN CONTEMPORARY CINEMA By Francesco Paolo MARINEO A thesis submitted to the University of Plymouth in partial fulfillment for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Faculty of Arts School of Art & Media September 2012 3 Acknowledgements: I would like to thank for their support and collaboration in this research: My family Professor Antonio Caronia Professor Antonio Somaini Professor Pier Luigi Capucci Professor Derrick De Kerckhove Professor Francesco Monico All my Ph.D colleagues in the M-Node Professor Roy Ascott and all the other Planetary Collegium members The staff of University of Plymouth The staff of NABA The editor of this thesis, Richard Burket Author’s declaration: At no time during the registration for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy has the author been registered for any other University award without prior agreement of the Graduate Committee. This study was self-financed. Relevant scientific seminars and conferences were regularly attended at which work was often presented; external institutions were visited for consultation purposes and several papers prepared for publication. Presentation and Conferences Attended: 2011 - Fringe , fringe science and the evolution of human mind. the disappearance of the Self and the multiplication of realities Paper presented at the International conference “Consciousness Reframed: Presence in the Mindfield”, Centro Cultural de Belèm, Lisbon, Portugal - Sight, Blindness, Hallucination. New Boundaries of Sight in Contemporary Cinema Paper presented at the International conference “Episthemology and physiology of cinema”, University of Pisa ___ - Teacher at the seminar "Économie du cinéma", Réseau/Netzwerk Cinema-CH, University of Lugano (CH) - Teacher at the seminars Redacted e il cinema transmediale and Fisiologia del cinema contemporaneo . University IULM, Milan 2010 4 - L’illusione della testimonianza. La fotografia, il cinema, il falso Paper presented at the International conference “Forms and models. Photography as method of knowledge”, University of Messina - Noto (october) ____ - Professor at NABA- Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti Milan: Seminar Cinema and the representaion of realities (Media Design) - Teacher at the seminar Truth and fiction: hybrid narrative objects in contemporary cinema- University IULM, Milan 2009 - Non-Identified Narrative Objects Paper presented at the International Symposium “New Media Art Education & Research 2009”, FORMA, Milano ____ Professor at NABA- Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti Milan: Seminar Memory afflictions, Blindness and the Logics of Control (Media Design) 2008 - False remembering, impossible vision: déjà vu and contemporary cinema Paper presented at the International Conference “Consciousness Reframed 9 – New Realities : Being Syncretic”, University of Applied Arts, Wien, Austria - Cinema and New Media. Educational Perspectives Paper presented at the International Symposium “New Media Art Education & Research”, FORMA, Milano ____ Teacher at the seminar Cinema, War, and Torture: Redacted by Brian De Palma - - University IULM, Milan 2007 -INLAND EMPIRE and the Perception of the Forces: Against the Figuration Paper presented at the International Conference “Researching the Future: Aspects of Art and Technoethics”, Museo Pecci, Prato 2006 - Lost in Solaris Paper presented at the Simposium “L’innovazione della rappresentazione. Solaris, dal teatro-pensiero al display artistico” Teatro Litta, Milan, - Invisibile Visual Effects Paper presented at the International conference “Researching the Future: Art and Design in Transmodal Transition”, NABA Nuova Accademia Belle Arti, Milano Publications (or presentation of other forms of creative and performing work): Essays in collective works: 2012 - Pietro e gli altri in “Nella solitudine dello sguardo. Il cinema di Daniele Gaglianone”, edited by Franco Prono, Bonanno Editore 2011 - Saving Private Ryan e Titanic 5 in “Directory of World Cinema: American Hollywood”, edited by Lincoln Geraghty, Intellect Books (Bristol, UK) 2010 - Sguardo ibridato, coscienza artificiale in “Filosofie di Avatar. Immaginari, soggettività, politiche”, edited by Antonio Caronia and Antonio Tursi, Mimesis - Le città post apocalittiche in “MMX. Architettura zona critica”, edited by Marco Biraghi, Gabriella Lo Ricco and Silvia Micheli, Zandonai 2009 - False Remembering, Impossibile Vision: Déjà Vu and Contemporary Cinema in “New Realities: Being Syncretic”, edited by Ascott/Bast/Fiel/Jahrmann/Schnell, Springer Verlag, Wien / New York - Il cinema nell’era dell’intermedialità in “Drammaturgie multimediali. Media e forme narrative nell’epoca della replicabilità digitale”, edited by Gianni Canova, Unicopli - La fragile soglia: la responsabilità dello sguardo tra realtà e finzione in Redacted e Standard Operating Procedure in “Blue Lit Stage. Realtà e rappresentazione mediatica della tortura”, edited by Manolo Farci and Simona Pezzano, Mimesis 2006 - Dizionario dei registi del cinema mondiale edited by GianPiero Brunetta, Einaudi Essays in reviews and catalogues: 2010 - La sacralità del martirio. Martyrs di Pascal Laugier “Fata Morgana” n. 10, gennaio-aprile - Fenomeno Lega “Quaderni del CSCI” n.6 2009 - I corpi comici “Quaderni del CSCI” n.5 Selected articles: 2012 - Hugo Cabret. Il padrone del tempo - Duel(lanti) n. 76, aprile-maggio - Cuciture e lacerazioni. J. Edgar e Le idi di marzo - Duel(lanti) n. 75, febbraio 2011 - Jacques Rancière e lo splendore dell’insignificante - Duel(lanti) n. 74, dicembre - L’eccesso di deformità - Duel(lanti) n. 74, dicembre 6 - Il film che non è mai finito. L’11 settembre al cinema- Duel(lanti) n. 72, settembre - Morte di un fantasma. La rappresentazione mediatica della morte di Osama Bin Laden - Duel(lanti) n. 71, luglio - Dentro e oltre. The Tree of Life di Terrence Malick - Duel(lanti) n. 71, luglio - Noi siamo qui. Habemus Papam di Nanni Moretti - Duel(lanti) n. 70, maggio/giugno - Il duello dell’inimmaginabile. Strategie di premeditazione e l’apocalisse giapponese - Duel(lanti) n. 69, aprile - La vita colta alla sprovvista. Il cinema di Mike Leigh - Duel(lanti) n. 68, marzo - Il re è nudo. Berlusconi e le fotografie - Duel(lanti) n. 68, marzo (con Federica Timeto) 2010 - Gerarchie orizzontali: Fincher e The Social Network - Duel(lanti) n. 64, novembre - Ritorni e ripartenze:
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