GRAND LODGE OFFICERS 19Tr-1978 GtarrdMoster CALIXTO O. ZALDIVAF Dep.ty Grud Mester . DESIDER;O DAL;SAY, SR. Sentar Grerul Wodw JOLLy R. BUGARTN &nbr @qd Wsden . MANUEL D. MA TDAC Grad Tleanrq OAMASO C. TRIA, pGM Adsto,t Graad TIeagrcI . .. RAYMOND E. WLMARTH, PGM Grotd Secrctory ESTEBAN MUNARRIZ, pGM Adstut Gmnd Sccrctary MARCELTNO p. DYSANGOO Grund Cluploin MAMEBTO M. BUENAFE Grotd Oruar REYNATO s. pUNo Crand Llarshall LUCAS DE LEON @otd St4ir&td Bqro. JULTO ABAROUEZ @ottd Swrd Beoq. JUAN C. NABONG, JR. Grund Biblc Bearcr. TEODOBTCO A. FLAVTANO *tbr @od lzcarer. HERMOGENES p. OLTVEROS Asrdstarrt Sentq Gmnd Lecturet. TEOTIMO G. JUAN Senlor Grad Deacon . URBANO S. CAASI, JB. lunbr Grotd Deacon SOTERO TESORERO *dor Grund Steywrd ISIDRO VTLLA Junior @ad Stewd JORGE TAMAYO Grandhrantyant .... .... PURIFICOPALOMO Grund Oganist JOSE B. ABEJO Grund TYIa NIcAsIo P. MAYUGA BOARD FOR GENERAL PURPOSES RAYMONDE.WILMARTH .... hesident MANUEL M. CRUDO Member DAMASO C. TRIA Member TEODORO V. KALAW, JR. .. Member JOSE L. ARANETA Member OESIDERIODALISAY,SR.... .., Secrcury REGIONAL GRAND LODGE OF THE RYUKYU ISLANDS DAVID D. ADBIAN . Regiorrol Grand Master ', MURRAY V, HARLAN, JR.. Regional Grand &crctory /naad TTtaoleo'o ?aVe CHRISTMAS MESSAGE In December we celebrate the birth of the Supreme Architect of the Universe. We, Masons, worship Him. We emulate His life, and at all times implore His divine guidance and assistance. I consider the thought contained in the following quotation as the best Christmas message that I can pass to all brethren in the Masonic Fraternity: ..ONE SOLITARY LIFE "He was born in an abscure village. He worked in a carpenter shop until he was thirty. Then for three years he was an itinerant preacher. He never held an office. He never had a family or owned a house. He didn't go to college. He did none of the things one usually associates with greatness. He had no credentials but himself. "Nineteen centuries have come and gone, today He is the central figure of the human race. All the armies that ever marched, all the navies that ever sailed, all the parliaments that ever sat, all the kings that ever reigned, put together, have not affected the life of man on this earth as much as that - ONE SOLITARY LIFE.'' I wish all brethren and their families a very Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year. %azi*; CALIXTO O. ZALDIVAR Grand Master December 1977 THE CABLETOW INC. CALIXTO O. ZALDIVAR Chairmn OESIDERIO OALISAY, SR. Vic+Chairmrn RAYMOND E. WILMARTH President & Gen. Mgr. GRAND MASTER,S PAGE;,. T JUAN C. NABONG, JR. .... Secretary MASTHEAD 2 MANUEL D. MANDAC Tresurer ED}TORIAL 3 OSCAR L. FUNG Bus. Manager MY LAST CHRISTMAS IN SAIGON 4 Bro. Alejandro dela Cruz TRUSTEES: GRAVEL & 6 JOSE L ARANETA SAND JOSE B. PEREZ NEWSINPICTURE ... ....10 TBINEO T'. GOCE PITAK PILIPINO 18 JOLLY R. BUGARIN Kap. lrineo P. Goce RUPERTO DEMONTEVERDE EDITORIAL STAFF: RAYMOND E. WILMARTH Editor OSCAR L. FUNG oF Till ?iluPPtilE3, tnc Managing Editor IRINEO P. GOCE PCPM Cert. of Reg No. SP - 48 Editor Pitak Pilipino Published monthly by the Cabletow, lnc, in the CONTRIBUTORS: interest of the Grand Lodge of the Philippines. Office of Publication: Suite 12, Plaridel Temple Annex, ARTHUR SCHRAMM 1440 San Marcelino, Manila 2801, Tel. 59-71-85. Re- entered as second class mail matter at the Manila Post LORENZO N. TALATALA Offiee on June 16, 1962. WILLIAM C. COUNCELL Distributed to all Master Masons in this jurisdiction. Subscription rates for other subscribers: P10.00 (Philippines) P15.00 (Overseas). The Cabletow MASONRY, THE HOPE OF MAN As each year closes, throughout the world men temper their relations with fellowman in humble acquiescence to the spirit of Christmas. For a few short days each year most of the world adopts a way of life that reflects peace on earth to men of good will. This spirit of Christmas - this peace on earth way of life - this accent on harmony and love of fellowman is the essence of the true'way of life - the Masonic Way of Life. In a Pamphlet entitled FREEMASONRY, A WAY OF LIFE, Past Grand Master William C. Councell wrote: God be thanked for one Altar where no one is asked to surrender his liberty of thought and become an indistinguishable atom in a mass of Sects. What a witness to the worth of an Order that it brings to- gether men of all Faiths in behalf of those Truths *hich are greater than all sects, deeper than all dogmas, the glory and hope of man! Masonry brings together men of capital, labor, men of every rank and walk of life together as men, and nothing else, at an Altar where we can talk and not fight, discuss and not dispute, and each may leam the point of view of his fellowmen - The only hope of the world. All creeds are moving toward this position in which has been the Masonic position since the begin- ning - when two men can meet and ask, "Not what is your creed But what is your need." We ask you now to reflect upon duty to your Brethren and fellow- men and ask of them: What is their'need? R.E.W. December 1977 MY LAST CHRISTIVIAS IN SAIGON By: Alejandro T. de la Cruz Saigon, December l-31, 1974. Phuc-Long in the Vietnamese Yuletide in Saigon was observed central highlands was ovemrn by with carolling, midnight masses in the Vietcong Liberation Front Vietnamese, French, and English during the yuletide of 1974.It was languages in Saigon Cathedral, in a presage of doom for the then the Cathotc chapel at Tu Xuong Repubhc-of Vietnam and which Street, and in other Catholic cha- was forecasted by some observers pels. These services were attended to have been the opening salvo of by less than 2 million Vietnamese the complete ovemrnning of South Catholics in a predominantly Bud- Vietnam as the northernmost and dhist country, some French, Ame- southwest regions of the country rican, Filipino, and other French were simultaneously then attacked and English-speakrng communities. by the leftist elements. The Philippine community On Christmas Eve, the Philip- celebrated their Christmas holiday pine community Embassy minus the misa de gallo (pre-dawn led by officials, employees and dependents, mass), minus chocolate, salabat, guests, and a number of foreign bibingka, puto-bumbong, and other and Vietnamese residents, held a native delicacies, as the wont of the "lechon" arrd dance party, followed Filipino Catholics in their country by attendance at a midnight mass. which is 1,005 miles away from Saigon. Firecrackers were entirely My last Christmas in Saigon banned due to the then precarious was a momentous event. lt was at military situation prevailing in Viet- that season when I, along with two nam because of the frequent cease- other foreigners in that city, joined fre violations on both camps (of Freemasonry, purposely to find the the Vietcong/communist forces on way for perfection by following its one hand and the South Vietnamese light - the Holy Bible, square and forces on the other side). compasses. It seemed to have 4 The Gabletow dawned in me "a new nativity of life" faith, hope, and joy, and that wise It was on the same vein, that charity which thinketh no evrl, I felt nostalgc of the last Christmas touching us to a gentler thought in the history of Saigon Lodge No. and sweeter mood, in behalf of 188 situated then at Hai Ba Trung, those who know the bitterness of $aigon, when Brothers Dick Ander- want" in a country ravaged by a son, Roger Chancico, and Harold three-decade war, people starving, Jessurun, all overseas Americans, people wounded and suffering, chil- were initiated, passed, and raised dren incapacitated and lying due without procrastination but with to polio, and other vicissitudes of determination in December 1977. &&a THE PROPER WAY TO CONDUCT A MASONIC MEETING Joe W. Steed - Grand Master of Masons in Texas One reason why our attend- remarks. ance is not up to par in some of our 5. It is proper when a Dis- Lordes is because our meetings are trict Deputy is present and/or an drawn out, they do not start on elective Grand Lodge officer or a time and a Brother does not know Past Grand Master to call on them when he is going to get out. I would for remarks, but again, do this like to call your attention to a few before you turn the podium over to guidelines to go by that I hope will the speaker. assist you. 6. It is not necessary to in- l. When you announce a troduce Past District Deputies meeting to start a certain time, except when he is a visitor to your start precisely at that time. Lodge and then introduce him as 2. When you indicate that a a visitor. meeting will last an hour, an hour 7. On your regular meeting and a half or two hours, see that nights such as State<i Meeting, start your meeting is concluded at that at the time advertised, conclude time. your business as fast as possible and 3. When you have a speaker if you have no speaker for that in your lodge, at the conclusion of particular meeting, do not call on his speech immediately call for the Past Masters, etc., for remarks. Take benediction and close. Do not call up only the business at hand and on any one else for remarks after close the meeting. the main speaker has concluded. 4. Introduce only the visit- ors in your Lodge and introduce them before your speaker takes the - Hand book for the District podium.
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