® ® Custom Custom Ingredients, Inc. Ingredients, Inc. ™ ™ Phytol — Natural Oils Phytol — Natural Oils Product Guide Product Guide ® Ingredients, Inc. ● ● Custom® 803-377-1213 FAX: 803-581-5802 Custom Ingredients, Inc. ● 803-377-1213 ● FAX: 803-581-5802 ® Ingredients Custom is a leading producer of innovative and quality specialty ® chemical productsIngredients® for industry.is a Weleading strive producer to provide of innovative attentive andservice quality and specialty quick CustomCustom Ingredients is a leading producer of innovative and quality specialty deliverieschemicalchemical productsto our products customers for industry.for industry. and Wea safe strive We andstrive to enjoyable provide to provide attentive work attentive environment service service and for and quickour quick employees.deliveries to It our is our customers goal to: and a safe and enjoyable work environment for our deliveries to our customers and a safe and enjoyable work environment for our employees. It is our goal to: employees. It is our goal to: • To continue introducing creative and useful specialty chemical products • thatTo• cToontinue fulfill continue a introducingspecial introducing consumer creative creative need. and anduseful useful specialty specialty chemical chemical products products that fulfill a special consumer need. that fulfill a special consumer need. • To continue providing outstanding customer service and support for ® • CustomTo• continueTo continueIngredients providing providing outstanding outstanding’ products. customer customerserviceservice and andsupport support for for ® Ingredients® Custom Custom Ingredients’ products.’ products. • To continue to manufacture our products in America, providing quality • employment•To cToontinue continue toopportunities manufacture to manufacture for our Americ productsour productsan workers in America, in America,and faster providing providing response quality quality timesemploymentemployment for our opportunities customers opportunities. for Americfor American workersan workers and andfaster faster response response times for our customers. times for our customers. ® • To continue Custom Ingredients’ important roles in consumer ® • Ingredients® innovation•To cToontinue continue andCustom industryCustom leadership.Ingredients ’ important’ important roles roles in consumer in consumer innovationinnovation and andindustry industry leadership. leadership. • To continue to invest in our company's future, by making decisions based • upon•To cToontinue long-term continue to invest goalsto invest inrather our in companour than compan short-termy's future,y's future, gainby making by. making decisions decisions based based uponupon long-term long-term goals goals rather rather than than short-term short-term gain gain. ® • To continue with our belief that Custom® Ingredients’ future success • To continue with our belief that Ingredients® future success will• beTo determined continue w ithby ourhow belief well we thatCustom serviceCustom and treatIngredients our customers’ ’ future today. success will be determined by how well we service and treat our customers today. will be determined by how well we service and treat our customers today. • To continue to always have skilled and competent people on our staff. • •To cToontinue continue to always to always have have skilled skilled and andcompetent competent people people on our on staff.our staff. • ® To continue associating the Custom® Ingredients’ brand with quality, • •To cToontinue continue associating associating the theCustom Ingredients® Ingredients’ brandbrand with with quality, quality, innovation and value. Custom ’ innovationinnovation and andvalue. value. ® Custom ® Ingredients® specializes in quality seed, nut and vegetable oils. By importing directly from our worldwide Custom Ingredients Ingredients specializes specializes in quality in quality seed, seed, nut nutand andvegetable vegetable oils. oi ls.By importingBy importing directly directly from from our ourworldwide worldwide Custom sources to you, we can offer competitive pricing and consistent quality. Our oils are from renewable resources mindful of the sourcessources to you, to you,we can we canoffer offer competitive competitive pricing pricing and andconsistent consistent qualit quality. Oury. Ouroils areoils fromare from renewable renewable resources resources mindful mindful of the of the environment.environment. WeWe sellsell exclusivelyexclusively toto thethe cosmeticcosmetic and personal care industry so we knowknow ththee qualityquality youyou demand.demand. OurOur oilsoils environment. We sell exclusively to the cosmetic and personal care industry so we know the quality you demand. Our oils offer the best in clarity, color, and low odor and are certified to American Oil Chemist Society (AOCS) standards to provide offeroffer the thebest best in clarity, in clarity, color, color, and andlow odorlow odor and andare certifiedare certified to American to American Oil Chemist Oil Chemist Society Society (AOCS) (AOCS) standards standards to provide to provide you with a reliable and consistent source. you ywithou with a reliable a reliable and andconsistent consistent source. source. ® Custom ® Ingredients,Ingredients,® Inc. ● 803-377-1213 ● FAX: 803-581-5802 CustomCustom Ingredients, Inc. ● 803-377-1213 ● 803-377-1213● FAX:● FAX: 803-581-5802 803-581-5802 The technical information and suggestions for use contained herein are believed to be reliable, and offer in good faith. The company however cannot assume any liability or risk involved in the use of its formulations or chemical The technical information and suggestions for use contained herein are believed to be reliable, and offer in good faith. The company however cannot assume any liability or risk involved in the use of its formulations or chemical products The since technical the conditions information of use and are suggestions beyond our for control. use contained Statements herein concerning are believed the topossible be reliable, use of and our offer products in good are faith. not intended The company as recommendations however cannot toassume use in any the liability infringement or risk ofinvolved any patent. in the Weuse make of its noformulations warranty of or any chemical products since the conditions of use are beyond our control. Statements concerning the possible use of our products are not intended as recommendations to use in the infringement of any patent. We make no warranty of any products since the conditions of use are beyond our control. Statements concerning the possiblekind, expresseduse of our productsor implied. are not intended as recommendations to use in the infringement of any patent. We make no warranty of any kind, expressed or implied. kind,- -2- 2expressed - or implied. - 2 - - 2 - TMTM PhytolPhytol NaturalNatural OilsOils Nut & Seed Oils® Nut & Seed OilsIngredients® is a leading producer of innovative and quality specialty CustomCustom Ingredients is a leading producer of innovative and quality specialty PPrroodduuccttss chemicalIchemicalNINCCI I NN aproductsammee products for industry.for industry. We strive We strive to provide toUU sprovideseess /attentive/ BBee nattentiveneeffititss service service and andquick quick RReegguulalattoorryy Description TM Status Description deliveries to our customers and a safe and enjoyable work environment for our Status ™ deliveries to our customers and a safe and enjoyable work environment for our Natural Oils Phytol � ALS Prunus Amygdalus Dulcis Mimics the lipid content of the skin, the NMF (NaturalPhytol Moisturizing Factor) and Japan: yes Phytol ALS Prunusemployees.employees. Amygdalus It isDulcis Itour is goalourMimics goal to: the to: lipid content of the skin, the NMF (Natural Moisturizing Factor) and Japan: yes Almond (Sweet) Oil (Sweet Almond) Oil helps restore. EU: yes Almond™ (Sweet) Oil (Sweet Almond) Oil helps restore. EU: yes PhytolPhytol� Argan** ArganiaArgania Spinosa Spinosa• Kernel Kernel ThisThis Moroccan Moroccan oil oil possesses possesses a a remarkable remarkable ability ability to to moisturize moisturize dry dry skin skin and and Japan:Japan: yes yes Argan Oil Oil To• cToontinue continueimprove introducing skin introducing elasticity creative and creative hair and gloss. anduseful useful specialty specialty chemical chemical products products EU: yes Argan Oil Oil improve skin elasticity and hair gloss. EU: yes ™ that fulfill a special consumer need. PhytolPhytol� BORBOR BoragoBorago Officinalis Officinalis Seed Seedthat The Thefulfill high high a content content special of of consumer gamma gamma linoleic linoleic need. acid acid (GLA)(GLA) the the fatty fatty acid acid used used in in cosmetics cosmetics Japan:Japan: yes yes BorageBorage Oil Oil OilOil asas an an emollient, emollient, antioxidant, antioxidant, and and cell cell re regulator.gulator. GLA GLA is is considered considered to to promote promote EU:EU: yes yes Nut & Seed Oils (Continued) • To• continueTo continuehealthyhealthy providing skinskinproviding growth growth outstanding and outstandingand is is an an anti-inflamma anti-inflamma customer customertoryservicetory agent. serviceagent. and It It can andsupportcan also also support provide provide for for relief relief ® from chronic skin disorders such as eczema and atopic dermatitis. Products fromINC®I N chronicame skin disorders such as eczema and atopicUses / dermatitis.Benefits Regulatory ™ Custom Ingredients’ products. Phytol � CAN** Canola Oil CustomNon-greasyIngredients occlusive
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