Lunar and Planetary Science XXXI 1680.pdf ANORTHOSITE ON THE LUNAR FARSIDE AND ITS RELATIONSHIP TO SOUTH POLE-AITKEN BASIN. C. A. Peterson1, B. R. Hawke1, P.G. Lucey1, G. J. Taylor1, D.T. Blewett1, P.D. Spudis2, 1Hawaii Insti- tute of Geophysics and Planetology, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI 96822 2Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, TX 77058. Introduction: There is much evidence to support data have also been used to determine the abundance the hypothesis that a giant impact on the early Earth of FeO and TiO2 present in lunar surface materials. created the Moon and that a magma ocean was present Other products, such as band ratio maps, have been on the young Moon [e.g., 1,2]. As the magma cooled produced, and spectra have been extracted from co- and crystallized, plagioclase flotation could have pro- registered image cubes. duced the upper part of the Moon’s original crust. But Lunar Prospector has collected a large quantity of how much of this original crust has survived to the gamma ray and neutron spectrometer data. While present? Has it been entirely disrupted, or do portions much of the data will require further processing before remain relatively unchanged? Remote sensing studies reliable quantitative interpretations can be made, some of the lunar highlands, combined with analysis of lu- data from that mission have already been made avail- nar materials returned from known locations on the able. In particular, gamma ray spectrometer counting surface of the Moon, have allowed the determination data for Th, K, and Fe [4] can be used to confirm and of the lithologies present in many locations on the extend our knowledge of the composition of the lunar Moon. Our study of the distribution of the various farside crust. In addition, a map of Th absolute abun- lunar highland rock types has revealed large-scale dances at 2° resolution has recently been produced patterns that suggest the broad outlines of the evolu- from the data [5]. tion of portions of the lunar crust. Results: Noritic anorthosite and anorthositic Our previous efforts have used Earth-based spectra norite are the predominant rock types at the surface of and Galileo SSI data to study the lunar nearside. We the nearside lunar highlands. Lesser amounts of anor- have used Clementine UV-VIS data to extend our thosite, norite, troctolite, and gabbroic rocks are also studies of the lunar highlands to the farside. Calibra- present [2]. Studies of Earth-based reflectance spectra tion of the Clementine UV-VIS data is essentially initially revealed the presence of anorthosite in iso- complete, and FeO and TiO2 values derived from the lated outcrops extending in a narrow band from the Clementine data have been derived from this well- Inner Rook mountains in the west to the crater Peta- calibrated data. In addition, Lunar Prospector data is vius in the east [e.g., 6]. More recently, additional now available in preliminary form and can add to our outcrops of anorthosite have been identified in the understanding of the composition of highlands units central peaks of some craters, such as Aristarchus, and on the farside. We can use this combined data set to: in the northern and northeastern nearside [7,8]. In 1) study the composition of farside highlands units; 2) most cases, these anorthosite deposits have been ex- identify and determine the distribution of anorthosite posed by impacts that removed a more mafic overbur- on the lunar farside; and 3) investigate the stratigra- den and raised them to the surface from deeper in the phy of the farside crust. crust, for example in the peak rings of the Orientale, Method: The great majority of the Moon’s high- Humorum, and Grimaldi basins [9,10,11]. Much of lands surface is composed of only a few minerals, and the nearside lunar highlands likely shares this strati- these are easily distinguishable using reflection spec- graphic sequence: a layer of pure anorthosite overlies troscopy at wavelengths from the UV through visible a more mafic lower crust and is in turn overlain by a light and into the near infrared [e.g., 3]. The mafic somewhat more mafic layer. Much anorthosite likely minerals pyroxene and olivine contain iron which remains hidden by this surface layer on the nearside causes the minerals to absorb light with a wavelength today. near 1 µm. In contrast, plagioclase feldspar does not On the lunar farside, the giant South Pole-Aitken absorb light near 1 µm, although plagioclase can show (SPA) basin shows a mafic anomaly that is the domi- absorption of light near 1.25 µm if it has not been nant compositional feature on the farside. At 2500 highly shocked by impacts. km in diameter, SPA (centered at 55°S, 180°E) is the Through the analysis of Earth-based telescopic re- largest unambiguously identified impact basin on the flectance spectra, it is possible to determine the Moon. It is also the oldest identified lunar basin ex- lithologies present in the area observed, typically from cept, possibly, for the proposed Procellarum basin. 2 to 6 kilometers in diameter. The Galileo and There is a 13-km difference in elevation from the inte- Clementine spacecraft returned multispectral images rior of the SPA basin to the surrounding high- of the Moon that, while of lower spectral resolution lands[12]. The FeO content of material exposed in the than Earth-based spot spectra, covered large areas of interior of the basin is 7-10 wt.% higher than for ma- the Moon and used filters at wavelengths useful for terial in the surrounding highlands, and portions of determining the lithologies present. These spacecraft the interior exhibit enhanced TiO2 values [13]. Por- Lunar and Planetary Science XXXI 1680.pdf ANORTHOSITE ON THE LUNAR FARSIDE: C.A. Peterson et al. tions of the interior also display elevated Th and K the Orientale, Hertzsprung, and Korolev basins could abundances. have penetrated through the SPA ejecta deeply enough The high FeO values found inside SPA drop off to expose anorthosite in their peak rings. Farther to with increasing distance to the north of the basin. The the north, where the thickness of ejecta from SPA was region between 100° E and 100° W and between 40° much less, small basins such as Birkhoff and Cou- N and 70° N exhibits very low values of FeO and lomb-Sarton could have removed most of the overbur- TiO2. The new Lunar Prospector data show very low den of SPA ejecta to reveal the underlying anorthosite Th and K abundances there as well. FeO maps pro- crust. Also, an annulus of anorthosite should have duced from high spatial resolution Clementine data been exposed in the inner wall of the SPA basin by the reveal extremely low FeO values, many indistinguish- basin-forming impact. It could have been reburied by able from zero within the limits of the technique, near slumping such as during megaterrace formation the crater Fowler (43° N, 145° W) in the vicinity of and/or by ejecta from subsequent nearby impacts. The the Coulomb-Sarton basin. We interpret these data as low-FeO material exposed near the SPA rim might indicating a region in which pure anorthosite is domi- have derived from this annulus. nant. Many areas in this region appear to contain If this scenario is accurate it has great implications nothing but anorthosite. for the geologic history of the Moon. It is conceivable Between SPA and the far north, the data generally that large numbers of very large impacts preceded the indicate intermediate FeO values and low Th values. SPA event and are not seen today simply because evi- However, some lower FeO values can be found in this dence of them has been erased by subsequent impacts. intermediate region. Very low FeO values (<2 wt.%) However, that possibility is argued against if most of are exhibited in the inner rings of the Hertzsprung and the original plagioclase flotation crust was still present Korolev basins. This parallels the situation at near- on the lunar farside at the time of the SPA impact side basins where anorthosite was exposed from be- event. This has important bearing on the question of neath more mafic material. the flux of large impactors during the early history of In the Freundlich-Sharanov basin, material very the inner solar system. low in FeO is excavated by the 44-km crater Virtanen The Lunar Prospector data must be further cali- (15.5°N, 176.7°E) which is on or very near the inner brated and reduced, but the preliminary results have ring of the basin as mapped by Wilhelms[14]. Low- already added greatly to our understanding of the FeO material is also exposed in the northern interior Moon. It is encouraging that ground-based data, and adjacent exterior portions of the basin in the vi- Clementine, and Lunar Prospector data are providing cinity of the craters Dante and Larmor. a consistent picture of the composition of the lunar At Mendeleev basin, the crater Benedict (4.4°N, surface. The complementary nature of the data sets 141.5°E), also on or very near the inner ring as enhances the value of each set. We eagerly await the mapped by Wilhelms[14], exposes low-FeO material. additional insight that may be provided by the full set In the Keeler-Heaviside basin, the rims of the craters of Lunar Prospector data Keeler and Heaviside intersect and expose low-FeO References: [1] Hartmann, W.K. et al. eds. material near where one might expect to find the inner (1986), Origin of the Moon, LPI; [2] Heiken, G.H.
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