THE WEATHER AVERAGE DAILY CIRCXUATION ForeoMt of D. B. Woathor Btuomi, tor tiM Moatb of Jaao, 19M Hartford thoader ohowon tUo attar- 5,428 noon or oarly tonlgntt Wedneoday Bfember of tlw Aodit fair and eboler. BaroM of Cbcnlatioiis. (daaolBed Adverttalag on Hagn Id.) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY. JULY S. 1934. (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS VOL. L in „ NO. 233. Principals In “Second Revolution” B1GPR0GR. 4M HITLER HALTS EXECUTIONS; ONFOURTHHERE EimREY FREE COURTS TO JUDGE PLOHERS Block Dance and Entertain- ment Tonight, Fireworks Developments in Germany REPORT 60 KILLED By ASSOCIATED PRESS r mors of the death of the Bavarian ly and Band Concert ' N, V # Today's developments in Ger- premier, Gustav von Kah-, who "4 turned against Hltlo after plotting IN R E C O T REVOLT I with him In,his 1923 "beer putsch." Tomorrow at No Charge. Ctoancellor Hitler In a special or- It .was said he was shot Saturday. der put an end to extreme measures It waa officially stated that the _______ ^ for the control of toe "Second Rev- rOURTH OF JtX Y PkOGBAM ! number of executions in connection olution," announcing that effective ' with Saturday's events was "under July I all offenders against the par- Chancellor Ends Special Measures Used to Quell *"Sec- 1 sixty," but reports continued to in- Tonight ty would be dealt with by the reg- 9 p. m. Block demce, Main : stst that there were many ii.ore, ular courts. j mounting into hundreds. ond Revolution” — Goehring to Replace Von Papen as street between Oak and Maple The eyes of the nation were fo- streets. Entertainment at 10:30. I • It became apparent that the cused on Berlin where a Cabinet Relchswchr (Regular Army) ta the Dancing until midnight. meeting waa In aesaion, listed to Vice Chancellor — Munich Reports Bavarian Premier Food stores open until 9 sole Instrument of force upon which accept the resignation of Vice rests the Nazi regime. o'clock tonight. Cbanoellor Franz von Papen and to Tomorrow Vice Chancellor von Papen, stlU j Pot to Death Catholic Priest Who Criticized Chan- replace Mm with Hermann Wilhelm under guard, conferred with Hitler j 10:45 a. m. Baseball. New Goerlng. Prussian premier., England Colored Giants vs. Nazi Victim No, 1 Watchfully Waiting Defends Der Fuhrer before the Cabinet meeting, which | cellor Shot to Death in Prison Cell. Catholic C3ub, West Side Clianccllor' Hitler's bloody smp- Frofii Amsterdam a British news he did not attend. | Captain Ernst Roehm (atiiove), It was reportedly a plot to restore Hundreds gathered outside the j grounds. Storm Troop leader, who reportedly the German monarchy under for- presslon of rebellion was defended agency reported the former Crown Prince had been expelled from Ger- chancellory building, silently and! 3:15 p.' m. Baseball. Arrow, plotted against Hitler, was stood mer Kaiser Wilhelm tl (above) before the world by Dr. Joseph BI'LLETIN! Goebbcis (above)i Minister of Pro- many. and had arrived by plane at curiously waiting for a glimpse . o f ' the acme of Nazi vlrtu,ea appareat- Hart and Hegeman va. Catholic up against a wall and shot to that .was brewing within the Storm the leader and a chance to shout: Club, West Side grounds. death. 'Troops' ranks. paganda. Doom Berlin. .Inly 8.— ( A P ) — R e- ly was proving no easy task, for 2 p. m. Baaeball. Baldwin A. Munich waa stirred by strong r u -' "Hell, Hitler." port* elrriilated In Amsterdam moat people whose aKegla"i!!e to C. vs. Highland Park at High- that the former Crown Prince Nazlism is still demandcdT'' land Park. had Ihn-h expelled from Ger- Miiitl Produce Evidence 10 a. m. Manchester Green vs. many were branded "nonsensi- The party faces the tn.sk of ex- Pomerantz Bakery, J a r v 1 s cal" b> tbe Hohenzollcrn ad- pounding 'vldence of affairs laat HOLLAND’S PRINCE HENRY NO HERALD mlnistra'.inn here today, (he Saturday in a manner enhancing Grove. FEW GERMANS FOOLED 3 p. m. Manchester Green vs. Exchange Teiegraph New* the prestige of the party rather TOMORROW Scrxlre rc()ortcd. than reducing It. Poquonock T. T.. Jarvis Grove. I Tomorrow Night While saying thiif Ihe Crown The cleansing process aLso meant, 7:30 p. m. Old Golf Grounds, PASSER AW AY SUDDENLY No issue of the Manches- BY HITLER” -BR0NNER Prince was not In Berlin, the It was pointed out, that many par- off East Center street. Band administration was Insistent ty posts must be held by men whoso ter Evening Herald will upon deny'ng that he had been only credentials will be in many Concert, Salvation Army Band. 9 p. m. Fireworks display by be published tunorrow, expelled from the country. cases their loyalty to Hitler. American Legion, Old Ctolf Husband of Queen W il-HARTFORD SDSPECT As the smoke of the' week-end , Independence Day. Noted Writer Back from En- CITY HALL IS SET C a t atr. at Ot iig -saaiA'.iiCt J 11 Ita z U w ii iij u l y r ig n iiiM m tiif * hanamniBpiiiuhi ent that the "conspiracy’.’ to over- Admission free, small charge for is.*ued an order today pitting an end parkli)g. tope Says Moral Turpi- throw the present Nazi regime waa AFIRE IN VIENNA to special measures used to quell the grounded In three major circles. proyement Until Shortly i _ _ "Second Revolution," and announc- These apparently did not act in A "safe and sane" Fourth haa tude of Nazis Long Com- ed that henceforth the , regular concert,. nor were their programs' CHARGE WAR VET identical. been promised Manchester residents Before Death— Was 58. Tailor Is Robbed of $51 and courts of justice will handle offen- Each was a center o.f unrest and tonight ilnd tomorrow with the mon Knowledge. Blaze Quickly Put Out Amid ders against the Nazi regime. each waa ready to profit :by the town ban on fireworks effectively KIDNAPED WOMAN The order was made effective July spirit of rebellion fostered In the Police Send His Descrip- limiting hazards. Those who stay The Hague, Netherlands, July 3.— i Great Excitement: Bombs 1. other two circles. A revealing picture of moral Broadly spea,king, these centers at home over the holiday will find (A P )—Henry, Prince Consort of the An end to extreme supressivo plenty to do If they care to exercise Netherlands, died .suddenly this ; conditions within the Nazi were grouped around three names lion Over the Wires. ranks before Chancellor Hiller Continue to Go Off. measures, together with assurance —Ernst Roehm, head of the fitorm In the sizzling neat that has grip- afternoon of heart disease, the end i of the appointment of Herman Wll- ped Manchester for the past three Robert C. Kent, Jr., Also; moved violently to “ purge” Troops; General Kurt von Schi'el- coming before Queen Wllhelmina l.eltn Goe.ring as .vlc.e ch,:'.nccll<jr, pt days. cruia reach his Side; them. Ja afforded by the follow- cher and Herr Kalusener, uead -of New York, July 3.— (A P) — A ing article written li> Milton (iermariy and the resignation of Opens Tonight While the 58-ycar-oId husband of Alleged to Have Murdered' Vienna, July 3.— (A P )—Vienna’s the Catholic Action Party. man who descrDied himself as Paul Bronner, distinguished foreign I'lanz von Papen as Hitler’s chief Roehm and hi* storm-troops were To open the festivities in connec- the Queen had been ill for several City Hall, former Scclallst strong- b:dc focussed the eyes of the nation tion with the "glorious Fourth" tae Castellano, 23, a Brooklyn butcher, - rorrespondent, who onl.v recent- in rebellion partly because they did days, he had shown improvement ly arrived In .\picrlcn for a brief l-(>ld, was the scene of a possibly In- on Berlin. Recreation Centers and the Man- until shortly before his death at 3 Hotel Proprietress. not get the place.* in the Reiebs- was arrested today on a description ' I’isit. Bronner Is familiar with cendiary fire today and reports from Two groups were in conference to wehr to whir'll they aspired, and chester Cihamber of Commerce are p. m. from Hartford, Conn., police an an Nazi Germany through flrat- Salzburg said police headquarters determine the further fate of the partl.v because Hitler's economic The Prince Con.sort was stricken alleged participant in a tailor shop! hand obserx-ation*. there had been dynamited. fatherland. One was an important (Contlnned on Pag6 Three) in his office at Red Cross headquar- Roanoke, Va., Jul.v 3.— (AP) — program waa not radical enough to holdup there yesterday. I The fire at the City Hall, although ae.sslon of the Cabinet in Chancellor suit them. .Thc.V stood for a sort ters June 28, and the Queen hurried At police headquarters, Castellano Federal agents, working In pro- By MILTON BRONNER quickly extinguished, cailsed the Hitler’s offices where the von Papen of National ^Ishevism. home from Switzerland when she denied complicity in the holdup, found secrecy today were checking greatest excitement In government resignation was oelng discussed. v/as on a bollds.y. A second group. In which waa saying that he had gone to Hart- over the.-evidence, on which they New York, July 3.—Adolf Hitler, moles. Emil Fey. minister of publla Another was the meeting of the General Von Schleicher, regarded MOVE TO BLOCK She waa at another palace today ford yesterday to rent a bungalow hope to convict Robert C. Kent, Jr., the Steel Chancellor, who like an- Etcurlty, rushed to the scene u1th inner council of the Nazi Party.
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