S10564 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE September 13, 1996 214.2(h)(2)(i)(D) of title 8, Code of Federal Those wishing additional information investment of $3,000 to a major supplier Regulations (as in effect on the day before should contact the Committee on In- of automated manufacturing systems. the date of enactment of this Act). dian Affairs at 224–2251. Today, Gerber Scientific, head- (c) REGULATIONS.—Not later than 30 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, f quartered in South Windsor, CT, boasts the Attorney General shall issue regulations ADDITIONAL STATEMENTS worldwide sales exceeding $350 million. to carry out the provisions of this section. Mr. Gerber’s creativity, motivation (d) INTERIM TREATMENT.—A nonimmigrant and business savvy propelled this cor- whose visa is extended by operation of this NATIONAL CHILDREN’S DAY poration into success. section, and the spouse and child of such ∑ Mr. GRAHAM. Mr. President, I rise H. Joseph Gerber received many hon- nonimmigrant, shall be considered as having today to join my friend Senator PRESS- ors, awards and honorary doctorates. continued to maintain lawful status as a In 1953, he was chosen as one of The nonimmigrant through September 30, 1997. LER in introducing legislation to cele- brate the children of our Nation by es- Ten Outstanding Young Men of the f tablishing National Children’s Day on United States for contributions to his THE DEPARTMENT OF THE INTE- Sunday, October 13, 1996. community, State, and Nation by the RIOR AND RELATED AGENCIES National Children’s Day will enable U.S. Junior Chamber of Commerce. He APPROPRIATIONS ACT, 1997 us to pay tribute to children and to accepted the Connecticut Medal of focus on issues that are so important Technology awarded by the Governor BAUCUS AMENDMENTS NOS. 5348– to their health, development, and edu- in 1994, was a member of the National 5349 cation, Many children today face crises Academy of Engineers and the Con- of grave proportions, especially as they necticut Academy of Science and Engi- (Ordered to lie on the table.) enter adolescent years. It is of par- neering and served as a trustee of Mr. BAUCUS submitted two amend- ticular concern that over 5 million Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. In ments intended to be proposed by him children go hungry at some point each 1994, President Clinton awarded Mr. to the bill, H.R. 3662, supra; as follows: month, and that there has been a 60- Gerber the National Medal of Tech- AMENDMENT NO. 5348 percent increase in the number of chil- nology. At the appropriate place in title I, insert dren needing foster care in the last 10 H. Joseph Gerber was equally inspira- the following: years. It is also appropriate that adults tional in his personal achievements. He SEC. 1ll. GENERAL MANAGEMENT PLANS FOR was born in Vienna, Austria in 1924, but GLACIER NATIONAL PARK. in the United States have an oppor- A new general management plan for Gla- tunity to reminisce on their youth to his family’s life was shattered by Nazi cier National Park shall not become effec- recapture some of the fresh insight, in- occupation. He was imprisoned in a tive in fiscal year 1997 or 1998 until— nocence, and dreams that they may Nazi labor camp when he was 15, but he (1) the Director of the National Park Serv- have lost through the years. and his mother were able to flee Aus- ice has submitted to the Committee on En- There are times when Congress can tria to the United States in 1940. He ergy and Natural Resources of the Senate enact simple measures that ensure that quickly learned to speak English, and, and the Committee on Resources of the the needs of our Nation’s children are while working to support his mother, House of Representatives the proposed final general management plan; and being recognized. It is the least we can graduated from Weaver High School in (2) each of the Senate and the House of do to celebrate the contributions chil- Hartford in 2 years and then from Representatives has been in session for 90 dren make in each of our lives and to Rennselaer Polytechnic Institute in days. all America. less than 3 years with an aeronautical I urge our colleagues to join us in co- engineering degree. I salute H. Joseph AMENDMENT NO. 5349 sponsoring National Children’s Day.∑ Gerber and pause for a moment of re- At the appropriate place in title I, insert f flection in memory of this very accom- the following: plished and generous man.∑ SEC. 1ll. YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK. H. JOSEPH GERBER Not later than April 1, 1997, the Secretary ∑ Mr. LIEBERMAN. Mr. President, I f of the Interior, acting through the Director would like to take this time to remem- of the National Park Service, and the Sec- ber Joseph Gerber, the founder and HEALTH INSURANCE PORTABILITY retary of Agriculture, acting through the chairman of Gerber Scientific, Inc. and AND ACCOUNTABILITY ACT Chief of the Forest Service, shall— (1) enter into a memorandum of under- a Connecticut resident, who died in ∑ Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, I rise standing that, for fiscal year 1998 and each early August when Congress was out of today to recognize an important fiscal year thereafter— session. I will sorely miss this great achievement by this body, as well as to (A) provides for the timely maintenance of Connecticut businessman and inno- congratulate my colleagues on the the Beartooth Highway in Yellowstone Na- vator and send his family my sincere Health Insurance Portability and Ac- tional Park, with the costs of maintenance sympathy for their loss. countability Act being signed into law. shared equally by the National Park Service Mr. Gerber was nicknamed ‘‘Thomas and the Forest Service; and Last year, I joined Senators KASSE- (B) ensures that the Beartooth Highway Edison’’ in the apparel industry for his BAUM and KENNEDY in introducing this will be cleared of snow and ice by not later countless inventions—he was awarded important piece of legislation. It has than the Friday before Memorial Day of each over 650 U.S. and foreign patents for enjoyed broad bipartisan support in year (absent weather conditions that would his technological innovations. His con- both the House of Representatives and make clearing the highway hazardous); and tributions to advanced manufacturing the U.S. Senate. (2) submit a copy of the memorandum of transformed many sectors including Last summer, the Committee on understanding to the Committee on Appro- signmaking, graphic arts, printed cir- Labor and Human Resources, of which priations of the Senate and the Committee on Appropriations of the House of Represent- cuit boards, optics, and automotive and I am a member, reported out this legis- atives. aerospace technologies. He generously lation unanimously. This spring, the f donated some of his inventions to the bill passed with overwhelming support Smithsonian Institution—they can be in the Senate. Mr. President, as you NOTICE OF HEARING found in the Smithsonian’s National may recall, the vote was 100 to 0. COMMITTEE ON INDIAN AFFAIRS Museum of American History as part of I regret that this very popular bill— Mr. MCCAIN. Mr. President, I would its permanent collection. that the General Accounting Office like to announce that the Senate Com- Mr. Gerber was a champion of inven- told us would help 25 million Ameri- mittee on Indian Affairs will meet dur- tion from very early on. As a junior at cans—was filibustered for 94 days by ing the session of the Senate on Tues- Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, he our Democratic colleagues and there- day, September 17, 1996, beginning at invented a revoluntionary graphical fore enactment was unnecessarily de- 9:30 a.m. to conduct a hearing on eco- numerical computer. This product—the layed. nomic development on Indian reserva- Gerber Variable Scale—was rolled out First, we heard from our friends tions. The hearing will be held in room to launch the Gerber Scientific Instru- across the aisle that the bill contained 485 of the Russell Senate Office Build- ment Co. In a matter of five decades, poison pills—provisions that would ing. Gerber Scientific grew from an initial jeopardize support for the overall bill. VerDate Aug 31 2005 06:33 Jun 21, 2008 Jkt 041999 PO 00000 Frm 00054 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 J:\ODA16\1996_F~1\S13SE6.REC S13SE6 mmaher on MIKETEMP with SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS September 13, 1996 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S10565 The most fiercely opposed was inclu- tractive to some sick and lower income FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION sion of a medical savings account pro- people as well as to the healthy and REAUTHORIZATION ACT OF 1996 vision. well-to-do. The report implies that this Mr. COVERDELL. Mr. President, I To back up a bit, I would like to read is an effort worth demonstrating—and ask unanimous consent that the Sen- the language of an amendment that I certainly not poisonous—especially ate now proceed to consideration of offered, and that passed, during consid- when we focus on extending the option calendar No. 575, H.R. 3553. eration of the bill by the Committee on to populations that now have difficulty The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Labor and Human Resources. Specifi- finding affordable health care options. clerk will report. cally, the committee added a sense of Above all, the goal of the Health In- The legislative clerk read as follows: the committee that the establishment surance Portability and Accountability A bill (H.R. 3553) to amend the Federal of medical savings accounts should be Act continues to be the implementa- Trade Commission Act to authorize appro- encouraged as part of any health insur- tion of the very basic reforms of port- priations for the Federal Trade Commission.
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