Lake County Naturalization Index Last Name First Name Middle Name First Paper Second Paper Adams William H V1P58 Adams William H V7P71 Ahlgreen Jacob V1P321 Albaitis Wilem V10P52 V10P52 Albaitis Willem V10P52 Albaitis William V10P52 Albeitis Wilem V10P52 V10P52 Albright George W V1P326 Aldridge Brewin V1P170 Alfston Berl-Jacob V2P243 Alguire Andrew V4P18 Alguire Andrew V9P24 V9P24 Allgreen Conrad V2P286 Allgreen Pete V2P289 Allgrun Conrad V2P286 Amrstrong Walter V1P278 Andarson Jan V1P294 Anderes Peter V2P115 Andersen Andrew August V1P330 Andersen Charles L V2P79 Andersen Gust V1P385 Andersen Gust V2P74 Andersen John V2P75 Andersen John V2P121 Andersen John Maurice V2P118 Andersen Nels V2P103 Friday, October 07, 2005 Page 1 of 58 Last Name First Name Middle Name First Paper Second Paper Andersen Otto V1P324 Andersen Svend V1P329 Anderson Alex V1P274 Anderson Andrew V7P31 Anderson Andrew V1P313 Anderson Andrew R V7P101 Anderson Andrew R V2P197 Anderson Beny V1P97 Anderson Burt V7P77 Anderson C F V2P195 Anderson Carl O V7P27 Anderson Carl O V2P128 Anderson Charles V1P345 Anderson Charles V7P103 Anderson Charles V1P295 Anderson David V7P20 Anderson David V1P325 Anderson Edward A V7P96 Anderson Edward Anton V2P43 Anderson G A V2P26 Anderson Gerda Vilhelmina V12P203 Anderson Gust V7P36 Anderson Gust V2P250 Anderson Gust V1P121 Anderson Henry V1P310 Anderson Johannes V1P322 Anderson John V2P21 Anderson John A V1P408 Friday, October 07, 2005 Page 2 of 58 Last Name First Name Middle Name First Paper Second Paper Anderson John H V7P41 Anderson Martinus V1P404 Anderson Matts V1P202 Anderson Nels V1P402 Anderson Nels P V7P39 Anderson Oscar V2P220 Anderson Perry E V2P198 Anderson Pete V7P48 Anderson Peter V1P407 Anderson Peter V7P29 Anderson Peter M V1P100 Anderson Petr V1P297 Anderson Robert V2P3 Anderson S. Peter V1P307 Anderson Thomas V1P331 Anderson W V2P189 Anderson William V1P249 Anthony George V1P175 Arfston Berl-Jacob V2P242 Armstrong James V7P80 Armstrong James V1P277 Armstrong Walter V7P57 Arnold George V7P81 Arnold George V1P389 Arseno Barney V3P4 Arseno George V2P373 Arseno George V8P5 Asklund Nels V2P124 Friday, October 07, 2005 Page 3 of 58 Last Name First Name Middle Name First Paper Second Paper Aster Rock V6P220 Aster Rock V12P195 V12P195 Aster Ursula V12P202 Astrain Charles P V1P196 Astrauskas Rokas V12P195 V12P195 Astrauskis Rokas V6P220 Augus John V7P30 Babbett B F V2P206 Baden Anthony V2P97 Baderschneider Chas V7P61 Baderschneider Ernest R V7P61 Baderschneidor Charles V1P151 Badker Peter V1P157 Bajak Andew V10P58 V10P58 Bajak Andrew V5P31 Baker Andrew J V1P378 Baker Dilman V7P6 Baldwin Horatio M V1P155 Barduke Nelson V1P231 Bargstram Eric G A V2P326 Barrett Benjamin V1P98 Barry Vera Elizabeth V12P210 Batry Anton V5P46 Batyr Anthon V5P46 Batyr Anton V4P74 Batyr Anton V6P231 Baugerter Alexander V9P27 V9P27 Bechand David V2P285 Friday, October 07, 2005 Page 4 of 58 Last Name First Name Middle Name First Paper Second Paper Bechard Joe V2P305 Beer John Gibens V1P60 Belyea Jesse V1P4 Bender Joseph F V4P60 Bender Joseph F V10P15 Bender Joseph Frank V10P15 Bender Joseph Frank V9P41 V9P41 Bender William F V10P15 Bendick Carl V2P72 Bengtsson Hakan V2P65 Bengtsson Ola V2P67 Benson Peter V7P24 Benson Tom V2P311 Berg Andrew Peter V2P244 Bergerson Einar V2P323 Bergland Andrew V1P397 Berglund August V1P354 Bergstrom O P V1P335 Biehl Jochim Diedrich V1P339 Bigelow Allan V1P396 Bigelow Elijah V1P391 Bigelow James V1P395 Bigelow William V1P371 Bima John V10P14 V10P14 Bimba John V10P14 Bjork Andrew V1P105 Bjork Andrew V7P70 Bjork John A V7P71 Friday, October 07, 2005 Page 5 of 58 Last Name First Name Middle Name First Paper Second Paper Bjork John A V2P335 Blair Goddair V2P46 Blair Goddais V7P50 Block Charles V1P114 Block Chas V7P25 Block John V1P73 Block Joseph V1P71 Bloom John V1P93 Bluhm William V4P62 Bobin Charles V12P216 V12P216 Bobin Kazimir V12P216 V12P216 Bobinas Kazimeras V6P237 Bobinas Kazimeras V6P226 Bobinas Kazimeras V12P216 V12P216 Bobson William V1P25 Bokulund Charles V2P221 Bonner Henry V2P310 Bonner Henry V7P91 Bonnett Andrew V7P63 Bonnett Andrew V1P227 Booth Joseph V2P139 Bork Frank V7P49 Bosley Dennis V10P36 V10P36 Bosley Dennis V4P71 Bosschem Frank V4P92 Bosschem Frank V10P23 V10P23 Bostrom August V2P89 Botiryus Anthon V6P231 Friday, October 07, 2005 Page 6 of 58 Last Name First Name Middle Name First Paper Second Paper Bradford Frank V4P4 Bradford George H V2P338 Bradford Jesse V10P1 V10P1 Bradford Jesse V4P35 Bradford Jessey V1P235 Bradford John V1P234 Bradford John V7P63 Bradford William F V2P240 Bragg George V1P43 Brammberg John V1P169 Branne Ole V1P251 Brasic Joseph John V6P194 Brasic Julia Barbara V6P224 Brazandkis Alexander V4P58 Brazanskis Alexander V4P58 Brede Julius V1P185 Bregg John V1P61 Bregg Walter Herman V1P62 Bretsen Edward C V2P69 Brooksbauk Frank V2P113 Brosse Samuel V2P108 Brown George V1P327 Brown James C V1P6 Brown Robert V7P7 Bryne Charles V1P312 Bryne Mary V11P155 Buckner Nathan V7P35 Budress Stanley V5P57 Friday, October 07, 2005 Page 7 of 58 Last Name First Name Middle Name First Paper Second Paper Buht John Audres V2P149 Burke John V1P139 Burley George H V7P7 Burley Noah V1P255 Burnett Thomas V1P333 Burnett Thos V7P23 Buschut Salomon V2P355 Bushat Salomon V7P87 Bushat Solomon V7P87 Bust John V2P299 Butkaite Domicela V10P72 Campbell Alexander V1P15 Campbell Alexander V7P75 Campbell John B V2P1 Campbell Lawrence Cecil V11P153 V11P153 Campbell Lawrence Cecil V6P202 Caplain Lewie V7P92 Caplan Levie V2P366 Caplan Lewie V2P366 Carlson A F V2P291 Carlson A T V2P291 Carlson August V2P239 Carlson Axel V2P237 Carlson C G V7P68 Carlson Charles V2P15 Carlson Edward V2P316 Carlson Gus. V2P313 Carlson Guse V2P76 Friday, October 07, 2005 Page 8 of 58 Last Name First Name Middle Name First Paper Second Paper Carlson Gustaf V7P31 Carlson Herman V2P293 Carlson V S V2P40 Carlsson C A V2P182 Carlsson Elis Waldermar V1P222 Carlsson Gust V2P30 Carlsson T A V2P183 Carnagan Albert V8P163 Carnagan Henry V2P349 Carnaghan George V1P44 Carnaghan George H V7P87 Carnaghan Henry V2P349 Carnaghan Henry V7P78 Carpenter Daniel V2P125 Cassady Charles F V2P168 Cassady Charles F V7P98 Cassady Harry L V8P164 Cassette Adolph V2P374 Cassette Adolph V8P6 Castine Peter V7P16 Caugly Edward V1P34 Cepanis Justice V5P42 Cherry Theodore V12P212 Chesney Joshua V1P63 Chojnacki Frank V9P30 V9P30 Choma Josge V11P147 V11P147 Choma Stefano V11P175 V11P175 Choponis Joseph William V12P196 Friday, October 07, 2005 Page 9 of 58 Last Name First Name Middle Name First Paper Second Paper Choznacki Frank V4P29 Christenson Andrew V4P13 Christenson Nels V1P317 Christenson Peter V1P381 Christiansen Christian V2P104 Christianson Chris V7P52 Christoffels Edward V4P53 Clark Ed V1P259 Clark George V1P260 Clark John V1P239 Clark John V1P375 Clark John V7P24 Clothier D K V7P40 Coles Robert V1P341 Colson Andrew V1P143 Conners John O V2P288 Cornell Jonas S V1P116 Correll Henry V7P93 Cossette Julia V11P140 Cowden William J V1P233 Cox Samual V1P303 Craig Alexander V1P24 Craig James H V1P267 Crawford James V2P157 Croden Vera Elizabeth V12P210 Cryderman Silas F V2P54 Crysler Norman D V6P234 Crysler Norman David V6P234 Friday, October 07, 2005 Page 10 of 58 Last Name First Name Middle Name First Paper Second Paper Culkeen Michael V2P129 Cunjak Antonia Barbara V12P201 Cutler Leonard V1P53 Cyrus Gamble Thompson V1P70 Czajkowski Konstanzia V11P183 Czajkowski Marcell V9P34 V9P34 Czajkowski Martha V5P73 Czajkowski Martha V11P133 V11P133 Czajkowski Marzel V4P28 Czajkowski Marzel V9P34 V9P34 Czajkowski Max V5P38 Czajkowski Max V6P209 Czajkowski Max V4P43 Czajkowski Max V11P174 V11P174 Czajkowski Xaver V9P31 V9P31 Czajkowski Xaver V4P27 Czepmene Joseph Willian V12P196 Czernoch Victor V9P1 V9P1 Czernock Victor V9P1 V9P1 Daiker Elfriede Rosa Maria V12P215 Dain Delma V10P72 Dain William V10P62 V10P62 Danberg Charles V1P117 Danes Vicentus V10P62 V10P62 Danielsson John V1P210 Darknell Mary Louise V10P68 Darknell William Henry V10P53 V10P53 David Barbara V12P190 Friday, October 07, 2005 Page 11 of 58 Last Name First Name Middle Name First Paper Second Paper Davidowski Stanley V5P80 Davidson George V7P19 Davis John W V1P372 Deavan Julian V2P169 Dechow Eva V11P157 DePalma Maria V5P77 Detels Christian V7P2 Deview George V2P6 Deview William V2P261 Dietlin Godleib V1P80 Dillon Michael V1P176 Dobereiner John Bernhard V9P18 V9P18 Docereiner John Bernhardt V2P48 Dohlberg Swanty V1P229 Dombrouski Ignatius V6P210 Dombrouski Ignatius V11P176 V11P176 Dombrowski Adele V10P49 Dombrowski Igniti V5P64 Dombrowski Igustus V5P64 Dombrowski Stanley V10P30 V10P30 Dombrowski Stanley V10P43 Dombrowski Stanly V10P30 V10P30 Dombrowski Stanly V4P64 Doran Michael V2P235 Dort William Van V6P219 Doum William A V5P28 Dourn William A V5P28 Dow Peter V2P339 Friday, October 07, 2005 Page 12 of 58 Last Name First Name Middle Name First Paper Second Paper Dow Peter W V7P94 Dowgas Albert V2P375 Dowidawskis Stanislowas V5P10 Dowidowski Stanley V11P156 V11P156 Down John V3P2 Downs Henry V1P364 Downs John V8P4 Downs William A V10P56 V10P56 Doyle Patrick J V1P48 Dutrisac Eugene V10P12 V10P12 Dutrisac Eugene V4P72 Eary Paul V3P4 Echlin James D V1P242 Echlin Thomas L V1P141 Ecklund Albert V2P122 Ehlstrand Henry V1P119 Ehmann William V1P300 Eiler Henry V2P369 Ekmann William V1P300 Ekstrom Frank W V7P37 Ekstrom Frank W V1P144 Ellis Alfred V2P370 Elofson Peter V2P158 Embrich John V6P197 Embrich John V11P144 V11P144 Embrick John V11P144 V11P144 Engel Frank V9P49 V9P49 Engel Katalin V9P35 Friday, October 07, 2005 Page
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