swelect '' ENERGY SYSTEMS LIMITED swelect Stay powerfulwhen sun shines. And thereafter ... January 25, 2020 BSE Limited National Stock Exchange of India Limited Department of Corporate Services Listing Department Floor 25, P. J. Towers, Registered Office: "Exchange Plaza", Dalal Street, C-1, Block G Bandra - Kurla Complex, Mumbai - 400 001. Bandra (E), Mumbai - 400 051. Scrip Code: 532051 Scrip Code: SWELECTES Dear Sir/ Madam, Sub: Submission of Clippings of the Notice of Board Meeting published in Newspapers, Pursuant to Regulation 47 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 In terms of Regulation 47(1)(a) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, we attach herewith copies of newspaper advertisement with respect to notice of Board Meeting to be held on 11.02.2020 to consider and approve the unaudited Standalone and Consolidated financial results of the Company for the quarter and nine months ended 31.12.2019, which appeared in all editions of "Business Line" and in "THE HINDU"' (Vernacular -Tamil)" on 25th January 2020, for your records. Thanking you, Yours faithfully, For SWELECT ENERGY SYSTEMS LIMITED K�-- R. SATHISHKUMAR Company Secretary Encl.: as above Regd Office: 'SWELECT HOUSE', No.5, Sir P.S. Sivasamy Salai, Mylapore, Chennai - 600004, India. TEL: +91 44 2499 3266, FAX: +91 44 2499 5179, Email: [email protected] CIN : L93090TN1994P LC028578, www.swelectes.com :tended to Strides Consumer planning nJoseph to expand product portfolio What if they don't pay after SHOBHAROY replacement therapy (NRT) Pradesh, Tripura and ta�ing delivery?In the Kolkata.1anuary 24 and joint care categories. Thjs Meghalaya in the next couple existing arrangement, the Bengaluru-based consumer apart, the company would also of months. PD account oflines is healthcare company Strides look at rolling out products in "We will look at rolling out automatically debited by Consumer Private Ltd (SCPL) is other categories in the next other .products in these two the terminal when they . looking to expand its product six-to-nine months. categories. Nixit is a product render a service. pipeline by moving into new that helps one to quit I In the current circumstances, categories such as cough, cold, Joint pain segment smoking; there are other the shipping lines also do not al­ allergies and gastrointestinal "We have found acceptance for formats such as lozenges and low the containers to be handed issues. our products in the South and strips. Similarly, under Joint­ over to the importers till their The company, wluch cur­ we have grown our business flex, we would look at rolling charges are paid. Then only the rently has presence only in by over four times. East is a out more products in the next deliveryorders are issued. If the South India, is looking to ex­ very big market.when it comes six months," he said. shipping line extends a credit pand its footprint across the to both smoking and joint r.=�==::;::=====:::; ·and the terminal did not extend country starting fromthe east­ pain. We have also set _up our j� LAMBO DH ARA a· credit, then it is for the im­ ern region. Strides Consumer team here and are starting our t!r TEXTILES LIMITED porter to decide which is the currently offers two products expansion fromthe easternre- - c1N, u1111TZ1994PLC004929 best option. The logic behind the in preventive healthcare cat­ gion," Nath told BusinessLine. Regd.OfficdA, e Bkxk · · current decision is to Pion<erApcrtm<nts, 1075B, Avincnhi Rood egory: NIXJT, an oral nicotine N ath WaS ID the City to an- Coimbolore-641OlBTelephone,0422-2249038 enable the importer to replacement therapy, and nounce the company's foray E-moil: [email protected]. Web: www.lambodharale1liles.com 1- avail the best possible Jointflex, a topical analgesic into the easternmarkets. -N.,.,o""T:::,ic'-"E'-'-F""oR"""'Bo="A'=R'='D=Mc:E'=ET="1":-=--NG --I · [!] option and optimum cream for joint care. SCPL plans to add close to To BE HELD ON s� FEBRUARY, 2020 means to take the con­ Himava Nath, Business 12,000 outlets in the eastern Nolice� he!ebygiven, porsoonl lo Regulolion29 ,eod ,.;1hRegulotion 47 ofthe SEBI (lisfingObligo1ions ond tainers from the termin- Head-India and South Asia, and northeastern states of Oildosu,e Requitemenls) Regulotions, 2015, thot o -� als. lt neither directs nor Strides, said that there will be West Bengal, Odisha, Bihar, meetingoftheBoo1d of0i1ectO<SoflheCompony,.;11be forces anybody to com- more additi_ons in the nicotine Jharkhand, Assam, Arunachal held oo Wednesday,the 5th day of February, . - pulsorily take this ,..-_--_-_-_-_-_-_- _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-,..._ _-_-_- _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ _--,- 2020 of lhe Registeted Office of the (ompony, to ,.. � considetond opp roveUnoudited the Rnonciol Results of route. It only aims at allowing ��Chola � lhe Compony lot the Quarter ended 31st the importer to take delivery of 'I """•><= 1v- mun,goppo De<embe� 2019. lus goods by paying less amount Th�inlo,motion � oko ovoiloble on the weltlite of the CHOLAMANDALAM INVESTMENT AND Compony, viz.,www.l ombodhorotextiles.comond the to the lines by way ofmc. FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED nle of Slodt Exchanges, i.e.,www.nseindio.com Regd. Office: 'Dare House', No.2, N.S.C. Bose Road, Parrys, Chennai 600 001. ondwww.bseindio.com. f0< LombodooroTextiles Umilecl Tel: 044-40907172; Fax: 044-25346464 . Ramesh Shenoy Kalyanpur GIN : L65993TN1978PLC007576 PQ(I e: Corm bo tore W!dt-T•Difeclllt11110ieffilnille6c. Doi . 1.2010 °" 37 Email ID: [email protected];Webstte: www.cholamandalam.com NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that pursuantlo the provisions of theCompanies Act, 2013 re with Rules made there under and SEBI {Listing Obligations and Disclosure ...,,._... _..__ Requirements) Regulations, 2015, the postal ballot notice dated 23 Januaty, 2020 is the followingworl<(s) , fromfinns meeting SWELECTENERGY _ SYSTEMS ___ LIMITED General Manager( Finance), NMDC Ltd., beingdispatched on 25 Januaty,2020 electronicallyto themembers whose e-mailIDs are CIN: L93-090TN199-4PLC028578 �t day). 5ale o!Tender Documentswill be registeredwith the Company or theirdepositOty participants andthe physicalcopies to the RegisteredOffice: HOUSE','SWELECT mentioned below. other members along withthe postal ballot fonn and a self addressed postage pf'ei)aid No.5, Sir P.S. SivasamySalai, Mylapore, 600004. Tel. +91 24993266 envelope, for seeking the consentof the members for the matter as set out in the said Chennai • 44 Ou�ate of Date & Time Cost of Fax: +914-4 21995179.Email: [email protected] Submission ofTender Tender notice. w.bsite : www.sweledes.c:cm IofTender Opening Documents The specialresolution, as per details set out in thepostal ballot notice,is lo be transacted NOTICE 21.02.2020 21.02.2020 �8850 by postalballot whichindudes electronicvoting ('e-voting1- The Company is pl eased to NOTICE is hereby given that 1 extend e-voting facility, for its membersto enable themlo cast their vote electronically. (lnduding pursuant to Regulation 29 read with The Company is availing the servicesof KFin TechnologiesPrivate Limited (KFin) for its GST) Regulation 4 7 of the Securities and e-votingplatfonn. The voting period commences on Sunday, 26 January, 2020 {9:00 a.m. lSl) and ends on Monday, 24 Februaty, 2020 (5:00 p.m. 1ST). Duringthis period, Exchange Board of India (Listing membersof the Company holding shares as 011 17 Januaty, 2020, may casttheir vote Obligations and Disclosure plete Address and Details, etc, intending electronically.Members who want to vote physically may send the postal ballot form duly Requirements) Regulations, 2015, . if any willbe posted on our NMDC website a meeting of the Board of Directors um and Addenda if any. completedand signed to reachthe sautiniser not later thanthe dose of thewalking hours For and on behalf ofNMDC Ltd. on Monday, 24 Februaty,2020. E-voting willbe blockedat 5.00 p.m. on 24 Februaty,2020 of the Company will be held on Dept!., by KFinand any ballot received from the memberbeyond the saiddate willbe considered Tuesday the 11th February2020 at as invalid. 11.00 AM. at the RegisteredofftCe of er (Mech.), Mechanical �rvices Members who have not received postal ballot fonns may write to theCompany or may theCompany, to considerand approve­ sendan email to [email protected] obtain a duplicate thereof.The bid system al an estimatedDated: 23.01.2020amount of the Unaudited Standalone and Slime fromthe stockpiles al Loading plant, noliceof postalballot is alsodisplayed in the Comp,iny'swebsite, www.cholamandala m.corn. Consolidated Financial Results ofthe I Podain / Wheel Loader. For any grievances on postal ballot, members may please contact Ms. P. Sujatha, Company for the quarter and nine Bailadila Iron Ore Mine, Kirandul Complex, Company Secretaty,Dare House, No.2, N.S.C. Bose Road, Parrys, Chennai 600 001 at months ended31stDecember2019. �urs on anyworl<lngday between lo .co.in, www.eprocure.gov.in. Any further 044 - 4090 7172 or send an email to [email protected]. For any This intimation is available on r grievances on e-voting, members may please contactMrs.P Varalakshmi, Assl General the website of the Company 10 am Manager, Karvy Selenium Tower-8, Plot 31-32, Gachibowli, Financial District, viz. and Nankramguda,Hyderabad 500 032, Telengana. at Tel. No.040-67161514 or Toll Free No. also on the Stock Exchange 18003454 001 or send an email to [email protected] [email protected]. websiteswww.swelectes.com www.bseindia.com and The results of the postal ballot will be dedared on Tuesday, the 25 Februaty,2020 at www.nseindia.com. 2:30 p. m. al the registered officeof the Company. for SWELECT ENERGY SYSTEMS LIMITED By Order of the Board Sd/- For and on behalf ofNMDC Ltd.
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