Xavier University Exhibit All Xavier Student Newspapers Xavier Student Newspapers 1967-04-28 Xavier University Newswire Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio) Follow this and additional works at: https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper Recommended Citation Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio), "Xavier University Newswire" (1967). All Xavier Student Newspapers. 301. https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper/301 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Xavier Student Newspapers at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in All Xavier Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Tht a vier tillS ~ol. Ll 20~ CINCINNATI, OHIO, FRIDAY, APRIL 28, 1967 TEN CENTS No. 20 KRAJACK BASKETBALL BOSS By WIIITEl' PLOSCIK, News Sports Editor were proud to 1·ecommend him to "His credentials give us fine hope for many winning Father O'Connor." seasons," with these words the Very Reverend Paul L. In making the announcement~ O'Connor, S.J., President of Xavier University, announced at a pt·css eonfct•cncc on the Xa· the appointment of George Anthony Krajack as head vier University CamJIUs, Father basketball coach at Xavier. O'Connor said: "I am very pleased with the conscientious Mr. Kt•ajack, the assistant var­ work of the sct·eening committee. sity and freshman coach at West cessful coach. Xavict• Universil.v I think the committee atiPt'oached Virginia University for the past and George Krajack will fit like its task wit.h a clear gt·asp of what two seasons was selected over a glove." Xavier hopes to a.ecomplish for 68 othet· candidates who applied A native of MeKeespol'l, Pa., its student body, the alwnni, fot· the position vacated on March Krajack played on the McKees­ and the Cincinnati eommunity 27, by the resignation o£ Don port state championship team of through its intercolleA'iate ath­ Rulbet·g. 1955 and attended Shattuck Mili­ letic 1u·ogr·ams. \Ve welcome 1\lr. A 1960 graduate or Clemson tary A c a d em y in Fairbault, Kraja<•k to the Univer·sity fam­ University, Clemson, S. C., with Minn., before enrolling at Clem­ ily and with him every success. a B.S. degree in education, Kra­ son. Following a stint in the llis backl:'round, exJJerience and jack was also on the basketball Al'my at Ft. Benning, Ga., where credentials give us fine expecta­ team where he started all 74 Krajack was a player-coach on tions for the progt·am that he will games of his varsity career, a the 87th Infantry team that com­ be called UIIOn to develop." Clemson record, scoring 919 piled a 13-1 record, he retut·ncd James J. McCafferty, Xavier's points fot· an average of 12.4 to his alma rna let· to serve as an Athlclic Director, declared "All points per contest. Pt•ess Mara­ assistant coach and freshman of us here at the University are vich (now head coach at Louisi­ coach under head coach Bobby happy and proud to have George ana State University) his coach Roberts. His [rosh teams posted as om· new head ba!<ketball coach. at Clemson, states "Geot·ge Kra­ a combined 31-13 recot·d over He r.omes to us with a [ine en­ jack will tackle the Xaviet• Uni­ three seasons and his 1964 squad dorsement from many o[ the na­ vet·sity job with a professional posted a 14-l. re.cord. That team tion's most outstanding college touch. He was a. fierce, tiger­ has been rated the best it'\ Clem­ coaches. Wa reel confident i.hnt like competitor· ·in ·his.. college ·. son history and was_ also named George will be an excellent head days and an outstanding leader as one of the nation's best five coach and representative of Xtl· who was always at his best frosh tea m s by "Basketball vier University." against the toughest competition. News." In accepting the Xavier posi­ I have always felt that he pos­ Bobby Roberts, head basket­ tion; Krajack said: "I feel ve1·.v ATHLETIC DIRECTOR JIM McCAFFERTY welco~es Xavier's new sessed the athletic attributes, the ball coach at Clemson University, fortunate and honored to have ~ead basketball coach, George Krajack, and his wife to theh· new leadership, and a sound knowl· says, "Xavier officials could not been selected out of some 6{1 ltome in Cinc!nnati.. --News (Kelley) Photo ed·ge of' the game to be a sue- have picked a more dedicated candidates to head up the basket­ person for their basketba 11 pt·o­ ball program at Xavier Univer­ gram than George Krajack. I sity, I am certain that my back­ have known him both as a player ground and associations with ·Masque Society Presents ~~old Mizzou"; and a coach. He was my first some of the real fine people in choice to be my assistant. We the game of basketball were in­ felt sincere regret when he left strumental in my being selected.'' First Production of Musical Comedy Clemson to go to West Vit·ginia, "In r·etut•n for t.he confidence but everyone knew that sooner or BY BOB WILHELM, News Reporte~ p.m. Students with ID's will be shown me, I pledg-e to Xavier admitted free, Evening College latet• he would be a head coach. Univ~rsity a sincere loyalty and "Along t.he 01' Mizzou," an original musical comedy, students lor 50 cents, and other He has all the qualifications to a dedieated effort to ~ive them will debut this. weekend as the Masque Society's contri· students for $1.00. The adult serve any school well." a pro~rram that will be a credit bution to tl1e Stn·ing Weekend festivities. price is $2.00. At West Virginia, Krajack to the players, fans and evel'Y• · In the tradition o[ "Oklahoma," ---------~---­ Father Kapica, "moderator" ol served as varsity assistant coach one associated with the Unlvf'r• "A'ong the 01' Mizzou" is a Despite its cow1h·y flavor of the XU Masque, is leaving his and also freshman mentor. His sity." bl'ight and sassy fl'ontie1· musical · Amel'icana, the play is ·truly con­ position to devote mo1·e time to Mountaineer yearlings recorded Krnjnck will inherit a team in which the music, songs, and temporary. The music comes fast the History department. He ex­ a 8-3 mark in 1965-66 and a 12-2 that posted a 1~-13 record last dancing are integ•·al parts of the and fu·~·fous, ranging ft·om poig­ pressed disappointment over the mark last season. During his two .winter and will have four stal't­ play. m,nt romantic ballads to martial student response to the theatre years as assistant West Virginia ers returning, 6'6" senior forward The play w.as written by two protest songs, and including two productions for the past yeat·. compiled identical records or 19-9 Bob Quick, 6'1" senior guard Tim roung midwestemers captivated elaborate · full -cast production and last season won the Southem O'Connell, 6' 11" junior center b.v 0 liver Goldsmith's "She nurnbel'S, Conference championship a n d Luther Rackley and 5'1 0" senior Stoops to Conquet·." They trans­ This presentation reflects some participated in the Eastern Re­ guard Joe Pangrazio, ,Junior re­ fot·mcd the setting from 1773 of 'the progress achieved since gionals of the NCAA tournament set·ves John Zeides, Tom Schla­ England to 1895 St. Louis-and the last musical, "Okay," pre­ before bowing out to fourth ger. Tom Rohling and Wnlly e,;entually into the University sented two years ago. One im­ ranked Pl'inceton. Gorl<a, plus several sophomo1·es. pt·ovement is a 6-piece ot·chestra center Theatre. 1'he authors, · Ray "Bucky" Waters, for·met' At the press conference, Mr. •·eplacing the 3-piece combo used Vincent J. O'Flahel'ty and Wil· assistant and frosh coach under Krajack stated: "This is the first iOl'mel'ly. liam H. Quiet·y; will be on hand Vic Bubas at Duke Univet•sit.y time I have had the opportunity Richard Kohler, Ma~que So­ to witness the fir·st presentation and presently head coach at West to speak at a pt•ess conferenee. eleb' preeldent, added that "pro· of their production. Virginia, declares "I speak for From all the nice things people duelnc a new work. offer& man:r The east and erew have spent our entire program in wishing have been saying about me, you challeaglnc and exeitlnc ezperl· lonr hours read:rlnr the plaJ' for George every possible success in might have expected to sec me ences: for us aa well aa for tbe epenlnc- nirbt. K;dle, plaJ'ed bJ his new opportunity. He hns made fly in hc1·e wit.h a Big S on my audlenees. Tbus we are makinc lan R~blnson, Is awaltlnc an a great contl'ibution to West Vir­ chest. Eastern atranrer. Dan Bastln1a it a speelal point to encourace ginia University and our basket­ "I feel very honored and proud (John Casslnl). to wbom abe was evea·yone to eome and eee what ball program, and we at·e upprc­ to ha\·e been selcl'lcd as the h&r·othed ai an early age. Ma we feel Is a truly refreshlnc and cilitive. He posseises ability, ex­ new head basl<etball coach or Burns (Mat·y Jo llolman) is con­ charmlnc musical." per·iencc and dedication and in Xavier University. So far I\·e eon&ra&ing on "ce&tln' eulture" The play is directed by Otto our opinion the Xa\'ict· Unil•er• been favorably impres:;cd by e\'­ by spending money.
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