UMI games .. .for the fun ofVICm Bewarel The red planet's skies are being overrun by a United Microware Industries, available on either squad of interplanetary outlaws led by the deadly cassettes or UMI's own durable cartridges, depending Spiders of Mars. As the Space Fly, yourjob is to destroy on your selection. Write for a catalog, or see the UMI them. Be careful! One touch by the Spiders, the dealer nearest you ... and play UMI games today, for hideous Bats of Saturn, the Dragon­ the fun of VlCMI flies of Pluto, or the terrifying Lunar Sand Hornets will drop you from the sky- Every wave of the marauders is more difficult than the last to evade and destroy- You can enJoy thrilling entertainment for hours with any of the many top­ notch arcade-quality games from ViC IS a uaClemark of Comf'T1OoJore Busine ss Machines. Inc ~ - ----~~ ------------ - - GUIDES YOU AND YOUR VIC 20® DOWN ROADS OF ADVENTURE WITH: • Maelstrom* • Escape MCP* • Gator Chase* • Astro Command • Caves of Annod • Capture the Beast • Whirlwind Rescue* • Street Maze • The Market • Chivalry THROUGH TRAILS OF CREATIVITY WITH: • Sketch and Paint ALONG THE PATH TO KNOWLEDGE WITH: • Wordspot • Math Tutor Series • Alphabet Tutor • Conversion • Gotcha Math • English Invaders • Math Invaders Series ASK FOR COMM*DATA COMPUTER HOUSE SOFTWARE AT YOUR LOCAL DEALER. Or Send for FREE Catalog: COMM*DATA COMPUTER HOUSE 320 Summit Avenue Milford, Michigan 48042 Quality software also available (313) 685-0113 for Pet and Commodore 64 computers Dealer Inquiries Welcome. VIC 20 is a Registered Trademark of Commodore Business Machines, Inc. 'High Res Full Machine Code Arcade Style Games. FOR THE VIC·20® THE COMPUTER REVOLUTION IS COMING! BE READY WITH A MASTERY OF THE COMPUTER KEYBOARD! IN THE AGE OF THE COMPUTER, EVERYONE FROM THE SCHOOL CHILD TO THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD SHOULD BE AT HOME AT THE COMPUTER KEYBOARD. THESE PROGRAMS PROVIDE EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO MASTER THE KEYBOARD AND GAIN THE COMPETITIVE EDGE THIS BRINGS IN THE COMPUTER AGE. • Rated THE BEST educational program for the VIC-20 by Creative Computing Magazine • TYPING TUTOR PLUS WORD INVADERS - $21.95 (2 programs on one cassette tape for the unexpanded VIC-20) Typing Tutor plus Word Invaders makes learning the keyboard easy and fun! Typing Tutor teaches the keyboard in easy steps. Word Invaders makes typing practice an entertaining game. Highly praised by customers: "Typing Tutor is great ", "Fantastic", " Excellent" , "High Quality ", "A source of great learning and joy for our children ." Customer comment says it all ... " ... and it was everything you advertised it would be . In three weeks, my 13 year old son, who had never typed before, was typing 35 w.p.m. I had improved my typing speed 15 w.p.m. and my husband was able to keep up with his college typing class by practicing at home." .. ~~~.. ~~~~~.. ~ SPRITE DESIGNER by Dr. Lee T. Hill - $16.95 Save hours of work when designing sprites. Helps you create multiple sprites, copy and alter them to create views from different perspectives automatically for 3·0 or animated effects. Options include: copy any of the previous sprites, reflec· tion, rotation, translation, shearing, reverse image, merge & intersect. Saves sprite data for merge into your program. SHIPPING AND HANDLING $1 .00 PER ORDER. CALIFORNIA RESIDENTS ADD 6% SALES TAX. VISA AND MASTERCARD ORDERS MUST INCLUDE FULL NAME AS SHOWN ON CARD, CARD NUMBER. AND EXPIRA nON DATE . FREE CATALOG SENT WITH ORDER ANDON REQUEST ACAi)cmy P.O. BOX 9403 SAN RAFAEL, CA 94912 SOFTWARE (415) 499·0850 Programmers. Write to our New Program Manager concerning any exceptional VIC·20 or C64 game or other program you have developed. Call for Clubs and Newsletters Directory To be included in the first edition of the Commander Clubs and Newsletters Directory, your club or publication must supply the following information: 1. name of organization or publication 2. mailing address 3. contact person and telephone number 4. name of newsletter or publication 5. special interests Send your information to Clubs and NeWSletters Directory, Commander, P.O. Box 98827, Tacoma, Washington 98498. Commander-The Monthly Journal for Commodore Computer Users is published monthly by Micro Systems Specialties, P.O. Box 98143. Tacoma. WA 98498. Domestic Subscriptions. 12 issues, $22.00. Second Class Postage pending at Tacoma, WA 98404 and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to: Commander-The Monthly Journal for Commodore Computer Users, P.O. Box 98827, Tacoma, WA 98498. Entire contents copyright © 1982 by Mirco Systems Specialties. All Rights Reserved. 2/Commander March/April 1983 COM.ST AR FIT Deluxe • VERTICAL FORMAT CONTROL: program­ IMMEDIATE REPLACEMENT COMSTARFrr mable form length up to 127 lines, useful for WARRANTY PRINTER - S348.00 short or over·slzed praprlnted forms. The Comstar la an excellent addition to. any If your printer falls because of warranty defect micro-computer syatem. (Interfaces are • FRICTION AND TRACTOR FEED: will accept within 180 days from the date of purchase you single Iheet paper. available for Apple, VIC-2O, CommodorlHl4, simply send your printer to us via United Pet, Alarl 400 and 800, and Hewlett Packard) At Parcel Service prepaid. We will "Immadlately" • 224 TOTAL CHARACTERS only $3049. the Comatar gives you print quality send you a replacement printer at no charge and featurea found only on prtnters coating via United Parcel Service prepaid. This warran· twice as much. Compare these features. • USES STANDARD SIZE PAPER ty applies to all products we sell because WE LOVE OUR CUSTOMERSI • BI-DIRECTIONAL PRINTING with a LOGIC If you want more try - SEEKING CARRIAGE CONTROL for higher 15 DAY FREE TRIAL through-put In actual text printing. 80 Premium Qu.llty characters per second. COMSTAR Frr SUPER·10" OTHER OPTIONS PRINTER - $448 • PRINTING VERSATILITY: standard 98 ASCII Extra Ribbons . ........ .... ........ $ 5.95 character set plus block graphics and Interna­ For $449.00 you get all of the features of the Roll Paper Holder •. ..•.... ............ 32.95 tional scripts. An EPROM character generator Comstar plus 10" carriage, 100 cps, 9 x 9 dot Roll Paper . .. .. .. 4.95 Includes up to 224 characters. matrix with double strike capability for 18 x 18 5000 Labels ........ ... ....... ..... 19.95 dotmatrtx. High resolution bit Image (120 x 144 1100 Sheets Fan Fold Paper ...... ... .... 13.95 • INTERFACE FLEXIBILITY: Centronics Is dot matrix), underlining, backspacing, 2.3K standard. Options Include EIA RS232C, 20mA buffer, left and right margin settings, true Add S20.00 shipping, handling and Insurance. Current Loop. (Add $20.00 for RS232) lower descenders, with super and subscripts, illinOis residents please add 6% tax. Add and prtnts standard, ItaliC, Block Graphics, $40.00 for CANADA, PUERTO RICO, HAWAII, • LONG LIFE PRINT HEAP: 100 million special characters, plus 2K of user definable ALASKA orders. WE DO NOT EXPORT TO character life expectancy. characters. For the ultimate In price per· OTHER COUNTRIES. Enclose cashiers check, formance the Comstar FIT Super 10" leads the money order or personal check. Allow 14 daya • THREE SELECTABLE CHARACTER pack I for delivery, 2 to 7 days for phOne orders, 1 PITCHES:. 10, 12 or 16.5 characters per Inch. day express mall available II Canada orders 132 columns maximum. Double-width font also WE HAVE THE LOWEST PRICES must be In U.S. dOllars. Is standard for each character pitch. We sell to customers and you save the profit • THREE SELECTABLE LINE SPACINGS: 6, 8 margin normally made .by computer sfores, or 12 IInel per Inch. department stores and dlstrtbutors, we are PROTECTD willing to take a smaller margin to develop ENTERPRIZES (FACTOIIY·DlREC1) • PROGRAMMABLE LINE FEED: program­ volume. WE LOVE OUR CUSTOMERS - OUR BOX 550, BARRINGTON, ILLINOIS 10010 mable length from 1/144 to 2551144lnchas. PRICES PROVE ITI Phone 3121312·5244 10 orcW COMSTARFrr ABCDEFGH~~KLMNDPQRSTUVWXVZ~bcd~~9h~~k1~n ~~qr~t~~~xYZ 1234567890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdef9hijklmnoPQr$tuvwxyz1234567890 8UPER·10" ABCDEFGH%JKLMNOPQABTUVWXVZ ABCDEFGHIJt<U1NOPQR8TUWXVZ 1234~67e90 Commander March/April 1983/3 Table of Con e ts STAFF MINE FIELD 80 6 by Howard Rotenberg Publisher THOMAS L. ROSENBAUM FORMATTING AND Editor ERROR CHECKING: ALICIA A. LINDEN A Time Saving Algorithm 12 by Tony Lamartina Dealer/Distributor/Manager DEBBIE GABBARD MACHINE LANGUAGE I/O: Sales Manager Part One of Three TERIL YN M. FLOYD Mine Field, page 6 14 by Howard Rotenberg Advertising/Article Manager SOLITAIRE FOUR LINDA L. LINDEN 29 by Edwin Sund Typesetting GRANGE PRINTING RAVINGS OF A MADMAN by Tim Parker Consultant 37 EDWIN SUND GEORGE R. GAUKEL THE SKYLES SOURCE JOHN GABBARD CONNECTION by Neil Omvedt Production Artists 52 MIKE BRIGHENTI Madman, page 37 BRIAN D. THOMPSON WHY DIDN'T I THINK JON WONG OF THAT? 59 by Howard Rotenberg Printed By GRANGE PRINTING COMMANDER is published monthly by: MICRO SYSTEMS SPECIALTIES, P.O. Box 98827, Tacoma, Washington 98498 DEPARTMENTS Subscription Rates (U.S. Funds) Per Yesr 5 Editorial U.S. $22.00 44 New Products Canadian, Mexican $26.00 50 News Releases Bits & Pieces, page 42 Surface Rates $37.00 54 Product Reviews Air Mail $54.00 62 Game Reviews 42 Bits & Pieces For back issues, subscriptions, change of address or 43 Debugging and Fixes other information, write to: 40 Game Contest COMMANDER 76 User Clubs P.O. Box 98827 Tacoma, Washington 98498 66 Dealers (206) 565-6816 75 Distributors 77 Advertisers Index Copyright© 1983 by MICRO SYSTEMS SPECIALTIES All Rights Reserved ABOUT THE COVER: Our Cover by Randy "Tarkas" Hoar is a representational piece that places the VIC 20 in its rightful realm , a galaxy · of capabilities. 4/Commander March/April 1983 Editorial If rumors hold true, by the time this must have a 16 bit processor- an 8 bit CZ8000 and are boning up on our magazine hits the newsstands the 64 machine will not easily find acceptance Z8000 programming in the meantime.
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