POLISH ACADEMY OF SCIENCES NENCKI INSTITUTE OF EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY PROGRESS IN PROTOZOOLOGY Proceedings of VI INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF PROTOZOOLOGY Warszawa, Poland, 5-11 July, 1981 SPECIAL CONGRESS VOLUME OF ACTA PROTOZOOLOGICA Part U WARSZAWA 1984 http://rcin.org.pl POLISH ACADEMY OF SCIENCES NENCKI INSTITUTE OF EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY ACTA PROTOZOOLOGICA International Journal of Protozoology Editors Stanisław DRYL and Stanisław L. KAZUBSKI Editorial Board Chairman: Leszek KUŹNICKI Vice-chairman: Andrzej GRĘBECKI Members Stanisław DRYL Jiri LOM Vassil GOLEMANSKY Georg Ivanovië POLJANSKY Witold KASPRZAK Igor Borysovic RAIKOV Stanisław L. KAZUBSKI Ksenia Mironovna SUKHANOVA Managing Editor and Editorial Board Secretary Julitta PŁOSZAJ © COPYRIGHT BY PAŃSTWOWE WYDAWNICTWO NAUKOWE WARSZAWA 1984 Printed in Poland ISBN 83-01-04786-0 http://rcin.org.pl PROGRESS IN PROTOZOOLOGY Proceedings of VI INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF PROTOZOOLOGY Warszawa, Poland, 5-11 July 1981 PART II Editors: S. DRYL, S. L. KAZUBSKI, L. KUZNICKI and J. PLOSZAJ http://rcin.org.pl SIXTH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF PROTOZOOLOGY 5-11 JULY 1981, WARSZAWA, POLAND organized and sponsored by the Nencki Institute of Experimental Biol- ogy in Warsaw, with the assistance of the Committee on Cell Biology, Polish Academy of Sciences (Member of ECBO) and the Protozoological Section of the Polish Zoological Society on behalf of the International Commission of Protozoology OFFICERS INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION OF THE ORGANIZING COMMITTEE OF PROTOZOOLOGY OF THE CONGRESS President S. DRYL, Warszawa, Poland S. DRYL, Warszawa P. C. C. GARNHAM, Ascot, England Vi cep resident and Chairman of Scien- K. G. GRELL, Tübingen, G.F.R tific Sessions B. M. HONIGBERG, Amherst, U.SA. L. KUŻNICKI, Warszawa S. INOKI, Osaka, Japan Vicepresidents J. JADIN, Antwerpen, Belgium A. CZAPIK, Kraków S. L. KAZUBSKI, Warszawa, Poland A. GRĘBECKI, Warszawa L. KUZNICKI, Warszawa, Poland M. JERKA-DZIADOSZ, Warszawa J. LEE, New York, U.SA. W. KASPRZAK, Poznań J. LOM, Prague, Czechoslovakia Secretary General R. B. McGHEE, Athens, U.S.A. S. L. KAZUBSKI, Warszawa B. A. NEWTON, Cambridge, England Executive Secretary J. R. NILSSON, Copenhagen, Denmark E. WYROBA, Warszawa R. NOBILI, Pisa, Italy Assistant Secretary General ' I. J. POLJANSKY, Leningrad, U.S.S.R. H. REBANDEL, Warszawa P. de PUYTORAC, Aubiere, France Treasurers I. B. RAIKOV, Leningrad, U.S.S.R. B. SKOCZYLAS, Warszawa B. R. SESHACHAR, Bangalore, India I. WITA, Warszawa D. T. SPIRA, Jerusalem, Israel Editors of Proceedings S. DRYL J. H. TERAS, Tallin, U.S.S.R. S. L. KAZUBSKI W. TRAGER, New York, U.S.A. J. PŁOSZAJ E. VIVIER, Villeneuve, d'Ascq., France http://rcin.org.pl INTRODUCTORY REMARKS This Part II of the Post-Congress Volume "Progress in Protozool- ogy" of Vlth International Congress of Protozoology (5-11 July, 1981, Warsaw, Poland) appears approximately more than one year later than Part I. The main reason for publishing it as two separate parts was a long delay in supplying us with the manuscripts containing the chair- persons summaries of Round-Table Discussion on "Phylogenetic Rela- tionships among Protozoa" and of Symposia which were supplemented with "List of Scientific Reports Presented at Symposia, Contributed Paper and Poster Sessions". Part II of "Progress in Protozoology" con- tains those summaries which were received by Editors before March 1983; included is also an additional chapter entitled: "International Col- laboration Among Protozoologists During the Years 1961 to 1981 (by L. Kuznicki and B. M. Honigberg), illustrated with numerous photo- graphs carried out during Congresses. % I must state with great regret that not all expected summaries ar- rived and in consequence the Editors decided in these cases to publish only short notes about the subject of meeting, supplying only information about names of the chairpersons and speakers, who took part in the discussion. Stanislaw DRYL President, Vlth International Congress of Protozoology http://rcin.org.pl http://rcin.org.pl PROGRESS IN PROTOZOOLOGY Proceedings of VI International Congress of Protozoology Special Congress Volume of ACTA PROTOZOOLOGICA Part II, pp. 181-218, 1984 Round Table Discussion Phylogenetic Relationships among Protozoa B. M. HONIGBERG (Chairman and Rapporteur) Department of Zoology, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 01003, USA The "Round-Table Discussion" which occupied the entire morning of 15 July, 1981, the last day of the Sixth International Congress of Protozoology, involved a large panel of experts and attracted a very large audience. The primary interests of some of the members of the audience were far removed from the subjects under consideration, yet they seemed to be sufficiently attracted by what was being said that they remained in the lecture hall for a long time. Judging from the amount of discussion among the members of the panel and from the expressions of disappointment from many members of the audience who, because of time limitations, were unable actively to participate in the discussion, it is apparent that similar meetings ought to be planned for the future Congresses. More time, perhaps even an entire day, should be set aside for the consideration of the Phylogeny of Protozoa. In light of the lively discussion that took place during the "Round-Table" conference and in that of the conclusions reached at the meeting, it seems that the pub- lication of "The Newly Revised Classification of the Protozoa" (L e v i n e et al. 1980) might have been somewhat premature. With regard to future schemes, a consensus can best be achieved after much discussion at national and international meetings and after an active exchange of communications among experts from various lands. Such constant ex- changes should, I feel, be initiated and encouraged by the Chairman and Members of the standing Committee on Systematics and Evolution of the Society of Protozoologists. Session took place on July 11, 1981 at VI International Congress of Protozoology, Warsaw, Poland, 5-11 July 1981. http://rcin.org.pl 182 B. M. HONIGBERG In presiding over the deliberations of the panel of experts, the Chairman was aided by three Honorary Co-Chairmen, Professors P.C.C. Garnham (U.K.), W. Michajlow (Poland), and G.I. Pol- jansky (U.S.S.R.). Each higher taxon, depending upon the group being discussed, a PHYLUM, SUBPHYLUM, or SUPERCLASS as defined in the most recent scheme published by the Society of Protozoologists (L e v i n e et al. 1980), was commented upon briefly by one or two speakers and several officially appointed and voluntary discussants from among the members of the panel. Taxa down to, and including SUBORDERS were those primarily considered. In addition, the final part of the Discussion dealt with the question as to whether the Protozoa constitute a "Natu- ral Subkingdom." Not all taxa were discussed in equal depth, either because not equal bodies of information are available about all of them, or because some of the originally invited speakers and discussants were unable to attend the Congress. Some speakers submitted complete bibliographies with their contri- butions; others did not. Because of the great differences among the pre- sentations, no attempt can or will be made to keep the style uniform throughout this report. Subphylum MASTIGOPHORA Diesing, 1866 Speakers Discussants Prof. J. Mignot (France) Prof. B. M. Honigberg (U.S.A.) Prof. K. Vickerman (U.K.) Prof. W. Michajlow (Poland) Prof. F. J. R. Taylor (Canada) Class 1. PHYTOMASTIGOPHOREA Calkins, 1909 On the basis of the ideas expressed by numerous investigators (ac- tual references not submitted), including B. B. B o u c k, P. Bourrely, G. Brugerolle, J. D. Dodge, H. E 111, P. Gayral and collabo- rators, S. Gibbs, J. C. Green, B. F o d t, D. H i b b e r t, G. F. Lee dale, A. R. Loeblich, III, I. M a n t o n, Q. M o e s t r u p, J. D. Pickett-Heaps, F. Schnepf, F. J. R. Taylor, Van Valken- b u r g, and Wujek, Prof. MIGNOT proposed certain important modi- fications of the class PHYTOMASTIGOPHOREA as recommended by Le vine's Committee (1980). Although in many instances the taxa are the same as those included in L e v i n e et al. (1980), the diagnoses differ, reflecting the approach of Prof. Mignot to the classification. http://rcin.org.pl 183 In his abstract Mignot (1981) stated that in the recent clas- sification of the Society of Protozoologists (L e v i n e et al. 1980) the entire assemblage of PHYTOMASTIGOPHOREA occupies about one page, of which nearly one-half is devoted to EUGLENIDA and only a few lines to DINOFLAGELLIDA. It seems, therefore, that there is an inbalanee in treatment of the class with regard to space devoted to the several orders; the degree of attention centered upon certain as- semblages is disproportionate to the diversity and numbers of species they contain. Other workers present at the Congress and in subsequent correspondence leveled similar critiques against the Society's scheme. Prof. Mignot thought the inbalanee in the space and attention de- voted to the ordinal taxa of MASTIGOPHORA was even greater with regard to PHYTOMASTIGOPHOREA vs ZOOMASTIGOPHOREA. Ac- tually, many participants of the Panel, and of the Congress in general, felt that there was no justification in separation of the flagellate pro- tozoa into the two classes, and this view will be discussed later in this report. Another objection of Prof. Mignot (and of some of the other members of the Panel) was 'the omission of some or many structural and physiological characteristics from the diagnoses of the phytomasti- gophorean taxa included in the Society's scheme. Among the morpho- logical attributes, he would include the fine structure of the cytoskel- eton, and among the physiological ones, the chemical composition of the pigments. All such characters could provide useful criteria for evolutionary considerations. Much work remains to be done, and meaningful results cannot be achieved without a close collaboration between phycologists and pro- ctologists which has not been realized to date.
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