€U .tt)ortf) Slmericftti. ELLSWORTH, MAINE, WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, JULY 1(5, 1913.!Si2S2Z?o"oX,7"i No. 29. aooKnurmcnif LOCAL AFFAIRS. ously made here with the oil proved satis- Zfcjmtiimentt. factory. NKW AOVEKTIHKMKNTH TRIM WEEK. Daniel Doyle was taken suddenly ill last week with inflammation of the Send a C L Morang—Clothing. M Check and for a few was in a criti- Century Boot Shop. bowels, days ^ A Hols—Bakery. cal condition. He is now improving. His Don't run around paying your bills in when can Notice—tie led men of Eastbrook. currency you ** Fred of — son. Judge E. Doyle, Mlllinocket, as well send a check. Leonard Pierce. just For sale—Household furnishings. with his wife, came last week. Judge trouble about Union Trust Co. Xo making change when you pay by check. returned home his wife Vacuum washer, Doyle Monday, can ever arise about Xo dispute a payment made by check. The Caution notice —Daniel Osborne. remaining for a longer visit. Admr notice—Salome P 1 after hands it Pettingill. bank, cashing it, back to you, an •* Safety-Service making indisput- William-H. Holmes is old two factors worth in a bank 1 -Galen H Smith. visiting his fj= The only considering selecting ,-able receipt. " H jjjs —Josephine Hayford. home in after an absence of for the transaction of business. Esec Ellsworth, your |5J Xo danger of losing or robbed of it when notice—Althea Atwood- |Sl money, being you put Probate notice—John D Newman. thirteen years, most of which time has it in the bank and pay by check. —John Inuis Kane. of with a been spent in tbe West. Mr. Holmes is a The UNION TRUST COMPANY Ellsworth I.ess temptation to spend it if it's in the hank instead of in Banoor: gj of the of ... Eastern Trust A Banking Co. graduate University Maine, tbe Capital of si 00,000 Ui your pocket. [m University of Iowa and of the Yale law 3 Surplus and Profits, SI00,000 s You're money ahead and leave behind when worry you have a SCHEDULE OF MAILS school. For the past six years he has been 151 Stockholders’ Liabilities, $100,000 N checking account at the AT ELLSWORTH POSTOFriCE. travelling for a western real estate bureau. A capital for depositors of over f300,000 with re- In effect June 33, 1913. m protective [Hi, Rev. H. H. Saunderson, of Cambridge, [ra sources of over fl,600,000 provides both safety and service of the standard. [=7] MAIL* RECEIVED. Mass., will preach in the Unitarian church j=J highest [IHJ BURRILL NATIONAL This is a convenient bank for the people of Hancock and Fmom West-*6.66, *11.16 am; 4.21, m. next at 10.30. Mr. Saun- [Gj] ra] $6.18 p Sunday morning Washington counties to do business with. Our directors are From 5.86 rp={ gr East—12.24, and 11.07 p m; Sunday derson is well known to the people of lH3| men interested in the affairs of these counties. Their aim is to at 10.07 p. m. fpl; Hancock county, having spent many Ira stimulate and assist in the business interests of Hancock and fra of Ellsworth MAIL CLOflBS AT POBTOPP1CH Washington counties. It is a home bank intended to stimulate BANK, summers at Sullivan, and being at present }=LI [fij Goino West—11.45 a. m; *3.46, *5 and *9 p m. [Cn home industries and home enterprises. We are Interested in J=T of the Hancock confer- — Goino East—6.80 a m; 3.45 and 5.45 p m. president county every corporation, mercantile firm and individual. As our busi- IS{ ence. Last Sunday Rev. A. L. Hudson, la ne«s increases every year, it is proof sufficient of the satisfactory mail should be at half Registered postofflce service we render. If you are not a customer already, we invite an hour before mall closes. preached. |r=i £={ to become one. included* you •Daily. Sunday $Daliy, except The work of the and j—3| [gj Sunday ; Sunday at 6.40. rebuilding belfry No mall dispatched to or received from the tower of the county courthouse has been east Sundays. completed, and the staging has been re- Union Trust Company of Ellsworth, Me. moved. There is no noticeable difference Miss Clara of is the i 1 Camic, Eastport, between tbe new tower and the old, though of Miss Gertrude [r guest Dorgan. the new one has been built more sub- 1 i Mrs. Willis Allen, of Machias, is the stantially. The weather-vane, which had guest of Mrs. A. I. Saunders for two been broken for some years, has been re- weeks. placed by a new one. “Look most to No matter how Small Accounts Herman Sinclair, who has been em- Ralph M. Holmes, who has been teach- your spending. Encouraged at is at home ployed Prince Rupert, Can., the past two years at Wesleyan uni- j if more will Yon do not need to have a large account with this bank in ing much comes in, goes out, you always be for a visit. versity, Middletown, Conn., will go to the order to enjoy the privileges it confers. 'Mrs. Henry L. Russell, of Warren, is University of Maine this fall as instruc- poor.” We are especially glad to aid small deposits in any way the guest of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Aus- tor in physics. Mr. Holmes received the in thrir and can do this a Nov/and Let the 1 possible developing resources, tin K. Russell. M. of A. degree from Wesleyan in June. Start Savings Account Interest Help You. through our by-mail banking method just as effectively as W'ith bis wife, he is spending the Donald Campbell, of Island Falls, spent if banked with us in Write for summer in Ellsworth with bis you person. particulars. last week here with his grandparents, parents, CO. Herbert R. Holmes and wife. HANCOCK SAVINGS BANK E. K. Hopkins and wife. MAINE Established 1873. c.-rrea w. Joy, J. >eaiiey ana uranic ELLSWORTH, Double Wedding;, Twin Brides. B. Lord returned Monday from a ten-days’ TRUST ft BANKING COMPANY A wedding quite# out of the ordinary [[eastern I cruise in the yacht Lorelei. r— took at the in 1 BANGOR ML old town hacmias — DtxTLR place Baptist parsonage Mrs. B. E. with PROGRESSIVE CAUCUS. Progressives Nominate Lawrence. k^ZZIlL Crosby, granddaughter, Ellsworth yesterday afternoon. The cir- Miss is Edward M. of has June Mills, of Aurora, visiting cumstances that made it rather Lawrence, Lubec, unique — her Mrs. F. O. Delegates to Waterville City Com- been unanimously chosen as the pro- daughter, Silsby. were that the young ladies who figured in mittee Elected. gressive candidate at the special election Miss Bessie Austin, of Sparks, New, and it were twins, and that it was a double In response to a call for a caucus of the in September to fill the vacancy in Con- Miss Catherine Bonaey, of Philadelphia, wedding. progressives of Ellsworth at Hancock gress caused by the death of Representa- are visiting relatives in Ellsworth. As a result of the service, Lyda C. hall last Friday evening, to choose dele- tive Forrest Goodwin. Until farther notice the of Miss Julia Barron, who has been teach- Young became the bride of Perley A. gates to attend the convention at Water- The nomination was made at a price her district at Ellsworth has to ac- Frost, of Mariaville, while twin sister, ing Falls, resigned ville on the 15th, and to transact any other convention held at Waterville Lora C., will be known henceforth as Mrs. yesterday cept a position in Bluehill academy. business, about twenty-five gathered. At afternoon. Frank E. Watts. Mr. Watts lives in Otis, Mrs. Jennie Dana, of Brighton, Mass., 8 o’clock the caucus was called to order by The district committee chosen at the The sisters are daughters of Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Patten, of Little Compton, K. I., Charles L. Morang. On motion Mr. convention is as follows: Hancock county, Arden S. Young, of Otis, Mr. Young be- art* the guests of Mrs. O. W. Tapley. Morang was made chairman and Frank 9. John F. Wood, of Bluehill; Somerset, Dr. ing one of the prominent citizens of that Miss Elizabeth M. Osgood, of Call secretary. William M. Pulsifer, of Skowhegan; Lebanon, town, and a man well known in this city. N. H., is expected to-day fora visit with Nominations for delegates being called Washington, 1. Q. Grady, of Eastport; -COAL- The ceremony was performed by Rev. P. her and wife. for, the chair submitted the following: Waldo, A. D. Goodell, of Belfast; Ken- parents, Irving Osgood A. A. Kiilam, and while it was not a Stove* anti rn Frank 9. Call, Harry E. Rowe, John O. nebec, Dr. L. G. Bunker, of Waterville. Egjr i/<8, $7.7f> Fred L. Mason, jr., Edward Parsons and double ring service, it was, nevertheless, 07 llwt Kief, Ira B. Hagan, jr., E. F. Robinson, ton, k-hrt 2."> cent? for «PloUU Elmer P. Slipner, who have spent their the ring service used twice, which, |K*r cash, single — jr.; alternates C. H. Wooster, W. H. COMING EVENTS. vacation here, left Sunday for New York. to the uninitiated, may sound a little para- Titus, L. F. Giles, E. 9. Means, C. 1. left for doxical. |,er u'“43 Guy Raymond Saturday Spriug- Staples. ELLSWORTH. vale, w here he w’ill be employed in a shoe All'of the young people are highly es- at $7.75 net This list was accepted by the caucus, Saturday evening, July 19, Society His w ife will him there in teemed in the up-river country and have hall—Dance.
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