OUR 51ST , NON PROFIT ORG. u.s. POSTAGE , YEAR OF PAID SCRANTON, PAD PUBLICATION PERMIT NO. 520 Vol. 51 No.3 University of Scranton, Scranton, PaD . September 26, 1978 Suspect Arrested In Andrus Killing Illness Hits History Dept. BYROBERT EMMEL police officers, Cpl. Richard Sadavage would only confinn An intense, ti~t-lipped in- Kane and Trooper Eugene thatGuzy hadprovided an alibi to 'vestigation by officers of the in- Sadavage, Guzy was arraigned police for his whereabouts at the terstate patrol divisiori of Pen- on the various charges and freed time of the day in question. He nsylvania State Police, Troop S, on $10,000 property bail, posted added, "That's where the Dunmore Barracks, culminated bythesuspect'smother. , falsification to authority charge late Thursdayaftemoon whenthe Guzy will await a preliminary has come in." When pressed for suspect in a suspicious Labor hearing on Frid.ay, at 3 P.M. the specifics of the story, Day automobile accident, which before Dist. Mag. James McHale, sadavage explained thathe is not claimed the life of a University 415 S. state St., Clarks Summit, in a position to discuss this aspect soccer player, was arrested and ' who also issued the warrant for of the case because of the up­ charged with a string of traffic, his arrest. '!be charges lodged coming pJ;eIiminary hearings on criminal, and vehicle code of- against the Abington man in con~ Friday. fense:::. nection with the fatal death and However, a reliable source who Geoff Guzy, 23, Church Hill accident include:' involuntary , ).i' asked not to be identified told the " ,~' Road, Clarks Summit, is the manslaughter, homicide by a Aquinas that Guzy supposedly alleged driver of a late model motor vehicle, recklessly en~ has a hardcore "buddy" alibi Joseph A. Rock, S.J. RObertHueston, Ph.D. Ch~vrolet E1 Camino which dangering another person, ac~ which is probably going to be the BYKATBLEENKEYES figured into the fatal crash of the cident involving death, failure to nucleus of his defense. The sour­ .The University's departmen~of - that course is being taught by University-rented station give information to a police of~ ce did not want to harm the history was faced With a major Michael Fuller who received his wagon operated by Walt Andrus, ficer, failure, to report an ac~ prosection's efforts by relating problem when two of the depart- M.A. fom the University and has 21, Essex Falls, N.J. Six other cident to police, making a false any pertinent details or ment'~ professors were forced to taughtat Central High Schoolsin­ members of the University soc- report to police, following too weaknesses inGuzy's story. take SIck leave: Joseph A. Rock, ce 1970. History 136,. another of cer team were also in the vehicle closely andrecklessdriving. S.J., recnperatmg from surgery, Hueston's courses, is being • ;I' ._ The manner in which Guzy's car was impounded, his eventual and ~obert F. Hueston,.Ph.D., covered by Mr. Robert Bergman, arrest, and the determination of s~fermg from .a ba~k aIlment, a Ph.D. candidate" from Kent his occupants were provided in willnot be teaching thIS semester State University and fonner part, according to Trooper as planned. '\ teacher at Scranton Prep. Dr. sadavage by a general consensus St!ldents scheduled fOf.the four John Earl of the history depart~ of almost all student occupants sections of European History 3, ment and Dr. Michael on the license number. The EI which were to be taught by Rock, DeMichele chairman of the camino, the injured youths told hav~ been absorbed into other department, will cover History police, flicked its high beam sections of the course. 177. DeMichele will teach the first headlights and bumped the Three new teachers will cover half andEarlthesecond. wagon several times before Hueston's classes. Teresa According to DeMichele, the striking the vehicle the final time D'Angelo, a graduate student vast majority of students and forcing it deliberately off the working for her masters has scheduled for the above courses road. The force of, the Guzy taken one of the two s~tions of adjusted with little difficulty to vehicle caused the wagon to flip History 1. The other section of thenecessarychanges. over several times before strikinga guardrail, whereitbur­ stintoflames. It's.the Fall Revue . (Continued on Page12) Suspect Groff Guzy, 23, is shown enroute to Clarks Summit BYKATHY COMPAGNONE Magistrate's Office for arraignmentonmultiple charges stemming Opening night. Excitement from the fatal accident of a University soccer player over the University builds in the audience, and LaborDayweekend. backstage. '!be lights dim, the crowd hushes, and suddenly...it's traveling on Interstate Roqte 81 Following Guzy's arrest, the Accomot/ates early in the moming, Sept. 3, 'Aquinas contacted' one of the theFallRevue. from an exhibitionmatch in Cort- state police investigators, Gene On October 19-22, the Univer­ land, N.Y. Sadavage. When asked for the Handicapped sity will sponsor the 9th annual Guzy was accompanied by his reason of the Ilk1ay delay from Fall Revue. Produced by wife, Gail, and another the time of the accident to the BYPATCUMBERLAND .Reverend Edward Gannon, S. J., In order to meet federal stan­ '78 passenger, Theodor~ Major, eventual arrest of Guzy and the Fall Revue will portray the Clarks Summit, in their EI possibility that an alibi mayhave dards set by the Dept. of Health, dramatic talents of University Cainino automobile and it is caused this delay, sadavage an­ Educ. and Welfare, the Univer­ students in such areas as belieVed the sequence of events swered that, "Act~y,the delay sity has recently made a number comedy, music and dance. All startedseveral miles up the high- was caused by the long wait for of improvements in its facilities acts are welcome for audition for the handicapped. The in­ way on Interstate 81 and ter- the crime lab paint comparison and are subject to the scrutiny of formation regarding the im­ Fr. Gannon. The final day for minated near exit 58, the Clarks results." Sununit exit. Authorities believe Shortly after the mishap, provements was furnished by signups is Friday, Sept. 29. 'theGuzy vehicle ran into the rear Guzy's El Camino was im­ Angelo Christiano, head of the (Continued on Pal!e8\ LnannGaughenbaugh of the Andrus station wagon, pounded by the police and maintenance department. On~ CAS Pre-Registration causing the vechicle to crash into laboratory comparison tests majorprojecthas been the ,the guard rail, killing'the driver, were initiated to detennine if remodeling of an apartment in attheLong Center the Bradford IIouse, 328 Madison Wednesday~october4-11:30A.M.--seniors Andrus. The accident resQlted in paint tracings from the student's han~ hospitalization for two of the six car could be found on or near the Ave., to accomodate female Wednesday, October 11-11:30A.M.-JUDiors passengers, John,Hollawell and impounded ear's grill ,area. dicapped students. Some of the Wednesday, October 18 - 11:30 A.M. - Sophomores Robert Scaringelli, since Sadavage would not confirm the changes include an entrance· Wednesday,october 25 -11:30A.M.'- Freshmen Nleased~ resultsof theseteSts. ramp in the rear of the building, 80MPre-Registrationatthe Aftertaken ,Also asked about Guzy's a1i~i., widening of doorways, the in­ intomoodistate stallatiQn of an upfront gas JeffersonBallAuditorium range, and the lowering of light Wednesday, October 4--U:30A.M.-8enion INSIDE :t , uina!& switches, receptacles, fire alar­ Wednesday, October 11-11:30A.M.-JUDion r Wednesday, October 18-11:30A.M.-80Phomores -Last week's 'Sports 'Comer' raised q~ a furor amongst the ms, and a pay phone. More im­ University's residentassistants. Check outthe Op-~section, page provements will be made in the Wednesday, OCtober 25-11:30A.M.-Freshmen L . apartmentduring intercession. On-LineRegistration- -The Pure Prairie League kicked off a.nationwide conCert tour Changes made around the 80MLong centerFoyer attheeye lastFridaynight. C & R editorBob Coughlin reviews the University are as follows: Monday, October9-9:00A.M.-4:00 P .M.-8eniors actiononpage9. drinking fountains have been Monday, October16-9:00A.M.-4:oo P .M.-Juniors -Assistant Sports Editor Paul Datte bas some ,very interesting lowered in all p~blic buildings; Monday, October23-8:00A.M.-4:oo P.M.-Bophomores observations on the major league baseball races. see the 'Sports telephones.have ~ lowered in Tuesday, october31--9:00A.M.-4:00 P.M.-Freshmen Corn~on.p8ge13. .'_. ....... -' ,-' " ,, ., f .. ' (Cc)Qtlnued on Page 9) • Page 2 - THE AQUINAS - Tlle"da,.-, Sept. 26, 1978 lindenStreet Hearing Delayed ,/ NewsBriefs . affiliate WNF:P-TV. affir:med their support for the University's desire to construct the plaza. New Business Sorority to Hold Hoagie Sale Another major University en­ dorsement was recE'ived this past Phi Gamma Nu, the new business soro~ty on campus will Friday. The board of directors.of sponsor a hoagie sal~ tomorrow in the student center lobby. the Greater Scranton Chamber of The cost is $1.50 per hoagie. Orders can be placed with any Commerce unanimously voted to . club member. endorse the commons plan. Its ent.husiastic support for the pro­ Eta Sigma Phi Will Meet on Oct. 2 posal came by way of a vote during the board's regular ses­ Eta Sigma Phi will conduct its initial meeting of the year, sion and followed a briefing Monday, October 2, in the language lab, (T-360). Fr. YOWlg from the University's Vice-Pre­ will speak about his six weeks in Italy. sident for Business and Manage­ ment, John S. Flanagan. Lost andFoundService at the ''Y'' LindenSt. looking north PHOTO BY BROWN In his presentation to the Chamber, Flanagan noted that in The Lost and FOWld service startedtwo years ago Qas been BY ROBERT EMMEL the Commons plan will accomp­ the past objections to the closing very successful.
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