7494 THE LONDON GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 19, 1901. about '.So chain east of the junction of Corporation - street, and terminating in . Bray-street with Tulketh-road. Fylde-road by a junction with Tramway Xramway No. 11, a double line 1-15 chains in No. 10 at a point about T42 chains north- length, being a connection between Tram- west of the junction therewith of Maudland- ..- waysNo. lOandNo. 17, hereinafter described, road. -.- commencing by a junction in Friargate with Tramway No. 19,1 mile 6 furlongs 2 50 chains Tramway No. 10 at a point about '15 in length, whereof 4 furlongs 4*50 chains -. chain north of the junction with Walker- will be double line and 1 mile 1 furlong street, thence along Friargate, and termina- 8'00 chains will be single, commencing by - ting in Friargate at a point about ]'30 . a junction with Tramway No. 8 in Mill - chains north of the said junction. Bank at a point about '40 chain south-west Tramway No. 12, 1 mile 3 furlongs 8'25 of the junction therewith of Deepdale-road, chains in length, whereof 2 furlongs proceeding thence along Blbbleton-lane, 1 chain will be double line and 1 mile and termina,ting at the boundary between 1 furlong 7'25 chains will be single line, the County Borough of Preston and the commencing in Water-lane by a junction Urban District of Fulwood, in Ribbleton- .with Tramway No. 10 at its termination, lane. and proceeding thence along Water-lane, Tramway No. 20,1 mile 0 furlong '60 chain - Tnlketh-road, Ashton Long-lane. Waterloo- in length, whereof 1 furlong 3'20 chains road, and Bray-street, and terminating at will be double line and 6 furlongs the said point of commencement in Water- 7*40 chains will be single line, commencing lane. • by a junction with Tramway No. 17 iu Tramway No. 13, 8-15 chains in length, Friargate at a point about 1'55 chains whereof 6*65 chains will be double line and north of the junction therewith of Walker- - 1*50 chains single line, commencing in street, and proceeding thence along Friar- . Ashton Long-lane at the boundary between gate, Adelphi - street, and Plungington- the County Borough of Preston and the road, and terminating at the boundai-y township of Lea Ashton Tngol and Cot- between the County Borough of Preston tarn, and parish of Ashton, proceeding and the Urban District of Fulwood, in easterly along that lane, and terminating Plnngington-road. - therein by a junction with Tramway No. l2 Tramway No. 21, 2 furlongs 5'45 chains in at a point '80 chain east of the junction of length, whereof 5'60 chains will be double .Tulketh-road and Ashton Long-lane. line and 1 furlong 9'85 chains will be Tramway No. 14, a single line 1*20 chains in single line, wholly situate in the said length, being a connection between Tram- Township, Parish, and Urban District of ways No. 13 and No. 12, commencing in Fulwood, commencing at the boundary Ashton Long-lane at a point about '65 between the County Borough of Preston and chain west of the junction therewith of the said Urban District by a junction with Tulketh-road and terminating in Tulkcth- Tramway No. 20 at its termination, pro- road at a point about '75 chain south-east ceeding thence along Plungington-road of the said junction. North, Watling Street-road West, and Tramway No. 15, a double line 4 furlongs Garstang-road, and terminating by a junc- , 5'00 chains in length, commencing in tion with Tramway No. 7 in Garstang-road Stanley-street by a junction with Tiara- at a point about "90 chain south of the . way No. I at a point about '54 chain junction therewith of Watling Street-road north-west of the junction of Stanley-street West. , and London-road, and proceeding thence Tramway No. 22, a single line 1'50 chains in , along London-road, and terminating at a length, wholly situate in the said Township point about '70 chain north of the north- and Parish of Fulwood, commencing by - -westerly end of the south-westerly wing a junction \\ith Tiamway No. 21 in -• wall of Walton Bridge. Watling Street-road West at a point about Tramway No. 16, a single line 1'50 chains in •65 chain west of the junction with length, being a cross-over in Tramway Gai'stang-road and Watling Street-road yto. .15, commencing and terminating at West, and proceeding thence along Watling ..•points in Tramway No. 15 respestively Street-road West, across Garstang-road, I j3;50 chains and 2'00 chains from the ter- thence along Walling Street-road, and mination thereof. terminating by a junction in Watling Tramway No. 17, 6 furlongs 7*10 chains in Street-road with Tramway No. 7 at a point , .length, whereof 4 furlongs 1'50 chains will about '85 chain east of the junction there- v. ,be double line, and 2 furlongs 5'60 chains with of Garstang-road. -will be single line, commencing by a junc- Tramway No. 23, a double line 1 fui'long tion with Tramway No. 1 in Fishergate, 3'20 chains in length, commencing in at a -point about -38 chain west of the Deepdale-road by a junction with Tramway ; junction of Corporation-street and Fisber- No. 8 at a point about '90 chain south of , gate, and proceeding thence along Corpora- the junction of Deepdale-road and Holm- Y-tion-street, Canal-street, across Friargate, rook-road West, and proceeding thence T-0thence along Moor-lane, and terminating along Deepdale-road and Holmrook-road by a junction in Garatang-road with Tram- West, and terminating at a point '60 chain , .-way No. 4. at a point about 2 chains north east of the junction of Holmrook-road West .-of >the junction therewith of Moorbrook- and St. Christopher's-road South. - street. Tramway No. 24, a double line 1*20 chains Tramway No. 18, 6'40 chains in length, in length, being a connection between „«.whereof 1*20 chains will be double line and Tramways No. 8 and No. 23, commencing •-r,5'20 chains will be single line, commencing in Deepdale-road at a point about '70 i by a junction with Tramway No. 17 in chain north of the junction of Deepdale- - Corporation-street, at a point about '73 rcad and Holmrook-road West, and ter- , - chain south-east of the junction therewith minating in Holmrook-road West at a point' ; fpf ^anal-street, proceeding thence along about '65 chain west of such junction..
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