www.ukrweekly.com Published by the Ukrainian National Association inc., a fntornal non-profit association) rainian Weekly vol. LIII No. 31 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, AUGUST 4,1985 25 cerjts Helsinki Accords signatories mark Soviet press alleges recantation international pact's 10th anniversaryb y 'eternal prisoner" Shukhevych HELS1NK1. Finland Foreign Foreign Minister Eduard Shevard– Purported excerpts published in News from Ukraine ministers of the 35 states signatory to nadze, who met on Wednesday. July 31. the Helsinki Accords, including the Secretary Shultz called their meeting by Roman Solchanvk United States and the Soviet Union, "a good first step" toward preparing the gathered here on July 29-31 for three- summit meeting between President MUNICH July issues oi the КІСЛ day observances of the international Ronald Reagan and General Secretary weekly visli 7 Ukrainy and its English- agreement's 10th anniversary. Mykhail Gorbachev scheduled for language counterpart. News from The 1975 Final Act of"the Conference November. Mr. Shevardnadze said that Ukraine, w hich are nublished for Ukrai– , on Security and Cooperation in Europe the talks were "serious and good." nians abroad, contain an article citing committed its signatories to respect Mr. Shultz said that the topics dis– what purport to be excerpts from a human rights, avoid interference in each cussed covered the "full range of issues letter to the editor by one of the best- others' internal affairs, respect post- and problems" that characterize known Ukrainian political prisoners. World War 11 borders and work toward U.S.-Soviet relations. "While we see Yuriy Shukhevych-Berezynsky.1 Mr. the free flow of information and ideas. progress in some areas, there are some Shukhevych is the son of the comman– -Hie -anniversary-observances were very deep differences," he said. der of the Ukrainian insurgent Army overshadowed, however, by the private Messrs. Shultz and Shevardnadze (UPA). Roman Shukhevych (Taras meetings of foreign ministers, most, had clashed a day earlier, when, in Chuprynka). who was killed in action notably U.S. Secretary of State George ' prepared speeches.delivered to the against Soviet security forces in 1950. Shultz and newly appointed Soviet - opening session of the 10th anniversary The article quotes Mr. Shukhevych gathering of Helsinki Accords signa– criticizing "Ukrainian nationalism" and tories, each accused the other's country the activities of his father: praising the of violating the agreement. Communist Party ofthe Soviet Union and the Soviet regime; and renouncing Promises not kept his own "mistaken path." The obvious Yuriy Shukhevych intention is to convey the notion that Mr. Shultz charged that the USSR one ofthe senior Ukrainian veterans of ofthe Ministry of State Security (MGB) had violated the accords' human-rights the Soviet gulag has recanted. to 10 years for no apparent reason other provisions, noting that "the most im– Mr. Shukhevych. 52. has completed than the fact that his lather was the portant promises of a decade ago have his third 10-year term in Soviet prisons leader of the armed anti-Soviet rc– not been kept." and labor camps and is currently com– (Continued on page 12) Mr. Shevardnadze, who spoke before pleting a five-year term of internal exile 1. Olexunder Savchuk. "l'rozrinnia." the U.S. representative, scored the in Tomsk Oblast. He has spent virtually United States for discarding "what has visli і Ukrainy. No. 2K. July 19X5. Лп his entire adult life as a political pri– English-language translation of the article been accumulated through great effort soner. lsas primed in News from Ukraine. No. 2X. in curbing and restraining the arms Mr. Shukhevych was first arrested in July 19X5. All the quotations cited herein race." 1948 at the age of 15 and sentenced by are given as they appear in News from The Soviet representative also said the OSO (the Special Board or "troika") Ukraine. that the Helsinki pact's humah-rights t provisions arc honored in the Soviet Union, where there is no "unem'ploy– "Recantation" raises questions ment. poverty, homelessness or discri– (Continued on page 11) Secretary of State George Shultz JERSEY C1TY. N.J. - Sources ailments, according to the U.S. intimately familiar with the human- Helsinki Watch Committee. rights movement in the Soviet Union Nina Strokala. a former member Heritage Defense Committee meets and the machinations of Soviet of the Ukrainian Helsinki Group authorities have raised questions and a member of the group's Exter– concerning the recantation alleged to nal Representation since her emigra– with Canadian and U.S. activists have been written by Yuriy Shu– tion to the United Slates, told The JERSEY C1TY. N.J. - Members of The UHDC meeting was attended by khevych, the veteran Ukrainian Weekly that there is no way of the Ukrainian Heritage Defense Com– UNA Supreme President John O. Flis, political prisoner who has come to be knowing at this point whether the mittee created by the Ukrainian Na– Supreme vice-President Myron Kuro– known as the "eternal prisoner" by letter is genuine. "We do not have tional Association's Supreme Assembly pas. Supreme vice-Prcsidentess Gloria virtue of having spent over 30 years enough information on this." she- met on July 20 with representatives of Paschen. Supreme Director for Canada in Soviet imprisonment and internal said. She cautioned. "We should not the Civil Liberties Commission of the Sen. Paul Yuzyk. (who is also a member exile. consider this a sensation, since there Ukrainian Canadian Committee and of of the Civil Liberties Commission). Mr. Shukhevych has been the may be tragedies behind it." Americans Against Defamation of Supreme Secretary Walter Sochan. focus of many defense actions or– She explained that she could not Ukrainians to discuss how Ukrainians Supreme Treasurer Ulana Diachuk, ganized in the West by Ukrainians comment on the article published in should respond to the recent defama– Supreme Organizer Stefan Hawrysz, and non-Ukrainians alike. Most both the Ukrainian-language visli ' tion of the Ukrainians who have been and Supreme Advisors l'aras Szmagala recently. 136 members of the U.S. Ukrainy and the English-language labelled Nazi collaborators. and Eugene lwanciw. Another member Congress had urged General Sccrc– News from Ukraine, since she herself After the joint meeting, the Ukrai– of this ad hoc committee of the UNA, tary Mykhail Gorbachev of the hail not yet seen the article but had nian Heritage Delense Committee Supreme Auditor Nestor Olesnycky. Communist Party of the Soviet been told about it. members met alone and agreed to lend was unable to attend. Union to release Mr. Shukhevych She pointed to a similar case, that moral and financial support of both the from internal exile and allow him to ol the alleged recantation by another CLC and AADU.as well as to designate The Civil Liberties Commission of travel to the West for much-needed member ol the Ukrainian Helsinki a specific sum of its Si00.000 budget the vec was represented in its chair- medical treatment. Mr. Shukhevych Group. Yasyl Sokulsky, in March of toward research and the dissemination man, John Grcgoravieh. and member is nearly blind and suffers from ulcers last year, stating that "to this das І of information on Ukraine during and Jaroslaw Sokolyk. І he AADU was heart disease and other chronic (Continued on page 11) after World War 11. (Continued on page S) THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, AUGUST 4,1985 No. 31 7 million moved from Moscow Osipova receives additional sentence MUN1CH - Tatyana Osipova, a member of the Moscow Helsinki Group, for World Youth Festival has recently been transferred to an investigation prison from a women's MOSCOW - in preparation for brer h .-.Hi?rr vvei Montand. political camp and charged with "mali– the current World Youth Festival, who has since denounced commu– ciously disobeying the orders of the some 1 million people, including nism and who is viewed here as a administration of a corrective labor school children, juvenile delinquents traitor - was the big hit of that institution." and ordinary workers, have been festival. Other hits were such novel- She was later sentenced to two years' temporarily moved out of Moscow, ties as Western blue jeans, chewing strict-regimen camp plus five years in the Baltimore Sun recently reported. gum and rock records. exile, reported USSR.News Brief. The article by Anlcro Pictila cites The Sun also noted that people Ms. Osipova, a computer programmer, S. Smirnov, first secretary of the was arrested in May 1980 and sentenced Moscow City Komsomol (Commu– here say that the dissident movement of the 1970s was born out of the to five years' camp and five years' exile nist Youth League) Committee, as for "anti-Soviet agitation and propa– saying that 600.000 children were excitement and restlessness that followed the first Moscow Youth ganda." sent out of the city along with 160.000 According to the U.S. Helsinki Watch high school students and 9.000 juve– Festival. That festival, like the 1975 Helsinki agreement, was seen by Committee. Ms. Osipova had been in nile delinquents, for the duration of nonconformists here as a sign that danger of receiving an additional sen– the two-week festival which began communism with a human lace tencc because she organized work July 27. Most of the young people might be possible in the Soviet stoppages and hunger strikes while allowed to remain belong to the Union. But as festival guests gather serving her term. Tatyana Osipova cream of the Komsomol organiza– here and representatives of 35 states tion. convene in Helsinki, little of that Meanwhile, many of the city's optimism can be detected in Mos– Sakharovs shown on French W factories have scheduled their vaca– cow. The Sun added. tions to coincide with the festival and PAR1S - Excerpts of a color video- Accords.
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